Jewish Supremacy From the Jordan River to the Sea

Nope.. every Arab states signed on with the Allies by 1939.

The Arabs did NOT want another Caliphate because the last one was such a dud. During the Ottoman Empire the Arab world stagnated..

Ibn Saud chased the Turkish garrisons off the Arabian peninsula BEFORE WW1. The British bet on the wrong horse namely the Emir of Mecca who had NO following.

You are confused.

The Ottoman empire fell in 1919. World War ONE not WWII. (Plus the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem was an ally of the Nazis, the successor of the Sharif of Mecca).

ISIS, which Obama helped to create, is the attempt by Arabs to once again establish a Caliphate.

Of course the British had promised the House of Saud that they would be the new Caliphate and control all of Arabia, from Yemen to Syria, to Egypt. The Saudis were given Mecca, but not the Caliphate they were promised. The Saudis backed the British as rebels in hopes of replacing the Caliphate with themselves. The other Arab tribes didn't want to live under a Saudi Caliphate.
Jews owned 6 per cent of the land in 1948.

What land?



There has never been a country called Palestine - ever.

"Palestine" was a word the Romans used as an insult to the Jews, their mispronunciation of "Philistine". There are no "Palestinians" and never have been. Just Arabs and Jews.
Because the Arabs fought with the British to oust the Ottoman Turks... and in 1917 the Jewish population of Palestine was tiny. The Muslims, Christians and Jews who lived there for 2000 years called themselves Palestinians..

All the old Bible maps called it Palestine.

Dude, that is a lie.

Sharif rebels of the House of Saud (Sharif of Mecca) joined the Brits. The overwhelming majority of Arabs fought with the Ottomans.

LOLOL.. You don't now your history. The Brits bet on the the Emir of Mecca, Hussein ibn Ali.. but he had no following. In fact he tried to sell out to the Zionists for thrones in Iraq and TransJordan... He tried to lead attacks on the railroad, but his Bedu soldiers wandered off. That's why TE Lawrence left Arabia in disgust after 6 months.

Ibn Saud attacked the Turkish garrisons and chased them out of Arabia ,

Until the capture of AI-Ahsa from the Turks in
1913 the territories under Saudi control were landlocked. Apart from the joy Abdulaziz would feel
each time he reconquered another piece of land
that had been part of his ancestral domains, his
conquest of AI-Ahsa had special merits of its own.
He was aware of his need for an access to the sea,
and AI-Ahsa seemed to be the ideal place to provide him with one. The Hijaz, with its Red Sea ports
had not been taken yet.
In May 1913 Abdulaziz moved at the head of a
force of 600 men and, exploiting the element of
surprise to advantage, stormed his way through
the fortifications of Hufuf. The Turkish garrison of
1200 men surrendered without putting up much of a fight.

Because the Arabs fought with the British to oust the Ottoman Turks... and in 1917 the Jewish population of Palestine was tiny. The Muslims, Christians and Jews who lived there for 2000 years called themselves Palestinians..

All the old Bible maps called it Palestine.

Dude, that is a lie.

Sharif rebels of the House of Saud (Sharif of Mecca) joined the Brits. The overwhelming majority of Arabs fought with the Ottomans.

LOLOL.. You don't now your history. The Brits bet on the the Emir of Mecca, Hussein ibn Ali.. but he had no following. In fact he tried to sell out to the Zionists for thrones in Iraq and TransJordan... He tried to lead attacks on the railroad, but his Bedu soldiers wandered off. That's why TE Lawrence left Arabia in disgust after 6 months.

Ibn Saud attacked the Turkish garrisons and chased them out of Arabia ,

Until the capture of AI-Ahsa from the Turks in
1913 the territories under Saudi control were landlocked. Apart from the joy Abdulaziz would feel
each time he reconquered another piece of land
that had been part of his ancestral domains, his
conquest of AI-Ahsa had special merits of its own.
He was aware of his need for an access to the sea,
and AI-Ahsa seemed to be the ideal place to provide him with one. The Hijaz, with its Red Sea ports
had not been taken yet.
In May 1913 Abdulaziz moved at the head of a
force of 600 men and, exploiting the element of
surprise to advantage, stormed his way through
the fortifications of Hufuf. The Turkish garrison of
1200 men surrendered without putting up much of a fight.

You grasp that this supports rather than refutes what I posted, right?
You're an ignorant old man.. The Sermon on the Mount taught the Jews how to deal with Roman oppression.


You're an ignorant old man.. The Sermon on the Mount taught the Jews how to deal with Roman oppression.


Try reading it.. The parts about turn the other cheek, carry the pack 2 miles instead of one and give him also your cloak are passive resistance to Roman law and shaming your enemy.

You don't think much, do you?
Because the Arabs fought with the British to oust the Ottoman Turks... and in 1917 the Jewish population of Palestine was tiny. The Muslims, Christians and Jews who lived there for 2000 years called themselves Palestinians..

All the old Bible maps called it Palestine.

Dude, that is a lie.

Sharif rebels of the House of Saud (Sharif of Mecca) joined the Brits. The overwhelming majority of Arabs fought with the Ottomans.

LOLOL.. You don't now your history. The Brits bet on the the Emir of Mecca, Hussein ibn Ali.. but he had no following. In fact he tried to sell out to the Zionists for thrones in Iraq and TransJordan... He tried to lead attacks on the railroad, but his Bedu soldiers wandered off. That's why TE Lawrence left Arabia in disgust after 6 months.

Ibn Saud attacked the Turkish garrisons and chased them out of Arabia ,

Until the capture of AI-Ahsa from the Turks in
1913 the territories under Saudi control were landlocked. Apart from the joy Abdulaziz would feel
each time he reconquered another piece of land
that had been part of his ancestral domains, his
conquest of AI-Ahsa had special merits of its own.
He was aware of his need for an access to the sea,
and AI-Ahsa seemed to be the ideal place to provide him with one. The Hijaz, with its Red Sea ports
had not been taken yet.
In May 1913 Abdulaziz moved at the head of a
force of 600 men and, exploiting the element of
surprise to advantage, stormed his way through
the fortifications of Hufuf. The Turkish garrison of
1200 men surrendered without putting up much of a fight.

You grasp that this supports rather than refutes what I posted, right?

Ibn Saud chased the Turkish garrisons out in 1913. Then he chased the Emir of Mecca off the peninsula in 1924.
Try reading it.. The parts about turn the other cheek, carry the pack 2 miles instead of one and give him also your cloak are passive resistance to Roman law and shaming your enemy.

You don't think much, do you?

You are perverting these passages to support your agenda, just as black liberation theology perverts Christianity to support it's racist agenda.
Try reading it.. The parts about turn the other cheek, carry the pack 2 miles instead of one and give him also your cloak are passive resistance to Roman law and shaming your enemy.

You don't think much, do you?

You are perverting these passages to support your agenda, just as black liberation theology perverts Christianity to support it's racist agenda.

Nope.. The Roman oppression was the burning issue of the times. You should know that much history.
Jews owned 6 per cent of the land in 1948.

How much did the Ottomans own in 1917?

Before the British and the Arabs ran them off? Most of it.. Their rule over Palestine was pretty benign and loose. They let the Muslims, Jews and Christians govern themselves. The Jewish population was quite small.

Before the British and the Arabs ran them off? Most of it..

View attachment 458226

Why does George's fake map claim that the Ottoman land magically became "Palestinian" land?

Because the Arabs fought with the British to oust the Ottoman Turks... and in 1917 the Jewish population of Palestine was tiny. The Muslims, Christians and Jews who lived there for 2000 years called themselves Palestinians..

All the old Bible maps called it Palestine.

Because the Arabs fought with the British to oust the Ottoman Turks...

So what?

and in 1917 the Jewish population of Palestine was tiny.

Again, so what?

Your landlord gets killed, goes to jail, moves don't
suddenly, magically own the building.

All the old Bible maps called it Palestine.

And Israel. With areas called Samaria, Judaea.
Jews owned 6 per cent of the land in 1948.

How much did the Ottomans own in 1917?

Before the British and the Arabs ran them off? Most of it.. Their rule over Palestine was pretty benign and loose. They let the Muslims, Jews and Christians govern themselves. The Jewish population was quite small.

Before the British and the Arabs ran them off? Most of it..

View attachment 458226

Why does George's fake map claim that the Ottoman land magically became "Palestinian" land?

Because the Arabs fought with the British to oust the Ottoman Turks... and in 1917 the Jewish population of Palestine was tiny. The Muslims, Christians and Jews who lived there for 2000 years called themselves Palestinians..

All the old Bible maps called it Palestine.

Because the Arabs fought with the British to oust the Ottoman Turks...

So what?

and in 1917 the Jewish population of Palestine was tiny.

Again, so what?

Your landlord gets killed, goes to jail, moves don't
suddenly, magically own the building.

All the old Bible maps called it Palestine.

And Israel. With areas called Samaria, Judaea.

The Palestinians are descended from Jewish farmers who stayed .. See Ben Gurion.

Israeli Historian: Palestinians Are Biological Descendants ...
Most Zionist thinkers were aware of this: Yitzhak Ben Zvi, later president of Israel, and David Ben Gurion, its first prime minister, accepted it as late as 1929, the year of the great Palestinian ...
Jews owned 6 per cent of the land in 1948.

How much did the Ottomans own in 1917?

Before the British and the Arabs ran them off? Most of it.. Their rule over Palestine was pretty benign and loose. They let the Muslims, Jews and Christians govern themselves. The Jewish population was quite small.

Before the British and the Arabs ran them off? Most of it..

View attachment 458226

Why does George's fake map claim that the Ottoman land magically became "Palestinian" land?

Because the Arabs fought with the British to oust the Ottoman Turks... and in 1917 the Jewish population of Palestine was tiny. The Muslims, Christians and Jews who lived there for 2000 years called themselves Palestinians..

All the old Bible maps called it Palestine.

Because the Arabs fought with the British to oust the Ottoman Turks...

So what?

and in 1917 the Jewish population of Palestine was tiny.

Again, so what?

Your landlord gets killed, goes to jail, moves don't
suddenly, magically own the building.

All the old Bible maps called it Palestine.

And Israel. With areas called Samaria, Judaea.

The Palestinians are descended from Jewish farmers who stayed .. See Ben Gurion.

Israeli Historian: Palestinians Are Biological Descendants ...
Most Zionist thinkers were aware of this: Yitzhak Ben Zvi, later president of Israel, and David Ben Gurion, its first prime minister, accepted it as late as 1929, the year of the great Palestinian ...

The Palestinians are descended from Jewish farmers who stayed .. See Ben Gurion

As opposed to Arabs. I get it.

When your Ottoman landlord gets killed, goes to jail, moves don't
suddenly, magically own the building.
Jews owned 6 per cent of the land in 1948.

How much did the Ottomans own in 1917?

Before the British and the Arabs ran them off? Most of it.. Their rule over Palestine was pretty benign and loose. They let the Muslims, Jews and Christians govern themselves. The Jewish population was quite small.

Before the British and the Arabs ran them off? Most of it..

View attachment 458226

Why does George's fake map claim that the Ottoman land magically became "Palestinian" land?

Because the Arabs fought with the British to oust the Ottoman Turks... and in 1917 the Jewish population of Palestine was tiny. The Muslims, Christians and Jews who lived there for 2000 years called themselves Palestinians..

All the old Bible maps called it Palestine.

Because the Arabs fought with the British to oust the Ottoman Turks...

So what?

and in 1917 the Jewish population of Palestine was tiny.

Again, so what?

Your landlord gets killed, goes to jail, moves don't
suddenly, magically own the building.

All the old Bible maps called it Palestine.

And Israel. With areas called Samaria, Judaea.

The Palestinians are descended from Jewish farmers who stayed .. See Ben Gurion.

Israeli Historian: Palestinians Are Biological Descendants ...
Most Zionist thinkers were aware of this: Yitzhak Ben Zvi, later president of Israel, and David Ben Gurion, its first prime minister, accepted it as late as 1929, the year of the great Palestinian ...

The Palestinians are descended from Jewish farmers who stayed .. See Ben Gurion

As opposed to Arabs. I get it.

When your Ottoman landlord gets killed, goes to jail, moves don't
suddenly, magically own the building.

The European refugees certainly didn't own it. The Arabs had farmed it since before Islam.

Jesus has specific instructions for our encounters with those who wield the powers of coercion and domination:

Do not resist an evildoer. But if anyone strikes you on the right cheek, turn the other also; and if anyone wants to sue you and take your coat, give your cloak as well; and if anyone forces you to go one mile, go also the second mile. (Matt. 5:38 – 41)

Jesus is teaching non violent resistance and love your enemy.
Jews owned 6 per cent of the land in 1948.

How much did the Ottomans own in 1917?

Before the British and the Arabs ran them off? Most of it.. Their rule over Palestine was pretty benign and loose. They let the Muslims, Jews and Christians govern themselves. The Jewish population was quite small.

Before the British and the Arabs ran them off? Most of it..

View attachment 458226

Why does George's fake map claim that the Ottoman land magically became "Palestinian" land?

Because the Arabs fought with the British to oust the Ottoman Turks... and in 1917 the Jewish population of Palestine was tiny. The Muslims, Christians and Jews who lived there for 2000 years called themselves Palestinians..

All the old Bible maps called it Palestine.

Because the Arabs fought with the British to oust the Ottoman Turks...

So what?

and in 1917 the Jewish population of Palestine was tiny.

Again, so what?

Your landlord gets killed, goes to jail, moves don't
suddenly, magically own the building.

All the old Bible maps called it Palestine.

And Israel. With areas called Samaria, Judaea.

The Palestinians are descended from Jewish farmers who stayed .. See Ben Gurion.

Israeli Historian: Palestinians Are Biological Descendants ...
Most Zionist thinkers were aware of this: Yitzhak Ben Zvi, later president of Israel, and David Ben Gurion, its first prime minister, accepted it as late as 1929, the year of the great Palestinian ...

The Palestinians are descended from Jewish farmers who stayed .. See Ben Gurion

As opposed to Arabs. I get it.

When your Ottoman landlord gets killed, goes to jail, moves don't
suddenly, magically own the building.

The European refugees certainly didn't own it. The Arabs had farmed it since before Islam.

Jesus has specific instructions for our encounters with those who wield the powers of coercion and domination:

Do not resist an evildoer. But if anyone strikes you on the right cheek, turn the other also; and if anyone wants to sue you and take your coat, give your cloak as well; and if anyone forces you to go one mile, go also the second mile. (Matt. 5:38 – 41)

Jesus is teaching non violent resistance and love your enemy.

The European refugees certainly didn't own it.

Not until 1948.

Jesus is teaching non violent resistance and love your enemy.

Don't tell me, tell the Jesus loving Muslims.
Maybe they'll stop all their violence and terrorism?
Jews owned 6 per cent of the land in 1948.

How much did the Ottomans own in 1917?

Before the British and the Arabs ran them off? Most of it.. Their rule over Palestine was pretty benign and loose. They let the Muslims, Jews and Christians govern themselves. The Jewish population was quite small.

Before the British and the Arabs ran them off? Most of it..

View attachment 458226

Why does George's fake map claim that the Ottoman land magically became "Palestinian" land?

Because the Arabs fought with the British to oust the Ottoman Turks... and in 1917 the Jewish population of Palestine was tiny. The Muslims, Christians and Jews who lived there for 2000 years called themselves Palestinians..

All the old Bible maps called it Palestine.

Because the Arabs fought with the British to oust the Ottoman Turks...

So what?

and in 1917 the Jewish population of Palestine was tiny.

Again, so what?

Your landlord gets killed, goes to jail, moves don't
suddenly, magically own the building.

All the old Bible maps called it Palestine.

And Israel. With areas called Samaria, Judaea.

The Palestinians are descended from Jewish farmers who stayed .. See Ben Gurion.

Israeli Historian: Palestinians Are Biological Descendants ...
Most Zionist thinkers were aware of this: Yitzhak Ben Zvi, later president of Israel, and David Ben Gurion, its first prime minister, accepted it as late as 1929, the year of the great Palestinian ...

The Palestinians are descended from Jewish farmers who stayed .. See Ben Gurion

As opposed to Arabs. I get it.

When your Ottoman landlord gets killed, goes to jail, moves don't
suddenly, magically own the building.

The European refugees certainly didn't own it. The Arabs had farmed it since before Islam.

Jesus has specific instructions for our encounters with those who wield the powers of coercion and domination:

Do not resist an evildoer. But if anyone strikes you on the right cheek, turn the other also; and if anyone wants to sue you and take your coat, give your cloak as well; and if anyone forces you to go one mile, go also the second mile. (Matt. 5:38 – 41)

Jesus is teaching non violent resistance and love your enemy.

The European refugees certainly didn't own it.

Not until 1948.

Jesus is teaching non violent resistance and love your enemy.

Don't tell me, tell the Jesus loving Muslims.
Maybe they'll stop all their violence and terrorism?

The old testament forbids moving the boundary stones. You can't steal other people's land.
Jews owned 6 per cent of the land in 1948.

How much did the Ottomans own in 1917?

Before the British and the Arabs ran them off? Most of it.. Their rule over Palestine was pretty benign and loose. They let the Muslims, Jews and Christians govern themselves. The Jewish population was quite small.

Before the British and the Arabs ran them off? Most of it..

View attachment 458226

Why does George's fake map claim that the Ottoman land magically became "Palestinian" land?

Because the Arabs fought with the British to oust the Ottoman Turks... and in 1917 the Jewish population of Palestine was tiny. The Muslims, Christians and Jews who lived there for 2000 years called themselves Palestinians..

All the old Bible maps called it Palestine.

Because the Arabs fought with the British to oust the Ottoman Turks...

So what?

and in 1917 the Jewish population of Palestine was tiny.

Again, so what?

Your landlord gets killed, goes to jail, moves don't
suddenly, magically own the building.

All the old Bible maps called it Palestine.

And Israel. With areas called Samaria, Judaea.

The Palestinians are descended from Jewish farmers who stayed .. See Ben Gurion.

Israeli Historian: Palestinians Are Biological Descendants ...
Most Zionist thinkers were aware of this: Yitzhak Ben Zvi, later president of Israel, and David Ben Gurion, its first prime minister, accepted it as late as 1929, the year of the great Palestinian ...

The Palestinians are descended from Jewish farmers who stayed .. See Ben Gurion

As opposed to Arabs. I get it.

When your Ottoman landlord gets killed, goes to jail, moves don't
suddenly, magically own the building.

The European refugees certainly didn't own it. The Arabs had farmed it since before Islam.

Jesus has specific instructions for our encounters with those who wield the powers of coercion and domination:

Do not resist an evildoer. But if anyone strikes you on the right cheek, turn the other also; and if anyone wants to sue you and take your coat, give your cloak as well; and if anyone forces you to go one mile, go also the second mile. (Matt. 5:38 – 41)

Jesus is teaching non violent resistance and love your enemy.

The European refugees certainly didn't own it.

Not until 1948.

Jesus is teaching non violent resistance and love your enemy.

Don't tell me, tell the Jesus loving Muslims.
Maybe they'll stop all their violence and terrorism?

The old testament forbids moving the boundary stones. You can't steal other people's land.

You can't steal other people's land.

Ummmm....the Ottoman Empire gave it up, it was in all the papers.
Not a Jewish homeland, but temporary safety from your buddies in brown shirts.
Brown shirts would have celebrated Gaza

PA accuses Israel of blocking entry of vaccine doses into Gaza – Mondoweiss

"The Palestinian Authority (PA) said on Monday that Israel was refusing to allow the entry of some 2,000 doses of the Russian Sputnik V vaccine that were acquired by the PA and were destined for Gaza from the West Bank."

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