Jews Are Never Called ‘Haters’ – Why Not?

Hitler signed off on the plan, but the Zionist Jews leaders rejected it.

Because they wanted a holocaust type of event to happen.

So that they would eventually realize their dream of creating Israel out of the ashes of the coming war.

In essence, the Zionist Jews leadership didn't care how many of their fellow Jews died in achieving their goal of stealing Palestine. :evil:

From your preaching to the converted websites?

Hitler signed off on the plan, but the Zionist Jews leaders rejected it.

Because they wanted a holocaust type of event to happen.

So that they would eventually realize their dream of creating Israel out of the ashes of the coming war.

From your preaching to the converted websites?

What sites are you talking about?

This is straight from the history books for anyone to read. :cool:
This is straight from the history books for anyone to read. :cool:


This article needs additional citations for verification.


Wiki does not = History Books Sunni Man.
Are you also denying that Hitler signed off on the "Madagascar Plan" in 1938 as a way to solve the Jewish Problem?

And are you also denying that the Jewish leadership rejected the plan?
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Are you denying that there was a "Madagascar Plan" within the German leadership?

I am saying that some of the details you show are not verified and you have your own opinion that has been inserted into the truth. Show proof that is documented and cited from reputable sources.

Truth when interspersed with unproven statements which are not backed up by facts are still unproven lies nevertheless.

You call to move all Jews of the World onto an island where they will be kept from the rest of the world by armed means.

You lose on that point alone. I know you don't see it, but you do your moderate brothers a harm with your immoderate stance that pretends to moderation.
I am saying that the German plan that Hitler signed off to was not the German plan that was being underwritten prior to Hitler's take over and that the sign off was to move them all into camps to move them finally to a permanent solution.

And furthermore. I say that is what you would likely want to do to them after you had moved the entire world's Jewry. Himmler was clear.

Himmler said:
I hope that the concept of Jews will be completely extinguished through the possibility of a large emigration of all Jews to Africa or some other colony."

The definitive word was "Extinguished". The second definitive word is Possibility. If not that possibility, then another possibility came through, now didn't it?

I am not anti-semitic at all.

And actually worry that people will finally get fed up with the Jews and cause them harm.

History has shown this to be the case over and over;

as Jews have been killed and driven out of countless countries throughout history.

My solution to the Jewish problem.

Would be to round them up world wide and find and island to quarantine them on.

There are several islands in the world that could easily contain the 13 million Jews that currently reside in various nations and Israel.

This way the Jews could build the ultimate Hebrew society they have always dreamed of.

Several gun boats would patrol the waters around the island to prevent any Jews from trying to escape.

This way the Jews could be protected from harm; and the world could finally have peace and security.

Thus a Win = Win for both Jews and Gentiles :thup:

I put forward that you look to the same views as Hitler did.
Ropey, you have never seen me post anything about harming the Jews.

I am a non violent person.

And am only worried about protecting the Jews from those who would cause them harm. :cool:
Ropey, you have never seen me post anything about harming the Jews.

I am a non violent person.

And am only worried about protecting the Jews from those who would cause them harm. :cool:

You just keep telling "yourself" that. How many elderly Jews would die in your move? I could go on and on...

Just keep telling yourself that you are concerned and care for the Jews.
There was no 'Jew' living in Judea (not possible), nor was a Zionist capable of creating an Israel 'state' without the help of something much more powerful than itself.

Canon Law supersedes Talmudic.

'Zionism' is a useful tool. Israeli companies are still hiring Palestinians, right under the noses of the Zionists. They are cheaper.

Most “anti-hate” groups were founded by, and are funded by, Jews. No article on “hate”/”anti-hate” is complete without a mention of the fact that the Jews are the Original Bigots. For centuries, they have considered themselves to be superior to other humans and their words and actions against them are the very definition of “hate.”

The Laws Against Non-Jews

AS EXPLAINED in Chapter 3, the Halakhah, that is the legal system of classical Judaism - as practiced by virtually all Jews from the 9th century to the end of the l8th and as maintained to this very day in the form of Orthodox Judaism - is based primarily on the Babylonian Talmud. However, because of the unwieldy complexity of the legal disputations recorded in the Talmud, more manageable codifications of talmudic law became necessary and were indeed compiled by successive generations of rabbinical scholars. Some of these have acquired great authority and are in general use. For this reasons we shall refer for the most part to such compilations (and their most reputable commentaries) rather than directly to the Talmud. It is however correct to assume that the compilation referred to reproduces faithfully the meaning of the talmudic text and the additions made by later scholars on the basis of that meaning.
WAY to long OP, link the rest of your story please. Thanks EZ
You just keep telling "yourself" that. How many elderly Jews would die in your move? I could go on and on...

Just keep telling yourself that you are concerned and care for the Jews.

I never posted anything about harming the Jews. :cool:

Now I know that the consanguinity coefficients are quite high amongst much of Islam, but you are a convert, so you don't even have that to fall back on. :razz:

If that is your depth of discernment, then I have only one response for you with regards to your views of moving the entire world's Jewry to an Island.

We already have one. It's called Israel and it is an Island surrounded by Muslims. We will stay there, thank you very much. :cool:




Didn't read. I never hear of any Jewish suicide bombers if that's what you're getting at.

Because Jews are cowards!

See above. Israel is the Red Piece.

:razz: It took me a while to get back to you divinman, but I've a good memory. :razz:

Billy-J, you don't seem happy today...

here's something to celebrate:

On this very day, January 11,1755, Alexander Hamilton born. While some sources say 1757, evidence from his birthplace suggest this date.

Born in Nevis, West Indies to Rachel Faucette Lavien and John Hamilton ( while still married to Johann Michael Lavien- may be Levine). The Church of England did not accept the Hamilton family's living situation, and denied Hamilton membership or education in the church school. Instead, the young Hamilton received some "individual tutoring" and classes in a private, Jewish school. (Hamilton’s mother, Rachel Faucett, after her separation from her Danish-Jewish husband John Michal Lavien, cohabited with a Scotsman, James Hamilton, in Nevis and gave birth to Alexander.

‘The Anglican Church could not offer full acceptance of the situation... (and) denied Alexander membership or education in the church school. He was enrolled in a private school on Nevis taught by a Jewish head mistress and ... soon was fluent in Hebrew and French.

I think I read this in Ron Chernow's "Alexander Hamilton."

Cheer you up?
Alexander Hamilton learn well form his Jewish teachers.

He was almost single handedly responsible for setting the U.S. banking institution that is now known as the Federal Reserve.

A Jewish ran banking cabal that has enslaved American taxpayers for several generations. :evil:
Alexander Hamilton learn well form his Jewish teachers.

He was almost single handedly responsible for setting the U.S. banking institution that is now known as the Federal Reserve.

A Jewish ran banking cabal that has enslaved American taxpayers for several generations. :evil:

You- you mean I'm a slave????

Why didn't you tell me before I bought a new dress!!!

You say, "We Jews" have never admitted doing anything wrong? It's not a human characteristic to defend ones self and to group of like cause? If you actually can't look at that statement and not see how far from reality a proposal like that is and how it delimits you. Not me.

Would you like to know some of this Jews mistakes? Where I have not been innocent?

Your caps show that you are just full of energy which is attempted to be displaced in posted words thinking you can "Yell". Just because "It Is Seen" as shouting, does not mean "It Is Felt" as shouting. :lol:
Whites live their lives apologizing to everyone else: Jews for what Nazis did, blacks for slavery, you name it.

Jews don't apologize to anyone about anything.

They don't apologize to Palestinians, they kill them.

They don't apologize to Russian gentiles for murdering them under Soviet rule, they bury their memory.

They don't apologize for Katyn, they make sure nobody knows what Katyn was.

They don't apologize to American whites for ruining their country with the 1965 Immigration Act, they demonize them.

You can be sure everyone knows what "The Holocaust" was: there's a museum for it in Washington, D.C. And Israel. And Idaho. And it will be on the History Channel tonight.

I turn on NPR, and the first thing I hear is about Nazis and Holocaust and the Jews. It's a constant media drumbeat. WE NEVER HEAR ABOUT ANYONE ELSE. Nobody else has ever suffered, according the Jews.
Today I turned on the TV and surfed over to the history channel'

There was a documentary on about Hitler and the Third Reich.

Immediately the program started focusing on the Jews and their alleged plight in Germany in the 30"s.

Any person who didn't know history would think WWII was only about the Jews and nothing else.

After about 15 minutes I had had enough and turned it off. :evil:
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Good. You and William can spend the rest of the show sharing with each other. I'm sure you have a lot in common to talk about.


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