Jewish testimonies (I absolutely love these)

You're just demonstrating your lack of knowledge of anything having to do with Jews.

The entire Chumash is read aloud in shul each year in 54 weekly portions, called parsha.

Every shul in the world reads the same portions on the same dates.

Nothing is ommitted.

I don't think anyone claimed that ALL rabbis skip Isaiah 53, how could anyone possibly know that anyway, unless one is omniscient? But perhaps other people have a different experience than yours. No matter what, the fact remains that many of the Messianic Jews who share their story clearly state that Isaiah 53 was at least one of the things that brought them to faith in Yeshua. That is what's noteworthy, in my view, and that's why I said that those claims make sense. In fact, if you were to watch some of the testimony videos, some of them said that they had never even read Isaiah 53 until someone ELSE brought it up to them... and some of them stated what is Jesus doing in the Old Testament? As I said earlier, that is just one passage, there are hundreds, including many that are very, very specific.

Hundreds of passages that have been chopped out or just ----purposely----
IGNORED? I am fascinated----can you post a few?

No, no, no, once again you're misunderstanding. I never said that they were ignored, or chopped out. I was talking about MESSIANIC prophecies, prophetic scriptures about the Messiah.

It's super late here so I don't think I'm going to have enough time to round up hundreds of messianic scriptures for you. But if I have time tomorrow I will see what I can do.

I do not need 'HUNDREDS"------just a few. As to messianic prophecies----
they are certainly NOT ignored or deleted. Seems to me that you have
never really been in a synagogue or if you were, did not have a grasp of what goes
on in one.

That is what I just said! I just finished saying that I never said they were ignored or chopped out. My point was simply that hundreds of messianic prophecies exist in the Bible that Jesus fulfilled. Many of them, in a very specific way.

So why would you say "they are not being ignored or deleted" when I just finished saying that I never claimed that? We were talking about Isaiah 53 earlier, THAT particular one is what some have claimed is skipped over. But when I was talking about the hundreds of others, that was simply to say that Jesus fulfilled them.

Now, I'm beginning to wonder if you just keep misunderstanding me, or if you're purposely misrepresenting what I'm saying…. which is it?

I fully understand what you are saying------I grew up in a VERY whitebread
Protestant town with a significant catholic population and a large catholic
school. I spent more time as a child in "sunday school" (protestant) than anything "jewish" Re-read your own posts------you claimed parts of Isaiah are
DELETED by rabbis when they read to their congregations. None of this stuff is NEW to me. You would really be fascinated by what muslims say about the "Christian bible". I learned all about the official partyline, not only from muslims but from a big shot "scholar" in a mosque and the official protestant and
catholic partyline from protestants and catholics and in churches What IS true---- most muslims never read the Koran and most Jews and Christians never read the bible.
I read them.
you believe lots of idiotic things-----did some nun tell you that jews are "NOT PERMITTED" to read Isaiah------or they have to wait around to be READ TO by
some rabbi? ------you remind me of the kids in the plaid jumpers of my childhood---
the ones who emerged from the "CATHOLIC SCHOOL" Long ago---in my mid-teens----I studied Hebrew as a second language. None of Isaiah "speaks"
to you unless you read it in Hebrew. Isaiah is far from proscribed ---I MEMORIZED whole passages. Are catholics still being told not to read the OT?

First of all, I'm not Catholic. Why so many assumptions?

Secondly, I never used the phrase "not permitted." I mentioned that it has been called the "forbidden chapter" but those are not MY words. I was saying that is what others call it.

Thirdly, it is JEWISH believers who have said that most rabbis skip over Isaiah 53 and do not read it to their congregation. I posted a video a little earlier on that topic, hopefully you will watch it.

Are you claiming they are wrong? If so, perhaps YOUR experiences are different. I have heard many times, from different sources, that these days rabbis don't read Isaiah 53 to their people. I have no reason to doubt that, in fact it makes perfect sense, considering the fact that many, many Messianic Jews come to faith in Yeshua at least in part based on that chapter.

You're just demonstrating your lack of knowledge of anything having to do with Jews.

The entire Chumash is read aloud in shul each year in 54 weekly portions, called parsha.

Every shul in the world reads the same portions on the same dates.

Nothing is ommitted.

I don't think anyone claimed that ALL rabbis skip Isaiah 53, how could anyone possibly know that anyway, unless one is omniscient? But perhaps other people have a different experience than yours. No matter what, the fact remains that many of the Messianic Jews who share their story clearly state that Isaiah 53 was at least one of the things that brought them to faith in Yeshua. That is what's noteworthy, in my view, and that's why I said that those claims make sense. In fact, if you were to watch some of the testimony videos, some of them said that they had never even read Isaiah 53 until someone ELSE brought it up to them... and some of them stated what is Jesus doing in the Old Testament? As I said earlier, that is just one passage, there are hundreds, including many that are very, very specific.

the operative statement here is ".....some of them said that they had never
read Isaiah 53 until someone ELSE brought it up..... " so the missionary
targeted people are jews who never read Isaiah------and got it introduced
and interpreted for them by a Christian missionary. The JW's like to do stuff like that too. ---door to door---------even hindus could play that game----if they
wanted to. The Bhagavad Gita is chock full of fascinating insights

lol... Wow. I'm actually laughing out loud, at the paranoia and how you paint "missionaries" in such a dark, sinister way. But you're an atheist, right? So that shouldn't be surprising, that seems to be how a lot of atheists think.

It's obvious you haven't watched many of the videos, if ANY at all. Because in most of them, there wasn't a "missionary" in sight. Many of them came to faith because of their OWN experiences in their life which led them on a path to God... In other words, God pursued them directly and eventually opened their eyes. Also, I know this will sound crazy to nonbelievers, but sometimes God will place certain people in one's path, in order to reach them. So, in some of the testimonies it was a friend, co-worker or relative who was a follower of Jesus, and the Jewish person saw something different in them, that they wanted. For example, a personal relationship with God, or a strong faith, or a peace, etc.

Anyway, I hate to keep saying this, but you really should just watch the videos, because it's obvious you're not likely to accept anything I say. But when people tell their personal story, it's powerful. Even the scriptures say that, it is why God wants people to share their testimonies.

Dude stop lying,
the organizations from which You post these videos, expressly say that their intention is to proselytize among Jews.

And they use quiet a large amount of deception tactics to draw attention to that content,
as do You.
I don't think anyone claimed that ALL rabbis skip Isaiah 53, how could anyone possibly know that anyway, unless one is omniscient? But perhaps other people have a different experience than yours. No matter what, the fact remains that many of the Messianic Jews who share their story clearly state that Isaiah 53 was at least one of the things that brought them to faith in Yeshua. That is what's noteworthy, in my view, and that's why I said that those claims make sense. In fact, if you were to watch some of the testimony videos, some of them said that they had never even read Isaiah 53 until someone ELSE brought it up to them... and some of them stated what is Jesus doing in the Old Testament? As I said earlier, that is just one passage, there are hundreds, including many that are very, very specific.

Hundreds of passages that have been chopped out or just ----purposely----
IGNORED? I am fascinated----can you post a few?

No, no, no, once again you're misunderstanding. I never said that they were ignored, or chopped out. I was talking about MESSIANIC prophecies, prophetic scriptures about the Messiah.

It's super late here so I don't think I'm going to have enough time to round up hundreds of messianic scriptures for you. But if I have time tomorrow I will see what I can do.

I do not need 'HUNDREDS"------just a few. As to messianic prophecies----
they are certainly NOT ignored or deleted. Seems to me that you have
never really been in a synagogue or if you were, did not have a grasp of what goes
on in one.

That is what I just said! I just finished saying that I never said they were ignored or chopped out. My point was simply that hundreds of messianic prophecies exist in the Bible that Jesus fulfilled. Many of them, in a very specific way.

So why would you say "they are not being ignored or deleted" when I just finished saying that I never claimed that? We were talking about Isaiah 53 earlier, THAT particular one is what some have claimed is skipped over. But when I was talking about the hundreds of others, that was simply to say that Jesus fulfilled them.

Now, I'm beginning to wonder if you just keep misunderstanding me, or if you're purposely misrepresenting what I'm saying…. which is it?

I fully understand what you are saying------I grew up in a VERY whitebread
Protestant town with a significant catholic population and a large catholic
school. I spent more time as a child in "sunday school" (protestant) than anything "jewish" Re-read your own posts------you claimed parts of Isaiah are
DELETED by rabbis when they read to their congregations. None of this stuff is NEW to me. You would really be fascinated by what muslims say about the "Christian bible". I learned all about the official partyline, not only from muslims but from a big shot "scholar" in a mosque and the official protestant and
catholic partyline from protestants and catholics and in churches What IS true---- most muslims never read the Koran and most Jews and Christians never read the bible.
I read them.

No, I never said that parts of Isaiah were "deleted." I said that according to several Messianic Jews, it is "skipped over." Please don't put words in my mouth.

And if you're going to quote, please use the quote feature to do an actual quote of my words, not a paraphrasing that changes what I said. Thank you.
Hundreds of passages that have been chopped out or just ----purposely----
IGNORED? I am fascinated----can you post a few?

No, no, no, once again you're misunderstanding. I never said that they were ignored, or chopped out. I was talking about MESSIANIC prophecies, prophetic scriptures about the Messiah.

It's super late here so I don't think I'm going to have enough time to round up hundreds of messianic scriptures for you. But if I have time tomorrow I will see what I can do.

I do not need 'HUNDREDS"------just a few. As to messianic prophecies----
they are certainly NOT ignored or deleted. Seems to me that you have
never really been in a synagogue or if you were, did not have a grasp of what goes
on in one.

That is what I just said! I just finished saying that I never said they were ignored or chopped out. My point was simply that hundreds of messianic prophecies exist in the Bible that Jesus fulfilled. Many of them, in a very specific way.

So why would you say "they are not being ignored or deleted" when I just finished saying that I never claimed that? We were talking about Isaiah 53 earlier, THAT particular one is what some have claimed is skipped over. But when I was talking about the hundreds of others, that was simply to say that Jesus fulfilled them.

Now, I'm beginning to wonder if you just keep misunderstanding me, or if you're purposely misrepresenting what I'm saying…. which is it?

I fully understand what you are saying------I grew up in a VERY whitebread
Protestant town with a significant catholic population and a large catholic
school. I spent more time as a child in "sunday school" (protestant) than anything "jewish" Re-read your own posts------you claimed parts of Isaiah are
DELETED by rabbis when they read to their congregations. None of this stuff is NEW to me. You would really be fascinated by what muslims say about the "Christian bible". I learned all about the official partyline, not only from muslims but from a big shot "scholar" in a mosque and the official protestant and
catholic partyline from protestants and catholics and in churches What IS true---- most muslims never read the Koran and most Jews and Christians never read the bible.
I read them.

No, I never said that parts of Isaiah were "deleted." I said that according to several Messianic Jews, it is "skipped over." Please don't put words in my mouth.

And if you're going to quote, please use the quote feature to do an actual quote of my words, not a paraphrasing that changes what I said. Thank you.
And has been proven to be a pathetic lie.
So why keep spreading this vulgar none sense?
you believe lots of idiotic things-----did some nun tell you that jews are "NOT PERMITTED" to read Isaiah------or they have to wait around to be READ TO by
some rabbi? ------you remind me of the kids in the plaid jumpers of my childhood---
the ones who emerged from the "CATHOLIC SCHOOL" Long ago---in my mid-teens----I studied Hebrew as a second language. None of Isaiah "speaks"
to you unless you read it in Hebrew. Isaiah is far from proscribed ---I MEMORIZED whole passages. Are catholics still being told not to read the OT?

First of all, I'm not Catholic. Why so many assumptions?

Secondly, I never used the phrase "not permitted." I mentioned that it has been called the "forbidden chapter" but those are not MY words. I was saying that is what others call it.

Thirdly, it is JEWISH believers who have said that most rabbis skip over Isaiah 53 and do not read it to their congregation. I posted a video a little earlier on that topic, hopefully you will watch it.

Are you claiming they are wrong? If so, perhaps YOUR experiences are different. I have heard many times, from different sources, that these days rabbis don't read Isaiah 53 to their people. I have no reason to doubt that, in fact it makes perfect sense, considering the fact that many, many Messianic Jews come to faith in Yeshua at least in part based on that chapter.

You're just demonstrating your lack of knowledge of anything having to do with Jews.

The entire Chumash is read aloud in shul each year in 54 weekly portions, called parsha.

Every shul in the world reads the same portions on the same dates.

Nothing is ommitted.

I don't think anyone claimed that ALL rabbis skip Isaiah 53, how could anyone possibly know that anyway, unless one is omniscient? But perhaps other people have a different experience than yours. No matter what, the fact remains that many of the Messianic Jews who share their story clearly state that Isaiah 53 was at least one of the things that brought them to faith in Yeshua. That is what's noteworthy, in my view, and that's why I said that those claims make sense. In fact, if you were to watch some of the testimony videos, some of them said that they had never even read Isaiah 53 until someone ELSE brought it up to them... and some of them stated what is Jesus doing in the Old Testament? As I said earlier, that is just one passage, there are hundreds, including many that are very, very specific.

the operative statement here is ".....some of them said that they had never
read Isaiah 53 until someone ELSE brought it up..... " so the missionary
targeted people are jews who never read Isaiah------and got it introduced
and interpreted for them by a Christian missionary. The JW's like to do stuff like that too. ---door to door---------even hindus could play that game----if they
wanted to. The Bhagavad Gita is chock full of fascinating insights

lol... Wow. I'm actually laughing out loud, at the paranoia and how you paint "missionaries" in such a dark, sinister way. But you're an atheist, right? So that shouldn't be surprising, that seems to be how a lot of atheists think.

It's obvious you haven't watched many of the videos, if ANY at all. Because in most of them, there wasn't a "missionary" in sight. Many of them came to faith because of their OWN experiences in their life which led them on a path to God... In other words, God pursued them directly and eventually opened their eyes. Also, I know this will sound crazy to nonbelievers, but sometimes God will place certain people in one's path, in order to reach them. So, in some of the testimonies it was a friend, co-worker or relative who was a follower of Jesus, and the Jewish person saw something different in them, that they wanted. For example, a personal relationship with God, or a strong faith, or a peace, etc.

Anyway, I hate to keep saying this, but you really should just watch the videos, because it's obvious you're not likely to accept anything I say. But when people tell their personal story, it's powerful. Even the scriptures say that, it is why God wants people to share their testimonies.

I watched the videos-------they are done for the purpose of PROSELYTIZING----
it is silly that you deny that fact. It is silly that you imagine that I have not
been treated to PERSONAL STORIES . Were I to make videos of
all the Christians I have encountered who have converted to Judaism ------and their "personal stories" ------you could correctly call that activity PROSELYTIZING.
Fret not----it's not happening
First of all, I'm not Catholic. Why so many assumptions?

Secondly, I never used the phrase "not permitted." I mentioned that it has been called the "forbidden chapter" but those are not MY words. I was saying that is what others call it.

Thirdly, it is JEWISH believers who have said that most rabbis skip over Isaiah 53 and do not read it to their congregation. I posted a video a little earlier on that topic, hopefully you will watch it.

Are you claiming they are wrong? If so, perhaps YOUR experiences are different. I have heard many times, from different sources, that these days rabbis don't read Isaiah 53 to their people. I have no reason to doubt that, in fact it makes perfect sense, considering the fact that many, many Messianic Jews come to faith in Yeshua at least in part based on that chapter.

You're just demonstrating your lack of knowledge of anything having to do with Jews.

The entire Chumash is read aloud in shul each year in 54 weekly portions, called parsha.

Every shul in the world reads the same portions on the same dates.

Nothing is ommitted.

I don't think anyone claimed that ALL rabbis skip Isaiah 53, how could anyone possibly know that anyway, unless one is omniscient? But perhaps other people have a different experience than yours. No matter what, the fact remains that many of the Messianic Jews who share their story clearly state that Isaiah 53 was at least one of the things that brought them to faith in Yeshua. That is what's noteworthy, in my view, and that's why I said that those claims make sense. In fact, if you were to watch some of the testimony videos, some of them said that they had never even read Isaiah 53 until someone ELSE brought it up to them... and some of them stated what is Jesus doing in the Old Testament? As I said earlier, that is just one passage, there are hundreds, including many that are very, very specific.

the operative statement here is ".....some of them said that they had never
read Isaiah 53 until someone ELSE brought it up..... " so the missionary
targeted people are jews who never read Isaiah------and got it introduced
and interpreted for them by a Christian missionary. The JW's like to do stuff like that too. ---door to door---------even hindus could play that game----if they
wanted to. The Bhagavad Gita is chock full of fascinating insights

lol... Wow. I'm actually laughing out loud, at the paranoia and how you paint "missionaries" in such a dark, sinister way. But you're an atheist, right? So that shouldn't be surprising, that seems to be how a lot of atheists think.

It's obvious you haven't watched many of the videos, if ANY at all. Because in most of them, there wasn't a "missionary" in sight. Many of them came to faith because of their OWN experiences in their life which led them on a path to God... In other words, God pursued them directly and eventually opened their eyes. Also, I know this will sound crazy to nonbelievers, but sometimes God will place certain people in one's path, in order to reach them. So, in some of the testimonies it was a friend, co-worker or relative who was a follower of Jesus, and the Jewish person saw something different in them, that they wanted. For example, a personal relationship with God, or a strong faith, or a peace, etc.

Anyway, I hate to keep saying this, but you really should just watch the videos, because it's obvious you're not likely to accept anything I say. But when people tell their personal story, it's powerful. Even the scriptures say that, it is why God wants people to share their testimonies.

Dude stop lying,
the organizations from which You post these videos, expressly say that their intention is to proselytize among Jews.

And they use quiet a large amount of deception tactics to draw attention to that content,
as do You.

Wow, I'm amazed at your twisting here. I never once claimed that the organizations who compile those videos are not about reaching out to Jews. OF COURSE they are.

I said that in the actual TESTIMONIES, in their personal stories, most of them came to faith for various reasons based on their own personal experience in life, or a certain friend or family member who was influential in their conversion. NOT a missionary. At least in most of the testimonies, it was not because of a missionary.

Do you understand now? Again, like irosie, I get the feeling you haven't watched any of the videos, or else you'd see for yourself what I just said.

The only one being deceptive is you, whether that is intentional, or based on simple lack of understanding.
you believe lots of idiotic things-----did some nun tell you that jews are "NOT PERMITTED" to read Isaiah------or they have to wait around to be READ TO by
some rabbi? ------you remind me of the kids in the plaid jumpers of my childhood---
the ones who emerged from the "CATHOLIC SCHOOL" Long ago---in my mid-teens----I studied Hebrew as a second language. None of Isaiah "speaks"
to you unless you read it in Hebrew. Isaiah is far from proscribed ---I MEMORIZED whole passages. Are catholics still being told not to read the OT?

First of all, I'm not Catholic. Why so many assumptions?

Secondly, I never used the phrase "not permitted." I mentioned that it has been called the "forbidden chapter" but those are not MY words. I was saying that is what others call it.

Thirdly, it is JEWISH believers who have said that most rabbis skip over Isaiah 53 and do not read it to their congregation. I posted a video a little earlier on that topic, hopefully you will watch it.

Are you claiming they are wrong? If so, perhaps YOUR experiences are different. I have heard many times, from different sources, that these days rabbis don't read Isaiah 53 to their people. I have no reason to doubt that, in fact it makes perfect sense, considering the fact that many, many Messianic Jews come to faith in Yeshua at least in part based on that chapter.

You're just demonstrating your lack of knowledge of anything having to do with Jews.

The entire Chumash is read aloud in shul each year in 54 weekly portions, called parsha.

Every shul in the world reads the same portions on the same dates.

Nothing is ommitted.

I don't think anyone claimed that ALL rabbis skip Isaiah 53, how could anyone possibly know that anyway, unless one is omniscient? But perhaps other people have a different experience than yours. No matter what, the fact remains that many of the Messianic Jews who share their story clearly state that Isaiah 53 was at least one of the things that brought them to faith in Yeshua. That is what's noteworthy, in my view, and that's why I said that those claims make sense. In fact, if you were to watch some of the testimony videos, some of them said that they had never even read Isaiah 53 until someone ELSE brought it up to them... and some of them stated what is Jesus doing in the Old Testament? As I said earlier, that is just one passage, there are hundreds, including many that are very, very specific.

the operative statement here is ".....some of them said that they had never
read Isaiah 53 until someone ELSE brought it up..... " so the missionary
targeted people are jews who never read Isaiah------and got it introduced
and interpreted for them by a Christian missionary. The JW's like to do stuff like that too. ---door to door---------even hindus could play that game----if they
wanted to. The Bhagavad Gita is chock full of fascinating insights

lol... Wow. I'm actually laughing out loud, at the paranoia and how you paint "missionaries" in such a dark, sinister way. But you're an atheist, right? So that shouldn't be surprising, that seems to be how a lot of atheists think.

It's obvious you haven't watched many of the videos, if ANY at all. Because in most of them, there wasn't a "missionary" in sight. Many of them came to faith because of their OWN experiences in their life which led them on a path to God... In other words, God pursued them directly and eventually opened their eyes. Also, I know this will sound crazy to nonbelievers, but sometimes God will place certain people in one's path, in order to reach them. So, in some of the testimonies it was a friend, co-worker or relative who was a follower of Jesus, and the Jewish person saw something different in them, that they wanted. For example, a personal relationship with God, or a strong faith, or a peace, etc.

Anyway, I hate to keep saying this, but you really should just watch the videos, because it's obvious you're not likely to accept anything I say. But when people tell their personal story, it's powerful. Even the scriptures say that, it is why God wants people to share their testimonies.

I'm not afraid of missionaries. They're delicious!
Guys, girls... pay attention, instead of actually addressing anything in a straight manner,
the missionaries here already started responding with the "funnies".

The makeup starts leaking...cracks are showing.
First of all, I'm not Catholic. Why so many assumptions?

Secondly, I never used the phrase "not permitted." I mentioned that it has been called the "forbidden chapter" but those are not MY words. I was saying that is what others call it.

Thirdly, it is JEWISH believers who have said that most rabbis skip over Isaiah 53 and do not read it to their congregation. I posted a video a little earlier on that topic, hopefully you will watch it.

Are you claiming they are wrong? If so, perhaps YOUR experiences are different. I have heard many times, from different sources, that these days rabbis don't read Isaiah 53 to their people. I have no reason to doubt that, in fact it makes perfect sense, considering the fact that many, many Messianic Jews come to faith in Yeshua at least in part based on that chapter.

You're just demonstrating your lack of knowledge of anything having to do with Jews.

The entire Chumash is read aloud in shul each year in 54 weekly portions, called parsha.

Every shul in the world reads the same portions on the same dates.

Nothing is ommitted.

I don't think anyone claimed that ALL rabbis skip Isaiah 53, how could anyone possibly know that anyway, unless one is omniscient? But perhaps other people have a different experience than yours. No matter what, the fact remains that many of the Messianic Jews who share their story clearly state that Isaiah 53 was at least one of the things that brought them to faith in Yeshua. That is what's noteworthy, in my view, and that's why I said that those claims make sense. In fact, if you were to watch some of the testimony videos, some of them said that they had never even read Isaiah 53 until someone ELSE brought it up to them... and some of them stated what is Jesus doing in the Old Testament? As I said earlier, that is just one passage, there are hundreds, including many that are very, very specific.

the operative statement here is ".....some of them said that they had never
read Isaiah 53 until someone ELSE brought it up..... " so the missionary
targeted people are jews who never read Isaiah------and got it introduced
and interpreted for them by a Christian missionary. The JW's like to do stuff like that too. ---door to door---------even hindus could play that game----if they
wanted to. The Bhagavad Gita is chock full of fascinating insights

lol... Wow. I'm actually laughing out loud, at the paranoia and how you paint "missionaries" in such a dark, sinister way. But you're an atheist, right? So that shouldn't be surprising, that seems to be how a lot of atheists think.

It's obvious you haven't watched many of the videos, if ANY at all. Because in most of them, there wasn't a "missionary" in sight. Many of them came to faith because of their OWN experiences in their life which led them on a path to God... In other words, God pursued them directly and eventually opened their eyes. Also, I know this will sound crazy to nonbelievers, but sometimes God will place certain people in one's path, in order to reach them. So, in some of the testimonies it was a friend, co-worker or relative who was a follower of Jesus, and the Jewish person saw something different in them, that they wanted. For example, a personal relationship with God, or a strong faith, or a peace, etc.

Anyway, I hate to keep saying this, but you really should just watch the videos, because it's obvious you're not likely to accept anything I say. But when people tell their personal story, it's powerful. Even the scriptures say that, it is why God wants people to share their testimonies.

I'm not afraid of missionaries. They're delicious!

Good for you. Others here are paranoid, and think the absolute worst about people they don't know and clearly don't understand. I'm going to have to add a few more people to my prayers. :D
Guys, girls... pay attention, instead of actually addressing anything in a straight manner,
the missionaries here already started responding with the "funnies".

The makeup starts leaking...cracks are showing.

Yes, I do find the paranoia funny. But your contempt (to put it mildly) and your portrayal of those organizations as eeeevil and deceptive is not so funny, it's very sad. But to be expected.
it's a matter of semantics-------the buttercup is insisting that people who
preach their religion to non-adherents are NOT MISSIONARIES or PROSELYTIZERS------they are just friends. In my LONG LIFETIME---
I have had conversations with HUNDREDS (or even thousands) of
"friends" (muslims and lots of the various colors of Christian) They
come equipped with very standard sales lines. In fact----lots of them
were actual friends or colleagues-----with the standard selling points
You're just demonstrating your lack of knowledge of anything having to do with Jews.

The entire Chumash is read aloud in shul each year in 54 weekly portions, called parsha.

Every shul in the world reads the same portions on the same dates.

Nothing is ommitted.

I don't think anyone claimed that ALL rabbis skip Isaiah 53, how could anyone possibly know that anyway, unless one is omniscient? But perhaps other people have a different experience than yours. No matter what, the fact remains that many of the Messianic Jews who share their story clearly state that Isaiah 53 was at least one of the things that brought them to faith in Yeshua. That is what's noteworthy, in my view, and that's why I said that those claims make sense. In fact, if you were to watch some of the testimony videos, some of them said that they had never even read Isaiah 53 until someone ELSE brought it up to them... and some of them stated what is Jesus doing in the Old Testament? As I said earlier, that is just one passage, there are hundreds, including many that are very, very specific.

the operative statement here is ".....some of them said that they had never
read Isaiah 53 until someone ELSE brought it up..... " so the missionary
targeted people are jews who never read Isaiah------and got it introduced
and interpreted for them by a Christian missionary. The JW's like to do stuff like that too. ---door to door---------even hindus could play that game----if they
wanted to. The Bhagavad Gita is chock full of fascinating insights

lol... Wow. I'm actually laughing out loud, at the paranoia and how you paint "missionaries" in such a dark, sinister way. But you're an atheist, right? So that shouldn't be surprising, that seems to be how a lot of atheists think.

It's obvious you haven't watched many of the videos, if ANY at all. Because in most of them, there wasn't a "missionary" in sight. Many of them came to faith because of their OWN experiences in their life which led them on a path to God... In other words, God pursued them directly and eventually opened their eyes. Also, I know this will sound crazy to nonbelievers, but sometimes God will place certain people in one's path, in order to reach them. So, in some of the testimonies it was a friend, co-worker or relative who was a follower of Jesus, and the Jewish person saw something different in them, that they wanted. For example, a personal relationship with God, or a strong faith, or a peace, etc.

Anyway, I hate to keep saying this, but you really should just watch the videos, because it's obvious you're not likely to accept anything I say. But when people tell their personal story, it's powerful. Even the scriptures say that, it is why God wants people to share their testimonies.

Dude stop lying,
the organizations from which You post these videos, expressly say that their intention is to proselytize among Jews.

And they use quiet a large amount of deception tactics to draw attention to that content,
as do You.

Wow, I'm amazed at your twisting here. I never once claimed that the organizations who compile those videos are not about reaching out to Jews. OF COURSE they are.

I said that in the actual TESTIMONIES, in their personal stories, most of them came to faith for various reasons based on their own personal experience in life, or a certain friend or family member who was influential in their conversion. NOT a missionary. At least in most of the testimonies, it was not because of a missionary.

Do you understand now? Again, like irosie, I get the feeling you haven't watched any of the videos, or else you'd see for yourself what I just said.

The only one being deceptive is you, whether that is intentional, or based on simple lack of understanding.

Missionaries prefer to claim people don't watch their propaganda,
at the point when asked to address inconsistencies and falsehoods in their very content.

The make-up is leaking, cracks are showing...
and here comes denial as a last resort.

You wanna convert a Jew - prepare to face facts that entirely pull the ground from underneath your dear false religions.
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You're just demonstrating your lack of knowledge of anything having to do with Jews.

The entire Chumash is read aloud in shul each year in 54 weekly portions, called parsha.

Every shul in the world reads the same portions on the same dates.

Nothing is ommitted.

I don't think anyone claimed that ALL rabbis skip Isaiah 53, how could anyone possibly know that anyway, unless one is omniscient? But perhaps other people have a different experience than yours. No matter what, the fact remains that many of the Messianic Jews who share their story clearly state that Isaiah 53 was at least one of the things that brought them to faith in Yeshua. That is what's noteworthy, in my view, and that's why I said that those claims make sense. In fact, if you were to watch some of the testimony videos, some of them said that they had never even read Isaiah 53 until someone ELSE brought it up to them... and some of them stated what is Jesus doing in the Old Testament? As I said earlier, that is just one passage, there are hundreds, including many that are very, very specific.

the operative statement here is ".....some of them said that they had never
read Isaiah 53 until someone ELSE brought it up..... " so the missionary
targeted people are jews who never read Isaiah------and got it introduced
and interpreted for them by a Christian missionary. The JW's like to do stuff like that too. ---door to door---------even hindus could play that game----if they
wanted to. The Bhagavad Gita is chock full of fascinating insights

lol... Wow. I'm actually laughing out loud, at the paranoia and how you paint "missionaries" in such a dark, sinister way. But you're an atheist, right? So that shouldn't be surprising, that seems to be how a lot of atheists think.

It's obvious you haven't watched many of the videos, if ANY at all. Because in most of them, there wasn't a "missionary" in sight. Many of them came to faith because of their OWN experiences in their life which led them on a path to God... In other words, God pursued them directly and eventually opened their eyes. Also, I know this will sound crazy to nonbelievers, but sometimes God will place certain people in one's path, in order to reach them. So, in some of the testimonies it was a friend, co-worker or relative who was a follower of Jesus, and the Jewish person saw something different in them, that they wanted. For example, a personal relationship with God, or a strong faith, or a peace, etc.

Anyway, I hate to keep saying this, but you really should just watch the videos, because it's obvious you're not likely to accept anything I say. But when people tell their personal story, it's powerful. Even the scriptures say that, it is why God wants people to share their testimonies.

I'm not afraid of missionaries. They're delicious!

Good for you. Others here are paranoid, and think the absolute worst about people they don't know and clearly don't understand. I'm going to have to add a few more people to my prayers. :D

what "absolute worst"??? you seem to consider the terms "proselytizer"
and "missionary" highly insulting and then come up with ""god wants people
to do it---"share" "" you like to be called a "sharer"------ok
I don't think anyone claimed that ALL rabbis skip Isaiah 53, how could anyone possibly know that anyway, unless one is omniscient? But perhaps other people have a different experience than yours. No matter what, the fact remains that many of the Messianic Jews who share their story clearly state that Isaiah 53 was at least one of the things that brought them to faith in Yeshua. That is what's noteworthy, in my view, and that's why I said that those claims make sense. In fact, if you were to watch some of the testimony videos, some of them said that they had never even read Isaiah 53 until someone ELSE brought it up to them... and some of them stated what is Jesus doing in the Old Testament? As I said earlier, that is just one passage, there are hundreds, including many that are very, very specific.

the operative statement here is ".....some of them said that they had never
read Isaiah 53 until someone ELSE brought it up..... " so the missionary
targeted people are jews who never read Isaiah------and got it introduced
and interpreted for them by a Christian missionary. The JW's like to do stuff like that too. ---door to door---------even hindus could play that game----if they
wanted to. The Bhagavad Gita is chock full of fascinating insights

lol... Wow. I'm actually laughing out loud, at the paranoia and how you paint "missionaries" in such a dark, sinister way. But you're an atheist, right? So that shouldn't be surprising, that seems to be how a lot of atheists think.

It's obvious you haven't watched many of the videos, if ANY at all. Because in most of them, there wasn't a "missionary" in sight. Many of them came to faith because of their OWN experiences in their life which led them on a path to God... In other words, God pursued them directly and eventually opened their eyes. Also, I know this will sound crazy to nonbelievers, but sometimes God will place certain people in one's path, in order to reach them. So, in some of the testimonies it was a friend, co-worker or relative who was a follower of Jesus, and the Jewish person saw something different in them, that they wanted. For example, a personal relationship with God, or a strong faith, or a peace, etc.

Anyway, I hate to keep saying this, but you really should just watch the videos, because it's obvious you're not likely to accept anything I say. But when people tell their personal story, it's powerful. Even the scriptures say that, it is why God wants people to share their testimonies.

Dude stop lying,
the organizations from which You post these videos, expressly say that their intention is to proselytize among Jews.

And they use quiet a large amount of deception tactics to draw attention to that content,
as do You.

Wow, I'm amazed at your twisting here. I never once claimed that the organizations who compile those videos are not about reaching out to Jews. OF COURSE they are.

I said that in the actual TESTIMONIES, in their personal stories, most of them came to faith for various reasons based on their own personal experience in life, or a certain friend or family member who was influential in their conversion. NOT a missionary. At least in most of the testimonies, it was not because of a missionary.

Do you understand now? Again, like irosie, I get the feeling you haven't watched any of the videos, or else you'd see for yourself what I just said.

The only one being deceptive is you, whether that is intentional, or based on simple lack of understanding.

Missionaries prefer to claim people don't watch their propaganda,
pointed to the inconsistencies in their very content.

The make-up is leaking, cracks are showing...
and here comes denial as a last resort.

Wow, the paranoia is even thicker than I thought. So the videos are "propaganda" ... which implies dishonesty. Are you claiming that all those people are lying? Or do you simply believe they're mistaken? Please answer directly.
the operative statement here is ".....some of them said that they had never
read Isaiah 53 until someone ELSE brought it up..... " so the missionary
targeted people are jews who never read Isaiah------and got it introduced
and interpreted for them by a Christian missionary. The JW's like to do stuff like that too. ---door to door---------even hindus could play that game----if they
wanted to. The Bhagavad Gita is chock full of fascinating insights

lol... Wow. I'm actually laughing out loud, at the paranoia and how you paint "missionaries" in such a dark, sinister way. But you're an atheist, right? So that shouldn't be surprising, that seems to be how a lot of atheists think.

It's obvious you haven't watched many of the videos, if ANY at all. Because in most of them, there wasn't a "missionary" in sight. Many of them came to faith because of their OWN experiences in their life which led them on a path to God... In other words, God pursued them directly and eventually opened their eyes. Also, I know this will sound crazy to nonbelievers, but sometimes God will place certain people in one's path, in order to reach them. So, in some of the testimonies it was a friend, co-worker or relative who was a follower of Jesus, and the Jewish person saw something different in them, that they wanted. For example, a personal relationship with God, or a strong faith, or a peace, etc.

Anyway, I hate to keep saying this, but you really should just watch the videos, because it's obvious you're not likely to accept anything I say. But when people tell their personal story, it's powerful. Even the scriptures say that, it is why God wants people to share their testimonies.

Dude stop lying,
the organizations from which You post these videos, expressly say that their intention is to proselytize among Jews.

And they use quiet a large amount of deception tactics to draw attention to that content,
as do You.

Wow, I'm amazed at your twisting here. I never once claimed that the organizations who compile those videos are not about reaching out to Jews. OF COURSE they are.

I said that in the actual TESTIMONIES, in their personal stories, most of them came to faith for various reasons based on their own personal experience in life, or a certain friend or family member who was influential in their conversion. NOT a missionary. At least in most of the testimonies, it was not because of a missionary.

Do you understand now? Again, like irosie, I get the feeling you haven't watched any of the videos, or else you'd see for yourself what I just said.

The only one being deceptive is you, whether that is intentional, or based on simple lack of understanding.

Missionaries prefer to claim people don't watch their propaganda,
pointed to the inconsistencies in their very content.

The make-up is leaking, cracks are showing...
and here comes denial as a last resort.

Wow, the paranoia is even thicker than I thought. So the videos are "propaganda" ... which implies dishonesty. Are you claiming that all those people are lying? Or do you simply believe they're mistaken? Please answer directly.

I'm saying You're using a variety of deception tactics to proselytize.
That they're mistaken is not a matter of belief, but concrete knowledge based on facts.

Merely the need to rely on quoting out of context and bold fabrication of verses in the Torah,
already says more than enough.
Last edited:
while we are on the subject of "SHARING" ----be advised----any out there who has
not read the Koran------can get a nice new free copy from the Saudi Embassy.
That free Koran program is not "proselytizing" it is "SHARING" ----for more
"sharing" visit a "sefer" shop. "sefer" is 'book' in Hebrew. Those shops sell prayerbooks--------and bibles (censored of course) and various books of
general interest. Take a few off the shelf and open them. Almost invariably
you will find little "come to jesus" pamphlets that have been slipped between
the pages. Do not call it "proselytizing" or "missionary" stuff------call it
the operative statement here is ".....some of them said that they had never
read Isaiah 53 until someone ELSE brought it up..... " so the missionary
targeted people are jews who never read Isaiah------and got it introduced
and interpreted for them by a Christian missionary. The JW's like to do stuff like that too. ---door to door---------even hindus could play that game----if they
wanted to. The Bhagavad Gita is chock full of fascinating insights

lol... Wow. I'm actually laughing out loud, at the paranoia and how you paint "missionaries" in such a dark, sinister way. But you're an atheist, right? So that shouldn't be surprising, that seems to be how a lot of atheists think.

It's obvious you haven't watched many of the videos, if ANY at all. Because in most of them, there wasn't a "missionary" in sight. Many of them came to faith because of their OWN experiences in their life which led them on a path to God... In other words, God pursued them directly and eventually opened their eyes. Also, I know this will sound crazy to nonbelievers, but sometimes God will place certain people in one's path, in order to reach them. So, in some of the testimonies it was a friend, co-worker or relative who was a follower of Jesus, and the Jewish person saw something different in them, that they wanted. For example, a personal relationship with God, or a strong faith, or a peace, etc.

Anyway, I hate to keep saying this, but you really should just watch the videos, because it's obvious you're not likely to accept anything I say. But when people tell their personal story, it's powerful. Even the scriptures say that, it is why God wants people to share their testimonies.

Dude stop lying,
the organizations from which You post these videos, expressly say that their intention is to proselytize among Jews.

And they use quiet a large amount of deception tactics to draw attention to that content,
as do You.

Wow, I'm amazed at your twisting here. I never once claimed that the organizations who compile those videos are not about reaching out to Jews. OF COURSE they are.

I said that in the actual TESTIMONIES, in their personal stories, most of them came to faith for various reasons based on their own personal experience in life, or a certain friend or family member who was influential in their conversion. NOT a missionary. At least in most of the testimonies, it was not because of a missionary.

Do you understand now? Again, like irosie, I get the feeling you haven't watched any of the videos, or else you'd see for yourself what I just said.

The only one being deceptive is you, whether that is intentional, or based on simple lack of understanding.

Missionaries prefer to claim people don't watch their propaganda,
pointed to the inconsistencies in their very content.

The make-up is leaking, cracks are showing...
and here comes denial as a last resort.

Wow, the paranoia is even thicker than I thought. So the videos are "propaganda" ... which implies dishonesty. Are you claiming that all those people are lying? Or do you simply believe they're mistaken? Please answer directly.

I consider many of them to be naïve ------and the arguments are
chock full of mistakes. I attended a mosque session in which the
topic of the sermon was "good Friday" (it was on a good Friday) ----
The sermon was directed at the Islamic fact that the New Testament
The congregation seemed to approve of EVERY WORD. I considered
the people to be naïve "believers" and that the ardent Islamic scholar
did not consider himself a liar or a propagandaist. My two hosts were
both Physicians
I don't think anyone claimed that ALL rabbis skip Isaiah 53, how could anyone possibly know that anyway, unless one is omniscient? But perhaps other people have a different experience than yours. No matter what, the fact remains that many of the Messianic Jews who share their story clearly state that Isaiah 53 was at least one of the things that brought them to faith in Yeshua. That is what's noteworthy, in my view, and that's why I said that those claims make sense. In fact, if you were to watch some of the testimony videos, some of them said that they had never even read Isaiah 53 until someone ELSE brought it up to them... and some of them stated what is Jesus doing in the Old Testament? As I said earlier, that is just one passage, there are hundreds, including many that are very, very specific.

the operative statement here is ".....some of them said that they had never
read Isaiah 53 until someone ELSE brought it up..... " so the missionary
targeted people are jews who never read Isaiah------and got it introduced
and interpreted for them by a Christian missionary. The JW's like to do stuff like that too. ---door to door---------even hindus could play that game----if they
wanted to. The Bhagavad Gita is chock full of fascinating insights

lol... Wow. I'm actually laughing out loud, at the paranoia and how you paint "missionaries" in such a dark, sinister way. But you're an atheist, right? So that shouldn't be surprising, that seems to be how a lot of atheists think.

It's obvious you haven't watched many of the videos, if ANY at all. Because in most of them, there wasn't a "missionary" in sight. Many of them came to faith because of their OWN experiences in their life which led them on a path to God... In other words, God pursued them directly and eventually opened their eyes. Also, I know this will sound crazy to nonbelievers, but sometimes God will place certain people in one's path, in order to reach them. So, in some of the testimonies it was a friend, co-worker or relative who was a follower of Jesus, and the Jewish person saw something different in them, that they wanted. For example, a personal relationship with God, or a strong faith, or a peace, etc.

Anyway, I hate to keep saying this, but you really should just watch the videos, because it's obvious you're not likely to accept anything I say. But when people tell their personal story, it's powerful. Even the scriptures say that, it is why God wants people to share their testimonies.

I'm not afraid of missionaries. They're delicious!

Good for you. Others here are paranoid, and think the absolute worst about people they don't know and clearly don't understand. I'm going to have to add a few more people to my prayers. :D

what "absolute worst"??? you seem to consider the terms "proselytizer"
and "missionary" highly insulting and then come up with ""god wants people
to do it---"share" "" you like to be called a "sharer"------ok

No, you are projecting, in a monumental way. I already went over this with you the other night, but you completely ignored what I said.

Let me repeat this, and this time make it crystal clear. Assuming it's done in the right way, Evangelism is a GOOD thing. It is a beautiful thing. (Isaiah 52:7) It's biblical, and it's what God commanded us to do. And it's what true believers inevitably WANT to do, as Andylusion said last night.

It is YOU and others here who seem to think it's a horrible thing, or an eeeevil thing.

Now, I'm tired of the constant arguing with you over silly things that seem to be just for the sake of arguing... or derailing the thread. So, if all you want to do is argue, you can do that with someone else. I'm going to continue to post videos.
‘Pierced my hands’ appears nowhere in Psalms.
Rabbi Tovia Singer exposes blatant Church corruption!

How dare they change the word of G-d?!

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Evangelism is, simply, another word for proselytizing. These are not
"dirty" words. HOWEVER the acts are ILLEGAL in some legal codes---
In the original CANON LAW (the holy church thing) it was a capital crime
if jews did it. Somehow Constantine did not see it as BEAUTIFUL SHARING
and Justin rendered it a capital crime for jews. - In HOLY SHARIAH it is a capital
crime if non muslims do it. It is for this historic fact that jews SHUN IT
(like the plague) and WILL NOT SO ENGAGE. Some glorious "sharing"
Christians have interpreted jewish rejection of proselytizing (aka "sharing")
to be nasty, secretive and evil and
characteristic -------of those damned "Christ-killers", "racist chassids",
bankers -----etc etc. ----
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