Jewish testimonies (I absolutely love these)

Oh, gosh. I see the Israeli troll army is up early and at it this morning. It's like they think they run this place or something. Heaven forbid anyone express any religious views that don't place them at the center of everything. They're so nasty. Just mean spirited nasty beings. lol.

I'm telling yas, if anyone is gonna pop off a nuke it's gonna be these self-righteous lunatics. And they'll take as many out with em as they can. This is the true evil in the world, folks. Probably have statues of Enlil, the god of war, on their mantels. lol.

It wouldn't be so bad if they didn't call up their troll army to try to gang up and bully a person every time someone says anything that doesn't jive with their selfish narrative. But that's simply not how evil rolls. Is there really any wonder why that whole area of the world is on fire all the time? Look who is at the center of it all.
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your grasp of history is a bit ludicrous-----both Annas and Caiaphas were Roman
shills and not considered by the masses back then or today to have been Jewish leaders -----especially by the Pharisees ----like Jesus. The Temple tax was very
trivial and not even enforced. It is very likely that people like Annas and Caiaphas did not like Jesus-----they despised Pharisees for resisting roman rule
There are holes in this presentation. Carry on.

what holes do you PERCEIVE? are your perceived holes in my statement?
The tax still exists if you would like to pay it-----1/2 shekel-----per year. I think
at the current exchange rate that is about 15 cents. It did not support the priests,
HOWEVER the priests and levites got to eat the "sacrificed lamb"-----but they could
not sell it. The sacrificed pigeons were not edible. In roman law----sacrifices
could be sold and actually constituted an important part of the economy. Judea
was an agrarian society BUT the priests and levites did not own inherited land.

The 1/2 Shekel tax was used to count the population.
It is given to shuls before Purim, and weighed against the current worth of certain mass of silver, that is called the Mahazit, which literally means 'half'.

If I remember correctly, when I gave it last year, it was 25 NIS, which is about 7$.

damn-----I was HOPING that it was standardized against the current shekel----
sheeeeeesh-----not the WEIGHT thing-----15 CENTS. According to Wikki---
the weight is 1/3 ounce ?????? ------ wikki kinda agrees with you----
about $7 for 1/3 ounce of silver I WILL JOIN THE REBELLION.
Silver used to be a lot cheaper
Oh, gosh. I see the Israeli troll army is up early and at it this morning. It's like they think they run this place or something. Heaven forbid anyone express any religious views that don't place them at the center of everything. They're so nasty. Just mean spirited nasty beings. lol.

I'm telling yas, if anyone is gonna pop off a nuke it's gonna be these self-righteous lunatics. And they'll take as many out with em as they can. This is the true evil in the world, folks. Probably have statues of Enlil, the god of war, on their mantels. lol.

It wouldn't be so bad if they didn't call up their troll army to try to gang up and bully a person every time someone says anything that doesn't jive with their selfish narrative. But that's simply not how evil rolls. Is there really any wonder why that whole area of the world is on fire all the time? Look who is at the center of it all.


Nobody's afraid of you. Everyone already knows that every place your intolerant bunch sets up camp and commences to raise their arbitrary victim status cards that bullets start flying and nothing gets left behind but rubble. It's no different in places like here.

Everyone knows. All your bunch is really doing here, yet again, is proving what we already know. lol.
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Nobody's afraid of you. Everyone already knows that every place your intolerant bunch sets up camp and commences to raise their arbitrary victim status cards that bullets start flying and nothing gets left behind but rubble. It's no different in places like here.

Everyone knows. All your bunch is really doing here, yet again, is proving what we already know. lol.

"everyone knows........ lol
I meant ---BY YOURSELF-----when I was a kid there were catholic kids
who insisted that they could not read the OT. WAY back then----the rule
in public school was ---"the pledge of allegiance, the lord's prayer, and
five verses from the bible" WAYYYY BACK THEN Catholic kids
declined because the OT is on INDEX THING----a list of prohibited
books. Pius was the pope WAYYYY back then.
From well before the time of the Reformation, the Catholic position has been that instruction should go hand-in-hand with reading scripture. Protestants took a different view and said each person, on his own, can discern what scripture means. I believe the Catholic position is better.
I meant ---BY YOURSELF-----when I was a kid there were catholic kids
who insisted that they could not read the OT. WAY back then----the rule
in public school was ---"the pledge of allegiance, the lord's prayer, and
five verses from the bible" WAYYYY BACK THEN Catholic kids
declined because the OT is on INDEX THING----a list of prohibited
books. Pius was the pope WAYYYY back then.
From well before the time of the Reformation, the Catholic position has been that instruction should go hand-in-hand with reading scripture. Protestants took a different view and said each person, on his own, can discern what scripture means. I believe the Catholic position is better.

at and before the time of the reformation, the overwhelming majority
of members of the catholic church were illiterate and easy targets of
control. I find it incomprehensible that persons who CAN read----would
be satisfied to accept the "index" thing. As a child-----I found it even more
incomprehensible than I do now. There were lots of "indexed" books back
then. I have come to understand life is simpler for those who just
do not KNOW and prefer not to. You got a link to "protestants said.....
each person can discern ......" Lots of the Protestant sect people get lots of
instruction, especially on Sunday and have, more or less, myriads of rules.
It is not clear to me why a psalm of david is considered a
Jesus is the Word.

His life was a living parable showing us that he is the word of God.

It’s not a prophecy. It’s a validation.

huh? david wrote poetry ------actually not parables what is
"validating" what (when and how?)
Jesus’ life was a living parable. He is the Word.

oh-----just a word-----ok------I once thought it was a living human bean type
thing------just another word AMONG BILLIONS
No, no, no, once again you're misunderstanding. I never said that they were ignored, or chopped out. I was talking about MESSIANIC prophecies, prophetic scriptures about the Messiah.

It's super late here so I don't think I'm going to have enough time to round up hundreds of messianic scriptures for you. But if I have time tomorrow I will see what I can do.

I do not need 'HUNDREDS"------just a few. As to messianic prophecies----
they are certainly NOT ignored or deleted. Seems to me that you have
never really been in a synagogue or if you were, did not have a grasp of what goes
on in one.

That is what I just said! I just finished saying that I never said they were ignored or chopped out. My point was simply that hundreds of messianic prophecies exist in the Bible that Jesus fulfilled. Many of them, in a very specific way.

So why would you say "they are not being ignored or deleted" when I just finished saying that I never claimed that? We were talking about Isaiah 53 earlier, THAT particular one is what some have claimed is skipped over. But when I was talking about the hundreds of others, that was simply to say that Jesus fulfilled them.

Now, I'm beginning to wonder if you just keep misunderstanding me, or if you're purposely misrepresenting what I'm saying…. which is it?

Your Yoshke guy, didn't fulfill a single prophecy... quiet the opposite.
That's why You guys need to fabricate verses and turn things on their head,
to rationalize his failure to fulfill anything that true Messiah of Israel is supposed to.

Ah. But he did miracles. :blues:

Yeah sure he did, look at all the peace in the world...

He did bring peace. It was a different kind of peace than what you, and the Jews of his time, were looking for.

The Jews, and those today, are looking for a political Jesus, a political messiah, that will bring the world 'peace' as they define it.

You can see this version of peace everywhere.

You saw this with Black people and Obama, in 2008.
You see this with the Muslims who tried to make ISIS into a world Caliphate.

Everyone is looking for that political leader that will force peace on the world.

But that is not the peace that Jesus brought to his people.

First, because Jesus didn't bring peace to all, but to those who followed him. If you refuse to follow Jesus, he did nothing to enforce peace on your life. WHy would he force himself on those who reject him?

Second, because the peace of Jesus Christ, was a peace in knowing you have a future in Heaven, saved from destruction, by the Lord who loves you.

That's not the peace the Jews, and many in the world today, want from Jesus. They want the peace where you defeat all your enemies, and everyone lives in a blissful Utopia. Where the Americans and Russians, turn their missile silos into aquariums and resorts.

While that time is coming, it was not the peace Jesus offered his people when he first came.
Isaiah 53, predicted that.
It is not clear to me why a psalm of david is considered a
Jesus is the Word.

His life was a living parable showing us that he is the word of God.

It’s not a prophecy. It’s a validation.

huh? david wrote poetry ------actually not parables what is
"validating" what (when and how?)
Jesus’ life was a living parable. He is the Word.

oh-----just a word-----ok------I once thought it was a living human bean type
thing------just another word AMONG BILLIONS
Everything was created for and through the Word of God.
‘Pierced my hands’ appears nowhere in Psalms.
Rabbi Tovia Singer exposes blatant Church corruption!

How dare they change the word of G-d?!

I'm always amazed by how people in an effort to discredit something, will blow up a tiny twig in the road, into being a massive tree in the road no one can pass.

It is entirely true that over the course of thousands of years, the word pierced, was translated from dug, from (kā·’ă·rî).

If this is the biggest, most gruesome example you have of the "corruption" of the word.... then you have very little to complain about.

We Christians are not oblivious to the fact, we are reading from a translation. We understand that our translations are not perfect. We understand we are not reading directly from the Hebrew, because we don't know Hebrew. This is why many pastors at theological seminaries, often are required to learn Aaramiac, Hebrew and Greek, to have a clearer understanding.

However, saying ridiculous statements, is a bit over the top.

If a Jewish man were to engage in a crime.... if a non-jew were to say "how dare the Jews......." That would be racists, bigoted and ridiculous.

So when you say "how dare they..." As if somehow every Christian, or every Church, or every translator that translated from the Septuagint.... you are just being rather bigoted. You should likely choose your words more carefully, or risk ending up no better than the people who hate you.

Regardless, this is minor at best.

First, Psalms 22:16 is not the magical lynch pin of the entire Christian faith, and having a translation error does not somehow discredit the other 3/4 of a million words in the Bible.

Second, the error itself is not nearly as significant as the speaker in your video seems to imply.

Let's go with the Jewish Publication Society version, which is "like a lion, they are at my hands and my feet". That works for me. The works just fine. What do you think a lion is doing to his hands and feet? Licking them? Clawing them or mauling them, more likely.

What do you think the Romans did to Jesus hands and feet during the crucifixion? Gave them an oil massage? The "nails" used to crucify, were actually huge, and were pounded in by a mallet or hammer of sorts.

Mauling would be a very accurate word to describe what happened to Jesus hands and feet.

So while I can understand how a translation was used to get closer to what we now know happened, it doesn't change the fact that the original text in Hebrew.... still fits what happened.

And the truth is, if this was put in the court of law, it would be enough to convict.

If a man in Jerusalem was murdered by crucifixion, and the accused man sent a note to a friend saying "I will, like a lion, go at Bob's hands and feet".

That note, would be clear evidence against the accused. You yourself would convicted. It would only be by denying this on the basis of this ideological post, that you would say in that court room "Well it doesn't say pierce, so I don't think this guy did it".

Therefore, while your post is accurate, it says little to discredit Christianity.
WHy would he force himself on those who reject him?


"Caedite eos. Novit enim Dominus qui sunt eius --- Kill them all, let God sort them out"

Abbot Arnaud Amalric, during the massacre of Beziers, 1209

The xtian version of 'Peace on Earth' is an interesting concept.
WHy would he force himself on those who reject him?


"Caedite eos. Novit enim Dominus qui sunt eius --- Kill them all, let God sort them out"

Abbot Arnaud Amalric, during the massacre of Beziers, 1209

The xtian version of 'Peace on Earth' is an interesting concept.

Nice try, but anyone who has a modicum of common sense and intellectual honesty knows that when a person or a religious group acts in direct contradiction to the teachings of Jesus, the very foundation of the faith they claim to belong to, then they are acting on their OWN, it has nothing to do with Jesus or true Christianity.

Jesus said to LOVE your neighbors and even love your enemies, and pray for them. Jesus also said that when someone doesn't want to hear the message of the Gospel, shake the dust off your feet, turn around and leave that place. He never said to force people to believe or to kill people or anything like that.

So, to continually bring up things from ages ago that is about empty or corrupt religion, or politics, and not Jesus, is either incredibly dense, or dishonest. Which is it?
WHy would he force himself on those who reject him?


"Caedite eos. Novit enim Dominus qui sunt eius --- Kill them all, let God sort them out"

Abbot Arnaud Amalric, during the massacre of Beziers, 1209

The xtian version of 'Peace on Earth' is an interesting concept.

Yes, we are aware that in the past, the elites and rules of this world, used fake religion to convince the ignorant to fight.

So let's go back to..... oh I don't know.... .TODAY... and try the conversation again.

You realize I could go back in time and point to some crazy Jewish events, and say look at those Jews killing in the name of G-d. But I don't do that because..... that's childish and stupid.
WHy would he force himself on those who reject him?


"Caedite eos. Novit enim Dominus qui sunt eius --- Kill them all, let God sort them out"

Abbot Arnaud Amalric, during the massacre of Beziers, 1209

The xtian version of 'Peace on Earth' is an interesting concept.

Nice try, but anyone who has a modicum of common sense and intellectual honesty knows that when a person or a religious group acts in direct contradiction to the teachings of Jesus, the very foundation of the faith they claim to belong to, then they are acting on their OWN, it has nothing to do with Jesus or true Christianity.

Jesus said to LOVE your neighbors and even love your enemies, and pray for them. Jesus also said that when someone doesn't want to hear the message of the Gospel, shake the dust off your feet, turn around and leave that place. He never said to force people to believe or to kill people or anything like that.

So, to continually bring up things from ages ago that is about empty or corrupt religion, or politics, and not Jesus, is either incredibly dense, or dishonest. Which is it?

Historically, the xtian way of 'loving your enemy' was to force their conversion before putting them to the sword so they could more quickly enjoy the heavenly reward.
WHy would he force himself on those who reject him?


"Caedite eos. Novit enim Dominus qui sunt eius --- Kill them all, let God sort them out"

Abbot Arnaud Amalric, during the massacre of Beziers, 1209

The xtian version of 'Peace on Earth' is an interesting concept.

Nice try, but anyone who has a modicum of common sense and intellectual honesty knows that when a person or a religious group acts in direct contradiction to the teachings of Jesus, the very foundation of the faith they claim to belong to, then they are acting on their OWN, it has nothing to do with Jesus or true Christianity.

Jesus said to LOVE your neighbors and even love your enemies, and pray for them. Jesus also said that when someone doesn't want to hear the message of the Gospel, shake the dust off your feet, turn around and leave that place. He never said to force people to believe or to kill people or anything like that.

So, to continually bring up things from ages ago that is about empty or corrupt religion, or politics, and not Jesus, is either incredibly dense, or dishonest. Which is it?

Historically, the xtian way of 'loving your enemy' was to force their conversion before putting them to the sword so they could more quickly enjoy the heavenly reward.


And let's keep in mind that historically the church was slaughtered for their faith. Drowning them in freezing water. Sending them off to be killed by lions. Historically there is lots of stuff going on all over the place.

Historically, Islam was born in slaughtering people.

Historically, the Jews killed Chrisitians, and then Rome killed Christians.

Historically this, and historically that.

So.... Back to today..... and what is relevant to us Today? I don't see Christians forming crusades to retake the holy land from the Jews.

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