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Jewish vandals smash tombstones in Jerusalem Christian cemetery

We are not speaking about what Jordan did decades ago, we are speaking about Zionists present and decades long practice of desecreating Christian graves.

Over 500 villages were destroyed at the beginning of Israels ethnic cleansing venture, grave desecrations are attempts to wipe out all traces of the indigenous peoples presence.

Grave desecrations are all an integral part of the Zionist ethnic cleansing operation.

Anyone defending this are simply participants/conspirators in the ethnic cleansing operation.
Nobody is defending the practice. Your ridiculous charges are not to be believed.

Where is your condemnation of the decades long practice of the ethnic cleansing of Christians and the desecration of their graves?

What does a condemntion helps you?

You found your way into generalizing those wackos to all zionists.

He condemns, you again spit hatred about how evil Zionists are. condemntion...non condemtion, to you it's the same.

So why bother anyway.
Morons. Hopefully they'll be delt with iron fist.

No no , stooop !!! :talktothehand: Shoot the scene again , please play a bit more realistic , okay , are you ready , one two three sceneee !

I will make you a big movie star :thanks:

There is no room for graves-trashers among us. Yes, it's realisic.

Last thing we need is to start acting like our haters.

Just because we don't want to be like YOU, doesn't mean its unrealistic to believe those guys should be locked up and learn how to behave.

So chill.
ZIONISTS have been living out hate every single day for the past 65 years

Present day stories of grave desecrations are just a continuation of ethnic cleansing in Palestine.

Nothing new !
Wikipedia is only as good as its sources are.

Maan is a news source reporting news in Palestine, for news there, of course a superior source to Wikipedia,

Many stories are AP or AFP sourced, to address their reporting of news outside Palestine.

I am still laughing that you use PressTV as a source.

I laugh every day at Zionists.

Laughter is a healthy pastime.
I'm not laughing. I'm crying because I have to wait another 36 hours. Damn these restrictions!
The erasure of history (Israel gives go-ahead to desecration of Mamilla cemetery)

It’s official: on Tuesday, the Israeli government gave the Simon Wiesenthal Center the go-ahead to begin digging the foundation of its so-called Museum of Tolerance, a name that would be ironic if Israel’s political discourse hadn’t become so mutilated that words like”tolerance” had simply stopped meaning anything. The museum is set to be built on the site of Jerusalem’s*Mamilla cemetery, a storied Muslim burial ground that dates to the 7th Century. Already hundreds of graves have been dug up and desecrated to make room for the*angled planes*of the Tolerance center, and the museum’s construction crews are now free to build on thousands more.The historical and religious importance of Mamilla cemetery (originally the Ma’man Allah cemetery) is well documented. Situated half a kilometer west of the Old City’s walls, the cemetery is reputed to contain the remains of some of Jerusalem’s oldest, most celebrated families as well as those of religious leaders, pilgrims, officers and soldiers of Saladin’s army, every-day Jerusalemites, and even companions of the Prophet Muhammad. In its graves lie the secrets and stories of centuries of Palestinian history, most if not all of which managed to survived Persian siege, Christian crusades, Ottoman conquest, and British rule. Indeed, it was only after west Jerusalem was absorbed into Israel in 1948 that the “indignities” began, as Rashid Khalidi*explains*in an elegant essay recently published in Jadaliyya. (Khalidi’s ancestors are, or at least were, among those buried in the Mamilla Cemetery, and he has been a leader of the*Campaign to Preserve Mamilla Jerusalem Cemetery.)

The erasure of history (Israel gives go-ahead to desecration of Mamilla cemetery) | Mondoweiss
In follow-up to my letter dated 9 April 2010*(A/ES-10/486-S/2010/184) and the letter dated 20 April 2010 from the Permanent Representative of Kuwait (A/64/751-S/2010/202), I am compelled to once again draw your attention to the very serious matter of the continued desecration and destruction by Israel of the historic Muslim Ma’man Allah (Mamilla) Cemetery in Jerusalem. These deplorable actions are being undertaken as the Israeli authorities continue to attempt to clear these hallowed grounds for the construction of a so-called “Centre for Human Dignity and Museum of Tolerance” as well as the construction of a “judicial complex” on another part of the Cemetery. The building of such institutions of “tolerance” and “justice” via the disinterment of human remains and the destruction of hundreds and hundreds of graves is obscene and appalling and should be offensive to any individual with moral conscience and basic human sensitivity.

As noted in the earlier letters, the Mamilla Cemetery is an ancient Muslim burial ground and holy site dating back at least to the twelfth century, where thousands of Palestinian families, religious figures and officials, scholars and martyrs have been laid to rest. For decades, this Cemetery has been recognized as a historic site, central to the Islamic religious sites and heritage in the City of Jerusalem, and was declared a historic site by the Muslim Supreme Council in 1927 and an antiquities site by the British Mandate authorities in 1944. For hundreds of years the Waqf (Islamic Endowment) of Jerusalem had cared for the Cemetery, but it has been prevented by Israel from accessing the Cemetery grounds since 1967, causing it to fall into disrepair. Even families of the deceased who have attempted over the years to repair and clean gravesites have faced obstructions, with repairs being destroyed or removed by Israeli authorities, ensuring that the Cemetery remains in constant disrepair.

A/64/902-S/2010/445 of 24 August 2010
Jews smashing Christian tombstones has been a regular Jewish national pastime for decades.

We see who Jews in Israel are by this continuing practice still in occurrence.

Sherri makes a good point-----we see what jews are and what isa respecters are----
Jews have absolutely no past history or reputation or either house of worship or cemetary
desecration ----until very very recently -----but jews have been subjected to the same by
scummy isa respecters for more than 1700 years Of course it is a big shock to the vile
isa respecters to face the fact that jews can eumlate---however mildly the the filth of
the isa respecters To add insult to injury---what do the jews do??? ARREST THEIR
VERY OWN something isa-respecters NEVER DID---NEVER DO and---lets face facts----
never will. How many were arrested just for superficial damage to headstones?
......and how many were arrested when isa respecters destroyed the ancient tomb of
joseph -----when isa respecters destroyed the ancient tomb of EZEKIEL or----must two
years ago when in the name of ISA/ALLAH---isa respecters not only trashed a very important synagogue SHRINE in Tunisia----but also ----something like the CHERRY ON TOP----destroyed manuscripts 2500 years old?

Of course jews are not the only victims of isa respecting filth----as soon as the MOGHUL
pig isa-respecters entered north India-----they spread their own filth upon the hindu
holy city of AYODHIYA and builtl their own symbol of filth and depravity right over the
maing hindu temple there-----to wit the BABRI MOSQUE

why lost opportunities snort the isa respecters-----they also put one of their own symbols
of filth over a synagogue----built some 1800 years ago in LAHORE ---cynically stealing
carved decorations from the holy sanctuary to festoon their own dung heap

well----the list of isa respecting atrocities regarding holy sites is endless------whether
they are shrines, temples, cemetaries---or whatever ----but now FINALLY some jews
did it too.

I support an internationial comittee for the PROTECTION OF HOLY SITES ----and for
the recovery of past pillages. Jews lived in Yathrib, Arabia for more than 1000 years
BEFORE the rapist pig was born------1000 years of yeshivas, synagogues and
cemetaries------the best place to start is a thorough excavation of the city of
Yathrib (now called medina) so that all holy places can be restored there.
Sheeri did make an excellent point-------good for you sherri-----perhaps you can
fast until the city of Yathrib---now called medina ---is fully excavated
The erasure of history (Israel gives go-ahead to desecration of Mamilla cemetery)

It’s official: on Tuesday, the Israeli government gave the Simon Wiesenthal Center the go-ahead to begin digging the foundation of its so-called Museum of Tolerance, a name that would be ironic if Israel’s political discourse hadn’t become so mutilated that words like”tolerance” had simply stopped meaning anything. The museum is set to be built on the site of Jerusalem’s*Mamilla cemetery, a storied Muslim burial ground that dates to the 7th Century. Already hundreds of graves have been dug up and desecrated to make room for the*angled planes*of the Tolerance center, and the museum’s construction crews are now free to build on thousands more.The historical and religious importance of Mamilla cemetery (originally the Ma’man Allah cemetery) is well documented. Situated half a kilometer west of the Old City’s walls, the cemetery is reputed to contain the remains of some of Jerusalem’s oldest, most celebrated families as well as those of religious leaders, pilgrims, officers and soldiers of Saladin’s army, every-day Jerusalemites, and even companions of the Prophet Muhammad. In its graves lie the secrets and stories of centuries of Palestinian history, most if not all of which managed to survived Persian siege, Christian crusades, Ottoman conquest, and British rule. Indeed, it was only after west Jerusalem was absorbed into Israel in 1948 that the “indignities” began, as Rashid Khalidi*explains*in an elegant essay recently published in Jadaliyya. (Khalidi’s ancestors are, or at least were, among those buried in the Mamilla Cemetery, and he has been a leader of the*Campaign to Preserve Mamilla Jerusalem Cemetery.)

The erasure of history (Israel gives go-ahead to desecration of Mamilla cemetery) | Mondoweiss
Jerusalem doesn't have room to build structures. When it's deemed necessary to relocate a cemetary, years pass before all the legal and administrative details are worked out. (because of the protests and petitions) The excavations and relocations are performed with dignity and respect, attended by the public, officials and dignataries. It's not as if it's done the Arab way, plowing up the graves and feeding the bones to their starving, mangy dogs.
PS----in the excavations to be done in Arabia----of course I include studies of the
zoroastrians sites that were similarly defiled by the isa respecting pigs of arabia.

We can get to the rest of the extensive damage wrought by their filth---thruout
africa and Asia-----later---------
Speaking of HISTORY-----it is a fact that jews who lived in Arabia for
more than 1000 years before and "DURING" the lifetime of the rapist
pig were literate. In fact they even developed a WRITTEN --hebraized
form of arabic------most likely before arabic itself had an alphabet.

the complete excavation of sites were jews lived---ESPECIALLY YATHRIB--
now called 'medina' by isa respecters-----will provide man kind with a
true history of that time------a history which is at this time still shrouded in
secrecy and under the rubble of isa-respector pillage and murder.

I am sure that sherri will fast until that excavation is commenced
ZIONISTS have been living out hate every single day for the past 65 years

Present day stories of grave desecrations are just a continuation of ethnic cleansing in Palestine.

Nothing new !

The most hateful person here dares to criticize others.

Now THAT is funny.

Lipush----sherri does not critisize-----she parrots isa-respecting material. It is
nothing new. In fact it is very old-----It was old when Josef Goebbels
REPEATED IT---way back in the 1930s
ZIONISTS have been living out hate every single day for the past 65 years

Present day stories of grave desecrations are just a continuation of ethnic cleansing in Palestine.

Nothing new !

The most hateful person here dares to criticize others.

Now THAT is funny.

I am not a Zionist and among the people carrying out a brutal Occupation and attacking and killing children with chemical weapons.

That last paragraph describes you and your Tribe.

The Zionist way is Ethnic Cleansing and Apartheid and Colonialism and Occupation.

That defines Zionism.

That is who you are.

This is what Zionists do to children.



Her name is Farah Halima.

She was the victim of an Israeli chemical weapons attack.

Zionists deliberately targeted her house in Gaza with 3 White Phosphorous shells.

The attack killed Farah's grandfather and 3 or 4 of her young uncles and aunts, one just a baby under a year old.

And Farah's own mother died a few weeks after the attack from severe burns suffered.

Farah has burns and scars all over her body she will carry with her for the rest of her life.

That is the Hate of Zionism on full display.

So, please do not speak of Hate to me.

Last edited:
ZIONISTS have been living out hate every single day for the past 65 years

Present day stories of grave desecrations are just a continuation of ethnic cleansing in Palestine.

Nothing new !

The most hateful person here dares to criticize others.

Now THAT is funny.

I am not a Zionist and among the people carrying out a brutal Occupation and attacking and killing children with chemical weapons.

That last paragraph describes you and your Tribe.

The Zionist way is Ethnic Cleansing and Apartheid and Colonialism and Occupation.

That defines Zionism.

That is who you are.

This is what Zionists do to children.



Her name is Farah Halima.

She was the victim of an Israeli chemical weapons attack.

Zionists deliberately targeted her house in Gaza with 3 White Phosphorous shells.

The attack killed Farah's grandfather and 3 or 4 of her young uncles and aunts, one just a baby under a year old.

And Farah's own mother died a few weeks after the attack from severe burns suffered.

Farah has burns and scars all over her body she will carry with her for the rest of her life.

That is the Hate of Zionism on full display.

So, please do not speak of Hate to me.

What happened to that child is sad.

But for what I see, that even though she was injured, she's still alive.

Can the same be told about Shalhevet Pass?


10 months old baby, was shot to death while sleeping in her crib
, Palestinian sniper aimed his rifle at her, at the baby, and pulled the trigger.


Shalhevet was shot in her head. Her bunny was covered in blood in her stroller.

Is what what Palestinians represent?

Because those kind of people I don't want to have peace with! I just want them GONE!
Some people just love destruction, it defines who they are.

quite a statement for an isa-respecter with whose fellows she stands on the
dead bodies of hundreds of millions murdered in the name of their 'god'---
plus endless pillage and endless depravity AND COUNTING
The most hateful person here dares to criticize others.

Now THAT is funny.

I am not a Zionist and among the people carrying out a brutal Occupation and attacking and killing children with chemical weapons.

That last paragraph describes you and your Tribe.

The Zionist way is Ethnic Cleansing and Apartheid and Colonialism and Occupation.

That defines Zionism.

That is who you are.

This is what Zionists do to children.



Her name is Farah Halima.

She was the victim of an Israeli chemical weapons attack.

Zionists deliberately targeted her house in Gaza with 3 White Phosphorous shells.

The attack killed Farah's grandfather and 3 or 4 of her young uncles and aunts, one just a baby under a year old.

And Farah's own mother died a few weeks after the attack from severe burns suffered.

Farah has burns and scars all over her body she will carry with her for the rest of her life.

That is the Hate of Zionism on full display.

So, please do not speak of Hate to me.

What happened to that child is sad.

But for what I see, that even though she was injured, she's still alive.

Can the same be told about Shalhevet Pass?


10 months old baby, was shot to death while sleeping in her crib
, Palestinian sniper aimed his rifle at her, at the baby, and pulled the trigger.


Shalhevet was shot in her head. Her bunny was covered in blood in her stroller.

Is what what Palestinians represent?

Because those kind of people I don't want to have peace with! I just want them GONE!

If Israel had not been an Occupier in Palestine,
it would not have happened.

Poor baby, to have the misfortune to be born to Zionist land thieves.

And in my story, there was a baby girl killed too, who was 1.5 years in age. Her parents were not Zionist land thieves, they were the indigenous people of Palestine.
Last edited:
I am not a Zionist and among the people carrying out a brutal Occupation and attacking and killing children with chemical weapons.

That last paragraph describes you and your Tribe.

The Zionist way is Ethnic Cleansing and Apartheid and Colonialism and Occupation.

That defines Zionism.

That is who you are.

This is what Zionists do to children.



Her name is Farah Halima.

She was the victim of an Israeli chemical weapons attack.

Zionists deliberately targeted her house in Gaza with 3 White Phosphorous shells.

The attack killed Farah's grandfather and 3 or 4 of her young uncles and aunts, one just a baby under a year old.

And Farah's own mother died a few weeks after the attack from severe burns suffered.

Farah has burns and scars all over her body she will carry with her for the rest of her life.

That is the Hate of Zionism on full display.

So, please do not speak of Hate to me.

What happened to that child is sad.

But for what I see, that even though she was injured, she's still alive.

Can the same be told about Shalhevet Pass?


10 months old baby, was shot to death while sleeping in her crib
, Palestinian sniper aimed his rifle at her, at the baby, and pulled the trigger.


Shalhevet was shot in her head. Her bunny was covered in blood in her stroller.

Is what what Palestinians represent?

Because those kind of people I don't want to have peace with! I just want them GONE!

If Israel had not been an Occupier in Palestine,
it would not have happened.

Poor baby, to have the misfortune to be born to Zionist land thieves.

And in my story, there was a baby girl killed too, who was 1.5 years in age. Her parents were not Zionist land thieves, they were the indigenous people of Palestine.

"INDIGENOUS PEOPLE OF PALESTINE"? what a joke-----the only extant language
in the world that developed in Palestine----is hebrew. People who speak hebrew
have no trouble PRONOUNCING the world PALESTINE---which is a greek
corruption of 'pleshtim' ----the people sherri calls
palestinians-------cannot even pronounce what she thinks they are. Even Bedouins living in the Negev
are not indigenous to palestine----they are nomads who wandered in from arabia -----
well---for that matter---gypsies living in Pennsylvannia are not indigenous either ---
---the INUITS ---of Alaska are ----according to anthropologists---indigenous to Asia----
does sherri have any idea what she is talking about? She describes arab muslims
as if they were residents of an isolated land mass------like Australia for millenia.

Sherri----you did well to avoid the sciences -----you cannot think

how does one "STEAL" land from persons who never owned it?

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