Zone1 Jews: Do you blame Jesus for all the persecution our people have suffered?

I am intrigued. Can you name some of those jewish leaders "who
sought to have an innocent man put to death because they saw
him as a political threat"
AND tell us just what they indicated
was the 'political threat' ?
STILL WAITING----anyone know ANYTHING about that
which is incessant jelly-bean school fare?

tell all which christian group claims jews saw jesus as a political threat - isn't judaism suppose to be a religion - it's ir-91 that spills the beans, their true intent -

... to enslave those not born a jew - heredity idolatry. the teachings of moses.
tell all which christian group claims jews saw jesus as a political threat - isn't judaism suppose to be a religion - it's ir-91 that spills the beans, their true intent -

... to enslave those not born a jew - heredity idolatry. the teachings of moses.
can you, please, translate your post into the language of the eastern seaboard ?
I see evidence that Godly Jews that we see today do recognize and understand that they had turned away from God

and the protection they had once received was lifted - when Rome began to overpower their kingdom.
I see evidence that Godly Jews that we see today do recognize and understand that they had turned away from God

and the protection they had once received was lifted - when Rome began to overpower their kingdom.
tell all which christian group claims jews saw jesus as a political threat - isn't judaism suppose to be a religion - it's ir-91 that spills the beans, their true intent -

... to enslave those not born a jew - heredity idolatry. the teachings of moses.
OH!!!! you managed to visit a mosque
The Jews have been subjected, susceptible and affected and judged by all of God's assessment and judgments. They are not treated any different than the Gentiles.

When The Jews turned their back on God and disobeyed Him - they were judged and God lifted His hand of protection and their enemies were able to harm them.

They were not just chosen because they are Jews - They were chosen to be the ones who God would bring many prophets and to also bring His word - ( The Bible ) because they lived lives in obedience to God. They chose to live a consecrated and holy lifestyle and to obey God. This is the way that God chose the Jewish race.

Deu 7:6 Because thou art an holy people unto the LORD thy God: the LORD thy God hath chosen thee to be a special people unto himself, above all people that are upon the face of the earth.

Deu 14:2 Because thou art an holy people unto the LORD thy God, and the LORD hath chosen thee to be a peculiar people unto himself, above all the nations that are upon the earth.

This word " BECAUSE " - " BECAUSE " thou are a holy people is used in the Bible - 1231 times total to mean " BECAUSE ".

They were chosen under the conditions and " BECAUSE " they were really a holy people. God has throughout all of the time in history since the beginning - also called the " GENTILES " to serve Him and to obey His law and ordinances.

Gentiles were never excluded as a group from salvation and denied the opportunity to live righteous lives in honor, respect, and obedience to God and His laws. We know that there were Gentiles in various places throughout the Old Testament such as various gentile kings and even gentiles who assisted the Jews and spoke of living for God and doing the right thing.

The Egyptians were given full opportunity to obey and know God.

Balaam was believed to be a gentile prophet but He eventually turned against the god of Israel

Caleb also in Num 32:12 Caleb the son of Jephunneh the Kenezite had wholly completely followed the LORD. The great hero of Judah was a Kenizzite, one of the Canaanite tribes (Gen 15:19)

Rahab (Joshua 2): The Canaanite prostitute

Also here in Jos 9:7 And the men of Israel said unto the Hivites, Peradventure ye dwell among us; and how shall we make a league with you?

Jos 9 Gentiles . . from a very far country thy servants are come because of the name of the LORD thy God: for we have heard the fame of him, and all that he did in Egypt,

Also Othniel (Judg 3:9): Othniel was Caleb’s brother and also a Canaanite

Jdg 3:9 the LORD raised up a deliverer to the children of Israel, who delivered them, even Othniel the son of Kenaz, Caleb's younger brother.

Jael (Judges 4-5): The killer of Sisera was a Kenite, a tribe of Canaanites (Gen 15:19)

Ruth the Moabite: was in the genealogy of Jesus - Ruth the gentile Moabite - who served God

A gentile named - Obed - of - Edom - (2 Samuel 6): The Ark of the Covenant was kept safe and stored on His own property for a period of time. The Gentile man named Naaman in - 2 Kings 5 = The Aramean commander went to Elisha for healing

ALSO - The Gentile People of Nineveh in Jonah 3........ The gentile people of Nineveh believed in God at the preaching of Jonah.

The Gentiles had full opportunity to serve God and to obey Him - However, The Hebrew people were chosen by God with the obligation, task, duty, and responsibility of obeying and preserving His word and living clean, holy and Godly lives. Noah was not a Hebrew / Jew - and He was good in the eyes of God.

The Jews have been through horrible and terrible trials
because God lifted His hand of protection from them - just like he promised to do - if they continually continued to disobey Him. God kept His word and God returned them back to their homeland and began to protect them once again - we see all of this in the proof - in historical fact. promised and prophesied

The Jews are judged by a much higher standard and were supposed wholly serve God - and when they turned from God and ceased to obey him, God lifted his hand of protection.
The Jews have been subjected, susceptible and affected and judged by all of God's assessment and judgments. They are not treated any different than the Gentiles.

When The Jews turned their back on God and disobeyed Him - they were judged and God lifted His hand of protection and their enemies were able to harm them.

They were not just chosen because they are Jews - They were chosen to be the ones who God would bring many prophets and to also bring His word - ( The Bible ) because they lived lives in obedience to God. They chose to live a consecrated and holy lifestyle and to obey God. This is the way that God chose the Jewish race.

Deu 7:6 Because thou art an holy people unto the LORD thy God: the LORD thy God hath chosen thee to be a special people unto himself, above all people that are upon the face of the earth.

Deu 14:2 Because thou art an holy people unto the LORD thy God, and the LORD hath chosen thee to be a peculiar people unto himself, above all the nations that are upon the earth.

This word " BECAUSE " - " BECAUSE " thou are a holy people is used in the Bible - 1231 times total to mean " BECAUSE ".

They were chosen under the conditions and " BECAUSE " they were really a holy people. God has throughout all of the time in history since the beginning - also called the " GENTILES " to serve Him and to obey His law and ordinances.

Gentiles were never excluded as a group from salvation and denied the opportunity to live righteous lives in honor, respect, and obedience to God and His laws. We know that there were Gentiles in various places throughout the Old Testament such as various gentile kings and even gentiles who assisted the Jews and spoke of living for God and doing the right thing.

The Egyptians were given full opportunity to obey and know God.

Balaam was believed to be a gentile prophet but He eventually turned against the god of Israel

Caleb also in Num 32:12 Caleb the son of Jephunneh the Kenezite had wholly completely followed the LORD. The great hero of Judah was a Kenizzite, one of the Canaanite tribes (Gen 15:19)

Rahab (Joshua 2): The Canaanite prostitute

Also here in Jos 9:7 And the men of Israel said unto the Hivites, Peradventure ye dwell among us; and how shall we make a league with you?

Jos 9 Gentiles . . from a very far country thy servants are come because of the name of the LORD thy God: for we have heard the fame of him, and all that he did in Egypt,

Also Othniel (Judg 3:9): Othniel was Caleb’s brother and also a Canaanite

Jdg 3:9 the LORD raised up a deliverer to the children of Israel, who delivered them, even Othniel the son of Kenaz, Caleb's younger brother.

Jael (Judges 4-5): The killer of Sisera was a Kenite, a tribe of Canaanites (Gen 15:19)

Ruth the Moabite: was in the genealogy of Jesus - Ruth the gentile Moabite - who served God

A gentile named - Obed - of - Edom - (2 Samuel 6): The Ark of the Covenant was kept safe and stored on His own property for a period of time. The Gentile man named Naaman in - 2 Kings 5 = The Aramean commander went to Elisha for healing

ALSO - The Gentile People of Nineveh in Jonah 3........ The gentile people of Nineveh believed in God at the preaching of Jonah.

The Gentiles had full opportunity to serve God and to obey Him - However, The Hebrew people were chosen by God with the obligation, task, duty, and responsibility of obeying and preserving His word and living clean, holy and Godly lives. Noah was not a Hebrew / Jew - and He was good in the eyes of God.

The Jews have been through horrible and terrible trials
because God lifted His hand of protection from them - just like he promised to do - if they continually continued to disobey Him. God kept His word and God returned them back to their homeland and began to protect them once again - we see all of this in the proof - in historical fact. promised and prophesied

The Jews are judged by a much higher standard and were supposed wholly serve God - and when they turned from God and ceased to obey him, God lifted his hand of protection.
WHY? Long ago---when I read the NT in english translation, I was IMPRESSED with the
use of the term "THE JEWS" who according to that book seem to constitute a
CRUCIFIXION CHEERING SQUAD----something like the vestal "virgins" at a Coliseum
LION LUNCH FESTIVITY----but in which the roman Pontius Pilate engage reluctantly---
being FORCED by DA JOOOOS-----who and why?
After all, it does say in the Christian Bible that “his blood is on Jews and all their generations“
Some "Christians" may read it that way. I do not.

Remember. Jesus was a Jew. All the apostles were Jews. The early church was Jew led.

The Bible only RECORDS what a Jew said. This is not a "thus saith the Lord."
Some "Christians" may read it that way. I do not.

Remember. Jesus was a Jew. All the apostles were Jews. The early church was Jew led.

The Bible only RECORDS what a Jew said. This is not a "thus saith the Lord."
ROFLMAO @ "...the bible (to wit the NT) ...only records what a "jew"
said..." well---not exactly---the bible records that which
constantine and friends decided to "record"
We have to remember the entire story.

REMEMBER – Rome had been hunting down and killing little children just to make sure Yahashua was dead –

Rome was hunting down and imprisoning and beheading and torturing his followers.

But suddenly – when Yahashua is brought before the Roman Government, the Romans suddenly declare that Rome has found no fault with Yahashua

King Herod of Rome and all of the Roman Government was a horrible, evil and murderous, and treacherous system who according to Jewish History had made war against the Rabbis, Priests, and Leaders of Israel in his attempt to control them.

We can remember when Herod wanted to kill baby Yahoshua and when he was tricked by the wise men he ordered all of the male children of Bethlehem to be killed.
The Priests and Rabbis were at the mercy of King Herod who hated Yahoshua and hated his followers.
The Priests and Rabbis were trying desperately to save their Kingdom and temple and had no choice or alternative but to work with Herod in stamping out Yahoshua and his followers and teachings.

The Jews, The Priests, Rabbis, Leaders and the very Jewish people had no choice but to betray Yahoshua and his followers.
The choice for many Jews was to either reject Yahoshua and his followers or face the horrors of being terrorized, murdered, attacked and destroyed, themselves.

Their children and very family’s lives were all at stake.

To the Jews who rejected Yahoshua, the choice was very simple.

They determined or thought that if the Jews were to stop following and believing upon Yahoshua – then there would be peace and their lives would be saved and their families would not be murdered.

Herod had control over the Priests and Leaders of Israel and set up Priests and Leaders who were loyal to him. In their mind, giving Yahoshua to the Roman government would ensure that their culture, their lives and their families and future would be safe. The Romans / Canaanite Italians were playing mind games with the Jews

On one hand Rome was hunting down Yahashua and his followers to kill and imprison them – Rome even hunted down baby Yahashua when he was a baby as Herod pretended to have respect and adoration for him – but when Herod was tricked by the wise men – Herod went about slaughtering little children from the town were Yahashua was born. But when Yahashua grew up to be an adult – ROME had persecuted and tormented and terrorized the Jews AND HAD SO MUCH CONTROL AND POWER OVER THE JEWS

that the Romans held full power over the Jews to manipulate them as a crowd and push them over the edge to publicly and verbally condemn Yahashua.

It was the Roman soldiers who were hunting down and terrorizing the Hebrew families and murdering their children to attempt to kill Yahashua, It was a mob of Roman soldiers pressured the priests to locate, isolate and identify Yahashua -

It was a mob of Roman soldiers who arrested Jesus and Roman Soldiers who forcibly brought Jesus to be tried in court by Pontius Pilate
It was a mob of Roman soldiers who spat upon him, ripped out his beard and who slapped him, beat him and whipped him nearly to death - and It was a mob of Roman soldiers who nailed him to a tree and stabbed him in the side ending his life

Herod pretended to have respect and adoration for Yahashua, just to end his life, in the same manner Pontius Pilate pretended to have no fault with him after Rome had spent 30 years hunting him down, killing little children to end his life and killing the followers of Jesus, harassing and terrorizing the Jews

suddenly -
Pontius Pilate claims that he finds no fault with him ? If Rome had found no fault with Yahashua why did they spend nearly 12 hours torturing him to death. ? - the point was to make a point to the Jews, this is what happens when you attempt to follow the scriptures and serve God and deny the power of Rome and her authority and her gods.

Their children and very families lives were all at stake, the only option was to stop Yahashua from building his ministry as his apostles and disciples were being hunted down tortured and killed and imprisoned by Rome.

Yes the Jews at the trial could have kept silent but they were at the point to where protecting their families demanded that they showed publicly to denounce and condemn Yahashua.

put yourself in their place, imagine a terrorist military beating down your door and hacking your newborn baby into pieces, all you have to do is identify the local troublemaker and your children and families will be safe again
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We have to remember the entire story.

REMEMBER – Rome had been hunting down and killing little children just to make sure Yahashua was dead –

Rome was hunting down and imprisoning and beheading and torturing his followers.

But suddenly – when Yahashua is brought before the Roman Government, the Romans suddenly declare that Rome has found no fault with Yahashua

King Herod of Rome and all of the Roman Government was a horrible, evil and murderous, and treacherous system who according to Jewish History had made war against the Rabbis, Priests, and Leaders of Israel in his attempt to control them.

We can remember when Herod wanted to kill baby Yahoshua and when he was tricked by the wise men he ordered all of the male children of Bethlehem to be killed.
The Priests and Rabbis were at the mercy of King Herod who hated Yahoshua and hated his followers.
The Priests and Rabbis were trying desperately to save their Kingdom and temple and had no choice or alternative but to work with Herod in stamping out Yahoshua and his followers and teachings.

The Jews, The Priests, Rabbis, Leaders and the very Jewish people had no choice but to betray Yahoshua and his followers.
The choice for many Jews was to either reject Yahoshua and his followers or face the horrors of being terrorized, murdered, attacked and destroyed, themselves.

Their children and very family’s lives were all at stake.

To the Jews who rejected Yahoshua, the choice was very simple.

They determined or thought that if the Jews were to stop following and believing upon Yahoshua – then there would be peace and their lives would be saved and their families would not be murdered.

Herod had control over the Priests and Leaders of Israel and set up Priests and Leaders who were loyal to him. In their mind, giving Yahoshua to the Roman government would ensure that their culture, their lives and their families and future would be safe. The Romans / Canaanite Italians were playing mind games with the Jews

On one hand Rome was hunting down Yahashua and his followers to kill and imprison them – Rome even hunted down baby Yahashua when he was a baby as Herod pretended to have respect and adoration for him – but when Herod was tricked by the wise men – Herod went about slaughtering little children from the town were Yahashua was born. But when Yahashua grew up to be an adult – ROME had persecuted and tormented and terrorized the Jews AND HAD SO MUCH CONTROL AND POWER OVER THE JEWS

that the Romans held full power over the Jews to manipulate them as a crowd and push them over the edge to publicly and verbally condemn Yahashua.

It was the Roman soldiers who were hunting down and terrorizing the Hebrew families and murdering their children to attempt to kill Yahashua, It was a mob of Roman soldiers pressured the priests to locate, isolate and identify Yahashua -

It was a mob of Roman soldiers who arrested Jesus and Roman Soldiers who forcibly brought Jesus to be tried in court by Pontius Pilate
It was a mob of Roman soldiers who spat upon him, ripped out his beard and who slapped him, beat him and whipped him nearly to death - and It was a mob of Roman soldiers who nailed him to a tree and stabbed him in the side ending his life

Herod pretended to have respect and adoration for Yahashua, just to end his life, in the same manner Pontius Pilate pretended to have no fault with him after Rome had spent 30 years hunting him down, killing little children to end his life and killing the followers of Jesus, harassing and terrorizing the Jews

suddenly -
Pontius Pilate claims that he finds no fault with him ? If Rome had found no fault with Yahashua why did they spend nearly 12 hours torturing him to death. ? - the point was to make a point to the Jews, this is what happens when you attempt to follow the scriptures and serve God and deny the power of Rome and her authority and her gods.

Their children and very families lives were all at stake, the only option was to stop Yahashua from building his ministry as his apostles and disciples were being hunted down tortured and killed and imprisoned by Rome.

Yes the Jews at the trial could have kept silent but they were at the point to where protecting their families demanded that they showed publicly to denounce and condemn Yahashua.

put yourself in their place, imagine a terrorist military beating down your door and hacking your newborn baby into pieces, all you have to do is identify the local troublemaker and your children and families will be safe again
you have quite an active and inventive imagination
Please….I asked Jews for their opinion. (We already know people like you blame Jews.)
It was the Pharisees that instigated his execution.

That's just a fact. That doesn't mean it was all their congregations.

Maybe they were mad about him whipping the indulgence sellers.
It was the Pharisees that instigated his execution.

That's just a fact. That doesn't mean it was all their congregations.

Maybe they were mad about him whipping the indulgence sellers.
A small band of Jews may have instigated it, but it was the Romans who had him crucified as “King of the Jews” for sedition. The blame lies with the Pilate.

The sad fact is that for thousands of years, “the Jews” have been blamed as a monolith - tens of millions of people who had nothing to do with it, and what is at the root of antisemitism that has continued for 2,000 years.

It would be as if the Christians who kidnapped and hung Leo Frank were then extrapolated to “Christians killed Leo Frank” and all Christians blamed for all time - and persecuted, expelled, and murdered by the millions. (And it’s not even a direct parallel because Christians did Indeed do the actual murder.)

A small band of Jews may have instigated it, but it was the Romans who had him crucified as “King of the Jews” for sedition. The blame lies with the Pilate.

The sad fact is that for thousands of years, “the Jews” have been blamed as a monolith - tens of millions of people who had nothing to do with it, and what is at the root of antisemitism that has continued for 2,000 years.

It would be as if the Christians who kidnapped and hung Leo Frank were then extrapolated to “Christians killed Leo Frank” and all Christians blamed for all time - and persecuted, expelled, and murdered by the millions. (And it’s not even a direct parallel because Christians did Indeed do the actual murder.)

That's not the way I see it, but I reckon you have a valid point.

Actually the blame lies with the Pharisees that instigated the crucifixion of Jesus because he was threatening their bottom line.

All the Romans wanted was to stop the squabbles among the occupied. Ceasar didn't think it was right, but he knew it was their land

and their rules.
That's not the way I see it, but I reckon you have a valid point.

Actually the blame lies with the Pharisees that instigated the crucifixion of Jesus because he was threatening their bottom line.

All the Romans wanted was to stop the squabbles among the occupied. Ceasar didn't think it was right, but he knew it was their land

and their rules.
Well, we disagree. But one thing I assume we agree on is that it was terrible for the writers of the NT to say that “the blood of Jesus is on the Jews and their generations” - demonizing an ENTIRE religious group for all time.
Well, we disagree. But one thing I assume we agree on is that it was terrible for the writers of the NT to say that “the blood of Jesus is on the Jews and their generations” - demonizing an ENTIRE religious group for all time.
I don't remember reading that in The Bible. :dunno:

I've read it 3x. Not saying it's not in there, but that didn't really stick out to me.

God listening to David playing harp all night did. Also how David did one of his generals and his wife.
That's not the way I see it, but I reckon you have a valid point.

Actually the blame lies with the Pharisees that instigated the crucifixion of Jesus because he was threatening their bottom line.

All the Romans wanted was to stop the squabbles among the occupied. Ceasar didn't think it was right, but he knew it was their land

and their rules.
I seriously doubt that the Romans gave a fig about Jesus.

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