Jews trying to get Americans killed - as usual

"There is no other group, no other ethic people, no other religious order, no other language, no other culture, that has been in the land of Israel continuously for over 3,000 years"

The Palestinians whose ancestors include the Caanites have been there longer, not to mention the Samaritans.

The Origin of Palestinians and Their
Genetic Relatedness With Other
Mediterranean Populations
Well, a far more legitimate claim than that of a bunch of Europeans. You people haven't much education and it certainly shows, but then you have to an ignorant nitwit to support Israel. However, please memorize this, the Ottomans did not conquer Palestine until 1517. The Christians held Palestine for about hundred years between 1099 to 1187. They Christians held on to Acre for another 100 years but it was a small holding. So whether Christian or Muslim, Arab or Turk. It wasn't Jewish for sure.

Seems that you have not learnt your history little boy, the so called "Europeans" have a genetic marker that puts then in the lands of Judea and Samaria. The so called Palestinians that have been tested show a distinct lack of any such marker and instead show a very recent lineage outside of Palestine. The Jews whether Ashkenazi or Sephardic have lived in Palestine for 5000 years the muslims barely manage 3 generations

That's all bullshit. The Palestinians, Christian and Muslim have genetic markers that places them closer to Palestine than any Jew. In fact, the Palestinians.

"RAEL: 86% of Palestinians are of Jew’s origins according to genetic evidence. Israeli need to know they are committing siblicide.
“Palestinians are direct descendants of the tribes of Israel, they are as Jewish as any Jew in the world” a study by Tsvi Misinai confirms through genetic, immunological, linguistic, geographical, anthropological and historical studies."

RAEL: 86% of Palestinians are of Jew?s origins according to genetic evidence. Israeli need to know they are committing siblicide. - Raelian Press Site

I am a white European and I have a genetic marker that places me in Africa. It doesn't mean that me and my buddies can go to South Africa throw out the locals and take over the diamond minds. What a frigging idiot you are.

This report has been debuked repeatedly over the last few months, and has been ignored as false by his peers. Did you bother to read some of the fanciful claims that destroys your friends arguments regarding "European colonists"

"Palestinians are genetically much closer to Ashkenazi Jews than they are to the Arabs."

High-resolution Y chromosome haplotypes of Israeli and Palestinian Arabs reveal geographic substructure
People act like the Jews magically showed up in 1947. They didn't 'show up' in 1947. They never LEFT. They have ALWAYS been there. The only difference is, MORE came to Israel, because other people were killing, slaughtering, and expelling them from other lands, forcing them to Israel.

Illegal mass immigration.

The ship Exodus 1947 became a symbol of Aliya Bet — illegal immigration. After World War II, illegal immigration increased and the British authorities decided to stop it by sending the ships back to the ports of embarkation in Europe. The first ship to which this policy was applied was the Exodus 1947.
The ship sailed from the port of Site, near Marseilles, on July 11, 1947, with 4,515 immigrants, including 655 children, on board.

Demographics of Palestine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Jewish element of the population numbers 76,000. Almost all have entered Palestine during the last 40 years. Prior to 1850 there were in the country only a handful of Jews. In the following 30 years a few hundreds came to Palestine.

They weren't there.

Palestine was home to a couple of hundred Jews before the mass illegal immigration got out of control.
People act like the Jews magically showed up in 1947. They didn't 'show up' in 1947. They never LEFT. They have ALWAYS been there. The only difference is, MORE came to Israel, because other people were killing, slaughtering, and expelling them from other lands, forcing them to Israel.

Illegal mass immigration.

The ship Exodus 1947 became a symbol of Aliya Bet — illegal immigration. After World War II, illegal immigration increased and the British authorities decided to stop it by sending the ships back to the ports of embarkation in Europe. The first ship to which this policy was applied was the Exodus 1947.
The ship sailed from the port of Site, near Marseilles, on July 11, 1947, with 4,515 immigrants, including 655 children, on board.

Demographics of Palestine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Jewish element of the population numbers 76,000. Almost all have entered Palestine during the last 40 years. Prior to 1850 there were in the country only a handful of Jews. In the following 30 years a few hundreds came to Palestine.

They weren't there.

Palestine was home to a couple of hundred Jews before the mass illegal immigration got out of control.
Freddie, as long as there was one family of Jews in the land, there was a presense maintained. There didn't have to be thousands or millions. Get real.
"There is no other group, no other ethic people, no other religious order, no other language, no other culture, that has been in the land of Israel continuously for over 3,000 years"

The Palestinians whose ancestors include the Caanites have been there longer, not to mention the Samaritans.

The Origin of Palestinians and Their
Genetic Relatedness With Other
Mediterranean Populations

Was that a joke? Or did you actually mean that?

Caanities do not exist anymore. The relevance of a non-existent people, to a current day issue, is... pointless?

Samaritans are Jews. A lot of pointy headed professors will bicker about 'the true jewish faith', but they are as much Jewish as Shiite and Sunni are both Islamic. Splitting hairs is fine, but they are not significantly different.

They both believe in Abraham, and Moses, and the 12 tribes, and Yahweh, and most of the fundamentals of Jewish faith.

Samaritans speak Arabic and Hebrew. They do not have a unique cultural difference. To this day, there are only 700 known Samaritans that even try and differentiate themselves. Most have adopted to be openly Jewish.

So I'll say it again.

There is no other group, no other ethic people, no other religious order, no other language, no other culture, that has been in the land of Israel continuously for over 3,000 years.
People act like the Jews magically showed up in 1947. They didn't 'show up' in 1947. They never LEFT. They have ALWAYS been there. The only difference is, MORE came to Israel, because other people were killing, slaughtering, and expelling them from other lands, forcing them to Israel.

Illegal mass immigration.

The ship Exodus 1947 became a symbol of Aliya Bet — illegal immigration. After World War II, illegal immigration increased and the British authorities decided to stop it by sending the ships back to the ports of embarkation in Europe. The first ship to which this policy was applied was the Exodus 1947.
The ship sailed from the port of Site, near Marseilles, on July 11, 1947, with 4,515 immigrants, including 655 children, on board.

Demographics of Palestine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Jewish element of the population numbers 76,000. Almost all have entered Palestine during the last 40 years. Prior to 1850 there were in the country only a handful of Jews. In the following 30 years a few hundreds came to Palestine.

They weren't there.

Palestine was home to a couple of hundred Jews before the mass illegal immigration got out of control.

Well... you are lying. Sorry. I'm not going to debate lies with you. Thanks.
Freddie, as long as there was one family of Jews in the land, there was a presense maintained. There didn't have to be thousands or millions. Get real.

Excellent news.

North America can be returned to the Indian population immediately.

You need to get real.
A gap in reasonable population numbers for a period of two thousand years doesn't mean millions of people who have no history of living in an area have the right of ownership of that land.
Jews invaded the land but were kicked out.
They re-invaded so can hardly complain if they get removed again.

Because of extremist Jews, sooner or later that will happen.
Sadly, such a conflict will result in a lot of deaths, all caused by the stupid ideal we know as Israel.

Again, you have to get real.
All states based on extremists ideals have either died a death through political pressure or, as is common, a force boots them out.
The latter is more likely for Israel.

Given decline in Jewish birthrate, increase in Arab birthrate, and the likely reduction/stopping of American funding as America's economy declines further, Israel probably has about 20 years left - 30 at a push.
Given extremist Zionists are likely to be in power, a major regional war is very much on the cards.

Normal Israelis should get out now, before the extremist Zionists cause their deaths.
Yavuz Sultan Selim, Sultan of the Ottoman Empire in 1517, conquered Egypt, and in the process, revoked the "Law of No Return", which was in place since the Roman Senate implemented it in 60 AD.

Between the absolute dismantlement of Israel by the Sasanian Empire, to 1517, you would be correct, there were only a handful of Jews there.

However, from 1517, until 1917, for 400 years, the Jews could move freely into historic Israel, and settle there. In fact, the Sultan encouraged it to some degree. He openly accepted expelled Jews from Spain, and many other Inquisition countries.

Suleiman the Magnificent, the Sultan that came after, ordered the rebuilding of Jerusalem, and directly encouraged the settling of literally thousand of Jews in the region.

By 1600, there were over 10,000 Jews in the land of Israel. By 1800s, Jerusalem was overcrowded, and the first 'suburbs', communities outside the Jerusalem walls, were being built, by Jews.

So, again... you are just lying.... or you are really ignorant. Pick one. I don't care.
Freddie, as long as there was one family of Jews in the land, there was a presense maintained. There didn't have to be thousands or millions. Get real.

Excellent news.

North America can be returned to the Indian population immediately.

You need to get real.
A gap in reasonable population numbers for a period of two thousand years doesn't mean millions of people who have no history of living in an area have the right of ownership of that land.
Jews invaded the land but were kicked out.
They re-invaded so can hardly complain if they get removed again.

Because of extremist Jews, sooner or later that will happen.
Sadly, such a conflict will result in a lot of deaths, all caused by the stupid ideal we know as Israel.

Again, you have to get real.
All states based on extremists ideals have either died a death through political pressure or, as is common, a force boots them out.
The latter is more likely for Israel.

Given decline in Jewish birthrate, increase in Arab birthrate, and the likely reduction/stopping of American funding as America's economy declines further, Israel probably has about 20 years left - 30 at a push.
Given extremist Zionists are likely to be in power, a major regional war is very much on the cards.

Normal Israelis should get out now, before the extremist Zionists cause their deaths.

FreddiE, I guarantee you that in 20-30 years, hateful people like you will still be saying that in 20-30 years Israel will be destroyed.
After 66 years of hearing the same shit, it gets boring.

What do you base you claim that the U.S will stop funding Israel?
Freddie, as long as there was one family of Jews in the land, there was a presense maintained. There didn't have to be thousands or millions. Get real.

Excellent news.

North America can be returned to the Indian population immediately.

You need to get real.
A gap in reasonable population numbers for a period of two thousand years doesn't mean millions of people who have no history of living in an area have the right of ownership of that land.
Jews invaded the land but were kicked out.
They re-invaded so can hardly complain if they get removed again.

Because of extremist Jews, sooner or later that will happen.
Sadly, such a conflict will result in a lot of deaths, all caused by the stupid ideal we know as Israel.

Again, you have to get real.
All states based on extremists ideals have either died a death through political pressure or, as is common, a force boots them out.
The latter is more likely for Israel.

Given decline in Jewish birthrate, increase in Arab birthrate, and the likely reduction/stopping of American funding as America's economy declines further, Israel probably has about 20 years left - 30 at a push.
Given extremist Zionists are likely to be in power, a major regional war is very much on the cards.

Normal Israelis should get out now, before the extremist Zionists cause their deaths.


Um... no. Out of all the topic of discussion on this forum, this is one where I normally just laugh. I'll talk with you about it, but I'll never get heated on this.

Why? Because it does not matter what I think, or you think. You can't win this.

"But but birth rates and...."

No, you can't win this.

"But, reduction and stopping funding....

No no... you *can not* win this.

"But war and U.N. and....."

No, you don't get it.... you *CAN NOT* win this.

Have you read the Bible?

The Bible said the Israelites would conqure the land of Caanan.
The Bible said the Jews would be held in captivity. (Babylon)
The Bible said the Jews would return and rebuild.
The Bible said the Jews would be destroyed again, only this time scattered to the four corners of the Earth. (Roman)
The Bible said the Jews would not assimilate into other cultures and remain a distinct ethnic group.
The Bible said the Jews would regather in the land of dry bones.
The Bible said the Israel would be recreated, and would be a terrible swift sword. (1948, Six-Day War)
The Bible said the Israel would be a thorn in the side of all nations.
The Bible said the Israel would be stronger and more wealthy and advanced than ever before.

(BTW, did you know the Predator Drone the CIA is using to blow up Al Qaeda Muslim Extremists, was created by Jew in Israel? I just found that out yesterday in a book I'm reading. Poetic justice)

And lastly, the Bible says that Israel will recapture all it's old territory and rebuild the Temple.

Now all of those statements that have been in the Bible for nearly 2,000 years plus, have come true, except for the last two there.

Let me give you a hint..... They will come true.

Psalm 2:2-4

The kings of the earth rise up and the rulers band together against the LORD and against his anointed

"Let us break their chains," they cry, "and free ourselves from slavery to God."

The One enthroned in heaven laughs; the Lord scoffs at them.

You think you are going to stop G-d from completing what he intends to do? You think you are going to fight G-d, and defeat His plans? You think if you elect a Muslim as president of the USA, and cut off Israel, that you are going to over throw G-d?

The One enthroned in heaven laughs; the Lord scoffs at them.

By all means. Feel free to try. You won't see me sweating over it. All your armies, all your plans, all your policies and actions and nations and rulers.......


One flick..... and that's the end of your attempts to thwart G-d. Now I don't hate you, or anyone else.... I'm just saying you can't win this one dude. Not possible. By all means waste your life trying if that's what you want, but you *WILL* fail and when you do...

The One enthroned in heaven laughs. Laughs. You can either laugh WITH G-d, or you can be laughed at by G-d. Those are your only options.
"There is no other group, no other ethic people, no other religious order, no other language, no other culture, that has been in the land of Israel continuously for over 3,000 years"

The Palestinians whose ancestors include the Caanites have been there longer, not to mention the Samaritans.

The Origin of Palestinians and Their
Genetic Relatedness With Other
Mediterranean Populations

Was that a joke? Or did you actually mean that?

Caanities do not exist anymore. The relevance of a non-existent people, to a current day issue, is... pointless?

Samaritans are Jews. A lot of pointy headed professors will bicker about 'the true jewish faith', but they are as much Jewish as Shiite and Sunni are both Islamic. Splitting hairs is fine, but they are not significantly different.

They both believe in Abraham, and Moses, and the 12 tribes, and Yahweh, and most of the fundamentals of Jewish faith.

Samaritans speak Arabic and Hebrew. They do not have a unique cultural difference. To this day, there are only 700 known Samaritans that even try and differentiate themselves. Most have adopted to be openly Jewish.

So I'll say it again.

There is no other group, no other ethic people, no other religious order, no other language, no other culture, that has been in the land of Israel continuously for over 3,000 years. - Amid conflict, Samaritans keep unique identity - Oct. 8, 2002
People act like the Jews magically showed up in 1947. They didn't 'show up' in 1947. They never LEFT. They have ALWAYS been there. The only difference is, MORE came to Israel, because other people were killing, slaughtering, and expelling them from other lands, forcing them to Israel.

Illegal mass immigration.

The ship Exodus 1947 became a symbol of Aliya Bet — illegal immigration. After World War II, illegal immigration increased and the British authorities decided to stop it by sending the ships back to the ports of embarkation in Europe. The first ship to which this policy was applied was the Exodus 1947.
The ship sailed from the port of Site, near Marseilles, on July 11, 1947, with 4,515 immigrants, including 655 children, on board.

Demographics of Palestine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Jewish element of the population numbers 76,000. Almost all have entered Palestine during the last 40 years. Prior to 1850 there were in the country only a handful of Jews. In the following 30 years a few hundreds came to Palestine.

They weren't there.

Palestine was home to a couple of hundred Jews before the mass illegal immigration got out of control.

The immigration was only illegal because the ANTI SEMITIC JEW HATING British government said it was. But under the terms of the mandate the migration was a legal and acceptable. This is a result of the grand mufti Husseini's meddling and stirring up the hornets nest.

Your second link is one that should be removed from Wiki due to the controversy surrounding its factual content. The author has been banned from wiki because of their abusive, racist comments to others who have edited parts of the wiki entry to show the truth of migration to Palestine.
Under the Ottomans the arabs refused to migrate to Palestine because the land was so poor and the work too hard. So they invited Jews to come and work the land with the added bonus of being allowed to actually buy it for themselves. So the Jews came from other parts of the Ottoman empire and set up shop in Palestine, they scrimped and saved until they were able to buy land from its Ottoman landlords. Often they paid up to ten times what the land was worth because of muslim greed. The arab mongrel workers saw the chance to earn some easy money and eventually land that was fertile after the Jews had made it so.

So the real illegal immigrants are the many arab muslims that flooded the area from 1948 to 1967 to swell the numbers demanding a right of return to property they have not even seen, let alone owned.
Freddie, as long as there was one family of Jews in the land, there was a presense maintained. There didn't have to be thousands or millions. Get real.

Excellent news.

North America can be returned to the Indian population immediately.

You need to get real.
A gap in reasonable population numbers for a period of two thousand years doesn't mean millions of people who have no history of living in an area have the right of ownership of that land.
Jews invaded the land but were kicked out.
They re-invaded so can hardly complain if they get removed again.

Because of extremist Jews, sooner or later that will happen.
Sadly, such a conflict will result in a lot of deaths, all caused by the stupid ideal we know as Israel.

Again, you have to get real.
All states based on extremists ideals have either died a death through political pressure or, as is common, a force boots them out.
The latter is more likely for Israel.

Given decline in Jewish birthrate, increase in Arab birthrate, and the likely reduction/stopping of American funding as America's economy declines further, Israel probably has about 20 years left - 30 at a push.
Given extremist Zionists are likely to be in power, a major regional war is very much on the cards.

Normal Israelis should get out now, before the extremist Zionists cause their deaths.

Does the same apply to the arab muslims then who were missing for the most part during the rule of the Ottoman empire.

Will the extremist states of Syria, Iran and Palestine also be destroyed.

The only people being threatened with their aid being stopped is Palestine, and many western nations are now telling the terrorist entity that they are to get no more money.

The muslims are already at a 1000 to 1 advantage so why haven't they tried to invade Israel, could it be that they are cowards and don't think the odds are in their favour.
"There is no other group, no other ethic people, no other religious order, no other language, no other culture, that has been in the land of Israel continuously for over 3,000 years"

The Palestinians whose ancestors include the Caanites have been there longer, not to mention the Samaritans.

The Origin of Palestinians and Their
Genetic Relatedness With Other
Mediterranean Populations

Was that a joke? Or did you actually mean that?

Caanities do not exist anymore. The relevance of a non-existent people, to a current day issue, is... pointless?

Samaritans are Jews. A lot of pointy headed professors will bicker about 'the true jewish faith', but they are as much Jewish as Shiite and Sunni are both Islamic. Splitting hairs is fine, but they are not significantly different.

They both believe in Abraham, and Moses, and the 12 tribes, and Yahweh, and most of the fundamentals of Jewish faith.

Samaritans speak Arabic and Hebrew. They do not have a unique cultural difference. To this day, there are only 700 known Samaritans that even try and differentiate themselves. Most have adopted to be openly Jewish.

So I'll say it again.

There is no other group, no other ethic people, no other religious order, no other language, no other culture, that has been in the land of Israel continuously for over 3,000 years. - Amid conflict, Samaritans keep unique identity - Oct. 8, 2002

Day 45 a: Join Diana on Mount Gerizim in Nablus on an enlightening visit with the Samaritans on their New Year Day. What is the difference between the biblical Mounts Gerizim and Ebal? What do Samaritans, who consider themselves the true ancient Israelites who crossed from Egypt, think of Jerusalem from the religious angle? What do they consider themselves, Palestinians or Israelis?

[ame=]45 a Sleepless Gaza Jerusalem.divx - YouTube[/ame]
"There is no other group, no other ethic people, no other religious order, no other language, no other culture, that has been in the land of Israel continuously for over 3,000 years"

The Palestinians whose ancestors include the Caanites have been there longer, not to mention the Samaritans.

The Origin of Palestinians and Their
Genetic Relatedness With Other
Mediterranean Populations

Was that a joke? Or did you actually mean that?

Caanities do not exist anymore. The relevance of a non-existent people, to a current day issue, is... pointless?

Samaritans are Jews. A lot of pointy headed professors will bicker about 'the true jewish faith', but they are as much Jewish as Shiite and Sunni are both Islamic. Splitting hairs is fine, but they are not significantly different.

They both believe in Abraham, and Moses, and the 12 tribes, and Yahweh, and most of the fundamentals of Jewish faith.

Samaritans speak Arabic and Hebrew. They do not have a unique cultural difference. To this day, there are only 700 known Samaritans that even try and differentiate themselves. Most have adopted to be openly Jewish.

So I'll say it again.

There is no other group, no other ethic people, no other religious order, no other language, no other culture, that has been in the land of Israel continuously for over 3,000 years. - Amid conflict, Samaritans keep unique identity - Oct. 8, 2002

I love this. Do you people ever read your own links?

From your own link....

The Samaritans are Israeli citizens and recognized as Jews according to the law of return. Yet, those who live in the West Bank also are represented in the Palestinian legislature. Palestinians commonly refer to them as "Jews of Palestine."

So Israelis consider them Jews, and Palestinians consider them Jews.

So obviously they are nothing like Jews in your world?

Samaritans are descendants of the ancient Israelites who broke from Judaism some 2,200 years ago and were centered mainly in and around the region of Samaria -- now a part of the West Bank.

So they are descendants of Israelites... which means they are nothing like Jews which are descendants of.......... Israelites? So obviously in your world that makes them completely different.

The religious practices followed by Samaritans are closely related to Judaism.

Although their calendar is slightly different from the Jewish calendar, they celebrate Yom Kippur (the day of atonement) and Passover, traditionally marked by the sacrifice of a lamb at Mount Gerizim.

They have a similar calendar to the Jews. Celebrate many of the same holidays as the Jews. So obviously in your world, they are nothing like the Jews, or Judaism.

Do you read your own links? If that link you posted, doesn't completely prove my point, I don't know what would. :eusa_shifty:
Was that a joke? Or did you actually mean that?

Caanities do not exist anymore. The relevance of a non-existent people, to a current day issue, is... pointless?

Samaritans are Jews. A lot of pointy headed professors will bicker about 'the true jewish faith', but they are as much Jewish as Shiite and Sunni are both Islamic. Splitting hairs is fine, but they are not significantly different.

They both believe in Abraham, and Moses, and the 12 tribes, and Yahweh, and most of the fundamentals of Jewish faith.

Samaritans speak Arabic and Hebrew. They do not have a unique cultural difference. To this day, there are only 700 known Samaritans that even try and differentiate themselves. Most have adopted to be openly Jewish.

So I'll say it again.

There is no other group, no other ethic people, no other religious order, no other language, no other culture, that has been in the land of Israel continuously for over 3,000 years. - Amid conflict, Samaritans keep unique identity - Oct. 8, 2002

I love this. Do you people ever read your own links?

From your own link....

So Israelis consider them Jews, and Palestinians consider them Jews.

So obviously they are nothing like Jews in your world?

Samaritans are descendants of the ancient Israelites who broke from Judaism some 2,200 years ago and were centered mainly in and around the region of Samaria -- now a part of the West Bank.

So they are descendants of Israelites... which means they are nothing like Jews which are descendants of.......... Israelites? So obviously in your world that makes them completely different.

The religious practices followed by Samaritans are closely related to Judaism.

Although their calendar is slightly different from the Jewish calendar, they celebrate Yom Kippur (the day of atonement) and Passover, traditionally marked by the sacrifice of a lamb at Mount Gerizim.

They have a similar calendar to the Jews. Celebrate many of the same holidays as the Jews. So obviously in your world, they are nothing like the Jews, or Judaism.

Do you read your own links? If that link you posted, doesn't completely prove my point, I don't know what would. :eusa_shifty:
Who are you quoting Androw? Aris or Montezuma?

I love this. Do you people ever read your own links?

From your own link....

So Israelis consider them Jews, and Palestinians consider them Jews.

So obviously they are nothing like Jews in your world?

So they are descendants of Israelites... which means they are nothing like Jews which are descendants of.......... Israelites? So obviously in your world that makes them completely different.

The religious practices followed by Samaritans are closely related to Judaism.

Although their calendar is slightly different from the Jewish calendar, they celebrate Yom Kippur (the day of atonement) and Passover, traditionally marked by the sacrifice of a lamb at Mount Gerizim.

They have a similar calendar to the Jews. Celebrate many of the same holidays as the Jews. So obviously in your world, they are nothing like the Jews, or Judaism.

Do you read your own links? If that link you posted, doesn't completely prove my point, I don't know what would. :eusa_shifty:
Who are you quoting Androw? Aris or Montezuma?

I was quoting the link the prior poster posted.
I love this. Do you people ever read your own links?

From your own link....

So Israelis consider them Jews, and Palestinians consider them Jews.

So obviously they are nothing like Jews in your world?

So they are descendants of Israelites... which means they are nothing like Jews which are descendants of.......... Israelites? So obviously in your world that makes them completely different.

They have a similar calendar to the Jews. Celebrate many of the same holidays as the Jews. So obviously in your world, they are nothing like the Jews, or Judaism.

Do you read your own links? If that link you posted, doesn't completely prove my point, I don't know what would. :eusa_shifty:
Who are you quoting Androw? Aris or Montezuma?

I was quoting the link the prior poster posted.
I figured it out after reading it again.

I love this. Do you people ever read your own links?

From your own link....

So Israelis consider them Jews, and Palestinians consider them Jews.

So obviously they are nothing like Jews in your world?

So they are descendants of Israelites... which means they are nothing like Jews which are descendants of.......... Israelites? So obviously in your world that makes them completely different.

The religious practices followed by Samaritans are closely related to Judaism.

Although their calendar is slightly different from the Jewish calendar, they celebrate Yom Kippur (the day of atonement) and Passover, traditionally marked by the sacrifice of a lamb at Mount Gerizim.

They have a similar calendar to the Jews. Celebrate many of the same holidays as the Jews. So obviously in your world, they are nothing like the Jews, or Judaism.

Do you read your own links? If that link you posted, doesn't completely prove my point, I don't know what would. :eusa_shifty:
Who are you quoting Androw? Aris or Montezuma?

he is quoting the article, but though they are jewish in many ways are still distinct. But as jews they have never left, so jews have always been there.
They are palestinian jews but they serve in the IDF as Israelis.
They maintain their own culture and identity unique, but with ties to both Israel and palestinian.

"..distinct group, neither Jewish nor they try to maintain their distinct cultural identity,
As a people, they are united by a common religion, tradition and language. They are one of a few remaining cultures that speak, read and write the ancient Hebrew language Aramaic."

The differences between jews and samaritans is more than just a few holy days or where Abraham was told to sacrifice Issac.

1 Kings 15:6 says "there was war between Rehoboam and Jeroboam all the days of his life."
1 Kings 12:25-33. No longer did the inhabitants of the north travel to Jerusalem to offer sacrifice and worship (cf Deuteronomy 12:5-14). Instead, Jeroboam set up idols in Dan and Bethel.

Bene Yisrael use only the Pentateuch and reject the other books of the Tanakh
That is correct. If you are not a citizen and want to "be a citizen", then being Jewish is a major determining factor. Jews are automatic citizens and "others" are given the run-around. If you think it is a good thing that a country grants automatic citizenship based on religion, that is your right. However, here in America, the true constitutionalists will never think that is a good thing. I am an American and don't see how backing up fucked up Israeli government policies is the best interest of America. I am allowed to have that opinion. I don't care for any government where religion is part of the government. Anybody who doesn't get that is probably not that big on American values.

Actually not all "JEWS" are automatic citizens and many don't hit the criteria for being citizens either. For a start those without and Hebrew as a language need not apply, same with those who are recent converts.

I am just reading what it says on the Israeli government website:

Acquisition of Israeli Nationality

For the purposes of this Law, "Jew" means a person who was born of a Jewish mother, or has converted to Judaism and is not a member of another religion.

Israeli citizenship becomes effective on the day of arrival in the country or of receipt of an oleh's certificate, whichever is later. A person may declare, within three months, that he/she does not wish to become a citizen.

It seems pretty straight forward about it.

Jews trying to get... 04-30-2014 12:55 AM MHunterB .
Jews trying to get... 04-27-2014 02:30 PM MHunterB .
Jews trying to get... 04-24-2014 04:03 PM MHunterB

I understand that rep bombing is the chicken-shit alternative to responding with facts or logic but why the hell would you be mad at me for linking and quoting the Israeli government website? If the truth pisses you off that much, then maybe you should re-evaluate your support of the idea that any country supported by the USA should ever use religion as a determining factor for granting citizenship.

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