Jewish Supremacy From the Jordan River to the Sea

Palestinians didn't want their land and water stolen by foreigners who didn't speak their language; how would you react?

There has never been a people in the history of Earth known as "Palestinians." These were Arabs. There is no "Palestinian" language, just Arabic.

You Muslim Supremacists are lying, creating a myth to cover up for your greed, racism, and intolerance.

You are the aggressors, and have been since the days your Caliphate invaded Jerusalem in the dark ages.

The Treaty of Omar invited the Jewish people to return to Jerusalem.
It has always been the Jewish capital and Jews now control it from all 4 sides with massive settlements.
No way Israel will ever lose Jerusalem again
They have it surrounded on 4 sides
It had started way before that. Learn some history.
How about 1947?

King Abdullah bin Al-Hussein (1882-1951)

"Our case is quite simple: For nearly 2,000 years Palestine has been almost 100 per cent Arab. It is still preponderantly Arab today, in spite of enormous Jewish immigration. But if this immigration continues we shall soon be outnumbered—a minority in our home.

"Palestine is a small and very poor country, about the size of your state of Vermont.

"Its Arab population is only about 1,200,000. Already we have had forced on us, against our will, some 600,000 Zionist Jews. We are threatened with many hundreds of thousands more.

"Our position is so simple and natural that we are amazed it should even be questioned. It is exactly the same position you in America take in regard to the unhappy European Jews. You are sorry for them, but you do not want them in your country.

"We do not want them in ours, either.

"Not because they are Jews, but because they are foreigners.

"We would not want hundreds of thousands of foreigners in our country, be they Englishmen or Norwegians or Brazilians or whatever."
The Indians didn't want us here either. Too bad, it's done.
They've only been in power a very short time, they have a long list of things they want to fuck up. They'll get to it eventually.
Finally, an American Patriot: Biden is hitting the reset button with Israel – Veterans Today | Military Foreign Affairs Policy Journal for Clandestine Services

"VT: Israeli policies enacted during the Trump regime violate US protocols for arms sales and aid, particularly the 'Jewish Nation State law' which deeply parallels South Africa’s apartheid pass laws.

"Israel under Netanyahu has consistently been a blood enemy of the United States and Trump, Israel’s man in Washington, has killed 500,000 Americans, disappeared tens of millions of doses of COVID vaccine and destroy America’s standing in the World.

"Do these American deaths aid Israel?

"Do they aid Netanyahu and Trump?"
Biden won't live out his term.
The Indians didn't want us here either. Too bad, it's done.

And the Aborigines before them didn't want the Indians here. But Indians still remain - not so much the Aborigines..... There was genocide in America, but it wasn't the Europeans wiping out the Indians....
The Treaty of Omar invited the Jewish people to return to Jerusalem.

To live a Zimmis under the ruling Muzzie Beasts.

Should Jews in Israel pay Jizya?

What of Catholics in Spain?

The Goths controlled Spain when it became Muslim Spain. Jews and Muslims had their own guilds or Jews could join Muslim guilds. The cooperated in preserving the arts and literature... and translated the works of the Greeks into Hebrew and Arabic.

Only able bodied males who didn't want to serve in defense of the community paid Jizya.
The Goths controlled Spain when it became Muslim Spain. Jews and Muslims had their own guilds or Jews could join Muslim guilds. The cooperated in preserving the arts and literature... and translated the works of the Greeks into Hebrew and Arabic.

Only able bodied males who didn't want to serve in defense of the community paid Jizya.

As a Muslim Supremacist you attempt to cast the atrocity of your racist society as benign.


It is reported that legists classify infidels into two classes; Dar-ul-Harb or the “household of war”, referring to non-Muslims not bound by peace treaty, and Dar-us-Salam, or the household of peace, referring to those falling into more classifications. Classifications of the Dar-us-Salam include Zimmis, Hunan and Musta’min. Zimmis are those in custody, living in Muslim countries and agreeing to pay the Jizyua (or tribute) in exchange for protection and safety, while giving into Islamic law. People of the Hudna, are those who sign a peace treaty with Muslim state’s after being defeated in war. They agree to reside in their own land but are subjected to the legal jurisdiction of Islamic law, provided they do not wage war against Muslims. Musta’min are the protected ones, they are people visiting an Islamic country as messengers, merchants and other types of visitors who are hoping to learn about the religion. They do not wage war against Muslims and they are not obliged to pay Jizya but are urged to embrace Islam, if he does not choose to, he can return safe to his home country. Muslims are forbidden to hurt them. Once back in this country, they are treated as one who belongs to the Household of War. Sheik Najih Ibrahim Ibn Abdullah provided an overview of these classifications in his article “The Ordinances of the People of the Covenant and the Minorities in an Islamic State.”

For the sake of this article, let’s focus on the Zimmis. Muslim legal authorities agree that the contract of the Zimmis should be offered to Christians and Jews, rather than the Magis or Zoroastrians. However, there seems to be a disagreement of whether to extend that contract with other groups such as communists and atheists. Some legal authorities believe no peace should be made with those who are ungodly or those who do not believe in the ‘supreme God’. This is testament to the mind state of an Islamic regime, blasphemy is still treated as something that is politically frowned upon. As you can see Islam is a big giant step behind the rest of the world.


Non-Muslims Under Islamic Rule: The Zimmis – We Must Become The Pitiless Censors of Ourselves (
The Goths controlled Spain when it became Muslim Spain. Jews and Muslims had their own guilds or Jews could join Muslim guilds. The cooperated in preserving the arts and literature... and translated the works of the Greeks into Hebrew and Arabic.

Only able bodied males who didn't want to serve in defense of the community paid Jizya.

As a Muslim Supremacist you attempt to cast the atrocity of your racist society as benign.


It is reported that legists classify infidels into two classes; Dar-ul-Harb or the “household of war”, referring to non-Muslims not bound by peace treaty, and Dar-us-Salam, or the household of peace, referring to those falling into more classifications. Classifications of the Dar-us-Salam include Zimmis, Hunan and Musta’min. Zimmis are those in custody, living in Muslim countries and agreeing to pay the Jizyua (or tribute) in exchange for protection and safety, while giving into Islamic law. People of the Hudna, are those who sign a peace treaty with Muslim state’s after being defeated in war. They agree to reside in their own land but are subjected to the legal jurisdiction of Islamic law, provided they do not wage war against Muslims. Musta’min are the protected ones, they are people visiting an Islamic country as messengers, merchants and other types of visitors who are hoping to learn about the religion. They do not wage war against Muslims and they are not obliged to pay Jizya but are urged to embrace Islam, if he does not choose to, he can return safe to his home country. Muslims are forbidden to hurt them. Once back in this country, they are treated as one who belongs to the Household of War. Sheik Najih Ibrahim Ibn Abdullah provided an overview of these classifications in his article “The Ordinances of the People of the Covenant and the Minorities in an Islamic State.”

For the sake of this article, let’s focus on the Zimmis. Muslim legal authorities agree that the contract of the Zimmis should be offered to Christians and Jews, rather than the Magis or Zoroastrians. However, there seems to be a disagreement of whether to extend that contract with other groups such as communists and atheists. Some legal authorities believe no peace should be made with those who are ungodly or those who do not believe in the ‘supreme God’. This is testament to the mind state of an Islamic regime, blasphemy is still treated as something that is politically frowned upon. As you can see Islam is a big giant step behind the rest of the world.


Non-Muslims Under Islamic Rule: The Zimmis – We Must Become The Pitiless Censors of Ourselves (

I'm Episcopalian, idiot.. Nobody has paid Jizya in a couple hundred years.
I'm Episcopalian, idiot.. Nobody has paid Jizya in a couple hundred years.

1. Pakistan imposes Jizya to this day
2. Iran, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, and a host of other countries have separate law for Zimmis than for Muslims.

You may be a "Jeramiah Wright" motherfucker, but you are still a Muslim supremacist. The enemy of whites is your friend, no doubt.
So what's your point? You want us to give the US back to the Indians?
Native Americans of legal age have a meaningful vote in the US; the same principle should be applied to all Jews and non-Jews living under Israeli civil and military laws in Palestine.

What is a ‘one-state’ solution? - Washington Jewish Week
Option C, boot the Pals over to Jordan or Syria.

Jordan IS their homeland, after all...
I'm Episcopalian, idiot.. Nobody has paid Jizya in a couple hundred years.

1. Pakistan imposes Jizya to this day
2. Iran, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, and a host of other countries have separate law for Zimmis than for Muslims.

You may be a "Jeramiah Wright" motherfucker, but you are still a Muslim supremacist. The enemy of whites is your friend, no doubt.

In Pakistan, there is no jizya, because Christians and Hindus chose to live in Pakistan of their free will in preference to Hindu India. Jizya is imposed on those non Muslims who opposed the government and fought against it!
I'm Episcopalian, idiot.. Nobody has paid Jizya in a couple hundred years.

1. Pakistan imposes Jizya to this day
2. Iran, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, and a host of other countries have separate law for Zimmis than for Muslims.

You may be a "Jeramiah Wright" motherfucker, but you are still a Muslim supremacist. The enemy of whites is your friend, no doubt.

Nope .I just have more education than you.
In Pakistan, there is no jizya, because Christians and Hindus chose to live in Pakistan of their free will in preference to Hindu India. Jizya is imposed on those non Muslims who opposed the government and fought against it!

Christians and Hindus don't "chose" to live in Pakistan. Hindus face EXTREME persecution by the Muzzie Beastas. Christians may live a Zimmis and are subject to Jizya. No Christian will live long term in the shit hole of Pakistan. Only business will bring Christians into the cesspool of Islamic deprivation.
In Pakistan, there is no jizya, because Christians and Hindus chose to live in Pakistan of their free will in preference to Hindu India. Jizya is imposed on those non Muslims who opposed the government and fought against it!

Christians and Hindus don't "chose" to live in Pakistan. Hindus face EXTREME persecution by the Muzzie Beastas. Christians may live a Zimmis and are subject to Jizya. No Christian will live long term in the shit hole of Pakistan. Only business will bring Christians into the cesspool of Islamic deprivation.

Back when they still paid Jizya non Muslims didn't pay Zakat which is a higher tax than jizya.

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