Jews Are Never Called ‘Haters’ – Why Not?

Are you middle ground?

Yes. I don't think we can, should, would or could "kill all the Jews."

I do think we should oppose Jews in their quests -- or at least not support them. We should limit their grabs for power.

For instance, I would not allow Jews to hold higher political offices.

But I suspect no living Jew would call that "the middle ground." The Jew accepts nothing less than his complete domination of others. Any off-hand criticism of Jews is no less than a thousand Holocausts.

See where this leads?

But whatever. I suspect the power of Jews is on the wane. They have bought into their own propaganda and are not reproducing.
Are you middle ground?

Yes. I don't think we can, should, would or could "kill all the Jews."

I do think we should oppose Jews in their quests -- or at least not support them. We should limit their grabs for power.

For instance, I would not allow Jews to hold higher political offices.

But I suspect no living Jew would call that "the middle ground." The Jew accepts nothing less than his complete domination of others. Any off-hand criticism of Jews is no less than a thousand Holocausts.

See where this leads?

But whatever. I suspect the power of Jews is on the wane. They have bought into their own propaganda and are not reproducing.

No, that is not middle ground to me. I wonder who else thinks it is middle ground?
Are you middle ground?

Yes. I don't think we can, should, would or could "kill all the Jews."

I do think we should oppose Jews in their quests -- or at least not support them. We should limit their grabs for power.

For instance, I would not allow Jews to hold higher political offices.

But I suspect no living Jew would call that "the middle ground." The Jew accepts nothing less than his complete domination of others. Any off-hand criticism of Jews is no less than a thousand Holocausts.

See where this leads?

But whatever. I suspect the power of Jews is on the wane. They have bought into their own propaganda and are not reproducing.

No, that is not middle ground to me. I wonder who else thinks it is middle ground?

You prove my points along with your kinsman, Marc39. You are pro-Jew, all the way, can't see any other way. Fine. Just don't be shocked when others take the same tack!
I am not anti-semitic at all.

And actually worry that people will finally get fed up with the Jews and cause them harm.

History has shown this to be the case over and over;

as Jews have been killed and driven out of countless countries throughout history.

My solution to the Jewish problem.

Would be to round them up world wide and find and island to quarantine them on.

There are several islands in the world that could easily contain the 13 million Jews that currently reside in various nations and Israel.

This way the Jews could build the ultimate Hebrew society they have always dreamed of.

Several gun boats would patrol the waters around the island to prevent any Jews from trying to escape.

This way the Jews could be protected from harm; and the world could finally have peace and security.

Thus a Win = Win for both Jews and Gentiles :thup:
You writing a book?

i think he's just slapping together every lie and misstatement he can think of.

and he's also playing fast and loose with the copyright rules...

but there ya go.

r u a h8ter? :lol:

I am not anti-semitic at all.

And actually worry that people will finally get fed up with the Jews and cause them harm.

History has shown this to be the case over and over;

as Jews have been killed and driven out of countless countries throughout history.

My solution to the Jewish problem.

Would be to round them up world wide and find and island to quarantine them on.

There are several islands in the world that could easily contain the 13 million Jews that currently reside in various nations and Israel.

This way the Jews could build the ultimate Hebrew society they have always dreamed of.

Several gun boats would patrol the waters around the island to prevent any Jews from trying to escape.

This way the Jews could be protected from harm; and the world could finally have peace and security.

Thus a Win = Win for both Jews and Gentiles :thup:

And you are a moderate Sunni?

Thanks for clarifying this Sunni Man. You are not all that far off of your fanatic brothers.
And you are a moderate Sunni?

Thanks for clarifying this Sunni Man. You are not all that far off of your fanatic brothers.
I am Not anti-semitic.

Just trying to figure out an equitable solution to the problem of the Jews.

They have been killed and kicked out of over 100 countries throughout history.

And in my mind it will happen again.

Surely, there is a solution to this never ending cycle of violence. :cool:
For what it is worth, there are those who see no solution BUT the total and complete elimination of Jews, physically. Alex Linder is one... you can Google him. Personally, I just don't think anyone could ever figure out who's Jewish and who isn't well enough to pull that off.

I have thought to myself, well, why not just oppose their POLICIES? Not them, personally? Problem is conservatives have tried this for decades, without success. A major problem does seem to be the very presence of Jews in our midst, so Sunni Man's idea is not so crazy.

Jews themselves are quite willing to create Jew-only territories and kill their enemies... are we not good enough for the same?
Jews themselves are quite willing to create Jew-only territories and kill their enemies... are we not good enough for the same?

Twenty percent of Israeli citizens are Arabians.
And you are a moderate Sunni?

Thanks for clarifying this Sunni Man. You are not all that far off of your fanatic brothers.
I am Not anti-semitic.

Just trying to figure out an equitable solution to the problem of the Jews.

They have been killed and kicked out of over 100 countries throughout history.

And in my mind it will happen again.

Surely, there is a solution to this never ending cycle of violence. :cool:

There is no 'Jewish problem'. There is an 'Islamic problem'. How about we take your solution and apply it to Muslims.

I used to think you were a decent man, now..... not so much. Shame on you.
Then what would be a solution/answer to keep people from being anti-semitic CG ??

The so called Holocaust had nothing to do with muslims.

It was Christian Germans committing violence against Jews.

Why? :confused:
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Jews Are Never Called ‘Haters’ – Why Not?

Simple, that would make you antisemetic.

Call me a hater all you want. Anti-semitism is Jew hating. Calling a Jew a hater is not ant-Semitic.

There are those that will call anyone not fully agreeing with Isralei actions antisemitic.

what other nation has a term that means you disagree with them.
Quite crafty of the Jews...

you know, i always find it sad when someone i respect says silly things.

anti-semitism has nothing to do with disagreement. it has to do with mindless hatred and conspiracy theories like the one set forth by the brain dead pieces of trash who have posted on this thread.

reality... some jews suck, some are terrific. like any other group. but generally, other groups don't have people spending a good deal of time trying to propagandize and create hate and get people killed.
Jews Are Never Called ‘Haters’ – Why Not?

Simple, that would make you antisemetic.

Call me a hater all you want. Anti-semitism is Jew hating. Calling a Jew a hater is not ant-Semitic.

There are those that will call anyone not fully agreeing with Isralei actions antisemitic.

what other nation has a term that means you disagree with them.
Quite crafty of the Jews...

what is amazing is you don't realize how bigotted your statement is

"crafty" jews....that has long been a slur, i could pick a dozen others for other groups of people and you would be all over me....but its cool to put down a jew, its the right thing to do, afterall, their crafty and sneaky little jews
Then what would be a solution/answer to keep people from being anti-semitic CG ??

The so called Holocaust had nothing to do with muslims.

It was Christian Germans committing violence against Jews.

Why? :confused:

The solution is to educate the stupid, not punish those who are the target.

Since you see this as a legitimate solution, my comment stands. It is the Muslims we should 'protect' on some island somewhere.

I used to think you were a decent guy, Sunni. Now you creep me out. I find your views disgusting. You may - or may not - be a 'good Muslim', but as an American, you're a failure. And.... as a human being, you're a disgrace. If you are representative of Muslims, then I really need to reconsider my views of 'you people'.
anti-semitism has nothing to do with disagreement. it has to do with mindless hatred and conspiracy theories like the one set forth by the brain dead pieces of trash who have posted on this thread.

Again, class, note the way in which Jews simply cannot accept the possibility that they are opposed for rational reasons. It's just "mindless hatred and conspiracy theories."

I mean, I'm pro-white, but if a black person resented being forced into slavery, I GET THAT. And I'm prepared to deal with the consequences.

If Jews were the slavemasters (and they actually WERE into that, trade-side), today, they'd find a way to twist it so that blacks would have to apologize to THEM, pay THEM reparations, and so forth. You'd be "anti-Semitic" if you opposed being enslaved by them!


A Palestinian who's just had his house bulldozed isn't a "mindless hater" into "conspiracy theories." He has a very real gripe against a very specific group. A Weimar-era German who sees Jews infecting every area of German society and turning it Soviet isn't a "mindless hater" -- he's accurately apprehending the reality in front of him, and accurately diagnosing the source of the problem.

generally, other groups don't have people spending a good deal of time trying to propagandize and create hate and get people killed.

Like the way Jews treat Arabs and white gentiles?

Jews are the ones who sit around plotting ways to weaken/kill their enemies... they just don't always go the physical route, thus, "conspiracy theories" emerge. Think of the Frankfurt School -- basically, academic warfare on European gentile society, and quite effective. But nobody ever picked up a gun. But Jews were motivated the same way: desire to get ahead and punish enemies.
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Call me a hater all you want. Anti-semitism is Jew hating. Calling a Jew a hater is not ant-Semitic.

There are those that will call anyone not fully agreeing with Isralei actions antisemitic.

what other nation has a term that means you disagree with them.
Quite crafty of the Jews...

what is amazing is you don't realize how bigotted your statement is

"crafty" jews....that has long been a slur, i could pick a dozen others for other groups of people and you would be all over me....but its cool to put down a jew, its the right thing to do, afterall, their crafty and sneaky little jews

And he continues on in his obliviousness to the response that his moderateness is anything but.

We see it clearly though.
Not true...Look it up, no here i will for you...Anti-Semitic |səˈmitik|
1 relating to or denoting a family of languages that includes Hebrew, Arabic, and Aramaic and certain ancient languages such as Phoenician and Akkadian, constituting the main subgroup of the Afro-Asiatic family.
2 of or relating to the peoples who speak these languages, esp. Hebrew and Arabic.
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Now daring someone to refute this.

Refute what?

Your opinion?

You are welcome to it. Keep it. Hold it close to your heart. Fill your heart with all those base negative feelings.

They will serve you well when your day is done.

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