Jews trying to get Americans killed - as usual

As opposed to Muslims who actually do kill Americans (Europeans and a boat load of other Muslims also). Face it, Muslims are the enemy of the West, China, Russia, Latin America and Christian Africa. Once the word wakes up from the PC bullshit, there won't be a safe corner of the world for any muslim!

Whilst totally neglecting to mention the number of Muslims killed in wars started by America and other countries.
Blindingly stupid posts require blind people to post them.
We shall see.

If they cant do it at 100 to 1 then they will never have the gonads to do it even if they manage 1 million to 1. As I said they are craven cowards and can only go after unarmed women and children when there are ten or more ISLAMONAZI TERRORIST COWARDS

We shall see.

I don't think we will as pro palli terrorist lovers have been saying this for the last 67 years, and still no sign of any headway. As I said they are craven cowards when it comes to one on one combat
If they cant do it at 100 to 1 then they will never have the gonads to do it even if they manage 1 million to 1. As I said they are craven cowards and can only go after unarmed women and children when there are ten or more ISLAMONAZI TERRORIST COWARDS

We shall see.

I don't think we will as pro palli terrorist lovers have been saying this for the last 67 years, and still no sign of any headway. As I said they are craven cowards when it comes to one on one combat

Unlike those "brave" Israelis who hide in airplanes, hide in tanks, hide in armored bulldozers, hide behind massive air cover...:eusa_whistle:
And in 5 to 20 years, Muslim Nazis like you will be saying that in 5 to 20 years, Israel will be destroyed. :cool:

What, like Israel's lie about Iran getting an atomic bomb?

Unlike Israeli's usual lie, my conclusion is based on looking at the real world.
Israeli Jewish birthrate is in decline.
Israel's Arab birthrate is far higher.
This will cause a shift in the religious weightings.
That in mind, the Israeli government will either change or be forced into drastic action to ensure only Jews can vote.
That means either removal of any voting rights for non Jews or mass expulsions/removal of citizenship.

America's economy is on the way down; weighed down by massive debt, America will have to reconsider its budget and who it supplied free weapons to.

Many countries are already rejecting American influence, moving towards Russia. Egypt has already done a deal with that country for a massive arms shipment. The balance of power in the middle east will either shift, or America will have to supply a lot more free arms.
With America's internal problems - will American taxpayers stand it?

Every and all repressive state has fallen, usually quite quickly, and Israel will be no exception.

A stupid, childish insult regarding me being a Nazi will have no effect on this.

Iran already has the capability to produce a nuclear device capable of killing millions of people and making the land inhospitable for many millennia to come.

Your conclusion is based on LIES

SO ?

Just means they will die out sooner from disease and over population.

How if they are in Palestine and have no say in how Israel is run

NO just introduce birth control laws that limit the numbers of children.

See above

Which will mean the Islamic nations getting their aid stopped first.

Not really when Russia and China put their prices up then they will go back to America.

Who does America supply free arms to as Israel pays top money for all of its American weapons.

Will they get rid of the neo Marxist muslim you mean ?

Then the rest of the world will follow as the muslims get control of nuclear weapons, is that what you want ?

If it smells like a NAZI, Looks like a NAZI and spouts ISLAMONAZI PROPAGANDA it aint a Christian.
Muslims seem to have a big problem with any help the U.S. provides to Israel, but they apparently have no problems with their fellow Muslims murdering thousands and thousands of innocent people. Hmm, I wonder who is aiding all these Muslims who are busy murdering innocents and also each other. Bullets and such don't fly down from the sky. Someone has to be supplying them.

Muslims don't have any problem with Muslims murdering Muslims?
Well, maybe the Muslims who are killed or their families are less than happy.

Tell me, how did you get that stupid; were you dropped on your head as a baby or do you take neuroleptic compounds?

We don't see them openly complaining and rioting over the treatment dished out to other muslims by aggressive states. So they cant be concerned about them, just the killing of Palestinian terrorist scum.
Muslims don't have any problem with Muslims murdering Muslims?
Well, maybe the Muslims who are killed or their families are less than happy.

Tell me, how did you get that stupid; were you dropped on your head as a baby or do you take neuroleptic compounds?

Wake up, Freddie. I was talking about the Muslims who are busy posting demonizing Israel all over the Internet. Have you ever seen them condemning what is happening in the rest of the Middle East where Muslims are busy killing Muslims (as well as Christians). As for stupid, Freddie, look in the mirror and you will see stupid.

"Muslims who are busy posting demonizing Israel all over the Internet."

Most are Christians, Hindus and Buddhists. Muslims don't do the internet much.

Is that why they were caught using paedophile sites to pass on their hatred. They are amongst the worlds biggest users of the internet.
Wake up, Freddie. I was talking about the Muslims who are busy posting demonizing Israel all over the Internet. Have you ever seen them condemning what is happening in the rest of the Middle East where Muslims are busy killing Muslims (as well as Christians). As for stupid, Freddie, look in the mirror and you will see stupid.

"Muslims who are busy posting demonizing Israel all over the Internet."

Most are Christians, Hindus and Buddhists. Muslims don't do the internet much.

Is that why they were caught using paedophile sites to pass on their hatred. They are amongst the worlds biggest users of the internet.

The internet is a powerful communication tool and there was no time wasted using it to demonize Israel and the term Zion - which denotes holiness - in order to turn Americans against Israel, Phoenall. What some of these folks do not realize is that they are being profiled by what they write. The FBI reads message boards, websites, chat rooms on a regular basis and some of those folks have files similar to what you see lawyers wheel into a courtroom. Files the size of telephone books filled with information and everything they ever wrote. Imagine that.
That is correct. If you are not a citizen and want to "be a citizen", then being Jewish is a major determining factor. Jews are automatic citizens and "others" are given the run-around. If you think it is a good thing that a country grants automatic citizenship based on religion, that is your right. However, here in America, the true constitutionalists will never think that is a good thing. I am an American and don't see how backing up fucked up Israeli government policies is the best interest of America. I am allowed to have that opinion. I don't care for any government where religion is part of the government. Anybody who doesn't get that is probably not that big on American values.

Actually not all "JEWS" are automatic citizens and many don't hit the criteria for being citizens either. For a start those without and Hebrew as a language need not apply, same with those who are recent converts.

I am just reading what it says on the Israeli government website:

Acquisition of Israeli Nationality

For the purposes of this Law, "Jew" means a person who was born of a Jewish mother, or has converted to Judaism and is not a member of another religion.

Israeli citizenship becomes effective on the day of arrival in the country or of receipt of an oleh's certificate, whichever is later. A person may declare, within three months, that he/she does not wish to become a citizen.

It seems pretty straight forward about it.

When read in its entirety it says something completely different, and places certain criteria on the application. Here it is in full

Israel's Nationality Law relates to persons born in Israel or resident therein, as well as to those wishing to settle in the country, regardless of race, religion, creed, sex or political belief. Citizenship may be acquired by:

The Law of Return

Acquisition of nationality by birth is granted to:

1.Persons who were born in Israel to a mother or a father who are Israeli citizens.

2.Persons born outside Israel, if their father or mother holds Israeli citizenship, acquired either by birth in Israel, according to the Law of Return, by residence, or by naturalization.

3.Persons born after the death of one of their parents, if the late parent was an Israeli citizen by virtue of the conditions enumerated in 1. and 2. above at the time of death.

4.Persons born in Israel, who have never had any nationality and subject to limitations specified in the law, if they:

apply for it in the period between their 18th and 25th birthday and
have been residents of Israel for five consecutive years, immediately preceding the day of the filing of their application.

Acquisition of Nationality according to the Law of Return

On the establishment of the State, its founders proclaimed "...the renewal of the Jewish State in the Land of Israel, which would open wide the gates of the homeland to every Jew..." In pursuance of this tenet, the State of Israel has absorbed survivors of the Holocaust, refugees from the countries in which they had resided, as well as many thousands of Jews who came to settle in Israel of their own volition.

The Law of Return (1950) grants every Jew, wherever he may be, the right to come to Israel as an oleh (a Jew immigrating to Israel) and become an Israeli citizen.

For the purposes of this Law, "Jew" means a person who was born of a Jewish mother, or has converted to Judaism and is not a member of another religion.

Israeli citizenship becomes effective on the day of arrival in the country or of receipt of an oleh's certificate, whichever is later. A person may declare, within three months, that he/she does not wish to become a citizen.

An oleh's certificate may be denied to persons who:

1.engage in activity directed against the Jewish people;
2.may endanger public health or the security of the state;
3.have a criminal past, likely to endanger public welfare.

Since 1970, the right to immigrate under this law has been extended to include the child and the grandchild of a Jew, the spouse of a child of a Jew and the spouse of the grandchild of a Jew. The purpose of this amendment is to ensure the unity of families, where intermarriage had occurred; it does not apply to persons who had been Jews and had voluntarily changed their religion.

Acquisition of Nationality by Residence

Special provision is made in the Nationality Law for former citizens of British Mandatory Palestine. Those who remained in Israel from the establishment of the State in 1948 until the enactment of the Nationality Law of 1952, became Israeli citizens by residence or by return.

According to an amendment (1980), further possibilities to acquire citizenship by residence, were included in the law.

Acquisition of Nationality by Naturalization

Adults may acquire Israeli citizenship by naturalization at the discretion of the Minister of the Interior and subject to a number of requirements, such as:

1.they must have resided in Israel for three years out of the five years preceding the day of submission of the application.

2.they are entitled to reside in Israel permanently and have settled or intend to settle in Israel;

3.they have renounced their prior nationality, or have proved that they will cease to be foreign nationals upon becoming Israeli citizens.

The Minister of the Interior may exempt an applicant from some of these requirements.
Wake up, Freddie. I was talking about the Muslims who are busy posting demonizing Israel all over the Internet. Have you ever seen them condemning what is happening in the rest of the Middle East where Muslims are busy killing Muslims (as well as Christians). As for stupid, Freddie, look in the mirror and you will see stupid.

"Muslims who are busy posting demonizing Israel all over the Internet."

Most are Christians, Hindus and Buddhists. Muslims don't do the internet much.

Where do you come up with this shit. :lol:

From the little red book of ISLAMONAZI PROPAGANDA and LIES
As opposed to Muslims who actually do kill Americans (Europeans and a boat load of other Muslims also). Face it, Muslims are the enemy of the West, China, Russia, Latin America and Christian Africa. Once the word wakes up from the PC bullshit, there won't be a safe corner of the world for any muslim!

Whilst totally neglecting to mention the number of Muslims killed in wars started by America and other countries.
Blindingly stupid posts require blind people to post them.

While you neglect to mention the numbers of Americans mass murdered by muslims for perceived insults to their god, prophet and religion.
We shall see.

I don't think we will as pro palli terrorist lovers have been saying this for the last 67 years, and still no sign of any headway. As I said they are craven cowards when it comes to one on one combat

Unlike those "brave" Israelis who hide in airplanes, hide in tanks, hide in armored bulldozers, hide behind massive air cover...:eusa_whistle:

And only target military personel and buildings. They don't set out to murder civilians minding their own business. When was the last time the IDF hid to mass murder civilians, or do you consider volunteer human shields to be civilians ?
I don't think we will as pro palli terrorist lovers have been saying this for the last 67 years, and still no sign of any headway. As I said they are craven cowards when it comes to one on one combat

Unlike those "brave" Israelis who hide in airplanes, hide in tanks, hide in armored bulldozers, hide behind massive air cover...:eusa_whistle:

And only target military personel and buildings. They don't set out to murder civilians minding their own business. When was the last time the IDF hid to mass murder civilians, or do you consider volunteer human shields to be civilians ?

Excellent regurgitation of Israeli bullshit. :clap2::clap2::clap2:
Unlike those "brave" Israelis who hide in airplanes, hide in tanks, hide in armored bulldozers, hide behind massive air cover...:eusa_whistle:

And only target military personel and buildings. They don't set out to murder civilians minding their own business. When was the last time the IDF hid to mass murder civilians, or do you consider volunteer human shields to be civilians ?

Excellent regurgitation of Israeli bullshit. :clap2::clap2::clap2:

Nope recorded fact that anyone can look for on the internet. Like the hamas list from Cast lead that stated the "civilians" were on their way to fire rockets at Israeli civilians or were carrying ammunition to mujahidin fighting the IDF
And only target military personel and buildings. They don't set out to murder civilians minding their own business. When was the last time the IDF hid to mass murder civilians, or do you consider volunteer human shields to be civilians ?

Excellent regurgitation of Israeli bullshit. :clap2::clap2::clap2:

Nope recorded fact that anyone can look for on the internet. Like the hamas list from Cast lead that stated the "civilians" were on their way to fire rockets at Israeli civilians or were carrying ammunition to mujahidin fighting the IDF

You take an isolated incident (that may not have happened) and portray it as typical.

That is lying.
If they cant do it at 100 to 1 then they will never have the gonads to do it even if they manage 1 million to 1. As I said they are craven cowards and can only go after unarmed women and children when there are ten or more ISLAMONAZI TERRORIST COWARDS

We shall see.

I don't think we will as pro palli terrorist lovers have been saying this for the last 67 years, and still no sign of any headway. As I said they are craven cowards when it comes to one on one combat
Arab cowards haven't fought in armies for decades now. They just know how to be good terrorists. Fits with their religion perfectly.
We shall see.

I don't think we will as pro palli terrorist lovers have been saying this for the last 67 years, and still no sign of any headway. As I said they are craven cowards when it comes to one on one combat

Unlike those "brave" Israelis who hide in airplanes, hide in tanks, hide in armored bulldozers, hide behind massive air cover...:eusa_whistle:

That's how all militaries fight.
Also, you forgot to mention ground troops.
Excellent regurgitation of Israeli bullshit. :clap2::clap2::clap2:

Nope recorded fact that anyone can look for on the internet. Like the hamas list from Cast lead that stated the "civilians" were on their way to fire rockets at Israeli civilians or were carrying ammunition to mujahidin fighting the IDF

You take an isolated incident (that may not have happened) and portray it as typical.

That is lying.

I'm glad you mentioned this Tinmore.
What you just said is something I see among Palestinian propagandists.
I don't think we will as pro palli terrorist lovers have been saying this for the last 67 years, and still no sign of any headway. As I said they are craven cowards when it comes to one on one combat

Unlike those "brave" Israelis who hide in airplanes, hide in tanks, hide in armored bulldozers, hide behind massive air cover...:eusa_whistle:

That's how all militaries fight.
Also, you forgot to mention ground troops.

Like in the West Bank where they shoot unarmed civilians?
Nope recorded fact that anyone can look for on the internet. Like the hamas list from Cast lead that stated the "civilians" were on their way to fire rockets at Israeli civilians or were carrying ammunition to mujahidin fighting the IDF

You take an isolated incident (that may not have happened) and portray it as typical.

That is lying.

I'm glad you mentioned this Tinmore.
What you just said is something I see among Palestinian propagandists.


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