Jews trying to get Americans killed - as usual

Empires and rogue states turn up, live, murder and eventually, get stomped under the feet of the people they oppress.
Israel is no different.
Sooner or later, the American taxpayers will rebel, give Israel the finger and, as the country gets weaker, the surrounding nations will want their land back.

Happens every time; no mass murdering government ever lasts that long.

I give the place between 5 and 20 years.
A couple of years before the Berlin wall fell, very few people would have predicted it.
Same went for South Africa. It fell rapidly, with far greater ease than was expected.

Israel is dead, regardless of the rights and wrongs of that situation.
Many Jews will return to Europe, a lot to America, but where ever they go, memories of Israeli mass murder and oppression will follow.
The American right wing will probably see their chance to blame immigrant Jews for all America's problems and we'll see mass hatred.

Basically, business as usual but, without American tax payers funding that evil state, there will be no Muslim groups who care about attacking America.

Basically, all Muslim groups who engage in acts against America, do so because America funds Israel.
That is the base of many of America's problems.
Six million people, run by an evil government, cause more problems for America than the rest of the world.

Because of the antisemitism in Europe and the large influx of muslims, radical muslims, jews are leaving Europe.
Maybe it will be the only state in history that a minority will be able to rule over a majority in an small land area under its control surrounded by a vast population (50 times or more Israel's) related culturally and religiously to the majority under its control.

On the other hand, it has never worked before, as they found out in Algeria, South Africa, Rhodesia, etc.

It is already standing at over 100 times the population of Israel, and still not a sign of any attack. Even if in hits 1000 times the muslims will not attack as they are cowards when faced with death. Just look at what hamas did during Cast lead when they evicted the women and children from the shelters so the brave mujahidin could escape injury.

We shall see.

If they cant do it at 100 to 1 then they will never have the gonads to do it even if they manage 1 million to 1. As I said they are craven cowards and can only go after unarmed women and children when there are ten or more ISLAMONAZI TERRORIST COWARDS
It is already standing at over 100 times the population of Israel, and still not a sign of any attack. Even if in hits 1000 times the muslims will not attack as they are cowards when faced with death. Just look at what hamas did during Cast lead when they evicted the women and children from the shelters so the brave mujahidin could escape injury.

We shall see.

If they cant do it at 100 to 1 then they will never have the gonads to do it even if they manage 1 million to 1. As I said they are craven cowards and can only go after unarmed women and children when there are ten or more ISLAMONAZI TERRORIST COWARDS

We shall see.
Empires and rogue states turn up, live, murder and eventually, get stomped under the feet of the people they oppress.
Israel is no different.
Sooner or later, the American taxpayers will rebel, give Israel the finger and, as the country gets weaker, the surrounding nations will want their land back.

Happens every time; no mass murdering government ever lasts that long.

I give the place between 5 and 20 years.
A couple of years before the Berlin wall fell, very few people would have predicted it.
Same went for South Africa. It fell rapidly, with far greater ease than was expected.

Israel is dead, regardless of the rights and wrongs of that situation.
Many Jews will return to Europe, a lot to America, but where ever they go, memories of Israeli mass murder and oppression will follow.
The American right wing will probably see their chance to blame immigrant Jews for all America's problems and we'll see mass hatred.

Basically, business as usual but, without American tax payers funding that evil state, there will be no Muslim groups who care about attacking America.

Basically, all Muslim groups who engage in acts against America, do so because America funds Israel.
That is the base of many of America's problems.
Six million people, run by an evil government, cause more problems for America than the rest of the world.
Dream on, Rip Van Winkle. Israel will be the very last to fall.
Empires and rogue states turn up, live, murder and eventually, get stomped under the feet of the people they oppress.
Israel is no different.
Sooner or later, the American taxpayers will rebel, give Israel the finger and, as the country gets weaker, the surrounding nations will want their land back.

Happens every time; no mass murdering government ever lasts that long.

I give the place between 5 and 20 years.
A couple of years before the Berlin wall fell, very few people would have predicted it.
Same went for South Africa. It fell rapidly, with far greater ease than was expected.

Israel is dead, regardless of the rights and wrongs of that situation.
Many Jews will return to Europe, a lot to America, but where ever they go, memories of Israeli mass murder and oppression will follow.
The American right wing will probably see their chance to blame immigrant Jews for all America's problems and we'll see mass hatred.

Basically, business as usual but, without American tax payers funding that evil state, there will be no Muslim groups who care about attacking America.

Basically, all Muslim groups who engage in acts against America, do so because America funds Israel.
That is the base of many of America's problems.
Six million people, run by an evil government, cause more problems for America than the rest of the world.

And in 5 to 20 years, Muslim Nazis like you will be saying that in 5 to 20 years, Israel will be destroyed. :cool:
What a ridiculous post BTW. I always knee you were full of shit, but you've taken it to a whole new level.
Why you so angry Fred? Is it because Israel's birthday is coming up? Or because your prediction that Israel will be destroyed didn't occur? Or maybe it's because you're tired of seeing Israel thrive economically?
Wait, is it because Israel is sitting atop a gold mine of natural gas?

You know what Muslims like you have in common? They always say things about Israel that are not only not true, but that their Muslim countries are guilty of.

Say it with me Freddie boy:


Maybe it will be the only state in history that a minority will be able to rule over a majority in an small land area under its control surrounded by a vast population (50 times or more Israel's) related culturally and religiously to the majority under its control.

On the other hand, it has never worked before, as they found out in Algeria, South Africa, Rhodesia, etc.

Jews ruled in western Yemen, fought in arab armies against Byzantines when jews were being persecuted.
Jews of Jerusalem gained complete control over the city in 614, and much of Judea and Galilee became an autonomous Jewish province of the Sasanian Empire. At the time, 150,000 Jews were living in 43 settlements throughout the territory.
Another jewish kingdom was declared in iraq.
And in 5 to 20 years, Muslim Nazis like you will be saying that in 5 to 20 years, Israel will be destroyed. :cool:
What a ridiculous post BTW. I always knee you were full of shit, but you've taken it to a whole new level.
Why you so angry Fred? Is it because Israel's birthday is coming up? Or because your prediction that Israel will be destroyed didn't occur? Or maybe it's because you're tired of seeing Israel thrive economically?
Wait, is it because Israel is sitting atop a gold mine of natural gas?

You know what Muslims like you have in common? They always say things about Israel that are not only not true, but that their Muslim countries are guilty of.

Say it with me Freddie boy:


Maybe it will be the only state in history that a minority will be able to rule over a majority in an small land area under its control surrounded by a vast population (50 times or more Israel's) related culturally and religiously to the majority under its control.

On the other hand, it has never worked before, as they found out in Algeria, South Africa, Rhodesia, etc.

Jews ruled in western Yemen, fought in arab armies against Byzantines when jews were being persecuted.
Jews of Jerusalem gained complete control over the city in 614, and much of Judea and Galilee became an autonomous Jewish province of the Sasanian Empire. At the time, 150,000 Jews were living in 43 settlements throughout the territory.
Another jewish kingdom was declared in iraq.

As you say the Sasanians (Persians) with the help of the Jews conquered Christian Jerusalem in 614 and massacred the Christians that didn't flee, about 90,000 Christians were massacred mostly by the Jews.

The Sasanians left and left the Jews alone to defend Jerusalem. The Christians returned and reconquered the city 14 years later and massacred all the Jews.

To rule as such a small minority in the area, they need substantial external suppport, which the U.S. is providing for now.
Maybe it will be the only state in history that a minority will be able to rule over a majority in an small land area under its control surrounded by a vast population (50 times or more Israel's) related culturally and religiously to the majority under its control.

On the other hand, it has never worked before, as they found out in Algeria, South Africa, Rhodesia, etc.

Jews ruled in western Yemen, fought in arab armies against Byzantines when jews were being persecuted.
Jews of Jerusalem gained complete control over the city in 614, and much of Judea and Galilee became an autonomous Jewish province of the Sasanian Empire. At the time, 150,000 Jews were living in 43 settlements throughout the territory.
Another jewish kingdom was declared in iraq.

As you say the Sasanians (Persians) with the help of the Jews conquered Christian Jerusalem in 614 and massacred the Christians that didn't flee, about 90,000 Christians were massacred mostly by the Jews.

The Sasanians left and left the Jews alone to defend Jerusalem. The Christians returned and reconquered the city 14 years later and massacred all the Jews.

To rule as such a small minority in the area, they need substantial external suppport, which the U.S. is providing for now.

Muslims seem to have a big problem with any help the U.S. provides to Israel, but they apparently have no problems with their fellow Muslims murdering thousands and thousands of innocent people. Hmm, I wonder who is aiding all these Muslims who are busy murdering innocents and also each other. Bullets and such don't fly down from the sky. Someone has to be supplying them.
And in 5 to 20 years, Muslim Nazis like you will be saying that in 5 to 20 years, Israel will be destroyed. :cool:

What, like Israel's lie about Iran getting an atomic bomb?

Unlike Israeli's usual lie, my conclusion is based on looking at the real world.
Israeli Jewish birthrate is in decline.
Israel's Arab birthrate is far higher.
This will cause a shift in the religious weightings.
That in mind, the Israeli government will either change or be forced into drastic action to ensure only Jews can vote.
That means either removal of any voting rights for non Jews or mass expulsions/removal of citizenship.

America's economy is on the way down; weighed down by massive debt, America will have to reconsider its budget and who it supplied free weapons to.

Many countries are already rejecting American influence, moving towards Russia. Egypt has already done a deal with that country for a massive arms shipment. The balance of power in the middle east will either shift, or America will have to supply a lot more free arms.
With America's internal problems - will American taxpayers stand it?

Every and all repressive state has fallen, usually quite quickly, and Israel will be no exception.

A stupid, childish insult regarding me being a Nazi will have no effect on this.
Muslims seem to have a big problem with any help the U.S. provides to Israel, but they apparently have no problems with their fellow Muslims murdering thousands and thousands of innocent people. Hmm, I wonder who is aiding all these Muslims who are busy murdering innocents and also each other. Bullets and such don't fly down from the sky. Someone has to be supplying them.

Muslims don't have any problem with Muslims murdering Muslims?
Well, maybe the Muslims who are killed or their families are less than happy.

Tell me, how did you get that stupid; were you dropped on your head as a baby or do you take neuroleptic compounds?
Muslims seem to have a big problem with any help the U.S. provides to Israel, but they apparently have no problems with their fellow Muslims murdering thousands and thousands of innocent people. Hmm, I wonder who is aiding all these Muslims who are busy murdering innocents and also each other. Bullets and such don't fly down from the sky. Someone has to be supplying them.

Muslims don't have any problem with Muslims murdering Muslims?
Well, maybe the Muslims who are killed or their families are less than happy.

Tell me, how did you get that stupid; were you dropped on your head as a baby or do you take neuroleptic compounds?

Wake up, Freddie. I was talking about the Muslims who are busy posting demonizing Israel all over the Internet. Have you ever seen them condemning what is happening in the rest of the Middle East where Muslims are busy killing Muslims (as well as Christians). As for stupid, Freddie, look in the mirror and you will see stupid.
Muslims seem to have a big problem with any help the U.S. provides to Israel, but they apparently have no problems with their fellow Muslims murdering thousands and thousands of innocent people. Hmm, I wonder who is aiding all these Muslims who are busy murdering innocents and also each other. Bullets and such don't fly down from the sky. Someone has to be supplying them.

Muslims don't have any problem with Muslims murdering Muslims?
Well, maybe the Muslims who are killed or their families are less than happy.

Tell me, how did you get that stupid; were you dropped on your head as a baby or do you take neuroleptic compounds?

Wake up, Freddie. I was talking about the Muslims who are busy posting demonizing Israel all over the Internet. Have you ever seen them condemning what is happening in the rest of the Middle East where Muslims are busy killing Muslims (as well as Christians). As for stupid, Freddie, look in the mirror and you will see stupid.

"Muslims who are busy posting demonizing Israel all over the Internet."

Most are Christians, Hindus and Buddhists. Muslims don't do the internet much.
Muslims don't have any problem with Muslims murdering Muslims?
Well, maybe the Muslims who are killed or their families are less than happy.

Tell me, how did you get that stupid; were you dropped on your head as a baby or do you take neuroleptic compounds?

Wake up, Freddie. I was talking about the Muslims who are busy posting demonizing Israel all over the Internet. Have you ever seen them condemning what is happening in the rest of the Middle East where Muslims are busy killing Muslims (as well as Christians). As for stupid, Freddie, look in the mirror and you will see stupid.

"Muslims who are busy posting demonizing Israel all over the Internet."

Most are Christians, Hindus and Buddhists. Muslims don't do the internet much.

That's because they keep blowing themselves up when they're reading the "How to make a home made bomb" page.
Muslims don't have any problem with Muslims murdering Muslims?
Well, maybe the Muslims who are killed or their families are less than happy.

Tell me, how did you get that stupid; were you dropped on your head as a baby or do you take neuroleptic compounds?

Wake up, Freddie. I was talking about the Muslims who are busy posting demonizing Israel all over the Internet. Have you ever seen them condemning what is happening in the rest of the Middle East where Muslims are busy killing Muslims (as well as Christians). As for stupid, Freddie, look in the mirror and you will see stupid.

"Muslims who are busy posting demonizing Israel all over the Internet."

Most are Christians, Hindus and Buddhists. Muslims don't do the internet much.

Oh, Haniya, tell us another good one. Look at how many hours you are on here and your other forums. I just hope that you aren't one of those converts who goes to the radical sites where Muslims are posting to conduct their Jihad.
Maybe it will be the only state in history that a minority will be able to rule over a majority in an small land area under its control surrounded by a vast population (50 times or more Israel's) related culturally and religiously to the majority under its control.

On the other hand, it has never worked before, as they found out in Algeria, South Africa, Rhodesia, etc.

Jews ruled in western Yemen, fought in arab armies against Byzantines when jews were being persecuted.
Jews of Jerusalem gained complete control over the city in 614, and much of Judea and Galilee became an autonomous Jewish province of the Sasanian Empire. At the time, 150,000 Jews were living in 43 settlements throughout the territory.
Another jewish kingdom was declared in iraq.

As you say the Sasanians (Persians) with the help of the Jews conquered Christian Jerusalem in 614 and massacred the Christians that didn't flee, about 90,000 Christians were massacred mostly by the Jews.

The Sasanians left and left the Jews alone to defend Jerusalem. The Christians returned and reconquered the city 14 years later and massacred all the Jews.

To rule as such a small minority in the area, they need substantial external suppport, which the U.S. is providing for now.

614, the Persian army arrived at Jerusalem. Persian commander turned Jerusalem over to Jewish administration. Persian policy abruptly changed, Jews were ordered banished from the city.
U.S. Supreme Court to review Jerusalem birthplace law | Reuters

In 2003, Ari and Naomi Zivotofsky, the parents of U.S. citizen Menachem Zivotofsky, who was born in Jerusalem in 2002, filed a lawsuit seeking to enforce the law. They would like their son's passport to say he was born in Israel.

Basically, this daft bastard is trying to force America to see Jerusalem as part of Israel in official documents.
This, should it get through, will put Americans directly into the firing line.
What you have to ask is, what is this idiot doing in America?
He lives with you but is making a move that will kill your people.
Personally, I'd kick the bastard out.
As opposed to Muslims who actually do kill Americans (Europeans and a boat load of other Muslims also). Face it, Muslims are the enemy of the West, China, Russia, Latin America and Christian Africa. Once the word wakes up from the PC bullshit, there won't be a safe corner of the world for any muslim!
Muslims don't have any problem with Muslims murdering Muslims?
Well, maybe the Muslims who are killed or their families are less than happy.

Tell me, how did you get that stupid; were you dropped on your head as a baby or do you take neuroleptic compounds?

Wake up, Freddie. I was talking about the Muslims who are busy posting demonizing Israel all over the Internet. Have you ever seen them condemning what is happening in the rest of the Middle East where Muslims are busy killing Muslims (as well as Christians). As for stupid, Freddie, look in the mirror and you will see stupid.

"Muslims who are busy posting demonizing Israel all over the Internet."

Most are Christians, Hindus and Buddhists. Muslims don't do the internet much.

LOL you have got to be kidding
are you that clueless?
But that's not what you said. You did say " is a fact that Israel currently requires a person to be a particular religion to be a citizen" and despite ample opportunity to admit you had lied, you simply slithered away.
No guts ... no glory.

That is correct. If you are not a citizen and want to "be a citizen", then being Jewish is a major determining factor. Jews are automatic citizens and "others" are given the run-around. If you think it is a good thing that a country grants automatic citizenship based on religion, that is your right. However, here in America, the true constitutionalists will never think that is a good thing. I am an American and don't see how backing up fucked up Israeli government policies is the best interest of America. I am allowed to have that opinion. I don't care for any government where religion is part of the government. Anybody who doesn't get that is probably not that big on American values.

Actually not all "JEWS" are automatic citizens and many don't hit the criteria for being citizens either. For a start those without and Hebrew as a language need not apply, same with those who are recent converts.

I am just reading what it says on the Israeli government website:

Acquisition of Israeli Nationality

For the purposes of this Law, "Jew" means a person who was born of a Jewish mother, or has converted to Judaism and is not a member of another religion.

Israeli citizenship becomes effective on the day of arrival in the country or of receipt of an oleh's certificate, whichever is later. A person may declare, within three months, that he/she does not wish to become a citizen.

It seems pretty straight forward about it.
That is correct. If you are not a citizen and want to "be a citizen", then being Jewish is a major determining factor. Jews are automatic citizens and "others" are given the run-around. If you think it is a good thing that a country grants automatic citizenship based on religion, that is your right. However, here in America, the true constitutionalists will never think that is a good thing. I am an American and don't see how backing up fucked up Israeli government policies is the best interest of America. I am allowed to have that opinion. I don't care for any government where religion is part of the government. Anybody who doesn't get that is probably not that big on American values.

Actually not all "JEWS" are automatic citizens and many don't hit the criteria for being citizens either. For a start those without and Hebrew as a language need not apply, same with those who are recent converts.

I am just reading what it says on the Israeli government website:

Acquisition of Israeli Nationality

For the purposes of this Law, "Jew" means a person who was born of a Jewish mother, or has converted to Judaism and is not a member of another religion.

Israeli citizenship becomes effective on the day of arrival in the country or of receipt of an oleh's certificate, whichever is later. A person may declare, within three months, that he/she does not wish to become a citizen.

It seems pretty straight forward about it.

Getting an oleh's certificate is not that straight forward.
Muslims don't have any problem with Muslims murdering Muslims?
Well, maybe the Muslims who are killed or their families are less than happy.

Tell me, how did you get that stupid; were you dropped on your head as a baby or do you take neuroleptic compounds?

Wake up, Freddie. I was talking about the Muslims who are busy posting demonizing Israel all over the Internet. Have you ever seen them condemning what is happening in the rest of the Middle East where Muslims are busy killing Muslims (as well as Christians). As for stupid, Freddie, look in the mirror and you will see stupid.

"Muslims who are busy posting demonizing Israel all over the Internet."

Most are Christians, Hindus and Buddhists. Muslims don't do the internet much.

Where do you come up with this shit. :lol:
I don't support any government mixing religion with politics. And I am not in favor of any government using religion as a qualifier to gain citizenship. I know people from all over the world have access to this forum but I happen to be an American. It just goes against what our country is all about in terms of the founders. I don't think our government has any business supporting countries with purely un-American values. If you happen to disagree with our historical values, then you are free to do so. I do not begrudge anyone from individually having un-American values. However, it is just not for me. I think the founders hit the nail on head when they made it un-constitutional for the government to give any preference based on religion. I am sure that where ever you are from there must be different values but I do not apologize for supporting what our founders did when they first put their asses on the line and stood up to the king.
You don't understand and it isn't "Un American", in fact the system of govt. In Israel is as American as it gets. Israel was voted for as a JEWISH State, by the 51 member states of the League of Nations (which later became the UN) as a haven and shelter for Jews who are escaping persecution, anti Semetism, and oppression.

The region was also divided into many "Islamic" states by the same governing body. While a quarter of Israel's population are Arab Muslims with equal rights as the rest of the Israelis, non of the Arab or Muslim states can boast a non Muslim minority that big. Yet ignorant morons like you keep calling Israel the "racist" nation.

I get it that there is a "rah rah" section for Israel and they would say Israeli shit tastes delicious. However, I didn't say Israel was a "racist nation". That would be an indictment of all of its citizens. I did say that the government favors Jews in terms of becoming a citizen. I posted a link to the Israeli government website showing that Jews are automatic citizens. I posted a link to an Israeli Supreme Court ruling. It isn't a question of boasting a minority. South Africa had plenty of non-whites but they still got shit treatment. The bottom line is that I am posting facts and the response is to call me a Jew-hater just because I am not pretending along with the Israeli apologists. Israel has some fucked up policies that are contrary to the founding principles of the United States. We do not grant, or even consider, religion when granting citizenship. It is specifically prohibited. In Israel it is completely opposite from that. If you are the religion of the first class citizens, then you get automatic citizenship.
You are correct on that one, the govt does favor Jews. Is there a problem? Israel was created as a Jewish state and safe haven for Jews who are fleeing oppression, persecution, and genocide from all over the world.

Israel will of course scrutinize a Muslim or Arab much more, because it is concerned about the security of its citizens. There is profiling happening here in the US and Europe as well. It's not racism it common sense. People from certain countries are looked at much closer before visas are granted. You wouldn't want immigration to grant any Pakistani or Palestinian a visit visa to the US, now would you?

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