Jews Instigate Intifada III


Diamond Member
Dec 27, 2009
Los Angeles, California
"For three days, since the body of 16 year-old Muhammad Abu Khdeir was found, protests have rocked the city of Jerusalem.

"Abu Khdeir was kidnapped from the Shuafat refugee camp a day after the funeral of three Israeli teenagers whose bodies were found south of Hebron. The teenagers' kidnapping, allegedly by members of the extremist Qawasmeh clan loosely associated with the Hamas Party, sparked the biggest operation the Israeli army led in the West Bank in a decade.

"All Palestinian cities and most villages were invaded, thousands of homes were searched and many destroyed, and more than 500 people arrested, not one of whom charged with the kidnapping.

"In the process six Palestinians were killed and another three elderly people died in various incidents."

More than five hundred arrests and not one was charged.
Six more Palestinians dead at Jew hands
Collective punishment?
Not for the Chosen people

Reporting From Besieged Shuafat Refugee Camp
"For three days, since the body of 16 year-old Muhammad Abu Khdeir was found, protests have rocked the city of Jerusalem.

"Abu Khdeir was kidnapped from the Shuafat refugee camp a day after the funeral of three Israeli teenagers whose bodies were found south of Hebron. The teenagers' kidnapping, allegedly by members of the extremist Qawasmeh clan loosely associated with the Hamas Party, sparked the biggest operation the Israeli army led in the West Bank in a decade.

"All Palestinian cities and most villages were invaded, thousands of homes were searched and many destroyed, and more than 500 people arrested, not one of whom charged with the kidnapping.

"In the process six Palestinians were killed and another three elderly people died in various incidents."

More than five hundred arrests and not one was charged.
Six more Palestinians dead at Jew hands
Collective punishment?
Not for the Chosen people

Reporting From Besieged Shuafat Refugee Camp

I believe this to be true. The Jews are not innocent here. I've tried to talk to jews in America about the other side but to them there is no other side. So how do you talk to people like this? They say all the documentaries I see on PBS are bullshit the ones that show the Palistinians side of this. Really? So give them their own fucking state and quit moving into their neighborhoods and crowding them out.
"For three days, since the body of 16 year-old Muhammad Abu Khdeir was found, protests have rocked the city of Jerusalem.

"Abu Khdeir was kidnapped from the Shuafat refugee camp a day after the funeral of three Israeli teenagers whose bodies were found south of Hebron. The teenagers' kidnapping, allegedly by members of the extremist Qawasmeh clan loosely associated with the Hamas Party, sparked the biggest operation the Israeli army led in the West Bank in a decade.

"All Palestinian cities and most villages were invaded, thousands of homes were searched and many destroyed, and more than 500 people arrested, not one of whom charged with the kidnapping.

"In the process six Palestinians were killed and another three elderly people died in various incidents."

More than five hundred arrests and not one was charged.
Six more Palestinians dead at Jew hands
Collective punishment?
Not for the Chosen people

Reporting From Besieged Shuafat Refugee Camp

I believe this to be true. The Jews are not innocent here. I've tried to talk to jews in America about the other side but to them there is no other side. So how do you talk to people like this? They say all the documentaries I see on PBS are bullshit the ones that show the Palistinians side of this. Really? So give them their own fucking state and quit moving into their neighborhoods and crowding them out.
Maybe the biggest problem with your solution stems from the fact that there are nearly equal numbers of Jews and non-Jews living between the Mediterranean Sea and the Jordan river at this time.

Every Jew has a vote to determine who writes the laws she lives under while less than half of Arabs have the same right. With ISIS on the loose close to Jordan' border with Iraq, it isn't likely Jew and Arab will unite in Palestine.

If anything, as the violence spirals across the Middle East, Israel could attempt another al-Nakba. It worked in 1948.
"For three days, since the body of 16 year-old Muhammad Abu Khdeir was found, protests have rocked the city of Jerusalem.

"Abu Khdeir was kidnapped from the Shuafat refugee camp a day after the funeral of three Israeli teenagers whose bodies were found south of Hebron. The teenagers' kidnapping, allegedly by members of the extremist Qawasmeh clan loosely associated with the Hamas Party, sparked the biggest operation the Israeli army led in the West Bank in a decade.

"All Palestinian cities and most villages were invaded, thousands of homes were searched and many destroyed, and more than 500 people arrested, not one of whom charged with the kidnapping.

"In the process six Palestinians were killed and another three elderly people died in various incidents."

More than five hundred arrests and not one was charged.
Six more Palestinians dead at Jew hands
Collective punishment?
Not for the Chosen people

Reporting From Besieged Shuafat Refugee Camp

I believe this to be true. The Jews are not innocent here. I've tried to talk to jews in America about the other side but to them there is no other side. So how do you talk to people like this? They say all the documentaries I see on PBS are bullshit the ones that show the Palistinians side of this. Really? So give them their own fucking state and quit moving into their neighborhoods and crowding them out.
Maybe the biggest problem with your solution stems from the fact that there are nearly equal numbers of Jews and non-Jews living between the Mediterranean Sea and the Jordan river at this time.

Every Jew has a vote to determine who writes the laws she lives under while less than half of Arabs have the same right. With ISIS on the loose close to Jordan' border with Iraq, it isn't likely Jew and Arab will unite in Palestine.

If anything, as the violence spirals across the Middle East, Israel could attempt another al-Nakba. It worked in 1948.

Let's send Herr George to Saudi Arabia so we can see how he likes to live by their rules. Being an Infidel I am sure he would not like it. Meanwhile, the Arabs have it better in Israel than many of the other Muslims countries and, let's face it, they wouldn't want to trade places with many of the other Arabs living elsewhere..
Intifada 1 has never ended for there to be a two or three...
I believe this to be true. The Jews are not innocent here. I've tried to talk to jews in America about the other side but to them there is no other side. So how do you talk to people like this? They say all the documentaries I see on PBS are bullshit the ones that show the Palistinians side of this. Really? So give them their own fucking state and quit moving into their neighborhoods and crowding them out.
Maybe the biggest problem with your solution stems from the fact that there are nearly equal numbers of Jews and non-Jews living between the Mediterranean Sea and the Jordan river at this time.

Every Jew has a vote to determine who writes the laws she lives under while less than half of Arabs have the same right. With ISIS on the loose close to Jordan' border with Iraq, it isn't likely Jew and Arab will unite in Palestine.

If anything, as the violence spirals across the Middle East, Israel could attempt another al-Nakba. It worked in 1948.

Let's send Herr George to Saudi Arabia so we can see how he likes to live by their rules. Being an Infidel I am sure he would not like it. Meanwhile, the Arabs have it better in Israel than many of the other Muslims countries and, let's face it, they wouldn't want to trade places with many of the other Arabs living elsewhere..
Why is it you never respond to the threads you're posting on?
Are you paid by the hour?
Maybe the biggest problem with your solution stems from the fact that there are nearly equal numbers of Jews and non-Jews living between the Mediterranean Sea and the Jordan river at this time.

Every Jew has a vote to determine who writes the laws she lives under while less than half of Arabs have the same right. With ISIS on the loose close to Jordan' border with Iraq, it isn't likely Jew and Arab will unite in Palestine.

If anything, as the violence spirals across the Middle East, Israel could attempt another al-Nakba. It worked in 1948.

Let's send Herr George to Saudi Arabia so we can see how he likes to live by their rules. Being an Infidel I am sure he would not like it. Meanwhile, the Arabs have it better in Israel than many of the other Muslims countries and, let's face it, they wouldn't want to trade places with many of the other Arabs living elsewhere..

Why is it you never respond to the threads you're posting on?
Are you paid by the hour?

It really is so telling how short of money Herr George is that he keeps on bringing up people getting paid to post when he hopes that his new masters will start paying him for becoming a good Dhimmi. So, Herr George, how about some articles from you from the rest of the Middle East where you don't drag in the Jews or the U.S. which you hate? Tell us a little about what is going on in the Emirates or in Iran?
"The next night, Muhammad Abu Khdeir was taken, also in Shuafat, on his way to morning Ramadan prayers.

"After his body was found the Israeli army did not go door to door, looking for the perpetrators not did it interrogate the hundreds of Israelis who called for the killing of Palestinians.

"Instead, they interrogated Mohammad's father, accusing him of being involved in his son's death.

"Protests therefore sparked here, in Shuafat, and in other Jerusalem neighbourhoods, in major Palestinian towns in the north and center of the country, and in the mixed cities of Jaffa and Haifa.

"In the protests hundreds of Palestinians were injured.

"The Israeli army then surrounded Shuafat, and set up checkpoints, besieging the camp.

"Electricity was cut and the light rail which connects the camp to the city was prevented from entering.

"The camp now looks like a besieged war zone.

"On Friday night, The Real News managed to enter the camp to speak to the youth who have been protesting here since Wednesday afternoon.

"Amnesty International, the European Union, and the UN Security Council condemned the revenge killing this week.

"Human Rights Watch issued a press release saying the Israeli army's actions amount to collective punishment, a war crime according to international law.

"But here, in Shuafat, a refugee camp surrounded by three settlements and the segregation wall, the protests are no longer just about Muhammad."

Reporting From Besieged Shuafat Refugee Camp
A dead body was found----the cops interviewed the family which is standard
cop response. So far no one know who killed the kid or why----but true to
form islamo Nazis have decided to turn the incident into a blood libel ----as usual
based on NO EVIDENCE at all but based on their own hatreds and blood thirst
The cops had lots of information about the
islamo Nazis pigs who abducted and murdered the three jewish kids for the glory
of allah-----and knew early on that the islamo Nazi pig group HAMAS was involved---
so they investigated the Hamas islamo Nazi pigs.
A dead body was found----the cops interviewed the family which is standard
cop response. So far no one know who killed the kid or why----but true to
form islamo Nazis have decided to turn the incident into a blood libel ----as usual
based on NO EVIDENCE at all but based on their own hatreds and blood thirst
The cops had lots of information about the
islamo Nazis pigs who abducted and murdered the three jewish kids for the glory
of allah-----and knew early on that the islamo Nazi pig group HAMAS was involved---
so they investigated the Hamas islamo Nazi pigs.
Actually, the cops accused the father of murdering his son, which does have a faintly Old Testament ring to it. Why did those paradigms of moral virtue, the Israeli police, not go door to door among the racist settlers in order to find those responsible for the murdered Arab? Are Jews incapable of applying law equally to themselves and their victims? Get ready for the big SPLASH, rosie, Jewish racism makes it inescapable.
If Muslims are that stupid, they deserve what they get.

All murders of young people are horrible. The youth are the future of this planet. However, how come the Arabs in the rest of the Middle East aren't rioting over the ten thousand plus children who have been killed? Is it only when it comes to the Jews that they start with their rioting and all these other dead children mean nothing at all to them?
I believe this to be true. The Jews are not innocent here. I've tried to talk to jews in America about the other side but to them there is no other side. So how do you talk to people like this? They say all the documentaries I see on PBS are bullshit the ones that show the Palistinians side of this. Really? So give them their own fucking state and quit moving into their neighborhoods and crowding them out.
Maybe the biggest problem with your solution stems from the fact that there are nearly equal numbers of Jews and non-Jews living between the Mediterranean Sea and the Jordan river at this time.

Every Jew has a vote to determine who writes the laws she lives under while less than half of Arabs have the same right. With ISIS on the loose close to Jordan' border with Iraq, it isn't likely Jew and Arab will unite in Palestine.

If anything, as the violence spirals across the Middle East, Israel could attempt another al-Nakba. It worked in 1948.

Let's send Herr George to Saudi Arabia so we can see how he likes to live by their rules. Being an Infidel I am sure he would not like it. Meanwhile, the Arabs have it better in Israel than many of the other Muslims countries and, let's face it, they wouldn't want to trade places with many of the other Arabs living elsewhere..
Saudi apartheid and religious fundamentalism has nothing at all to do with Israel, except for the fact that elites in both states depend upon the greatest purveyor of violence in the world for their very existence. Since Israel is perfect in your mind, why are you wasting resources by living in the US?
Intifada 1 has never ended for there to be a two or three...
Because 650,000 Jews inflicted their nation upon 1.3 million Arabs in 1948, BEFORE BDS, BTW.

You're under the false impression that neighboring Arab nations did not inflict their beggars and squatters upon the territory in question. With those Arab beggars and squatters came their Arab socio-economic decay and an entitlement which was self-assessed.

It was actually your Arab brethren who displaced the beggars and squatters when they launched their hoped-for genocide in 1948.
Maybe the biggest problem with your solution stems from the fact that there are nearly equal numbers of Jews and non-Jews living between the Mediterranean Sea and the Jordan river at this time.

Every Jew has a vote to determine who writes the laws she lives under while less than half of Arabs have the same right. With ISIS on the loose close to Jordan' border with Iraq, it isn't likely Jew and Arab will unite in Palestine.

If anything, as the violence spirals across the Middle East, Israel could attempt another al-Nakba. It worked in 1948.

Let's send Herr George to Saudi Arabia so we can see how he likes to live by their rules. Being an Infidel I am sure he would not like it. Meanwhile, the Arabs have it better in Israel than many of the other Muslims countries and, let's face it, they wouldn't want to trade places with many of the other Arabs living elsewhere..
Saudi apartheid and religious fundamentalism has nothing at all to do with Israel, except for the fact that elites in both states depend upon the greatest purveyor of violence in the world for their very existence. Since Israel is perfect in your mind, why are you wasting resources by living in the US?

not at all true, Georgie------the ISRAEL today is jews with a 1400 year history with the UMMAH.
The jews of Israel today are the survivors of islamo Nazi filth ----first initiated by the first
emperor of the FIRST REICH---and whose policies were adopted and expanded upon by the rapist pig of
mecca and promulgated over much of the planet
Israeli jets strikes Gaza in response to rocket fire | MidEast | Daily Sabah

GAZA CITY – Israeli planes on Saturday attacked three sites affiliated with the Palestinian resistance movement Hamas southern the Gaza Strip, the Israeli army said.

It added in a statement that the new strike comes on the heels of launching three rockets from Gaza on the building of Eshkol Regional Council in southern Israel.

The Israeli army noted that 14 rockets have been fired from Gaza since midnight, including 12 rockets that fell in southern Israel, while one rocket was intercepted by the Iron Dome system and another fell inside the Gaza Strip.

On Friday, the Israeli army said a total of 150 rockets had been fired on Israel from the Gaza Strip since the June 12 abduction of three Jewish teens, whose bodies had been found later southern the West Bank.
Intifada 1 has never ended for there to be a two or three...
Because 650,000 Jews inflicted their nation upon 1.3 million Arabs in 1948, BEFORE BDS, BTW.

You're under the false impression that neighboring Arab nations did not inflict their beggars and squatters upon the territory in question. With those Arab beggars and squatters came their Arab socio-economic decay and an entitlement which was self-assessed.

It was actually your Arab brethren who displaced the beggars and squatters when they launched their hoped-for genocide in 1948.
"By 1948, the population had risen to 1,900,000, of whom 68% were Arabs, and 32% were Jews (UNSCOP report, including bedouin).

"The question of late Arab immigration to Palestine[edit]

"Whether there was significant Arab immigration into Palestine after the beginning of Jewish settlement there in the late 19th century has become a matter of some controversy.

"According to Martin Gilbert, 50,000 Arabs immigrated to Mandatory Palestine from the neighboring lands between 1919 and 1939 'attracted by the improving agricultural conditions and growing job opportunities, most of them created by the Jews'.[45]

"The Arab population of Palestine doubled during the mandatory period from 670 000 in 1922 to over 1,2 million in 1948.

"The estimates on the scope of Arab immigration to Palestine during this period range from insignificant numbers to almost 300 000.[citation needed]

"According to Itzhak Galnoor, although most of Arab population increase came from natural increase, the Arab immigration to Palestine was not insignificant. Based on his estimates approximately 100 000 Arabs immigrated to Palestine between 1922 and 1948.[46]"

Those improvements Jews brought to Palestine between 1919 and 1939 came about because 90% of British capital went to Jews in spite of Balfour's declaration that creating a Jewish homeland in Palestine would not come at the expense of the non-Jewish majority already living there.

Demographics of Palestine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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