Jewish Supremacy From the Jordan River to the Sea

Rubbish. The Labor Zionists bent over backwards trying to get them organized and promoting skilled labor training programs among Arabs; they rejected anything that smacked of progress and progressive social planning and instead some 90% of them joined the 1936 uprising.
Aw, ain't that nice, looking out for the best interests of the Palestinian population. Yes and the Zionists also made a sworn promise that they would quit jailing and shooting the Palestinians if they would just stop resisting the destruction of their homes and the theft of their land. "Terrific race the Jews. Terrific!"

Screw your pet animals; if Jews as a group weren't so stupid they would all be gone by now and the world would be a better place. Most of the animals would have been killed by Assad by now. So far your idiot crap isn't selling well, except to the deranged commie you keep snuggling up to.
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Six million wasn't enough for you Jew-haters.
Any thoughts on why, across thousands of years and miles, the actions of a relatively few number of Jews consistently engage in anti-social behavior that results in millions of their tribe being exterminated?

I'll bet you say rape victims deserved it.

What does that accusation have to do with Palestine?
What's Palestine?

I was a province of Syria according to Herodotus .. and mentioned by Shakespeare and Chaucer.

So now you admit the 'palestinians' are Syrians, after the numerous times that has been pointed out here, and they aren't 'refugees', they're just squatters who don't want to go back where they came from. They make too good a living via gangsterism and terrorism.

Squatters? The Palestinians have been there for thousands of years. The whole area was Syria-Palestine since 500 BC. The Jews have a remarkable story but they were never the only people who lived there and their kingdom was by no means grand. David was a bandit king on the trade route between Egypt and Mesopotamia.

"For thousands of years..." :113:

And how many more thousands of years it will take until
at least any significant majority of so-called 'the Palestinians'
actually learn to pronounce 'P-alestine' or understand what that means? :114:

People like you have belittled the Palestinians since you first sought sanctuary in Palestine.

Rubbish. The Labor Zionists bent over backwards trying to get them organized and promoting skilled labor training programs among Arabs; they rejected anything that smacked of progress and progressive social planning and instead some 90% of them joined the 1936 uprising. people like you are just liars and spreading bullshit.

What you are saying is that the Arabs rejected progressive social planning so they deserved what was done to them??

In the mid 1920s the various socialist factions were demonstrating against each other .. The Palestinians had never heard of Lenin an Marx so they were fairly confused by events.
Rubbish. The Labor Zionists bent over backwards trying to get them organized and promoting skilled labor training programs among Arabs; they rejected anything that smacked of progress and progressive social planning and instead some 90% of them joined the 1936 uprising.
Aw, ain't that nice, looking out for the best interests of the Palestinian population. Yes and the Zionists also made a sworn promise that they would quit jailing and shooting the Palestinians if they would just stop resisting the destruction of their homes and the theft of their land. "Terrific race the Jews. Terrific!"

Screw your pet animals; if Jews as a group weren't so stupid they would all be gone by now and the world would be a better place. Most of the animals would have been killed by Assad by now. So far your idiot crap isn't selling well, except to the deranged commie you keep snuggling up to.
You have no idea what you just said.
US is immune from war crimes. Bush passed the Bomb the Hague Convention right before he invaded Iraq.
Short of invading The Hague, not much US can do to thwart ICC probe of Israel

Why Are We Above International Law?

Until the corporate press in the US does a better job of revealing Israel's human rights violations, any politician trying to hold the Jewish state to the same standards as Iran or Venezuela would soon be voted out of office.

Why do some people find that so difficult to understand?
US citizens have their own creation myth which they are subjected to very early in life and most Americans swallow the lies hook. line, and sinker:

The Myth of American Exceptionalism

"Although the United States possesses certain unique qualities — from high levels of religiosity to a political culture that privileges individual freedom — the conduct of U.S. foreign policy has been determined primarily by its relative power and by the inherently competitive nature of international politics.

"By focusing on their supposedly exceptional qualities, Americans blind themselves to the ways that they are a lot like everyone else."
It's a ball of wax. The French fought against the Nazi occupation of France as well as the Japanese occupation of Indochina.
A ball of wax held together by white supremacy, capitalism, and imperialism.

The French were trying to liberate their homeland from the ultimate white supremacists while attempting to hold onto their colonies in Indochina.

The US relied on non-White patriots in Vietnam and Korea to defeat Japan during WWII then promptly occupied portions of both countries after Japan surrendered.

I wonder if those occupations would have happened if Russia had obtained nuclear weapons at the same time as the US did?

Truman Doctrine | Do You Know The Important Details? (Simply APUSH)
It's a ball of wax. The French fought against the Nazi occupation of France as well as the Japanese occupation of Indochina.
A ball of wax held together by white supremacy, capitalism, and imperialism.

The French were trying to liberate their homeland from the ultimate white supremacists while attempting to hold onto their colonies in Indochina.

The US relied on non-White patriots in Vietnam and Korea to defeat Japan during WWII then promptly occupied portions of both countries after Japan surrendered.

I wonder if those occupations would have happened if Russia had obtained nuclear weapons at the same time as the US did?

Truman Doctrine | Do You Know The Important Details? (Simply APUSH)

The US relied on non-White patriots in Vietnam and Korea to defeat Japan during WWII then promptly occupied portions of both countries after Japan surrendered.

Darn US, resisting your Commie heroes.
I love that sign, I'd eat there for sure.
I'm not surprised, and I think I might join you.

Jewish café owner in S.F. faces protests for being a ‘Zionist gentrifier’ – J.

"Manny Yekutiel opened his eponymous establishment in November, calling the Middle Eastern café a 'civic social gathering space.'

"At the time, he told J. that he was 'not presuming to invent the concept of coffee, food, beer and wine combined with politics and activism. People have been doing this for a very long time.”

"The doors opened on election night, Nov. 6, and more than 500 people came to watch and discuss the results.

"Since then, Manny’s has earned praise for hosting talks with speakers on issues ranging from Black Lives Matter to urban sustainability."
I love that sign, I'd eat there for sure.
I'm not surprised, and I think I might join you.

Jewish café owner in S.F. faces protests for being a ‘Zionist gentrifier’ – J.

"Manny Yekutiel opened his eponymous establishment in November, calling the Middle Eastern café a 'civic social gathering space.'

"At the time, he told J. that he was 'not presuming to invent the concept of coffee, food, beer and wine combined with politics and activism. People have been doing this for a very long time.”

"The doors opened on election night, Nov. 6, and more than 500 people came to watch and discuss the results.

"Since then, Manny’s has earned praise for hosting talks with speakers on issues ranging from Black Lives Matter to urban sustainability."
You misspelled Black Lies Matter.

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