Zone1 Jews: Do you blame Jesus for all the persecution our people have suffered?

Jesus was never rich and neither were his disciples.

I have often said if you had a little charisma and were dishonest there were two occupations where you could make big bucks. Become a politician or a televangelist.
Plus all his Disciples never became rich and most were executed.

Hunted down and executed. Who hunted them down? The "original" christians, the ones who could ID them... the ones bilked of everything

there was no reason for a man crucified on a cross to become the center of a new religion

One clue is that there was a 30-50 year DELAY in the intro of "Christianity" - think about that for a bit - way after the Disciples got it bad...

He and his new religion should have just faded away and not even have been a footnote in history.

Until you understand the objective, who put it out, and what it wanted. Take, for example support for invading Iraq over 100% pure lies and the 911 fraud. Those who wanted a US invasion of Iraq (Zionist Fascist Jews) used their "creation" (Christianity) to brainwash millions of American MORONS to support invading Iraq.

The religion of the unChosen, founded by the Chosen, brought to you by the Chosen, funded by the Chosen, staffed by the Chosen, and yet only the Chosen never fall for Jesus... because they were the only ones there who ACTUALLY OBSERVED HIM...
You're freaking nuts!

And you think the Disciples should be considered "credible witnesses" to "miracles" even as they BOLTED from the authorities as Jesus was arrested...

Why did they bolt? Isn't that the "Son of God?" Shouldn't they stand shoulder to shoulder with "Son of God?"

Or maybe they knew the whole thing was a FRAUD and did not want to end up on a cross.... like "Son of God" did after an OPEN TRIAL failed to produce ONE SINGLE WITNESS who claimed to be "healed."
Money is the only thing religion is about.
Was that guy in TX following scripture when he refused to provide shelter to people displaced by a hurricane ?
How about the guy who "needed" a private jet?

It's all a scam.

Many are called, but few are chosen. "I (Jesus), never knew you; depart from Me, those working lawlessness...." -- Matthew 7:23 Jesus made this statement after some had declared to Him, ".....Lord! Lord! have we not prophesied in Your Name; cast out demons in Your Name; and done many wonders in Your Name.......and I (Jesus) will say unto them....." Matthew 7:22

Yes.........there are those that corrupt all the religions around the world. But you are presenting nothing but a logical fallacy based upon circular reasoning. As I me the book, chapter and verse in the Holy Bible that authorizes any of the criminal acts propagated by some who claim to be Christians. Such as going to war (the Crusades, Hitler, convert those of a different political ideology based upon the traditions of man instead of the actual content of the Holy Scriptures. Christian faith and doctrine are to be based upon the actual content of the Holy Scriptures, not fallacious claims by con artists. "Faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of God." -- Romans 10:17 We are commanded to serach the scriptures daily to see if what is being instructed is actually contained in the Word of God. -- Acts 17:11

Who is to blame........the actual content and doctrine found in the word of God......or those who are to lazy or to gullible to search the scriptures to see if these things are authorized? There is a sucker born every minute to quote an old axiom. The Roman Catholic Church of the middle ages made it illegal by threat of prison or death to even own a copy of the Holy Bible...... The Holy Church and the Clergy only were authorized to read from the Scriptures in the dead language of Latin.

It was not until the advent of the Printing Press and the Gutenburg scriptures that the lay person could actually read the content of the Holy Bible....which resulted in the Protestant movement away from the RCC.......and eventually resulted in the founding of the United States of America by those seeking religious freedom. Which is exactly why the 1st amendment to the Constitution addresses free speech, freedom of religion, freedom of the press and the right to assemble as well as the right to "Petition" the government.

The Vatican in Rome gave the world such noble events as the Crusades and the Inquisitions based upon torture. Hitler declared all Jews were not worthy of human rights and stated he was authorized by his Christianity to wipe them from the face of the earth.

Example: You are presenting a false premise that All Dogs of a certain breed should be put down because someone has trained and that particular breed to kill on command. I agree, these con artists give Christianity a bad name......but we are warned to TEST ALL THINGS and accept only the good that comes from truthful doctrine (1 Thess. 5:21)

In fact, the Apostle Paul made it perfectly clear that if anyone attempts to teach you any doctrine that does not agree with the content of the Holy Scriptures....they should be accursed from God. "I marvel that you are so soon removed from Him that called you to into the grace of Christ unto another gospel (truth). Which is not another, but there be some that trouble you, and would pervert the gospel of Christ. BUT THOU WE, OR AN ANGEL FROM HEAVEN, PREACH ANY OTHER GOSPEL UNTO YOU THAN WHICH WE (the apostles of Christ) HAVE PREACHED UNTO YOU; LET HIM BE ACCURSED.

True Christianity based upon the word of God does not teach or instruct such criminal saying, "God loves you, but send your money to my address....." As Jesus said about the hypocrites of the 1st century......."Ye Serpents, Ye generation of Vipers, how can you escape the damnation of hell?" -- Matthew 23:33
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Many are called, but few are chosen. "I (Jesus), never knew you; depart from Me, those working lawlessness...." -- Matthew 7:23 Jesus made this statement after some had declared to Him, ".....Lord! Lord! have we not prophesied in Your Name; cast out demons in Your Name; and done many wonders in Your Name.......and I (Jesus) will say unto them....." Matthew 7:22

Yes.........there are those that corrupt all the religions around the world. But you are presenting nothing but a logical fallacy based upon circular reasoning. As I me the book, chapter and verse in the Holy Bible that authorizes any of the criminal acts propagated by some who claim to be Christians. Such as going to war (the Crusades, Hitler, convert those of a different political ideology based upon the traditions of man instead of the actual content of the Holy Scriptures. Christian faith and doctrine are to be based upon the actual content of the Holy Scriptures, not fallacious claims by con artists. "Faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of God." -- Romans 10:17 We are commanded to serach the scriptures daily to see if what is being instructed is actually contained in the Word of God. -- Acts 17:11

Who is to blame........the actual content and doctrine found in the word of God......or those who are to lazy or to gullible to search the scriptures to see if these things are authorized? There is a sucker born every minute to quote an old axiom. The Roman Catholic Church of the middle ages made it illegal by threat of prison or death to even own a copy of the Holy Bible...... The Holy Church and the Clergy only were authorized to read from the Scriptures in the dead language of Latin.

It was not until the advent of the Printing Press and the Gutenburg scriptures that the lay person could actually read the content of the Holy Bible....which resulted in the Protestant movement away from the RCC.......and eventually resulted in the founding of the United States of America by those seeking religious freedom. Which is exactly why the 1st amendment to the Constitution addresses free speech, freedom of religion, freedom of the press and the right to assemble as well as the right to "Petition" the government.

The Vatican in Rome gave the world such noble events as the Crusades and the Inquisitions based upon torture. Hitler declared all Jews were not worthy of human rights and stated he was authorized by his Christianity to wipe them from the face of the earth.

Example: You are presenting a false premise that All Dogs of a certain breed should be put down because someone has trained and that particular breed to kill on command. I agree, these con artists give Christianity a bad name......but we are warned to TEST ALL THINGS and accept only the good that comes from truthful doctrine (1 Thess. 5:21)

In fact, the Apostle Paul made it perfectly clear that if anyone attempts to teach you any doctrine that does not agree with the content of the Holy Scriptures....they should be accursed from God. "I marvel that you are so soon removed from Him that called you to into the grace of Christ unto another gospel (truth). Which is not another, but there be some that trouble you, and would pervert the gospel of Christ. BUT THOU WE, OR AN ANGEL FROM HEAVEN, PREACH ANY OTHER GOSPEL UNTO YOU THAN WHICH WE (the apostles of Christ) HAVE PREACHED UNTO YOU; LET HIM BE ACCURSED.

True Christianity based upon the word of God does not teach or instruct such criminal saying, "God loves you, but send your money to my address....." As Jesus said about the hypocrites of the 1st century......."Ye Serpents, Ye generation of Vipers, how can you escape the damnation of hell?" -- Matthew 23:33
I never said criminal when it comes to money.
But all religions are nothing but scams to get the money of the ignorant, scared, confused masses.
You know the Catholic church used to sell tickets to heaven, for money.
There are branches like the Franciscans that exist only to serve but you won't find any rich clerics among them.
Hunted down and executed. Who hunted them down? The "original" christians, the ones who could ID them... the ones bilked of everything

One clue is that there was a 30-50 year DELAY in the intro of "Christianity" - think about that for a bit - way after the Disciples got it bad...

Until you understand the objective, who put it out, and what it wanted. Take, for example support for invading Iraq over 100% pure lies and the 911 fraud. Those who wanted a US invasion of Iraq (Zionist Fascist Jews) used their "creation" (Christianity) to brainwash millions of American MORONS to support invading Iraq.

The religion of the unChosen, founded by the Chosen, brought to you by the Chosen, funded by the Chosen, staffed by the Chosen, and yet only the Chosen never fall for Jesus... because they were the only ones there who ACTUALLY OBSERVED HIM...
In many cases the disciples were likely hunted down by the authorities of the nations they were in. Judas committed suicide. Supposedly John was the only one to die of old age.

The Vatican in Rome gave the world such noble events as the Crusades and the Inquisitions based upon torture.

What is truly amazing is that in 980, the dominant branch of Christianity was not Catholic, but a brand that claimed Jesus would float down from the clouds in year 1000. That was the motive for the Crusades. Decades of war, hundreds of thousands killed, and the FRAUD once again failed to float down...

Did Christians admit it was a fraud, a failed prophecy? Heck no, just erase that branch and keep right on going...
I never placed that in question - so why do you ask? I was and still am referring to the unknown composers of the NT from 100AD onward to around 300AD.
Most likely Saul wrote those epistles by himself or dictated them to someone. (Since he supposedly could only write in crude capital letters).
Oh, now you don't question that Paul wrote Paul's epistles. Well, that's a start.

He dictated Romans, to be sure. Or at least approved it before dispatching it.

Some scholars question the authenticity of some of Paul's epistles. Not all of them, mind you, which lends credibility to the gospels because in virtually every one of Paul's letters, war and destruction are imminent. Basically, Paul reminds his brethren of the warnings of Christ, except with a bigger sense of urgency.
Oh, now you don't question that Paul wrote Paul's epistles. Well, that's a start.
As I had stated - I never questioned that - the topic was about the NT. - so don't place words in my mouth.
He dictated Romans, to be sure. Or at least approved it before dispatching it.

Some scholars question the authenticity of some of Paul's epistles. Not all of them, mind you, which lends credibility to the gospels because in virtually every one of Paul's letters, war and destruction are imminent. Basically, Paul reminds his brethren of the warnings of Christ, except with a bigger sense of urgency.
It doesn't matter - since AFAIK (feel free to correct me) there is absolutely no proof that Saul even met up with some Apostles - he simply claims it. And there is also no proof that what he claims to have heard - was indeed stated or voiced out by those other Apostles. Maybe if these Apostles even existed at all - they told him that Jesus (his real name was Schmuck of Nazareth) was a full blown jerk - who set up a religious cult so that he could grab some pussy or whatever else.

Fact is, (at least to me) Saul simply took up religious ideals he heard about cruising around - to create an own religious branch. Inventing a Jesus as a primary source (after he, Saul supposedly received that flash in the desert) So a Jesus brought to life by him and dressed in legends and mystic, in order to gain credibility for his own teachings - which obviously worked out well.
The first 5 books of the Holy Bible were written by "MOSES".......about 1450 B.C. Prove they were not.
Really? YHWH waited a hell of a time, billions of years, to make his presence known. What restraint.
But isn't that the whole point, that the zombie on a stick was not mortal? After all, mortal men don't resurrect. Well, not after three days, anyway.
bunnies do not deliver jelly beans either
But he didn’t resurrect. That’s what Christians believe…not Jews.
BUT bunnies do deliver jellybeans----I attended Sunday School with a
Protestant playmate (like age 6-7) and we made little easter
baskets out of construction paper-----and ON EASTER we found them
filled with jelly beans and (sigh--peeps YUCK)
After all, it does say in the Christian Bible that “his blood is on Jews and all their generations
Not "it," but the religious leaders of His day. Did you read the he context? Pilate washed his hands and basically said to the crowd, this mans innocent blood is on you. The Jewish leaders who wanted Him dead owned up to that.
But isn't that the whole point, that the zombie on a stick was not mortal? After all, mortal men don't resurrect. Well, not after three days, anyway.
Someday soon you will be bowing down to that Man who defeated death and provided a way for all humanity
Yes, but my point is that the way SOME Christians describe Jesus’ crucifixion, one would think there was a small population of Jews alove at the time, all of whom rallied around executing him.
Yes, the majority of the Jewish LEADERS saw him as a threat. Those who didn't, Nicodemus for example, were the exception

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