Jews trying to get Americans killed - as usual

In other words, you can't name a country that does what Israel does.
Pity you can't bring yourself to admit it.

Israel wants to retain its Jewish character. It's way harder for Israel to do that for them because of how small Israel is. That's why they have laws like that.
Not because they hate Non Jews .

Why would Muslim states need a law like that??? They have more than enough land and more then enough Muslims to make sure all their countries are Muslim majority.

Lots of countries would like to keep their character, but they don't base their immigration laws on the religion of the applicant. If Ireland limited immigration to Roman Catholics they would be kicked out of the EU. You people are absurd, and the peanut gallery is even more ridiculous.

Most countries base their immigration laws on lowering wages.
Yes, for example Indo would make a perfect candidate for citizenship to any of these Islamic hellholes like Pakistan, Yemen, or Afghanistan.


I wouldn't be even slightly interested in living in a country that runs like any on that list.
Same goes for many of the examples posters here have mentioned whilst failing to disprove my assertion, the only country in the world that has automatic citizenship for any religious group, is Israel.
It is true, some more extreme Muslim governments do idiotic things, just as bad as Israel, but none have the same laws that allow you to take citizenship there, regardless of other factors, just because you are of a given religion.
Ha ha ha. Retard doesn't know that all vast majority of Arab Muslims that live in Israel prefer to live there over ANY Arab or Muslim country. You just foot your foot in your mouth.
Yes, for example Indo would make a perfect candidate for citizenship to any of these Islamic hellholes like Pakistan, Yemen, or Afghanistan.


Ha ha ha. Retard doesn't know that all vast majority of Arab Muslims that live in Israel prefer to live there over ANY Arab or Muslim country. You just foot your foot in your mouth.

Could it be because he's a retard?
Yes, for example Indo would make a perfect candidate for citizenship to any of these Islamic hellholes like Pakistan, Yemen, or Afghanistan.


I wouldn't be even slightly interested in living in a country that runs like any on that list.
Same goes for many of the examples posters here have mentioned whilst failing to disprove my assertion, the only country in the world that has automatic citizenship for any religious group, is Israel.
It is true, some more extreme Muslim governments do idiotic things, just as bad as Israel, but none have the same laws that allow you to take citizenship there, regardless of other factors, just because you are of a given religion.
Ha ha ha. Retard doesn't know that all vast majority of Arab Muslims that live in Israel prefer to live there over ANY Arab or Muslim country. You just foot your foot in your mouth.

Oh common Roudy, you know that the fact that all those Arabs living in Israel is just a Zionist trick!
You see, the Zionists actually pay these Arabs and their families to live in Israel so they could make it seem that Israel not an apartheid state!
These Arabs don't actually want to live in Israel, they are just doing it for the money!

First of all, 99.9999999999999999999999% of the Middle Eastern terrain is comprised of Muslim nations.
I know that the ultra tiny strip of land owned by Jews is driving the Moslem homicidal psychos insane, especially since that tiny strip of land contains about 1 billionth of the population of the Moslems psychos and still keeps feeding their asses to the sand in one military defeat after another.

Second of all, doesn't a Muslim have to be certified as a overly temperamental homicidal psychopath in order to gain citizenship to a Middle Eastern Moslem nation? even THEY have standards, you know.

In other words, you can't name a country that does what Israel does.
Pity you can't bring yourself to admit it.

Israel wants to retain its Jewish character. It's way harder for Israel to do that for them because of how small Israel is. That's why they have laws like that.
Not because they hate Non Jews .

Why would Muslim states need a law like that??? They have more than enough land and more then enough Muslims to make sure all their countries will remain a Muslim majority.

I'll bet the Palestinians wanted to retain theirs as well.
In other words, you can't name a country that does what Israel does.
Pity you can't bring yourself to admit it.

Israel wants to retain its Jewish character. It's way harder for Israel to do that for them because of how small Israel is. That's why they have laws like that.
Not because they hate Non Jews .

Why would Muslim states need a law like that??? They have more than enough land and more then enough Muslims to make sure all their countries will remain a Muslim majority.

I'll bet the Palestinians wanted to retain theirs as well.

It could have been retained had Arafat accepted the offer he was given.
In other words, you can't name a country that does what Israel does.
Pity you can't bring yourself to admit it.

Israel wants to retain its Jewish character. It's way harder for Israel to do that for them because of how small Israel is. That's why they have laws like that.
Not because they hate Non Jews .

Why would Muslim states need a law like that??? They have more than enough land and more then enough Muslims to make sure all their countries will remain a Muslim majority.

I'll bet the Palestinians wanted to retain theirs as well.

They ran East towards Jordan and the Jordanian border guards stopped them dead in their tracks; sometimes literally.
But that wasn't what you said initially, was it? You IGNORANTLY said "it's a requirement".

Of course Jews get a preference for becoming citizens, in a state established as a shelter and homeland for Jews, dipstick! But not being a Jew does not exclude you from being a citizen, as you misrepresented. And once you're a citizen in Israel, Jew or non Jew, you have the same rights as others.

Why don't you just take your foot out of your mouth and run along, Boozeman?

Only a pure dip-shit cannot see that for all practical purposes, it is a requirement. I posted a link to the Israeli government website showing that citizenship is automatic for Jews and I posted a link to a Israeli Supreme Court ruling showing how hard it is for a Muslim to become a citizen. It doesn't take any reading between the lines. They are blatant about it. If you want to become a citizen, the first question is "what is your religion". If you are a Jew by faith, then you are a citizen. If you are not a Jew, well, then you are fucked. That is just how it is. I am reporting historical facts. I like Jews just fine. However, I don't care for governments with racist polices which are contrary to core American values.
Hah? Why is it racist for Jews to have their own country? There are plenty of Muslim countries with the title Islamic before their names. You are simply an ignorant person, that's all.

Israel is, and will always be, the eternal homeland of the Jews. Get over it. This is a spiritual relational ship that Jews have had with Israel for over 3000 years, that is beyond the understanding of an intellectual midget like Boozeman to comprehend.

I don't support any government mixing religion with politics. And I am not in favor of any government using religion as a qualifier to gain citizenship. I know people from all over the world have access to this forum but I happen to be an American. It just goes against what our country is all about in terms of the founders. I don't think our government has any business supporting countries with purely un-American values. If you happen to disagree with our historical values, then you are free to do so. I do not begrudge anyone from individually having un-American values. However, it is just not for me. I think the founders hit the nail on head when they made it un-constitutional for the government to give any preference based on religion. I am sure that where ever you are from there must be different values but I do not apologize for supporting what our founders did when they first put their asses on the line and stood up to the king.
In other words, you can't name a country that does what Israel does.
Pity you can't bring yourself to admit it.

Israel wants to retain its Jewish character. It's way harder for Israel to do that for them because of how small Israel is. That's why they have laws like that.
Not because they hate Non Jews .

Why would Muslim states need a law like that??? They have more than enough land and more then enough Muslims to make sure all their countries are Muslim majority.

Lots of countries would like to keep their character, but they don't base their immigration laws on the religion of the applicant. If Ireland limited immigration to Roman Catholics they would be kicked out of the EU. You people are absurd, and the peanut gallery is even more ridiculous.

Wrong again little boy as converts find it hard to get Jewish citizenship, but Racial Jews don't. So it is nothing to do with religion at all, just race. It is also a step back to the terms of the Mandate set by the LoN that decreed all the worlds Jews were to be given citizenship of the reconstructed NATIONAL HOME OF THE JEWS
In other words, you can't name a country that does what Israel does.
Pity you can't bring yourself to admit it.

Israel wants to retain its Jewish character. It's way harder for Israel to do that for them because of how small Israel is. That's why they have laws like that.
Not because they hate Non Jews .

Why would Muslim states need a law like that??? They have more than enough land and more then enough Muslims to make sure all their countries will remain a Muslim majority.

I'll bet the Palestinians wanted to retain theirs as well.

Do you means their Egyptian, Syrian, Iraqi, Iranian, Saudi character, cos they have no Palestinian character unless that is their TERRORISM and ISLAMONAZISM
Only a pure dip-shit cannot see that for all practical purposes, it is a requirement. I posted a link to the Israeli government website showing that citizenship is automatic for Jews and I posted a link to a Israeli Supreme Court ruling showing how hard it is for a Muslim to become a citizen. It doesn't take any reading between the lines. They are blatant about it. If you want to become a citizen, the first question is "what is your religion". If you are a Jew by faith, then you are a citizen. If you are not a Jew, well, then you are fucked. That is just how it is. I am reporting historical facts. I like Jews just fine. However, I don't care for governments with racist polices which are contrary to core American values.
Hah? Why is it racist for Jews to have their own country? There are plenty of Muslim countries with the title Islamic before their names. You are simply an ignorant person, that's all.

Israel is, and will always be, the eternal homeland of the Jews. Get over it. This is a spiritual relational ship that Jews have had with Israel for over 3000 years, that is beyond the understanding of an intellectual midget like Boozeman to comprehend.

I don't support any government mixing religion with politics. And I am not in favor of any government using religion as a qualifier to gain citizenship. I know people from all over the world have access to this forum but I happen to be an American. It just goes against what our country is all about in terms of the founders. I don't think our government has any business supporting countries with purely un-American values. If you happen to disagree with our historical values, then you are free to do so. I do not begrudge anyone from individually having un-American values. However, it is just not for me. I think the founders hit the nail on head when they made it un-constitutional for the government to give any preference based on religion. I am sure that where ever you are from there must be different values but I do not apologize for supporting what our founders did when they first put their asses on the line and stood up to the king.
You don't understand and it isn't "Un American", in fact the system of govt. In Israel is as American as it gets. Israel was voted for as a JEWISH State, by the 51 member states of the League of Nations (which later became the UN) as a haven and shelter for Jews who are escaping persecution, anti Semetism, and oppression.

The region was also divided into many "Islamic" states by the same governing body. While a quarter of Israel's population are Arab Muslims with equal rights as the rest of the Israelis, non of the Arab or Muslim states can boast a non Muslim minority that big. Yet ignorant morons like you keep calling Israel the "racist" nation.
In other words, you can't name a country that does what Israel does.
Pity you can't bring yourself to admit it.

Israel wants to retain its Jewish character. It's way harder for Israel to do that for them because of how small Israel is. That's why they have laws like that.
Not because they hate Non Jews .

Why would Muslim states need a law like that??? They have more than enough land and more then enough Muslims to make sure all their countries will remain a Muslim majority.

I'll bet the Palestinians wanted to retain theirs as well.
Retain what? Palestine wasn't a country or a state, ever in history, nor was there an Arab identity called "Palestinian". The British with the approval of the League of Nations created an "Arab Palestine" for the Arabs, in Jordan, and a "Jewish Palestine" in Israel.
Hah? Why is it racist for Jews to have their own country? There are plenty of Muslim countries with the title Islamic before their names. You are simply an ignorant person, that's all.

Israel is, and will always be, the eternal homeland of the Jews. Get over it. This is a spiritual relational ship that Jews have had with Israel for over 3000 years, that is beyond the understanding of an intellectual midget like Boozeman to comprehend.

I don't support any government mixing religion with politics. And I am not in favor of any government using religion as a qualifier to gain citizenship. I know people from all over the world have access to this forum but I happen to be an American. It just goes against what our country is all about in terms of the founders. I don't think our government has any business supporting countries with purely un-American values. If you happen to disagree with our historical values, then you are free to do so. I do not begrudge anyone from individually having un-American values. However, it is just not for me. I think the founders hit the nail on head when they made it un-constitutional for the government to give any preference based on religion. I am sure that where ever you are from there must be different values but I do not apologize for supporting what our founders did when they first put their asses on the line and stood up to the king.
You don't understand and it isn't "Un American", in fact the system of govt. In Israel is as American as it gets. Israel was voted for as a JEWISH State, by the 51 member states of the League of Nations (which later became the UN) as a haven and shelter for Jews who are escaping persecution, anti Semetism, and oppression.

The region was also divided into many "Islamic" states by the same governing body. While a quarter of Israel's population are Arab Muslims with equal rights as the rest of the Israelis, non of the Arab or Muslim states can boast a non Muslim minority that big. Yet ignorant morons like you keep calling Israel the "racist" nation.

I get it that there is a "rah rah" section for Israel and they would say Israeli shit tastes delicious. However, I didn't say Israel was a "racist nation". That would be an indictment of all of its citizens. I did say that the government favors Jews in terms of becoming a citizen. I posted a link to the Israeli government website showing that Jews are automatic citizens. I posted a link to an Israeli Supreme Court ruling. It isn't a question of boasting a minority. South Africa had plenty of non-whites but they still got shit treatment. The bottom line is that I am posting facts and the response is to call me a Jew-hater just because I am not pretending along with the Israeli apologists. Israel has some fucked up policies that are contrary to the founding principles of the United States. We do not grant, or even consider, religion when granting citizenship. It is specifically prohibited. In Israel it is completely opposite from that. If you are the religion of the first class citizens, then you get automatic citizenship.
I don't support any government mixing religion with politics. And I am not in favor of any government using religion as a qualifier to gain citizenship. I know people from all over the world have access to this forum but I happen to be an American. It just goes against what our country is all about in terms of the founders. I don't think our government has any business supporting countries with purely un-American values. If you happen to disagree with our historical values, then you are free to do so. I do not begrudge anyone from individually having un-American values. However, it is just not for me. I think the founders hit the nail on head when they made it un-constitutional for the government to give any preference based on religion. I am sure that where ever you are from there must be different values but I do not apologize for supporting what our founders did when they first put their asses on the line and stood up to the king.
You don't understand and it isn't "Un American", in fact the system of govt. In Israel is as American as it gets. Israel was voted for as a JEWISH State, by the 51 member states of the League of Nations (which later became the UN) as a haven and shelter for Jews who are escaping persecution, anti Semetism, and oppression.

The region was also divided into many "Islamic" states by the same governing body. While a quarter of Israel's population are Arab Muslims with equal rights as the rest of the Israelis, non of the Arab or Muslim states can boast a non Muslim minority that big. Yet ignorant morons like you keep calling Israel the "racist" nation.

I get it that there is a "rah rah" section for Israel and they would say Israeli shit tastes delicious. However, I didn't say Israel was a "racist nation". That would be an indictment of all of its citizens. I did say that the government favors Jews in terms of becoming a citizen.

But that's not what you said. You did say " is a fact that Israel currently requires a person to be a particular religion to be a citizen" and despite ample opportunity to admit you had lied, you simply slithered away.
No guts ... no glory.
Israel wants to retain its Jewish character. It's way harder for Israel to do that for them because of how small Israel is. That's why they have laws like that.
Not because they hate Non Jews .

Why would Muslim states need a law like that??? They have more than enough land and more then enough Muslims to make sure all their countries will remain a Muslim majority.

I'll bet the Palestinians wanted to retain theirs as well.
Retain what? Palestine wasn't a country or a state, ever in history, nor was there an Arab identity called "Palestinian". The British with the approval of the League of Nations created an "Arab Palestine" for the Arabs, in Jordan, and a "Jewish Palestine" in Israel.

"The British with the approval of the League of Nations created an "Arab Palestine" for the Arabs, in Jordan, and a "Jewish Palestine" in Israel."

No, the League of Nations mandated the creation of a single state of Palestine which would host a Jewish national home. The League of Nations never proposed two states, they proposed a single state where the religious and civil rights of all the citizens would be protected. The UN was who promulgated the partition in contravention of the Mandate.
I'll bet the Palestinians wanted to retain theirs as well.
Retain what? Palestine wasn't a country or a state, ever in history, nor was there an Arab identity called "Palestinian". The British with the approval of the League of Nations created an "Arab Palestine" for the Arabs, in Jordan, and a "Jewish Palestine" in Israel.

"The British with the approval of the League of Nations created an "Arab Palestine" for the Arabs, in Jordan, and a "Jewish Palestine" in Israel."

No, the League of Nations mandated the creation of a single state of Palestine which would host a Jewish national home. The League of Nations never proposed two states, they proposed a single state where the religious and civil rights of all the citizens would be protected. The UN was who promulgated the partition in contravention of the Mandate.

Political rights to self-determination as a polity for Arabs were guaranteed by the League of Nations in four other mandates – in Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, and later Trans-Jordan [today Jordan].

Mandate For Palestine - The Legal Aspects of Jewish Rights
Retain what? Palestine wasn't a country or a state, ever in history, nor was there an Arab identity called "Palestinian". The British with the approval of the League of Nations created an "Arab Palestine" for the Arabs, in Jordan, and a "Jewish Palestine" in Israel.

"The British with the approval of the League of Nations created an "Arab Palestine" for the Arabs, in Jordan, and a "Jewish Palestine" in Israel."

No, the League of Nations mandated the creation of a single state of Palestine which would host a Jewish national home. The League of Nations never proposed two states, they proposed a single state where the religious and civil rights of all the citizens would be protected. The UN was who promulgated the partition in contravention of the Mandate.

Political rights to self-determination as a polity for Arabs were guaranteed by the League of Nations in four other mandates – in Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, and later Trans-Jordan [today Jordan].

Mandate For Palestine - The Legal Aspects of Jewish Rights

So what? The Mandate for Palestine envisioned a single state which would host a Jewish national home where the religious and civil rights of the indigenous people would be protected. That's not what happened.
"The British with the approval of the League of Nations created an "Arab Palestine" for the Arabs, in Jordan, and a "Jewish Palestine" in Israel."

No, the League of Nations mandated the creation of a single state of Palestine which would host a Jewish national home. The League of Nations never proposed two states, they proposed a single state where the religious and civil rights of all the citizens would be protected. The UN was who promulgated the partition in contravention of the Mandate.

Political rights to self-determination as a polity for Arabs were guaranteed by the League of Nations in four other mandates – in Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, and later Trans-Jordan [today Jordan].

Mandate For Palestine - The Legal Aspects of Jewish Rights

So what? The Mandate for Palestine envisioned a single state which would host a Jewish national home where the religious and civil rights of the indigenous people would be protected. That's not what happened.

The San Remo Mandate gave a homeland for the Jews in what was known then as Palestine and a home for the arabs in the surrounding countries of Lebanon, Syria, Iraq and Jordan.

The religious and civil rights of the indigenous people were protected. Shame they kept waging wars on the Jews. They are their own worst enemy. Palestinian mentality as it is known on these forums. Never mind - one day they will get the message.
"The British with the approval of the League of Nations created an "Arab Palestine" for the Arabs, in Jordan, and a "Jewish Palestine" in Israel."

No, the League of Nations mandated the creation of a single state of Palestine which would host a Jewish national home. The League of Nations never proposed two states, they proposed a single state where the religious and civil rights of all the citizens would be protected. The UN was who promulgated the partition in contravention of the Mandate.

Political rights to self-determination as a polity for Arabs were guaranteed by the League of Nations in four other mandates – in Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, and later Trans-Jordan [today Jordan].

Mandate For Palestine - The Legal Aspects of Jewish Rights

So what? The Mandate for Palestine envisioned a single state which would host a Jewish national home where the religious and civil rights of the indigenous people would be protected. That's not what happened.

No the land was supposed to be divided, creating a jewish state and an arab state.
It ended up trying to create two arab states.
No the land was supposed to be divided, creating a jewish state and an arab state.


From the Preamble"

"... in favor of the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, it being clearly understood that nothing should be done which might prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine,

The only state was to be Palestine. They said "national home for the Jewish people in Palestine", they did not say state or country for the Jewish people.

Article 2:

"The Mandatory shall be responsible for placing the country under such political, administrative and economic conditions as will secure the establishment of the Jewish national home, as laid down in the preamble, and the development of self-governing institutions, and also for safeguarding the civil and religious rights of all the inhabitants of Palestine, irrespective of race and religion.

Notice it doesn't say "countries" plural, it says "country".

The Avalon Project : The Palestine Mandate

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