Zone1 Jews: Do you blame Jesus for all the persecution our people have suffered?

In Arabia and other countries in the region they made their living with trade caravans and raiding for wives and livestock.

Abraham was also a warlord.
what evidence to you have for ABRAHAM as warlord other than that is what
arabs did for a living----Abraham was from Mesopotamia
Actually it is.

The text comes from eyewitness encounters with Jesus in the form of the 4 gospels.

Paul was also a real historical figure who wrote most of the NT.

The entire Bible is a valuable insight into the past, as most historical texts have been lost or not recorded at all since most of history has been lost forever.

- and those encounters are found in the archives they established and preserved while writing the c-bible during the greater part of the entire 4th century.
Not true. Jews believe that people of other faiths can go to Heaven if they are good people. Christians of course take a “my way or the highway to hell” approach, and I believe Muslims feel the same.
Uh, there is no heaven, there is no hell.
First, when people died, they just died.
The people looked at the religious leaders and said so why worship god if there's no reward?
The leaders said "did we say just dead?"
No, what we meant to say is you get to got to heaven, eventually.
Then along came the Christians who promised you could go to heaven right after you died.
Then came the Muslims who promised 50 virgins in heaven.
Then along came the Mormons who promised their followers god-like powers after death.

But since all religion is a scam to grab the money and loyalty of the ignorant it is important that each of them declare the others false and deny their heaven to the followers of other religions.

When a poor country preacher is brining in $150M tax free dollars it is clear what they worship.

After all, it does say in the Christian Bible that “his blood is on Jews and all their generations“ along with other anti-Jewish verses.

Me? I do not. I think Jesus was basically a good man, with good intentions, and taught traditional Jewish values. His “do unto others” teaching, for example, can straight from Hillel.

The problem really started decades later when the NT was written. The claims that Jesus said “nobody gets to the Father except through me” is either outright false (no Jew would elevate himself like that) or misconstrued when he meant one must follow his teachings to see Gd.

That interpretation led to the idea the Gd is angry at Jews, has cursed them, and some of the other nasty stuff I’ve read right here on this forum. And the more Jews stuck with their religion that clearly outlined who the Messiah would be - Jesus didn’t fit - the more angry the 1st c Christians got with them. By the time John was written, they were in all-out assault mode.

Jesus certainly never intended any of this.
Since I am a Catholic, I outrank everyone here! And I would just like to say, as God's personal messenger, that HE does nor hate Jews!
The first 5 books of the Holy Bible were written by "MOSES".......about 1450 B.C. Prove they were not.

Probably not. Scholars said there's too many different styles of writing for the Pentateuch to have been written by one person.. They also think Leviticus and Deuteronomy were written during the Babylonian exile before Genesis and Exodus.
Uh, there is no heaven, there is no hell.
First, when people died, they just died.
The people looked at the religious leaders and said so why worship god if there's no reward?
The leaders said "did we say just dead?"
No, what we meant to say is you get to got to heaven, eventually.
Then along came the Christians who promised you could go to heaven right after you died.
Then came the Muslims who promised 50 virgins in heaven.
Then along came the Mormons who promised their followers god-like powers after death.

But since all religion is a scam to grab the money and loyalty of the ignorant it is important that each of them declare the others false and deny their heaven to the followers of other religions.

When a poor country preacher is brining in $150M tax free dollars it is clear what they worship.

Point out the Book, Chapter and Verse that suggests any preacher of the Gospel is authorized to make more of salary than is required to support his evangelic endeavors. Simply because men (who have no history of conning the gullible :dev3:) abuse their positions is no indication that the Holy Scriptures teaches such actions. Hitler "claimed" to be a Christian.....thus you can't throw the baby out with the bath water simply because you don't like to be JUDGED in absolute fashion as exists in the Holy Scriptures.

The same religion that you are cursing is responsible for the majority of the Legal System found in the United States Constitution. Its the Judeo/Christian Philosophy of religion that defines MORALITY in the form of the eternally righteous commandments of God. Thou shalt not murder, rob, envy, covet, bear false witness...etc., All shared traits among all civilizations around the globe.

The Scriptures are clear........the preachers should be paid no more than that which is required to survive while evangelizing the Word of God......the majority of the monies should go to those of the brotherhood who are struggling with poverty, illness, etc.

Its the duty of the preacher to preach the word, in season, out of season. "Preach the word, in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke....exhort with all longsuffering." -- 2 Tim.4:2

The Apostle Paul tells us what a preacher should not do with the funds collected, "I coveted no one's silver or gold or apparel (clothing). You, yourselves know that these hands ministered to my necessities and to those who were with me. In all things I have shown you that by working hard in this way we must help the weak and remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how He Himself said, It is more blessed to give than to receive." -- Acts 20:33-35
Probably not. Scholars said there's too many different styles of writing for the Pentateuch to have been written by one person.. They also think Leviticus and Deuteronomy were written during the Babylonian exile before Genesis and Exodus.
Again..........suggesting something does not prove anything. History actual tells us that Moses was a very educated man having been educated while living within Egyptian Royalty. Your "subjective" idea that Moses did not record the "Pentateuch" has been around for over a 1000 years........and its still unproven.

Again, Probably not, they ALSO THINK....etc., are not objective evidences. Simply add up the generations found within the Book of Genesis is calculated to be more than 1400 yrs. from Genesis to the last book in the Old Testament.

The Hebrew language (original) is proven to go back as far as 3500 years from the 21st the discovery of the tablet containing the Ras Shamra in 1949.
Again..........suggesting something does not prove anything. History actual tells us that Moses was a very educated man having been educated while living within Egyptian Royalty. Your "subjective" idea that Moses did not record the "Pentateuch" has been around for over a 1000 years........and its still unproven.

Again, Probably not, they ALSO THINK....etc., are not objective evidences. Simply add up the generations found within the Book of Genesis is calculated to be more than 1400 yrs. from Genesis to the last book in the Old Testament.

The Hebrew language (original) is proven to go back as far as 3500 years from the 21st the discovery of the tablet containing the Ras Shamra in 1949.

I never said Moses wasn't educated. Where did that come from? There are thousands of tablets at Ras Shamra in 5 semitic languages.

Sargon was also found in a basket on the river.
The first 5 books of the Holy Bible were written by "MOSES".......about 1450 B.C. Prove they were not.

provide the claimed tablets etched in the heavens w/ 10 commandments by that same liar moses -

or remove the phony 10 commandments and those chapters as well from all 3 desert religions and the true path to paradise will again be seen by everyone to chose for themselves its destination.
Point out the Book, Chapter and Verse that suggests any preacher of the Gospel is authorized to make more of salary than is required to support his evangelic endeavors. Simply because men (who have no history of conning the gullible :dev3:) abuse their positions is no indication that the Holy Scriptures teaches such actions. Hitler "claimed" to be a Christian.....thus you can't throw the baby out with the bath water simply because you don't like to be JUDGED in absolute fashion as exists in the Holy Scriptures.

The same religion that you are cursing is responsible for the majority of the Legal System found in the United States Constitution. Its the Judeo/Christian Philosophy of religion that defines MORALITY in the form of the eternally righteous commandments of God. Thou shalt not murder, rob, envy, covet, bear false witness...etc., All shared traits among all civilizations around the globe.

The Scriptures are clear........the preachers should be paid no more than that which is required to survive while evangelizing the Word of God......the majority of the monies should go to those of the brotherhood who are struggling with poverty, illness, etc.

Its the duty of the preacher to preach the word, in season, out of season. "Preach the word, in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke....exhort with all longsuffering." -- 2 Tim.4:2

The Apostle Paul tells us what a preacher should not do with the funds collected, "I coveted no one's silver or gold or apparel (clothing). You, yourselves know that these hands ministered to my necessities and to those who were with me. In all things I have shown you that by working hard in this way we must help the weak and remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how He Himself said, It is more blessed to give than to receive." -- Acts 20:33-35
Money is the only thing religion is about.
Was that guy in TX following scripture when he refused to provide shelter to people displaced by a hurricane ?
How about the guy who "needed" a private jet?

It's all a scam.
Money is the only thing religion is about.
Was that guy in TX following scripture when he refused to provide shelter to people displaced by a hurricane ?
How about the guy who "needed" a private jet?

It's all a scam.

No question there's some bad guys involved.
Perhaps asking a Jew would help. I have asked Jews around the US about Jesus. Some of the answers

He was selling access to Heaven (LOL)

An ancient version of David Koresch

I am absolutely shocked anyone still believes (The New Testament)

Those that knew him best, his Disciples, all took off when he was arrested. What does that tell you?

The guy was a wine guzzling sex perv con artist

Jews get those answers from their ancestors, who were actually there observing...
Yes, there was what we might call a Deep State in the time of Jesus. Like the one we have today. they didn’t appreciate outsiders messing up their corruption schemes.


Yes, there was what we might call a Deep State in the time of Jesus. Like the one we have today. they didn’t appreciate outsiders messing up their corruption schemes.

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I have a hard time believing Jesus went into the center of such corruption and shouted it down.

I have a hard time believing Moses went to the Pharaoh's residence and lectured the pharaoh either.

Those places had armed guards. They would have killed either one immediately.

You believe what you want. I just think Jews have a much better "record" of these "two" than the Bible. The Jews from coast to coast have the same story of Jesus. They got that from the ancestors who were there.

Jews will tell you Judas was the highest character person of the group, because he stood up and fled as the "flock" was starving, and "Son of God" would not let them leave.
I have a hard time believing Jesus went into the center of such corruption and shouted it down.

I have a hard time believing Moses went to the Pharaoh's residence and lectured the pharaoh either.

Those places had armed guards. They would have killed either one immediately.

You believe what you want. I just think Jews have a much better "record" of these "two" than the Bible. The Jews from coast to coast have the same story of Jesus. They got that from the ancestors who were there.

Jews will tell you Judas was the highest character person of the group, because he stood up and fled as the "flock" was starving, and "Son of God" would not let them leave.
The thing that convinces me is that there was no reason for a man crucified on a cross to become the center of a new religion that is now the most widely practiced religion in the world. Plus all his Disciples never became rich and most were executed. He and his new religion should have just faded away and not even have been a footnote in history.

Uh, there is no heaven, there is no hell.
First, when people died, they just died.
The people looked at the religious leaders and said so why worship god if there's no reward?
The leaders said "did we say just dead?"
No, what we meant to say is you get to got to heaven, eventually.
Then along came the Christians who promised you could go to heaven right after you died.
Then came the Muslims who promised 50 virgins in heaven.
Then along came the Mormons who promised their followers god-like powers after death.

But since all religion is a scam to grab the money and loyalty of the ignorant it is important that each of them declare the others false and deny their heaven to the followers of other religions.

When a poor country preacher is brining in $150M tax free dollars it is clear what they worship.

Jesus was never rich and neither were his disciples.

I have often said if you had a little charisma and were dishonest there were two occupations where you could make big bucks. Become a politician or a televangelist.

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