Zone1 Jews: Do you blame Jesus for all the persecution our people have suffered?

It was the Pharisees that instigated his execution.

That's just a fact. That doesn't mean it was all their congregations.

Maybe they were mad about him whipping the indulgence sellers.
nope----in fact that idea is not even suggested in the NT---your jelly-
bean teacher lied. Not only is your misinformation not presented
in the NT---that which IS historic is that the Pharisees were DEAD SET
against crucifixion specifically----but ALSO, in general, opposed capital
punishment. Also they VERY ADAMANTLY wanted the money changers
OUT OF THE TEMPLE COURTYARD. You are not alone----the kind of nonsense
to which you adhere is IMPLIED by some really jerky christian teachers
It was the Pharisees that instigated his execution.

That's just a fact. That doesn't mean it was all their congregations.

Maybe they were mad about him whipping the indulgence sellers.

The money changers were converting Roman currency to shekels for an exorbitant fee. They were basically cheating the poor. What indulgences?
The money changers were converting Roman currency to shekels for an exorbitant fee. They were basically cheating the poor. What indulgences?
try again----THAT is a baseless libel----The money changers were clients of Rome just as
were the tax collectors and the temple priests. The purpose of Rome's occupation of
"JUDEA" was extortion----thus, only THEIR shills dealt with money. The Pharisees despised---
the temple priests, the money changers and King Herod. <<<< THAT is history-----The attack
by Jesus on the money changers in the temple courtyard confirms the HISTORIC FACT that
he was a Pharisee------one of tens of thousands crucified by YOUR SAINT PONTIUS for sedition.
Jesus was crucified for that attack on the Roman shills in the Temple courtyard. (the jelly-bean
version of history is something like the EVER FRIENDLY RELATIONSHIP between American Indians
and the pilgrims and their descendants-----the stories were told and retold in my grammar
school days)
try again----THAT is a baseless libel----The money changers were clients of Rome just as
were the tax collectors and the temple priests. The purpose of Rome's occupation of
"JUDEA" was extortion----thus, only THEIR shills dealt with money. The Pharisees despised---
the temple priests, the money changers and King Herod. <<<< THAT is history-----The attack
by Jesus on the money changers in the temple courtyard confirms the HISTORIC FACT that
he was a Pharisee------one of tens of thousands crucified by YOUR SAINT PONTIUS for sedition.
Jesus was crucified for that attack on the Roman shills in the Temple courtyard. (the jelly-bean
version of history is something like the EVER FRIENDLY RELATIONSHIP between American Indians
and the pilgrims and their descendants-----the stories were told and retold in my grammar
school days)
Do you really think Jesus was important to the Romans?

Why do you think the money changers were Romans?
I don't see how the Romans benefitted from changing Roman coin to shekels. The Romans didn't use shekels.
if travelers who had consecrated their local money to the temple (it is easier to travel with consecrated money than consecrated animals, so people consecrated animals as sacrifices and then redeemed those animals, transferring the holy status to the money), they would need to change their local money to temple money in order to buy animals at the temple. The consecrated status then switches on to the animals which are sacrificed.
Do you really think Jesus was important to the Romans?

Why do you think the money changers were Romans?
something you learned in catechism class?--- WHEN TALKING TO A JEW--JUST ISSUE A MALODOROUS ERUCTATION----to wit, LIE..
This is not the first time you farted forth the LIE---that I have claimed that the money changers were ROMAN---when, IN FACT,
I have clearly stated that they were Jewish ROMAN APPOINTEES ------to wit SHILLS for the founder of your religion-----ROME---
the oppressors of captive Judea. Your time in arabia was well spent----you learned the parlor eructation technique. Abu Mazen could
learn some MORE filth from you. ALL PHARISEES were important to the Romans-----you really should study the FILTH OF JUSTINIAN
LAW------aka CANON LAW----you will love it-----it formed the basis for much of shariah shit and even the INQUISITION and the
Nuremburg Laws
if travelers who had consecrated their local money to the temple (it is easier to travel with consecrated money than consecrated animals, so people consecrated animals as sacrifices and then redeemed those animals, transferring the holy status to the money), they would need to change their local money to temple money in order to buy animals at the temple. The consecrated status then switches on to the animals which are sacrificed.
What? I know they had to buy sacrificial animals. How did the Romans benefit?
something you learned in catechism class?--- WHEN TALKING TO A JEW--JUST ISSUE A MALODOROUS ERUCTATION----to wit, LIE..
This is not the first time you farted forth the LIE---that I have claimed that the money changers were ROMAN---when, IN FACT,
I have clearly stated that they were Jewish ROMAN APPOINTEES ------to wit SHILLS for the founder of your religion-----ROME---
the oppressors of captive Judea. Your time in arabia was well spent----you learned the parlor eructation technique. Abu Mazen could
learn some MORE filth from you. ALL PHARISEES were important to the Romans-----you really should study the FILTH OF JUSTINIAN
LAW------aka CANON LAW----you will love it-----it formed the basis for much of shariah shit and even the INQUISITION and the
Nuremburg Laws

You are a little more crazy and bitter.
Maybe they were mad about him whipping the indulgence sellers.
Remember. Jesus was a Jew. All the apostles were Jews. The early church was Jew led.

you people are a broken record - jesus was never a jew - does your c-bible even show them saying - be a jew ...

they, jesus and those willing to die with him were a repudiation of judaism at that time, the teachings of the liar moses, their 10 commandments and the misconstrued beginning, a&e - used by religion, judaism to persecute and victimize the innocent -

what jesus wrote ...

Then God said, “Let us make life in our image, in our likeness, the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky the livestock and all the wild animals, and all the creatures that move along the ground.”

as the new beginning for understanding the original religion granted a&e, and remission to paradise.
What? I know they had to buy sacrificial animals. How did the Romans benefit?
the romans had an interest in all financial transactions and their faithful
shills kept them informed-----that is why the tax collectors were stationed at
GATES to the cities and in the Temple Courtyard. The Romans were HIGHLY
MOTIVATED to keep Judea and crank out as much money as they could-----they
did not enter Judea because they were interested in the Talmud
You are a little more crazy and bitter.
nope-----just an avid reader and a logical mind. I had no religious training
as a child-----so my mind as a child was a blank page while I attended "SUNDAY
SCHOOL" as a guest and while I read the ENDLESS "explantory literature" that
floated in the breeze in my VERY CONSERVATIVE EPISCOPALIAN town.
you people are a broken record - jesus was never a jew - does your c-bible even show them saying - be a jew ...

they, jesus and those willing to die with him were a repudiation of judaism at that time, the teachings of the liar moses, their 10 commandments and the misconstrued beginning, a&e - used by religion, judaism to persecute and victimize the innocent -

what jesus wrote ...

as the new beginning for understanding the original religion granted a&e, and remission to paradise.
Jesus did not write the c-bible.
What? I know they had to buy sacrificial animals. How did the Romans benefit?
I have no idea how the Romans are related to this. I'm just saying that changing money was a necessary part of life in temple times. For some otehr background, see here
I have no idea how the Romans are related to this. I'm just saying that changing money was a necessary part of life in temple times. For some otehr background, see here
the romans got a cut on all money transactions-----the temple was being run like the JAVITS CENTER.
Jesus did not write the c-bible.

their writings were destroyed -

much, thankfully has been passed down orally ... as the above example - to allow the religious to read past the corrupt c-bible, forgeries and fallacies to include what jesus and those brave people died for.

the religious do not read what is evil - the historical accounts of the c-bible from that time to the present day.
I have no idea how the Romans are related to this. I'm just saying that changing money was a necessary part of life in temple times. For some otehr background, see here
Thanks. Good link.

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