Jews trying to get Americans killed - as usual

You are free to make any ignorant assumption you wish. However, it is a fact that Israel currently requires a person to be a particular religion to be a citizen. That isn't gossipy; just a fact. If you agree with that kind of policy then we can agree to disagree.

Anyone of any religion can apply to become a citizen if Israel. They must learn hebrew and find a job while living in Israel and waiting for approval.
Even jews that apply can be denied citizenship.
Why spread lies? Or are you really that poorly informed about the laws in Israel? All jews have a right to apply for citizenship, but that does not mean only jews can become citizens.
Shame that disinformation is so easily spread and so readily accepted to support those with an agenda to hate.

Yeah. Except for the fact that there is a law that gives preference to Jews.

Do you "shame" the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs? Here is what they have posted on their website:

Acquisition of Israeli Nationality

For the purposes of this Law, "Jew" means a person who was born of a Jewish mother, or has converted to Judaism and is not a member of another religion.

Israeli citizenship becomes effective on the day of arrival in the country or of receipt of an oleh's certificate, whichever is later.

If that doesn't mean what it says, then what does it mean?

Here, I will translate the Israeli Government website for the dip-shits:

First, let's look at the Israeli government website:

Acquisition of Israeli Nationality

For the purposes of this Law, "Jew" means a person who was born of a Jewish mother, or has converted to Judaism and is not a member of another religion.

Israeli citizenship becomes effective on the day of arrival in the country or of receipt of an oleh's certificate, whichever is later.

That means that if you are a Jew, even a convert, then you are automatically a citizen. If you are an "other religion", then "FUCK YOU".
He's been backtracking since he shoved his hoof in his mouth with that one.

Jews are automatic first class citizens and if someone happens to be a muslim, then it is difficult for them to become a citizen. I posted a link showing that. I posted a link to the Israeli governments website showing that Jews were automatic citizens.

Here in America we have a founding principle that all men are created equal. That is true conservatism. If you want to use the literal definition of the word, anyone who feels like America should stand behind a country who does "not hold these truths self evident" is truly a liberal when it comes to interpreting the original American values.

The fact that nobody is addressing the content of what I am saying shows how fucked up the thinking is. Fuck that. I owe my allegiance to America and American values. Not some fucked up system where people from one religion are automatic citizens and others are given the run around.
But that wasn't what you said initially, was it? You IGNORANTLY said "it's a requirement".

Of course Jews get a preference for becoming citizens, in a state established as a shelter and homeland for Jews, dipstick! But not being a Jew does not exclude you from being a citizen, as you misrepresented. And once you're a citizen in Israel, Jew or non Jew, you have the same rights as others.

Why don't you just take your foot out of your mouth and run along, Boozeman?

Only a pure dip-shit cannot see that for all practical purposes, it is a requirement. I posted a link to the Israeli government website showing that citizenship is automatic for Jews and I posted a link to a Israeli Supreme Court ruling showing how hard it is for a Muslim to become a citizen. It doesn't take any reading between the lines. They are blatant about it. If you want to become a citizen, the first question is "what is your religion". If you are a Jew by faith, then you are a citizen. If you are not a Jew, well, then you are fucked. That is just how it is. I am reporting historical facts. I like Jews just fine. However, I don't care for governments with racist polices which are contrary to core American values.
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bluesman, aris2chat; et al,

What is the issue. There is more than one way to pick-up nationality.

Acquisition of Nationality by Naturalization

Adults may acquire Israeli citizenship by naturalization at the discretion of the Minister of the Interior and subject to a number of requirements, such as:

  1. they must have resided in Israel for three years out of the five years preceding the day of submission of the application.
  2. they are entitled to reside in Israel permanently and have settled or intend to settle in Israel;
  3. they have renounced their prior nationality, or have proved that they will cease to be foreign nationals upon becoming Israeli citizens.
The Minister of the Interior may exempt an applicant from some of these requirements.​

SOURCE: Israeli Minister of the Interior

All countries have restrictions to nationality acquisition; even the US.

Most Respectfully,
bluesman, aris2chat; et al,

What is the issue. There is more than one way to pick-up nationality.

Acquisition of Nationality by Naturalization

Adults may acquire Israeli citizenship by naturalization at the discretion of the Minister of the Interior and subject to a number of requirements, such as:

  1. they must have resided in Israel for three years out of the five years preceding the day of submission of the application.
  2. they are entitled to reside in Israel permanently and have settled or intend to settle in Israel;
  3. they have renounced their prior nationality, or have proved that they will cease to be foreign nationals upon becoming Israeli citizens.
The Minister of the Interior may exempt an applicant from some of these requirements.​

SOURCE: Israeli Minister of the Interior

All countries have restrictions to nationality acquisition; even the US.

Most Respectfully,

All countries don't consider religion as a primary determining factor in granting citizenship. Israel grants Jews, even converts, automatic citizenship. At least that is what their government website says. Here in America we don't operate like that. Religion cannot, by law, be a determining factor.

Acquisition of Israeli Nationality

For the purposes of this Law, "Jew" means a person who was born of a Jewish mother, or has converted to Judaism and is not a member of another religion.

Israeli citizenship becomes effective on the day of arrival in the country or of receipt of an oleh's certificate, whichever is later.
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You are free to make any ignorant assumption you wish. However, it is a fact that Israel currently requires a person to be a particular religion to be a citizen. That isn't gossipy; just a fact. If you agree with that kind of policy then we can agree to disagree.

Anyone of any religion can apply to become a citizen if Israel. They must learn hebrew and find a job while living in Israel and waiting for approval.
Even jews that apply can be denied citizenship.
Why spread lies? Or are you really that poorly informed about the laws in Israel? All jews have a right to apply for citizenship, but that does not mean only jews can become citizens.
Shame that disinformation is so easily spread and so readily accepted to support those with an agenda to hate.

You are spreading lies and propaganda. Only a fool can believe that a law that applies only to Jewish citizens of Israel (Law of Return) is not discriminatory. Jews can only be denied citizenship if they are found to have committed a capital crime. I am better informed than you are about Israel laws.

Even the sugar coated U.S. Department of State Reports confirm Israel's discrimination against non-Jews. Neutral observers such as Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International are much more sanguine.

"U.S. State Department: Israel is not a tolerant society

Report claims Israel discriminates against Muslims, Reform Jews, Christians, women and Bedouin."


Someone in my neighborhood has been living in Israel on a visa for 6 months.
She is still unemployed.
She has a limited amount of time in which to find gainful employment or the Israeli government sends her back to the US.
How do I know? She told me.
montelatici, et al,

Can you help me find the DoS Report? I cannot seem to find it.

Even the sugar coated U.S. Department of State Reports confirm Israel's discrimination against non-Jews. Neutral observers such as Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International are much more sanguine.

"U.S. State Department: Israel is not a tolerant society

Report claims Israel discriminates against Muslims, Reform Jews, Christians, women and Bedouin."

I've made every search I can, and don't find it. All I can find is:

Report on Global Anti-Semitism

There is a DoS/DRL 2012 Report on International Religious Freedom: Israel and The Occupied Territories. This report might be the one to which you refer. What it says is:

There were reports of societal abuses and discrimination based on religious affiliation, belief, or practice. Prominent societal leaders, however, took positive steps to promote religious freedom. Some individuals and groups were responsible for discriminatory practices against Muslims, Christians, and non-Orthodox Jews. Relations among religious and ethnic groups--between Jews and non-Jews, Muslims and Christians, Arabs and non-Arabs, secular and religious Jews, and among the different streams of Judaism--were strained.

The U.S. government engaged in detailed discussions on religious freedom issues with the government and religious and civil society organizations. Embassy officials raised such issues as expanding the list of officially recognized religious groups, investigating religiously motivated acts of violence against minority religious groups, and the importance of a public response to vandalism of religious places.

I'm not sure it relays the same intention as the news article you cited. It is always best to go directly to the source, to get a flavor for the intent.

I'm not sure that there is any country in the world where discrimination is totally void, especially in the Arab World. Can you say your country is totally without discrimination?

Most Respectfully,
Jews are automatic first class citizens and if someone happens to be a muslim, then it is difficult for them to become a citizen. I posted a link showing that. I posted a link to the Israeli governments website showing that Jews were automatic citizens.

Here in America we have a founding principle that all men are created equal. That is true conservatism. If you want to use the literal definition of the word, anyone who feels like America should stand behind a country who does "not hold these truths self evident" is truly a liberal when it comes to interpreting the original American values.

The fact that nobody is addressing the content of what I am saying shows how fucked up the thinking is. Fuck that. I owe my allegiance to America and American values. Not some fucked up system where people from one religion are automatic citizens and others are given the run around.
But that wasn't what you said initially, was it? You IGNORANTLY said "it's a requirement".

Of course Jews get a preference for becoming citizens, in a state established as a shelter and homeland for Jews, dipstick! But not being a Jew does not exclude you from being a citizen, as you misrepresented. And once you're a citizen in Israel, Jew or non Jew, you have the same rights as others.

Why don't you just take your foot out of your mouth and run along, Boozeman?

Only a pure dip-shit cannot see that for all practical purposes, it is a requirement. I posted a link to the Israeli government website showing that citizenship is automatic for Jews and I posted a link to a Israeli Supreme Court ruling showing how hard it is for a Muslim to become a citizen. It doesn't take any reading between the lines. They are blatant about it. If you want to become a citizen, the first question is "what is your religion". If you are a Jew by faith, then you are a citizen. If you are not a Jew, well, then you are fucked. That is just how it is. I am reporting historical facts. I like Jews just fine. However, I don't care for governments with racist polices which are contrary to core American values.
Hah? Why is it racist for Jews to have their own country? There are plenty of Muslim countries with the title Islamic before their names. You are simply an ignorant person, that's all.

Israel is, and will always be, the eternal homeland of the Jews. Get over it. This is a spiritual relational ship that Jews have had with Israel for over 3000 years, that is beyond the understanding of an intellectual midget like Boozeman to comprehend.
montelatici, et al,

Can you help me find the DoS Report? I cannot seem to find it.

Even the sugar coated U.S. Department of State Reports confirm Israel's discrimination against non-Jews. Neutral observers such as Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International are much more sanguine.

"U.S. State Department: Israel is not a tolerant society

Report claims Israel discriminates against Muslims, Reform Jews, Christians, women and Bedouin."

I've made every search I can, and don't find it. All I can find is:

Report on Global Anti-Semitism

There is a DoS/DRL 2012 Report on International Religious Freedom: Israel and The Occupied Territories. This report might be the one to which you refer. What it says is:

There were reports of societal abuses and discrimination based on religious affiliation, belief, or practice. Prominent societal leaders, however, took positive steps to promote religious freedom. Some individuals and groups were responsible for discriminatory practices against Muslims, Christians, and non-Orthodox Jews. Relations among religious and ethnic groups--between Jews and non-Jews, Muslims and Christians, Arabs and non-Arabs, secular and religious Jews, and among the different streams of Judaism--were strained.

The U.S. government engaged in detailed discussions on religious freedom issues with the government and religious and civil society organizations. Embassy officials raised such issues as expanding the list of officially recognized religious groups, investigating religiously motivated acts of violence against minority religious groups, and the importance of a public response to vandalism of religious places.

I'm not sure it relays the same intention as the news article you cited. It is always best to go directly to the source, to get a flavor for the intent.

I'm not sure that there is any country in the world where discrimination is totally void, especially in the Arab World. Can you say your country is totally without discrimination?

Most Respectfully,
Yep, it copies information from a hate site, then posts a link from a totally different site. I've caught Montelatici doing this before. This should be a violation of the board rules.

If you actually read the link that montelatici provides, the page is pretty complementary of the way Israel conducts itself in this arena.
But that wasn't what you said initially, was it? You IGNORANTLY said "it's a requirement".

Of course Jews get a preference for becoming citizens, in a state established as a shelter and homeland for Jews, dipstick! But not being a Jew does not exclude you from being a citizen, as you misrepresented. And once you're a citizen in Israel, Jew or non Jew, you have the same rights as others.

Why don't you just take your foot out of your mouth and run along, Boozeman?

Only a pure dip-shit cannot see that for all practical purposes, it is a requirement. I posted a link to the Israeli government website showing that citizenship is automatic for Jews and I posted a link to a Israeli Supreme Court ruling showing how hard it is for a Muslim to become a citizen. It doesn't take any reading between the lines. They are blatant about it. If you want to become a citizen, the first question is "what is your religion". If you are a Jew by faith, then you are a citizen. If you are not a Jew, well, then you are fucked. That is just how it is. I am reporting historical facts. I like Jews just fine. However, I don't care for governments with racist polices which are contrary to core American values.
Hah? Why is it racist for Jews to have their own country? There are plenty of Muslim countries with the title Islamic before their names. You are simply an ignorant person, that's all.

Israel is, and will always be, the eternal homeland of the Jews. Get over it. This is a spiritual relational ship that Jews have had with Israel for over 3000 years, that is beyond the understanding of an intellectual midget like Boozeman to comprehend.

Very well said Roudy

:clap2: :clap2:

POS repped you
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Hah? Why is it racist for Jews to have their own country? There are plenty of Muslim countries with the title Islamic before their names. .

Please name a Muslim majority country where you have to be a Muslim to have automatic right of citizenship.
Thanks in advance.
Hah? Why is it racist for Jews to have their own country? There are plenty of Muslim countries with the title Islamic before their names. .

Please name a Muslim majority country where you have to be a Muslim to have automatic right of citizenship.
Thanks in advance.
Should I start from the top?. Saudi Arabia. The "cradle of Islam". You're welcome.
Hah? Why is it racist for Jews to have their own country? There are plenty of Muslim countries with the title Islamic before their names. .

Please name a Muslim majority country where you have to be a Muslim to have automatic right of citizenship.
Thanks in advance.

Article (10):

The Yemeni woman who marries a Muslim foreigner retains the Yemeni nationality, unless she should desire to relinquish her nationality and establishes this desire upon marriage or during the continuity of the marriage and the law of the country of her husband enjoins her in his nationality. If the marriage contract of such woman is legally void she shall continue to retain her Yemeni nationality.
Hah? Why is it racist for Jews to have their own country? There are plenty of Muslim countries with the title Islamic before their names. .

Please name a Muslim majority country where you have to be a Muslim to have automatic right of citizenship.
Thanks in advance.
Marriage in Jordan | Embassy of the United States

Marriage in Jordan
The U.S. Embassy in Amman cannot perform marriages in Jordan, even for U.S. citizens.

Any person wishing to marry in Jordan must do so according to Jordanian law. In Jordan there are no civil marriages and all marriages must be performed according to a recognized religious tradition. While Muslim men may marry non-Muslim women, Muslim women are forbidden from marrying non-Muslim men.

If you are marrying according to the Muslim tradition, then the marriage must be performed by a sheikh and according to the laws of the Sharia Court. If you are marrying according to the Christian tradition, then the marriage must be performed according to the Ecclesiastical court. Those interested in marrying in Jordan should contact a Jordanian religious figure to learn of the latest requirements.
Hah? Why is it racist for Jews to have their own country? There are plenty of Muslim countries with the title Islamic before their names. .

Please name a Muslim majority country where you have to be a Muslim to have automatic right of citizenship.
Thanks in advance.
Should I start from the top?. Saudi Arabia. The "cradle of Islam". You're welcome.

Please prove your claim.
I asked if you have automatic right of citizenship to any country if you're Muslim.
You claim Saudi - prove it.
Hah? Why is it racist for Jews to have their own country? There are plenty of Muslim countries with the title Islamic before their names. .

Please name a Muslim majority country where you have to be a Muslim to have automatic right of citizenship.
Thanks in advance.

Article (10):

The Yemeni woman who marries a Muslim foreigner retains the Yemeni nationality, unless she should desire to relinquish her nationality and establishes this desire upon marriage or during the continuity of the marriage and the law of the country of her husband enjoins her in his nationality. If the marriage contract of such woman is legally void she shall continue to retain her Yemeni nationality.

Excellent bullshit.
Where does that say anything about the husband, or any other Muslim, getting automatic citizenship.
It doesn't - you tried bullshit but got busted.
Hah? Why is it racist for Jews to have their own country? There are plenty of Muslim countries with the title Islamic before their names. .

Please name a Muslim majority country where you have to be a Muslim to have automatic right of citizenship.
Thanks in advance.
Marriage in Jordan | Embassy of the United States

Marriage in Jordan
The U.S. Embassy in Amman cannot perform marriages in Jordan, even for U.S. citizens.

Any person wishing to marry in Jordan must do so according to Jordanian law. In Jordan there are no civil marriages and all marriages must be performed according to a recognized religious tradition. While Muslim men may marry non-Muslim women, Muslim women are forbidden from marrying non-Muslim men.

If you are marrying according to the Muslim tradition, then the marriage must be performed by a sheikh and according to the laws of the Sharia Court. If you are marrying according to the Christian tradition, then the marriage must be performed according to the Ecclesiastical court. Those interested in marrying in Jordan should contact a Jordanian religious figure to learn of the latest requirements.

Still no right of citizenship, only a story about the various religions having a religious ceremony.

0/10 - must try harder.
You are free to make any ignorant assumption you wish. However, it is a fact that Israel currently requires a person to be a particular religion to be a citizen. That isn't gossipy; just a fact. If you agree with that kind of policy then we can agree to disagree.

Anyone of any religion can apply to become a citizen if Israel. They must learn hebrew and find a job while living in Israel and waiting for approval.
Even jews that apply can be denied citizenship.
Why spread lies? Or are you really that poorly informed about the laws in Israel? All jews have a right to apply for citizenship, but that does not mean only jews can become citizens.
Shame that disinformation is so easily spread and so readily accepted to support those with an agenda to hate.

Yeah. Except for the fact that there is a law that gives preference to Jews.

Do you "shame" the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs? Here is what they have posted on their website:

Acquisition of Israeli Nationality

For the purposes of this Law, "Jew" means a person who was born of a Jewish mother, or has converted to Judaism and is not a member of another religion.

Israeli citizenship becomes effective on the day of arrival in the country or of receipt of an oleh's certificate, whichever is later.

If that doesn't mean what it says, then what does it mean?

You can wiggle and squirm all you like, Princess, but your initial complaint (bold above) was bogus and you still haven't had the courage or integrity to admit it.
One need not be Jewish to gain Israeli citizenship.
Hah? Why is it racist for Jews to have their own country? There are plenty of Muslim countries with the title Islamic before their names. .

Please name a Muslim majority country where you have to be a Muslim to have automatic right of citizenship.
Thanks in advance.

Maldives. One must not only be Muslim to hold citizenship, all others were stripped of citizenship just a couple of years ago. The practice of any other religion is strictly prohibited.

...Islam is the official religion of the Maldives and open practice of any other religion is forbidden and liable to prosecution. Article 2 of the revised constitution says that the republic "is based on the principles of Islam." Article nine says that "a non-Muslim may not become a citizen"; Article ten says that "no law contrary to any principle of Islam can be applied". Article nineteen states that "citizens are free to participate in or carry out any activity that is not expressly prohibited by sharia [Islamic law] or by the law."

Maldives - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Maldives - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
You are free to make any ignorant assumption you wish. However, it is a fact that Israel currently requires a person to be a particular religion to be a citizen. That isn't gossipy; just a fact. If you agree with that kind of policy then we can agree to disagree.

Anyone of any religion can apply to become a citizen if Israel. They must learn hebrew and find a job while living in Israel and waiting for approval.
Even jews that apply can be denied citizenship.
Why spread lies? Or are you really that poorly informed about the laws in Israel? All jews have a right to apply for citizenship, but that does not mean only jews can become citizens.
Shame that disinformation is so easily spread and so readily accepted to support those with an agenda to hate.

Yeah. Except for the fact that there is a law that gives preference to Jews.

Do you "shame" the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs? Here is what they have posted on their website:

Acquisition of Israeli Nationality

For the purposes of this Law, "Jew" means a person who was born of a Jewish mother, or has converted to Judaism and is not a member of another religion.

Israeli citizenship becomes effective on the day of arrival in the country or of receipt of an oleh's certificate, whichever is later.

If that doesn't mean what it says, then what does it mean?

The very link you gave, also showed alternative methods by which someone can gain legal Israeli citizenship, not tied to Judaism.

Acquisition of Nationality by Naturalization

Adults may acquire Israeli citizenship by naturalization at the discretion of the Minister of the Interior and subject to a number of requirements, such as:

they must have resided in Israel for three years out of the five years preceding the day of submission of the application.

they are entitled to reside in Israel permanently and have settled or intend to settle in Israel;

they have renounced their prior nationality, or have proved that they will cease to be foreign nationals upon becoming Israeli citizens.

The Minister of the Interior may exempt an applicant from some of these requirements.

That came from YOUR link. Clearly your own information proves that one is not absolutely required to be a practicing Jew, to get citizenship to Israel.

That said.... Hello.... Israel is a country for Jews. That's why it was established.

I'm sorry, you people need to chill out. You can't have it both ways.

Anti-Jewish Logic 101: Let's kill, harass, expel, and push out Jews all over the world. Then when they go to the only country in the world that doesn't harm them, let's be pissed off because they created a pro-Jewish state!
Hah? Why is it racist for Jews to have their own country? There are plenty of Muslim countries with the title Islamic before their names. .

Please name a Muslim majority country where you have to be a Muslim to have automatic right of citizenship.
Thanks in advance.

Maldives. One must not only be Muslim to hold citizenship, all others were stripped of citizenship just a couple of years ago. The practice of any other religion is strictly prohibited.

...Islam is the official religion of the Maldives and open practice of any other religion is forbidden and liable to prosecution. Article 2 of the revised constitution says that the republic "is based on the principles of Islam." Article nine says that "a non-Muslim may not become a citizen"; Article ten says that "no law contrary to any principle of Islam can be applied". Article nineteen states that "citizens are free to participate in or carry out any activity that is not expressly prohibited by sharia [Islamic law] or by the law."

Maldives - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Maldives - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Yes, yes, yes - but where does it say any or all Muslims can get citizenship?
Israel is the only country that guarantees citizenship to all of one religion.
If you're a Jew, you can pack your bags and be guaranteed a welcome, along with a shiny new passport.

My question was, can you name a Muslim country that does the same for Muslims?

So far, loads of bullshit but no answers.

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