Jewish testimonies (I absolutely love these)

WHy would he force himself on those who reject him?


"Caedite eos. Novit enim Dominus qui sunt eius --- Kill them all, let God sort them out"

Abbot Arnaud Amalric, during the massacre of Beziers, 1209

The xtian version of 'Peace on Earth' is an interesting concept.

Nice try, but anyone who has a modicum of common sense and intellectual honesty knows that when a person or a religious group acts in direct contradiction to the teachings of Jesus, the very foundation of the faith they claim to belong to, then they are acting on their OWN, it has nothing to do with Jesus or true Christianity.

Jesus said to LOVE your neighbors and even love your enemies, and pray for them. Jesus also said that when someone doesn't want to hear the message of the Gospel, shake the dust off your feet, turn around and leave that place. He never said to force people to believe or to kill people or anything like that.

So, to continually bring up things from ages ago that is about empty or corrupt religion, or politics, and not Jesus, is either incredibly dense, or dishonest. Which is it?

Historically, the xtian way of 'loving your enemy' was to force their conversion before putting them to the sword so they could more quickly enjoy the heavenly reward.


And let's keep in mind that historically the church was slaughtered for their faith. Drowning them in freezing water. Sending them off to be killed by lions. Historically there is lots of stuff going on all over the place.

Historically, Islam was born in slaughtering people.

Historically, the Jews killed Chrisitians, and then Rome killed Christians.

Historically this, and historically that.

So.... Back to today..... and what is relevant to us Today? I don't see Christians forming crusades to retake the holy land from the Jews.

I think you were far too generous with him in this post. There has always been wolves in sheep's clothing, false people who claim one thing but whose actions clearly show the exact opposite.

As you know, Jesus said that we can know a person by their fruits. He said a good tree cannot bear bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit.

So again, for fnecco, I repeat, when corrupt, counterfeit religious groups do the exact opposite of what Jesus said, they are acting on their OWN and it has nothing to do with Jesus or true Christianity.

For fnecco to continue to not get that, makes me wonder if he is sincerely not understanding, or dishonest.
Historically, the xtian way of 'loving your enemy' was to force their conversion before putting them to the sword so they could more quickly enjoy the heavenly reward.

How many years have passed since this took place?
Historically, the xtian way of 'loving your enemy' was to force their conversion before putting them to the sword so they could more quickly enjoy the heavenly reward.

How many years have passed since this took place?

Just over 70 since the last church sanctioned slaughter of Jews.

However, the attempts to convert have never ended.
Another really good one. This woman is smart and wise. I love independent thinkers, people who put truth first, above tradition and customs!

Also, she brings up a very important point that relates to the sentiment we can clearly see here on this thread. That particular point is about halfway through it, but the whole thing should be watched.

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By the way, these are testimonies of Jewish professionals… Many of them are doctors, lawyers, highly educated people.
How many (if any) of them were religious Jews?

I'm not sure what that would be relevant, since all according to the testimonies I watched, indicated a clear Jewish up bringing.

Now I will grant you that having a strict and consistent practicing Jew convert, is more difficult than a more secular Jew.

However.... if you want an example of a clear orthodox Jew converting:

This guy not only grew up in the synagogue, he was president of the synagogue, when he turned to Jesus Christ the Lord.

He didn't say that he was an orthodox Jew. Neither he said that he was a faithful religious person.
He did say, that he was a drummer in a club.
He did say that he left his Jewish roots.
He did say that he had drug and alcohol problem.
He did say, that he began visiting synagoge, but only after his psychologist recommended it.
He did say, that he was an administrator (president) in a synagogue. Apparently, they had a serious problem with volunteeres, if they have to turn to a former drunker and addict.

And such stupid videos are supposed to impress somebody? Well, may be Christians, but certanly not Jews.
Think I'll go out and talk to the Jehovah's Witnesses.

I might get more out of it.

Just over 70 since the last church sanctioned slaughter of Jews.

However, the attempts to convert have never ended.
First, I assume you are in error about Pope Pius during World War II. Second, the Catholic Church does not go out and convert Jews. We do not go door-to-door; we do not stand on street corners or in airports. We simply proclaim the Gospel and anyone who wishes to come in and hear are welcome. Catholic means open and welcome to everyone.

In middle school, one of my daughter's best friends (Jewish family) was asking about the organization Jews for Jesus. I explained to her that Jews were against that organization because it still presented and expected Jews to accept Jesus as the son of God--that one could be Jew or be Christian but not both.

I also have a Goddaughter who was in a situation where her Jewish mother had passed away and was raised by her Catholic father. Later on in life, she talked to me because she wanted to explore, and perhaps return to her Jewish roots. What did I think. It clearly meant a lot to her, and I encouraged her--and yes the result is that she did give up her Christian faith.

A person's faith touches their very heart, their spirit, their soul. No one should get in the way of the Holy Spirit (or the spirit of God).

Yes, many of us Monday morning quarterbacks wish Pope Pius had done more, but it is vastly unfair ti accuse the man of sanctioning the slaughter of anyone. Further, he, the Vatican, and a future Pope, did much to help the Jews. No one--not nations, not fellow citizens, not Christians, Muslims, Hindus or the news media did enough.
Just over 70 since the last church sanctioned slaughter of Jews.

However, the attempts to convert have never ended.
First, I assume you are in error about Pope Pius during World War II. Second, the Catholic Church does not go out and convert Jews. We do not go door-to-door; we do not stand on street corners or in airports. We simply proclaim the Gospel and anyone who wishes to come in and hear are welcome. Catholic means open and welcome to everyone.

In middle school, one of my daughter's best friends (Jewish family) was asking about the organization Jews for Jesus. I explained to her that Jews were against that organization because it still presented and expected Jews to accept Jesus as the son of God--that one could be Jew or be Christian but not both.

I also have a Goddaughter who was in a situation where her Jewish mother had passed away and was raised by her Catholic father. Later on in life, she talked to me because she wanted to explore, and perhaps return to her Jewish roots. What did I think. It clearly meant a lot to her, and I encouraged her--and yes the result is that she did give up her Christian faith.

A person's faith touches their very heart, their spirit, their soul. No one should get in the way of the Holy Spirit (or the spirit of God).

Yes, many of us Monday morning quarterbacks wish Pope Pius had done more, but it is vastly unfair ti accuse the man of sanctioning the slaughter of anyone. Further, he, the Vatican, and a future Pope, did much to help the Jews. No one--not nations, not fellow citizens, not Christians, Muslims, Hindus or the news media did enough.

buttercup-----your reply is full of holes-----nice, but full of holes-----right now
you are talking up TODAY's catholic church----in general. There is an almost
2000 year history of REAL FILTH --------and as a group----jews still carry that
legacy which did include lots of murder, forced conversion and even theft of
children. Leave the hindus out of your list of "not enough"----they were not
the problem. As to pius------<spit>
Just over 70 since the last church sanctioned slaughter of Jews.

However, the attempts to convert have never ended.
First, I assume you are in error about Pope Pius during World War II. Second, the Catholic Church does not go out and convert Jews. We do not go door-to-door; we do not stand on street corners or in airports. We simply proclaim the Gospel and anyone who wishes to come in and hear are welcome. Catholic means open and welcome to everyone.

In middle school, one of my daughter's best friends (Jewish family) was asking about the organization Jews for Jesus. I explained to her that Jews were against that organization because it still presented and expected Jews to accept Jesus as the son of God--that one could be Jew or be Christian but not both.

I also have a Goddaughter who was in a situation where her Jewish mother had passed away and was raised by her Catholic father. Later on in life, she talked to me because she wanted to explore, and perhaps return to her Jewish roots. What did I think. It clearly meant a lot to her, and I encouraged her--and yes the result is that she did give up her Christian faith.

A person's faith touches their very heart, their spirit, their soul. No one should get in the way of the Holy Spirit (or the spirit of God).

Yes, many of us Monday morning quarterbacks wish Pope Pius had done more, but it is vastly unfair ti accuse the man of sanctioning the slaughter of anyone. Further, he, the Vatican, and a future Pope, did much to help the Jews. No one--not nations, not fellow citizens, not Christians, Muslims, Hindus or the news media did enough.

buttercup-----your reply is full of holes-----nice, but full of holes-----right now
you are talking up TODAY's catholic church----in general. There is an almost
2000 year history of REAL FILTH --------and as a group----jews still carry that
legacy which did include lots of murder, forced conversion and even theft of
children. Leave the hindus out of your list of "not enough"----they were not
the problem. As to pius------<spit>

Why did you say my name? That was not my post. I don't even agree with much of what she said, so please understand that Catholics and non-Catholics do not always hold the same beliefs. Thank you.
more idiotic bullshit

Did you even watch it? It doesn't sound like it. But on the other hand, you're an atheist, right? So, it's completely understandable that you would find spiritual matters idiotic.
Just over 70 since the last church sanctioned slaughter of Jews.

However, the attempts to convert have never ended.
First, I assume you are in error about Pope Pius during World War II. Second, the Catholic Church does not go out and convert Jews. We do not go door-to-door; we do not stand on street corners or in airports. We simply proclaim the Gospel and anyone who wishes to come in and hear are welcome. Catholic means open and welcome to everyone.

In middle school, one of my daughter's best friends (Jewish family) was asking about the organization Jews for Jesus. I explained to her that Jews were against that organization because it still presented and expected Jews to accept Jesus as the son of God--that one could be Jew or be Christian but not both.

I also have a Goddaughter who was in a situation where her Jewish mother had passed away and was raised by her Catholic father. Later on in life, she talked to me because she wanted to explore, and perhaps return to her Jewish roots. What did I think. It clearly meant a lot to her, and I encouraged her--and yes the result is that she did give up her Christian faith.

A person's faith touches their very heart, their spirit, their soul. No one should get in the way of the Holy Spirit (or the spirit of God).

Yes, many of us Monday morning quarterbacks wish Pope Pius had done more, but it is vastly unfair ti accuse the man of sanctioning the slaughter of anyone. Further, he, the Vatican, and a future Pope, did much to help the Jews. No one--not nations, not fellow citizens, not Christians, Muslims, Hindus or the news media did enough.

buttercup-----your reply is full of holes-----nice, but full of holes-----right now
you are talking up TODAY's catholic church----in general. There is an almost
2000 year history of REAL FILTH --------and as a group----jews still carry that
legacy which did include lots of murder, forced conversion and even theft of
children. Leave the hindus out of your list of "not enough"----they were not
the problem. As to pius------<spit>

Why did you say my name? That was not my post. I don't even agree with much of what she said, so please understand that Catholics and non-Catholics do not always hold the same beliefs. Thank you.

oh----sorry------over to you MERRI. -----a story for buttercup. The first
THEOLOGICAL argument that I heard-----age six-------between two classmates.
Catholic Lenore-----and Protestant Sandy. P. Sandy said to C. Lenore
the little girls were sorta bitter and angry over this issue. I was clueless
It is not clear to me why a psalm of david is considered a
Jesus is the Word.

His life was a living parable showing us that he is the word of God.

It’s not a prophecy. It’s a validation.

huh? david wrote poetry ------actually not parables what is
"validating" what (when and how?)
Jesus’ life was a living parable. He is the Word.

oh-----just a word-----ok------I once thought it was a living human bean type
thing------just another word AMONG BILLIONS
Everything was created for and through the Word of God.

oh----ok -----so I (rosie) am DA WORD too-------sorta
more idiotic bullshit

Did you even watch it? It doesn't sound like it. But on the other hand, you're an atheist, right? So, it's completely understandable that you would find spiritual matters idiotic.

even more idiotic bullshit--------buttercup----got a link to the post in which I declared
myself an atheist? I have talked to lots of people who had sudden religious
insights------one who decided an angel spoke to her came up with a positive
VDRL (a test for syphilis) -----spinal tap confirmed neurosyphilis. I consider
my evaluation of that patient to be INSPIRED
more idiotic bullshit

Did you even watch it? It doesn't sound like it. But on the other hand, you're an atheist, right? So, it's completely understandable that you would find spiritual matters idiotic.

even more idiotic bullshit--------buttercup----got a link to the post in which I declared
myself an atheist? I have talked to lots of people who had sudden religious
insights------one who decided an angel spoke to her came up with a positive
VDRL (a test for syphilis) -----spinal tap confirmed neurosyphilis. I consider
my evaluation of that patient to be INSPIRED

That's why I put a question mark at the end of that, because I wasn't 100% sure. BUT, I could've sworn that somewhere on this thread you presented yourself as a secular Jew. So based on your posts, I guessed you were either atheist or agnostic. But I don't like guessing, and in fact, I'm pretty sure I asked you directly what your beliefs are, but you never answered...unless I missed your reply.
more idiotic bullshit

Did you even watch it? It doesn't sound like it. But on the other hand, you're an atheist, right? So, it's completely understandable that you would find spiritual matters idiotic.

even more idiotic bullshit--------buttercup----got a link to the post in which I declared
myself an atheist? I have talked to lots of people who had sudden religious
insights------one who decided an angel spoke to her came up with a positive
VDRL (a test for syphilis) -----spinal tap confirmed neurosyphilis. I consider
my evaluation of that patient to be INSPIRED

That's why I put a question mark at the end of that, because I wasn't 100% sure. BUT, I could've sworn that somewhere on this thread you presented yourself as a secular Jew. So based on your posts, I guessed you were either atheist or agnostic. But I don't like guessing, and in fact, I'm pretty sure I asked you directly what your beliefs are, but you never answered...unless I missed your reply.

secular is not the same as atheist -----especially when jews are talking
to EACH OTHER------usually they mean not OBSERVANT OF RITUALS---
or----not ALL THAT observant. I did comment that my UPBRINGING
was secular (very little attendance on ritual) and that I had no jewish education
whatsoever ----which means afterschool "Hebrew school" and camp and
stuff like that. I was an avid reader------so OF COURSE I read the NT----
In my town little old ladies handed out pocket size versions-----my vision was
good------today I would need a magnifying glass. Eventually I read the ' OT '
as a teen I learned in a SECULAR CLASS----to read Hebrew.------I also read
the Koran and the Bhagavad Gita (in english) and-----of course THE KAMA SUDTRA (in English).
If you have no grasp of either Hebrew or Judaism or its history----reading the
either the OT or NT is not much of an experience IMO. I have a serious
question------who do you think were the money changers in the temple that
Jesus WANTED OUT and why did he want them out?
more idiotic bullshit

Did you even watch it? It doesn't sound like it. But on the other hand, you're an atheist, right? So, it's completely understandable that you would find spiritual matters idiotic.

even more idiotic bullshit--------buttercup----got a link to the post in which I declared
myself an atheist? I have talked to lots of people who had sudden religious
insights------one who decided an angel spoke to her came up with a positive
VDRL (a test for syphilis) -----spinal tap confirmed neurosyphilis. I consider
my evaluation of that patient to be INSPIRED

That's why I put a question mark at the end of that, because I wasn't 100% sure. BUT, I could've sworn that somewhere on this thread you presented yourself as a secular Jew. So based on your posts, I guessed you were either atheist or agnostic. But I don't like guessing, and in fact, I'm pretty sure I asked you directly what your beliefs are, but you never answered...unless I missed your reply.

secular is not the same as atheist -----especially when jews are talking
to EACH OTHER------usually they mean not OBSERVANT OF RITUALS---
or----not ALL THAT observant. I did comment that my UPBRINGING
was secular (very little attendance on ritual) and that I had no jewish education
whatsoever ----which means afterschool "Hebrew school" and camp and
stuff like that. I was an avid reader------so OF COURSE I read the NT----
In my town little old ladies handed out pocket size versions-----my vision was
good------today I would need a magnifying glass. Eventually I read the ' OT '
as a teen I learned in a SECULAR CLASS----to read Hebrew.------I also read
the Koran and the Bhagavad Gita (in english) and-----of course THE KAMA SUDTRA (in English).
If you have no grasp of either Hebrew or Judaism or its history----reading the
either the OT or NT is not much of an experience IMO. I have a serious
question------who do you think were the money changers in the temple that
Jesus WANTED OUT and why did he want them out?

Yes, I know that secular isn't the same as atheist, I wasn't going by only that one comment but your posts overall...but like I said, I wasn't sure. Anyway, thanks for elaborating.

As for the money changers, I don't know who were they exactly, but they were definitely opportunistic and cared more about making a profit than respecting that house of God. I think Jesus was mad for multiple reasons. The exploitation, greed, and of course the fact that all of this was taking place in (or near) the temple, which is blasphemous. Why do you ask?
Jesus is the Word.

His life was a living parable showing us that he is the word of God.

It’s not a prophecy. It’s a validation.

huh? david wrote poetry ------actually not parables what is
"validating" what (when and how?)
Jesus’ life was a living parable. He is the Word.

oh-----just a word-----ok------I once thought it was a living human bean type
thing------just another word AMONG BILLIONS
Everything was created for and through the Word of God.

oh----ok -----so I (rosie) am DA WORD too-------sorta
You are certainly something that’s for sure.
I simply meant that Christians are under the NEW covenant,

Goodie. So are the Muslims, the Buddhists, the Zoroastrians, the Druids, and the Satanists.
Everyone has their own set of rules. The difference between them and the xtians is, for the most part, they don't knock on my door at dinner time and ask me if I've heard the 'good news'.

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