Jews trying to get Americans killed - as usual

The pro Israel lot can bleat on all they like but they can't get past facts.

There was no Israel for thousands of years and there's only one now because of daft political moves, mass immigration and wars.
States that start with a war tend to end with a war. Sadly, that'll involve a lot of innocent people getting hurt.
And just who is it, that you think is going to destroy Israel with war?

World politics change, the rich, powerful nations get weaker and others take over.
This, eventually, will happen to your pimp, America.
When the American taxpayers wise up or just get fed up of you, your military power will fade and you;ll become weak.
This will lead to other countries attacking you and you'll fall.

Israel is simply a shit stain on the underwear of life.
Watch out for the washing machine.
You don't understand and it isn't "Un American", in fact the system of govt. In Israel is as American as it gets. Israel was voted for as a JEWISH State, by the 51 member states of the League of Nations (which later became the UN) as a haven and shelter for Jews who are escaping persecution, anti Semetism, and oppression.

The region was also divided into many "Islamic" states by the same governing body. While a quarter of Israel's population are Arab Muslims with equal rights as the rest of the Israelis, non of the Arab or Muslim states can boast a non Muslim minority that big. Yet ignorant morons like you keep calling Israel the "racist" nation.

I get it that there is a "rah rah" section for Israel and they would say Israeli shit tastes delicious. However, I didn't say Israel was a "racist nation". That would be an indictment of all of its citizens. I did say that the government favors Jews in terms of becoming a citizen.

But that's not what you said. You did say " is a fact that Israel currently requires a person to be a particular religion to be a citizen" and despite ample opportunity to admit you had lied, you simply slithered away.
No guts ... no glory.

That is correct. If you are not a citizen and want to "be a citizen", then being Jewish is a major determining factor. Jews are automatic citizens and "others" are given the run-around. If you think it is a good thing that a country grants automatic citizenship based on religion, that is your right. However, here in America, the true constitutionalists will never think that is a good thing. I am an American and don't see how backing up fucked up Israeli government policies is the best interest of America. I am allowed to have that opinion. I don't care for any government where religion is part of the government. Anybody who doesn't get that is probably not that big on American values.
How could that possibly be, when it clearly states that nothing could be done that might "prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine...."

How could establishing a Jewish ruled state not "prejudice the civil and religious rights of the existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine"? Remember non-Jews were about 90% of the population. The Mandate had no such intention.

[/B]of a national home for the Jewish people, it being clearly understood that nothing should be done which might prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine...."

arab Israelis have the rights that come with citizenship. Those that don't want to be Israel and live by the laws of Israel have left and now live in the WB, gaza and the refugee camps...or found jobs and applied for citizenship in other countries.

Palestinians did not have to leave, they made the choice to. They choose to fight against the Israeli state instead of accepting it existence. If palestinian are treated as hostile and excluded from entering Israel, it is due to their own actions. If they object to not having equal right with Israeli, it because they choose not to be Israelis.

"Palestinians did not have to leave,"

Now there, there. Do you really expect informed people to believe the Zionist propaganda. Christian and Muslim villages had been attacked by Irgun, Haganah and Stern Gang types, and villagers were being slaughtered, you really think they "did not have to leave". You are on an alternative universe.

Will you believe the document submitted to the UN in regards to this, when Israel declared independence and begged the arabs to stay in peace as full Israeli citizens. This document is enshrined in INTERNATIONAL LAW and shows that you ISLAMONAZI PROPAGANDISTS are LYING to demonise and incite racial hatred of the Jews.
Sweet_Caroline, montelatici, et al,

Remember that these documents were created by men based on a 19th Century understanding of what civil and religious rights meant.

That was the wording of the Mandate.
Civil and religious rights of other peoples were not prejudiced.

So, when the authors of these very early 20th Century documents say "nothing should be done which might prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine...." --- what did THEY really means?

  • The Balfour Declaration, ----- the San Remo Conference, nor the Palestine Mandate extend any specific authoritative "rights" to the Jewish people.
    • The Balfour Declaration was neither an independent authority or a directive. It was an expression of intent to extend its "best endeavors" to facilitate the achievement of a "national home for the Jewish people."
    • The San Remo Convention was more multifaceted, yet still not a independent authority or a directive extending any special rights to the Jewish People.
      • The San Remo Convention was an agreement to attempt to achieve the facilitation of the Balfour Declaration of a "national home for the Jewish people."
      • The San Remo Convention was an agreement on the framework (the Mandate) to bring meaning to Article 22 of the Covenant.
    • The Mandate was the product of the San Remo Convention and the League of Nation authority for the assigned Mandatory.
Under the terms of the Mandate, to award the country either to the Arabs or to the Jews, or even to partition it between them was not authorized. That is why an additional authority [GA/RES/181(II)] was required.

There were a few "rights" addressed (civil and religious rights). What they did include:
  • Rights and free access to the Holy Places, religious buildings and sites and the free exercise of worship, and protection of Moslem sacred shrines.
  • Freedom to maintain indigenous schools for the education of its culture.
  • Freedom to manage financial obligations legitimately incurred debt.
  • The protection of pensions or gratuities (inheritance).
  • Real Estate laws and the protection of private property.
But nothing else specifically was mentioned. It has always been assumed that civil property rights were included. And still today, that assumption seems valid.

When trying to translate what the authors intent was, one has to think like a early 20th Century author with a 19th Century education and classical outlook on humanity. But you cannot include all the advancement made in summation of the 20th Century and apply 21st Century logic to them. That would not be representative of their true intent.

Most Respectfully,

" nothing should be done which might prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities "

Ok genius, do you see anything that can be misinterpreted in the above? And note the word "might" rather than will. Nothing that "might" prejudice the civil rights was prohibited, and forcing the Christians and Muslims to be ruled by Jews (which was not the intent of the Mandate at all) certainly "might" prejudice the rights of the non-Jews.

Can you see were it does not say the civil and religious rights as understood in the 21C, as the civil and religious rights of 1929 are so much different than those of today. Back then many women were seen as chattels and not as human beings. Many arab Palestinians were literal slaves to the Ottoman rulers with no actual civil or religious rights. Like the Christians of the area who were all dhimmi and had no rights but those the muslims gave them.

So stop thinking 2014 rights and think 1920's rights and you will see that the partition did not breach this clause AT THE TIME
How could that possibly be, when it clearly states that nothing could be done that might "prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine...."

How could establishing a Jewish ruled state not "prejudice the civil and religious rights of the existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine"? Remember non-Jews were about 90% of the population. The Mandate had no such intention.

[/B]of a national home for the Jewish people, it being clearly understood that nothing should be done which might prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine...."

That was the wording of the Mandate.
Civil and religious rights of other peoples were not prejudiced.

Of course they were. If the had't there would not be Palestinian refugees or Palestinians penned up in Gulags. But it isn't the point, the word was "might" not "could", so putting non-Jews under the rule of Jews under the Partition was in contravention of the terms of the Mandate. It is obvious that putting non-Jews under the rule of Jews "might" prejudice the civil rights of the non-Jews. And it certainly did.

That was not the fault of the U.N., Israel, LoN or the mandate, but it was the fault of the arab muslims intent on genocide so they could steal the land. It was them that penned them up in death camps all over the M.E, with the worst of these being in Egypt and Jordan. Putting non Jews under the rule of the Jews was not in contravention of the terms of the mandate at all. This is bourn out by the fact the non Jews in Israel have the same LEGAL RIGHTS as the Jews, and can vote, stand for election, buy property and teach their religion without hindrance. On the other hand putting the Jews under the control of PSYCHOPATHIC ISLAMONAZI TERRORIST SCUM would have resulted in the demise of every Jew from Palestine and the theft of all their property and goods.

As the legal UN documents submitted in may 1948 state the arabs are free to stay in peace and become full Israeli citizens, there is no corresponding legal UN document from any arab muslim nations giving the Jews the sane rights. Now why is this ?
"While it is true that the intent did not explicitly require a Jewish State, it did not preclude it."

It precluded a state that "might" prejudice the civil rights of the non-Jews. In those days, the potential prejudice of the civil rights of one people over another on a religious basis was more expected than today. So, sorry, your dog won't hunt.

So then smart guy were is the intent in this legal document to remove the civil and religious rights of the non Jews.

Declaration of Israel's Independence, 1948 . Truman . WGBH American Experience | PBS

On November 29, 1947, the General Assembly of the United Nations adopted a Resolution for the establishment of an independent Jewish State in Palestine, and called upon the inhabitants of the country to take such steps as may be necessary on their part to put the plan into effect. INTERNATIONAL LAW

This recognition by the United Nations of the right of the Jewish people to establish their Independent State may not be revoked. It is, moreover, the self-evident right of the Jewish people to be a nation, as all other nations, in its own Sovereign State.

ACCORDINGLY, WE, the members of the National Council, representing the Jewish people in Palestine and the Zionist movement of the world, met together in solemn assembly today, the day of the termination of the British mandate for Palestine, by virtue of the natural and historic right of the Jewish and of the Resolution of the General Assembly of the United Nations,

HEREBY PROCLAIM the establishment of the Jewish State in Palestine, to be called ISRAEL.

WE HEREBY DECLARE that as from the termination of the Mandate at midnight, this night of the 14th and 15th May, 1948, and until the setting up of the duly elected bodies of the State in accordance with a Constitution, to be drawn up by a Constituent Assembly not later than the first day of October, 1948, the present National Council shall act as the provisional administration, shall constitute the Provisional Government of the State of Israel.

THE STATE OF ISRAEL will be open to the immigration of Jews from all countries of their dispersion; will promote the development of the country for the benefit of all its inhabitants; will be based on the precepts of liberty, justice and peace taught by the Hebrew Prophets; will uphold the full social and political equality of all its citizens, without distinction of race, creed or sex; will guarantee full freedom of conscience, worship, education and culture; will safeguard the sanctity and inviolability of the shrines and Holy Places of all religions; and will dedicate itself to the principles of the Charter of the United Nations.

THE STATE OF ISRAEL will be ready to cooperate with the organs and representatives of the United Nations in the implementation of the Resolution of the Assembly of November 29, 1947, and will take steps to bring about the Economic Union over the whole of Palestine.

We appeal to the United Nations to assist the Jewish people in the building of its State and to admit Israel into the family of nations.

In the midst of wanton aggression, we yet call upon the Arab inhabitants of the State of Israel to return to the ways of peace and play their part in the development of the State, with full and equal citizenship and due representation in its bodies and institutions -- provisional or permanent.

We offer peace and unity to all the neighboring states and their peoples, and invite them to cooperate with the independent Jewish nation for the common good of all.

Our call goes out the Jewish people all over the world to rally to our side in the task of immigration and development and to stand by us in the great struggle for the fulfillment of the dream of generations -- the redemption of Israel.

With trust in Almighty God, we set our hand to this Declaration, at this Session of the Provisional State Council, in the city of Tel Aviv, on this Sabbath eve, the fifth of Iyar, 5708, the fourteenth day of May, 1948.
The pro Israel lot can bleat on all they like but they can't get past facts.

There was no Israel for thousands of years and there's only one now because of daft political moves, mass immigration and wars.
States that start with a war tend to end with a war. Sadly, that'll involve a lot of innocent people getting hurt.

Just a shame that it is ISLAMONAZI TERRORIST SCUM that are being hurt isn't it ?...:eusa_boohoo:
The pro Israel lot can bleat on all they like but they can't get past facts.

There was no Israel for thousands of years and there's only one now because of daft political moves, mass immigration and wars.
States that start with a war tend to end with a war. Sadly, that'll involve a lot of innocent people getting hurt.
And just who is it, that you think is going to destroy Israel with war?

World politics change, the rich, powerful nations get weaker and others take over.
This, eventually, will happen to your pimp, America.
When the American taxpayers wise up or just get fed up of you, your military power will fade and you;ll become weak.
This will lead to other countries attacking you and you'll fall.

Israel is simply a shit stain on the underwear of life.
Watch out for the washing machine.

Wrong as Israel has the means to stay strong and build more advanced weapons to defend herself with. If America gets weak then the taxpayers will not have any say in matters, unless some muslim group decides to claim land for an Islamic state. As for Israel she managed to fight of other countries for 35 years without any help from anyone, many times with fewer numbers and less munitions.
I get it that there is a "rah rah" section for Israel and they would say Israeli shit tastes delicious. However, I didn't say Israel was a "racist nation". That would be an indictment of all of its citizens. I did say that the government favors Jews in terms of becoming a citizen.

But that's not what you said. You did say " is a fact that Israel currently requires a person to be a particular religion to be a citizen" and despite ample opportunity to admit you had lied, you simply slithered away.
No guts ... no glory.

That is correct. If you are not a citizen and want to "be a citizen", then being Jewish is a major determining factor. Jews are automatic citizens and "others" are given the run-around. If you think it is a good thing that a country grants automatic citizenship based on religion, that is your right. However, here in America, the true constitutionalists will never think that is a good thing. I am an American and don't see how backing up fucked up Israeli government policies is the best interest of America. I am allowed to have that opinion. I don't care for any government where religion is part of the government. Anybody who doesn't get that is probably not that big on American values.

Actually not all "JEWS" are automatic citizens and many don't hit the criteria for being citizens either. For a start those without and Hebrew as a language need not apply, same with those who are recent converts.
Sweet_Caroline, montelatici, et al,

Remember that these documents were created by men based on a 19th Century understanding of what civil and religious rights meant.

How could that possibly be, when it clearly states that nothing could be done that might "prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine...."

How could establishing a Jewish ruled state not "prejudice the civil and religious rights of the existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine"? Remember non-Jews were about 90% of the population. The Mandate had no such intention.

[/B]of a national home for the Jewish people, it being clearly understood that nothing should be done which might prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine...."

That was the wording of the Mandate.
Civil and religious rights of other peoples were not prejudiced.

So, when the authors of these very early 20th Century documents say "nothing should be done which might prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine...." --- what did THEY really means?

  • The Balfour Declaration, ----- the San Remo Conference, nor the Palestine Mandate extend any specific authoritative "rights" to the Jewish people.
    • The Balfour Declaration was neither an independent authority or a directive. It was an expression of intent to extend its "best endeavors" to facilitate the achievement of a "national home for the Jewish people."
    • The San Remo Convention was more multifaceted, yet still not a independent authority or a directive extending any special rights to the Jewish People.
      • The San Remo Convention was an agreement to attempt to achieve the facilitation of the Balfour Declaration of a "national home for the Jewish people."
      • The San Remo Convention was an agreement on the framework (the Mandate) to bring meaning to Article 22 of the Covenant.
    • The Mandate was the product of the San Remo Convention and the League of Nation authority for the assigned Mandatory.
Under the terms of the Mandate, to award the country either to the Arabs or to the Jews, or even to partition it between them was not authorized. That is why an additional authority [GA/RES/181(II)] was required.

There were a few "rights" addressed (civil and religious rights). What they did include:
  • Rights and free access to the Holy Places, religious buildings and sites and the free exercise of worship, and protection of Moslem sacred shrines.
  • Freedom to maintain indigenous schools for the education of its culture.
  • Freedom to manage financial obligations legitimately incurred debt.
  • The protection of pensions or gratuities (inheritance).
  • Real Estate laws and the protection of private property.
But nothing else specifically was mentioned. It has always been assumed that civil property rights were included. And still today, that assumption seems valid.

When trying to translate what the authors intent was, one has to think like a early 20th Century author with a 19th Century education and classical outlook on humanity. But you cannot include all the advancement made in summation of the 20th Century and apply 21st Century logic to them. That would not be representative of their true intent.

Most Respectfully,

Good post.

None of these mentioned Israel, a Jewish state, or a country where Jews would rule over others. They all seem to contradict the notion of a Jewish state.
arab Israelis have the rights that come with citizenship. Those that don't want to be Israel and live by the laws of Israel have left and now live in the WB, gaza and the refugee camps...or found jobs and applied for citizenship in other countries.

Palestinians did not have to leave, they made the choice to. They choose to fight against the Israeli state instead of accepting it existence. If palestinian are treated as hostile and excluded from entering Israel, it is due to their own actions. If they object to not having equal right with Israeli, it because they choose not to be Israelis.

"Palestinians did not have to leave,"

Now there, there. Do you really expect informed people to believe the Zionist propaganda. Christian and Muslim villages had been attacked by Irgun, Haganah and Stern Gang types, and villagers were being slaughtered, you really think they "did not have to leave". You are on an alternative universe.

Will you believe the document submitted to the UN in regards to this, when Israel declared independence and begged the arabs to stay in peace as full Israeli citizens. This document is enshrined in INTERNATIONAL LAW and shows that you ISLAMONAZI PROPAGANDISTS are LYING to demonise and incite racial hatred of the Jews.

You are one comical ZioNazi...Did you expect flowers for maiming people since the Irgun to this moment...Israel is at War with Islam, a Religious type war long given up by the Western Powers...Fred is right, Empires come and go, Evolution even in Nations are always in flux.
Last edited:
Empires and rogue states turn up, live, murder and eventually, get stomped under the feet of the people they oppress.
Israel is no different.
Sooner or later, the American taxpayers will rebel, give Israel the finger and, as the country gets weaker, the surrounding nations will want their land back.

Happens every time; no mass murdering government ever lasts that long.

I give the place between 5 and 20 years.
A couple of years before the Berlin wall fell, very few people would have predicted it.
Same went for South Africa. It fell rapidly, with far greater ease than was expected.

Israel is dead, regardless of the rights and wrongs of that situation.
Many Jews will return to Europe, a lot to America, but where ever they go, memories of Israeli mass murder and oppression will follow.
The American right wing will probably see their chance to blame immigrant Jews for all America's problems and we'll see mass hatred.

Basically, business as usual but, without American tax payers funding that evil state, there will be no Muslim groups who care about attacking America.

Basically, all Muslim groups who engage in acts against America, do so because America funds Israel.
That is the base of many of America's problems.
Six million people, run by an evil government, cause more problems for America than the rest of the world.
You will commit gross evil on earth, twice. You are destined to fall into great heights of arrogance.

The Romans did number one; who will do the next one?
Perhaps America, if the gross evil turns out to be 9/11.
The pro Israel lot can bleat on all they like but they can't get past facts.

There was no Israel for thousands of years and there's only one now because of daft political moves, mass immigration and wars.
States that start with a war tend to end with a war. Sadly, that'll involve a lot of innocent people getting hurt.
And just who is it, that you think is going to destroy Israel with war?

World politics change, the rich, powerful nations get weaker and others take over.
This, eventually, will happen to your pimp, America.
When the American taxpayers wise up or just get fed up of you, your military power will fade and you;ll become weak.
This will lead to other countries attacking you and you'll fall.

Israel is simply a shit stain on the underwear of life.
Watch out for the washing machine.

False, Israel's neighbours are the shit stains on the underwear of life.

BTW, ever notice how Nazis like you always talk about how this and that WILL happen to Israel, but none of it ever happens?
After 66 years of hearing the same shit, it kind of gets old.
But I guess Muslims like yourself are taught to hate Israel and pray for their destruction at your mosque, right Nazi Fred?
Empires and rogue states turn up, live, murder and eventually, get stomped under the feet of the people they oppress.
Israel is no different.
Sooner or later, the American taxpayers will rebel, give Israel the finger and, as the country gets weaker, the surrounding nations will want their land back.

Happens every time; no mass murdering government ever lasts that long.

I give the place between 5 and 20 years.
A couple of years before the Berlin wall fell, very few people would have predicted it.
Same went for South Africa. It fell rapidly, with far greater ease than was expected.

Israel is dead, regardless of the rights and wrongs of that situation.
Many Jews will return to Europe, a lot to America, but where ever they go, memories of Israeli mass murder and oppression will follow.
The American right wing will probably see their chance to blame immigrant Jews for all America's problems and we'll see mass hatred.

Basically, business as usual but, without American tax payers funding that evil state, there will be no Muslim groups who care about attacking America.

Basically, all Muslim groups who engage in acts against America, do so because America funds Israel.
That is the base of many of America's problems.
Six million people, run by an evil government, cause more problems for America than the rest of the world.

Mass murdering governments? You mean Muslim countries?
P F Tinmore; Sweet_Caroline, montelatici, et al,

There are a couple aspects of these documents that are misunderstood; ---- let's clarify them.

Sweet_Caroline, montelatici, et al,

Remember that these documents were created by men based on a 19th Century understanding of what civil and religious rights meant.

That was the wording of the Mandate.
Civil and religious rights of other peoples were not prejudiced.

So, when the authors of these very early 20th Century documents say "nothing should be done which might prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine...." --- what did THEY really means?

  • The Balfour Declaration, ----- the San Remo Conference, nor the Palestine Mandate extend any specific authoritative "rights" to the Jewish people.
    • The Balfour Declaration was neither an independent authority or a directive. It was an expression of intent to extend its "best endeavors" to facilitate the achievement of a "national home for the Jewish people."
    • The San Remo Convention was more multifaceted, yet still not a independent authority or a directive extending any special rights to the Jewish People.
      • The San Remo Convention was an agreement to attempt to achieve the facilitation of the Balfour Declaration of a "national home for the Jewish people."
      • The San Remo Convention was an agreement on the framework (the Mandate) to bring meaning to Article 22 of the Covenant.
    • The Mandate was the product of the San Remo Convention and the League of Nation authority for the assigned Mandatory.
Under the terms of the Mandate, to award the country either to the Arabs or to the Jews, or even to partition it between them was not authorized. That is why an additional authority [GA/RES/181(II)] was required.

There were a few "rights" addressed (civil and religious rights). What they did include:
  • Rights and free access to the Holy Places, religious buildings and sites and the free exercise of worship, and protection of Moslem sacred shrines.
  • Freedom to maintain indigenous schools for the education of its culture.
  • Freedom to manage financial obligations legitimately incurred debt.
  • The protection of pensions or gratuities (inheritance).
  • Real Estate laws and the protection of private property.
But nothing else specifically was mentioned. It has always been assumed that civil property rights were included. And still today, that assumption seems valid.

When trying to translate what the authors intent was, one has to think like a early 20th Century author with a 19th Century education and classical outlook on humanity. But you cannot include all the advancement made in summation of the 20th Century and apply 21st Century logic to them. That would not be representative of their true intent.

Most Respectfully,

Good post.

None of these mentioned Israel, a Jewish state, or a country where Jews would rule over others. They all seem to contradict the notion of a Jewish state.

The Balfour Declaration drives the San Remo Agreement. The San Remo Agreement drives the Mandate.

  • The Mandate was not a "law." It was a directive and an authority.
    • It was a directive from the Allied Powers and League of Nations to the Mandatory (UK). It was not intended to be interpreted by external influences outside the process. It is not a fundamental law to be used by other than the three parties under which the Mandate applies. The Allied Powers and the League of Nations speak to the Mandatory through this document; not the Arab People and the the Jewish People.
    • The Mandate is an authority from the membership of in the League of Nations. It speaks directly to the Mandatory about the expectations the membership has in the Administration of the territory and the people over which the League gave the Mandatory responsibility. The authority, permissions and limitations in the Mandate apply only to the Mandatory; not the Arab People or the Jewish People.
    • The Mandate was not a tool for either the Arab or the Jewish people to use, but a basic guide under which the Mandatory functioned; intended for the Mandatory and not the Arab or Jewish People.
    • The Mandate, written by the League and Allied Powers, was not unchangeable. The Allied Powers and the League could mold it to address specific needs through The Palestine Order in Council. The Mandate was not a set of laws like the "Ten Commandments." The tenants could be shaped.
    • Finally, the recommendations by the UN Special Committee on Palestine and the subsequent Resolution adopted by the General Assembly of 1947 was not implemented under the Mandate. It was coordinated to be implemented after the termination of the Mandate. GA/RES/181(II) and the establishment of the Jewish State was implemented under the UN Trustee Program and NOT the League Covenant Mandate Program.
  • The phrase "Jewish National Home" is not a single entity concept; but a diverse collection of potentials. A national home is a open ended set in which a number of possible political solutions are described without being preferential or specific to one over another.
    • A single state, safe haven territory in which Jewish People were free to immigrate without objection is one possible "national home" solution.
    • A union of the Arab and Jewish political interest created either by treaty or an adopted common constitution, with the central government being required to provide support for all members.
    • A federated state in which the political entities (Arab and Jewish) make a formation characterized by a union of partially self-governing regions (states or provinces) under a central government; with a the division of power between the Arab and Jewish constituents --- each contributing to a central government.
    • The two-state solution, in which the territory is divided and each constituent (Arab and Jewish) independently form individual and autonomous sovereignties.

There is no law, treaty or covenant that prevents or prohibits the League or the General Assembly from altering, modifying, changing or reinterpreting a resolution or mandate. Just as noting prevents your current government from doing the same with domestic law, ordinances, statutes, or regulations.

Most Respectfully,
Empires and rogue states turn up, live, murder and eventually, get stomped under the feet of the people they oppress.
Israel is no different.
Sooner or later, the American taxpayers will rebel, give Israel the finger and, as the country gets weaker, the surrounding nations will want their land back.

Happens every time; no mass murdering government ever lasts that long.

I give the place between 5 and 20 years.
A couple of years before the Berlin wall fell, very few people would have predicted it.
Same went for South Africa. It fell rapidly, with far greater ease than was expected.

Israel is dead, regardless of the rights and wrongs of that situation.
Many Jews will return to Europe, a lot to America, but where ever they go, memories of Israeli mass murder and oppression will follow.
The American right wing will probably see their chance to blame immigrant Jews for all America's problems and we'll see mass hatred.

Basically, business as usual but, without American tax payers funding that evil state, there will be no Muslim groups who care about attacking America.

Basically, all Muslim groups who engage in acts against America, do so because America funds Israel.
That is the base of many of America's problems.
Six million people, run by an evil government, cause more problems for America than the rest of the world.

And in 5 to 20 years, Muslim Nazis like you will be saying that in 5 to 20 years, Israel will be destroyed. :cool:
What a ridiculous post BTW. I always knee you were full of shit, but you've taken it to a whole new level.
Why you so angry Fred? Is it because Israel's birthday is coming up? Or because your prediction that Israel will be destroyed didn't occur? Or maybe it's because you're tired of seeing Israel thrive economically?
Wait, is it because Israel is sitting atop a gold mine of natural gas?

You know what Muslims like you have in common? They always say things about Israel that are not only not true, but that their Muslim countries are guilty of.

Say it with me Freddie boy:

Empires and rogue states turn up, live, murder and eventually, get stomped under the feet of the people they oppress.
Israel is no different.
Sooner or later, the American taxpayers will rebel, give Israel the finger and, as the country gets weaker, the surrounding nations will want their land back.

Happens every time; no mass murdering government ever lasts that long.

I give the place between 5 and 20 years.
A couple of years before the Berlin wall fell, very few people would have predicted it.
Same went for South Africa. It fell rapidly, with far greater ease than was expected.

Israel is dead, regardless of the rights and wrongs of that situation.
Many Jews will return to Europe, a lot to America, but where ever they go, memories of Israeli mass murder and oppression will follow.
The American right wing will probably see their chance to blame immigrant Jews for all America's problems and we'll see mass hatred.

Basically, business as usual but, without American tax payers funding that evil state, there will be no Muslim groups who care about attacking America.

Basically, all Muslim groups who engage in acts against America, do so because America funds Israel.
That is the base of many of America's problems.
Six million people, run by an evil government, cause more problems for America than the rest of the world.

And in 5 to 20 years, Muslim Nazis like you will be saying that in 5 to 20 years, Israel will be destroyed. :cool:
What a ridiculous post BTW. I always knee you were full of shit, but you've taken it to a whole new level.
Why you so angry Fred? Is it because Israel's birthday is coming up? Or because your prediction that Israel will be destroyed didn't occur? Or maybe it's because you're tired of seeing Israel thrive economically?
Wait, is it because Israel is sitting atop a gold mine of natural gas?

You know what Muslims like you have in common? They always say things about Israel that are not only not true, but that their Muslim countries are guilty of.

Say it with me Freddie boy:


Maybe it will be the only state in history that a minority will be able to rule over a majority in an small land area under its control surrounded by a vast population (50 times or more Israel's) related culturally and religiously to the majority under its control.

On the other hand, it has never worked before, as they found out in Algeria, South Africa, Rhodesia, etc.
Empires and rogue states turn up, live, murder and eventually, get stomped under the feet of the people they oppress.
Israel is no different.
Sooner or later, the American taxpayers will rebel, give Israel the finger and, as the country gets weaker, the surrounding nations will want their land back.

Happens every time; no mass murdering government ever lasts that long.

I give the place between 5 and 20 years.
A couple of years before the Berlin wall fell, very few people would have predicted it.
Same went for South Africa. It fell rapidly, with far greater ease than was expected.

Israel is dead, regardless of the rights and wrongs of that situation.
Many Jews will return to Europe, a lot to America, but where ever they go, memories of Israeli mass murder and oppression will follow.
The American right wing will probably see their chance to blame immigrant Jews for all America's problems and we'll see mass hatred.

Basically, business as usual but, without American tax payers funding that evil state, there will be no Muslim groups who care about attacking America.

Basically, all Muslim groups who engage in acts against America, do so because America funds Israel.
That is the base of many of America's problems.
Six million people, run by an evil government, cause more problems for America than the rest of the world.

And in 5 to 20 years, Muslim Nazis like you will be saying that in 5 to 20 years, Israel will be destroyed. :cool:
What a ridiculous post BTW. I always knee you were full of shit, but you've taken it to a whole new level.
Why you so angry Fred? Is it because Israel's birthday is coming up? Or because your prediction that Israel will be destroyed didn't occur? Or maybe it's because you're tired of seeing Israel thrive economically?
Wait, is it because Israel is sitting atop a gold mine of natural gas?

You know what Muslims like you have in common? They always say things about Israel that are not only not true, but that their Muslim countries are guilty of.

Say it with me Freddie boy:


Maybe it will be the only state in history that a minority will be able to rule over a majority in an small land area under its control surrounded by a vast population (50 times or more Israel's) related culturally and religiously to the majority under its control.

On the other hand, it has never worked before, as they found out in Algeria, South Africa, Rhodesia, etc.

It is already standing at over 100 times the population of Israel, and still not a sign of any attack. Even if in hits 1000 times the muslims will not attack as they are cowards when faced with death. Just look at what hamas did during Cast lead when they evicted the women and children from the shelters so the brave mujahidin could escape injury.
And in 5 to 20 years, Muslim Nazis like you will be saying that in 5 to 20 years, Israel will be destroyed. :cool:
What a ridiculous post BTW. I always knee you were full of shit, but you've taken it to a whole new level.
Why you so angry Fred? Is it because Israel's birthday is coming up? Or because your prediction that Israel will be destroyed didn't occur? Or maybe it's because you're tired of seeing Israel thrive economically?
Wait, is it because Israel is sitting atop a gold mine of natural gas?

You know what Muslims like you have in common? They always say things about Israel that are not only not true, but that their Muslim countries are guilty of.

Say it with me Freddie boy:


Maybe it will be the only state in history that a minority will be able to rule over a majority in an small land area under its control surrounded by a vast population (50 times or more Israel's) related culturally and religiously to the majority under its control.

On the other hand, it has never worked before, as they found out in Algeria, South Africa, Rhodesia, etc.

It is already standing at over 100 times the population of Israel, and still not a sign of any attack. Even if in hits 1000 times the muslims will not attack as they are cowards when faced with death. Just look at what hamas did during Cast lead when they evicted the women and children from the shelters so the brave mujahidin could escape injury.

We shall see.

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