Zone1 Jews: Do you blame Jesus for all the persecution our people have suffered?

the romans had an interest in all financial transactions and their faithful
shills kept them informed-----that is why the tax collectors were stationed at
GATES to the cities and in the Temple Courtyard. The Romans were HIGHLY
MOTIVATED to keep Judea and crank out as much money as they could-----they
did not enter Judea because they were interested in the Talmud

nope-----just an avid reader and a logical mind. I had no religious training
as a child-----so my mind as a child was a blank page while I attended "SUNDAY
SCHOOL" as a guest and while I read the ENDLESS "explantory literature" that
floated in the breeze in my VERY CONSERVATIVE EPISCOPALIAN town.

It was bandit territory on the trade route. That's why they closed the gates by dark.
"since long before the romans'" WHAT? HIighway men? yes----they were called ISHMAELITES

Since before the Romans were in power . They were marauders ..

Since before the Romans were in power . They were marauders ..

read your ciitation and comment again, BEFORE ROMAN RULE----marauders were Ishmaelites----the Zealots and Sicarri were a
reaction to the filth of Rome. Try to keep your head on straight
He’d roll over in his grave if he knew how the C-Bible demonized Jews - and THAT is the real truth.

that is the real truth which was for jesus not an issue to role over in his grave.

the c-bible does not demonize judaism it demonizes jews that murdered jesus - as is the duplexity of that book, jesus repudiated judaism, moses was why he was crucified ... their denial of that truth he knew from the beginning.
read your ciitation and comment again, BEFORE ROMAN RULE----marauders were Ishmaelites----the Zealots and Sicarri were a
reaction to the filth of Rome. Try to keep your head on straight
The zealots and sicarri weren't in Rome. What year did Rome take control of Palestine? Was it 63 BC?
The zealots and sicarri weren't in Rome. What year did Rome take control of Palestine? Was it 63 BC?
oh gee-----now the liar, suradie, is trying to claim that I (rosie) claimed that the people called
ZEALOTS and SICARRI were situated in ROME. I feel like I am talking to one of my Pakistani colleagues in 1970
The message of many Jewish Priests and Rabbi today is one of
repentance and acknowledgment as for why the Jewish peoples of ancient times lost their homeland and were exiled from Israel.

If we take into mind what the Hebrew people were experiencing, God had lifted his hand of protection and the Romans were overpowering the Hebrew people, the situation of the times centered around Jesus and his followers were very violent, dangerous and ruthless and unmerciful.
the situation of the times centered around Jesus and his followers were very violent, dangerous and ruthless and unmerciful.

is that you judas ... because everyone knows that was you they listened to and the judean audience was many and far and it is their heredity idolatry that compels them. more than anything.
Even before Yahashua was even born the Roman government were murdering and killing little babies just to take a swipe out of the population of babies in order to kill Yahashua and the idea of an anointed man , anointed by the Spirit, Holy Of God.

a door to door search looking for all male babies in Bethlehem, taking the babies and stabbing and hacking them to death. Imagine seeing your little baby, your little newborn brother being ripped out of his mothers arms and butchered like an animal.

this had a devastating effect on the future ministry of Yahashua and his followers, early in the Ministry, John the Baptist was beheaded, this had nothing to do with Rome attempting to stop the Hebrews in argument and inner strife concerning Yahashua.

The goal of Rome was to create and fuel fear, terror and inner strife and mass hysteria to all Jewish citizens regarding Yahashua and his ministry. - King Herod even pretended to have reverence, respect and honor for the baby Yahashua, asking the wise men to find the baby in order that , " he " Herod could worship and honor the baby, when Herod found that he was tricked and deceived by the unwilling wise men

the Roman King conducted a door to door search looking for all male babies in Bethlehem, taking the babies and stabbing and hacking them to death.

A guaranteed
death and torture was the promise from Rome to all who allow Yahashua, The Anointing to exist,
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After all, it does say in the Christian Bible that “his blood is on Jews and all their generations“ along with other anti-Jewish verses.

Me? I do not. I think Jesus was basically a good man, with good intentions, and taught traditional Jewish values. His “do unto others” teaching, for example, can straight from Hillel.

The problem really started decades later when the NT was written. The claims that Jesus said “nobody gets to the Father except through me” is either outright false (no Jew would elevate himself like that) or misconstrued when he meant one must follow his teachings to see Gd.

That interpretation led to the idea the Gd is angry at Jews, has cursed them, and some of the other nasty stuff I’ve read right here on this forum. And the more Jews stuck with their religion that clearly outlined who the Messiah would be - Jesus didn’t fit - the more angry the 1st c Christians got with them. By the time John was written, they were in all-out assault mode.

Jesus certainly never intended any of this.

Jesus was a Jew.
Even before Yahashua was even born the Roman government were murdering and killing little babies just to take a swipe out of the population of babies in order to kill Yahashua and the idea of an anointed man , anointed by the Spirit, Holy Of God.

a door to door search looking for all male babies in Bethlehem, taking the babies and stabbing and hacking them to death. Imagine seeing your little baby, your little newborn brother being ripped out of his mothers arms and butchered like an animal.

this had a devastating effect on the future ministry of Yahashua and his followers, early in the Ministry, John the Baptist was beheaded, this had nothing to do with Rome attempting to stop the Hebrews in argument and inner strife concerning Yahashua.

The goal of Rome was to create and fuel fear, terror and inner strife and mass hysteria to all Jewish citizens regarding Yahashua and his ministry. - King Herod even pretended to have reverence, respect and honor for the baby Yahashua, asking the wise men to find the baby in order that , " he " Herod could worship and honor the baby, when Herod found that he was tricked and deceived by the unwilling wise men

the Roman King conducted a door to door search looking for all male babies in Bethlehem, taking the babies and stabbing and hacking them to death.

A guaranteed
death and torture was the promise from Rome to all who allow Yahashua, The Anointing to exist,

That's fiction.. never happened.

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