Jews trying to get Americans killed - as usual

In other words "Jerusalem is not in Palestine." You certainly have trouble typing the word Israel don't you. What happens, does you pc freeze or something like that when you type it?

Yes it is.
Israel is a land set up on theft, and they cannot even keep to the thefts approved by the UN.

I see you even stole a Palestinian child for your avatar.
You are funny.
Please explain.

Do you not know the history of the Israeli attack on the USS Liberty.
Dear dear.

Well it is a good long story. You can continue your information gathering here:

Apart from that rather obvious example, the US gives treasure and sacrifices credibility every day by its support of Israel. Though you are not allowed to say it 9/11 and the general Jihad against America is due to its unjust treatment of "lesser people" more than a little, The Palestinians.

Of course this is not just due to ignorance in America. Nor is it just down to oil industry interests. Or to War Industry interests. Not even all down to Zionist supporters (mostly Christian, by the way - nutty Christians, but still Christians).

But overall the US sacrifices wealth, credibility, strategic advantage, natural allies, and economic advantage in the cause of supporting the quite obviously racist and semi-fascist Israeli state.

I don't say that Russia and Europe don't (Germany in particular are a great supporter of them), but the US doesn't even allow criticism of the place, when it does utterly evil acts.

Thankfully, the new generation have noticed and are getting around the closed-shop of obsequious news reporting and avoidance of objective reporting.

Anything unclear Lipush?
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In other words "Jerusalem is not in Palestine." You certainly have trouble typing the word Israel don't you. What happens, does you pc freeze or something like that when you type it?

Yes it is.
Israel is a land set up on theft, and they cannot even keep to the thefts approved by the UN.

I see you even stole a Palestinian child for your avatar.
You are funny.

Yes on land stolen by the muslims from the Jews, only to be returned to the Jews at a later date. And the UN approves of the land that Israel is on, you cant count the west bank as that is not Israel's land ................... yet !
Please explain.

Do you not know the history of the Israeli attack on the USS Liberty.
Dear dear.

Well it is a good long story. You can continue your information gathering here:

Apart from that rather obvious example, the US gives treasure and sacrifices credibility every day by its support of Israel. Though you are not allowed to say it 9/11 and the general Jihad against America is due to its unjust treatment of "lesser people" more than a little, The Palestinians.

Of course this is not just due to ignorance in America. Nor is it just down to oil industry interests. Or to War Industry interests. Not even all down to Zionist supporters (mostly Christian, by the way - nutty Christians, but still Christians).

But overall the US sacrifices wealth, credibility, strategic advantage, natural allies, and economic advantage in the cause of supporting the quite obviously racist and semi-fascist Israeli state.

I don't say that Russia and Europe don't (Germany in particular are a great supporter of them), but the US doesn't even allow criticism of the place, when it does utterly evil acts.

Thankfully, the new generation have noticed and are getting around the closed-shop of obsequious news reporting and avoidance of objective reporting.

Anything unclear Lipush?

The USS Liberty which was a converted WW2 freighter that was not supposed to be there and did not exist according to USA sources. It also looked very much like many Egyptian navy vessels being of the same type and general design. So a mistake by the USA to not inform Israel that the vessel was there and to avoid it
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...I will break it down for you. If you are not an Israeli citizen and you want to be an Israeli citizen, then the Israeli government spells out in plain English. Here is the link to their website:

Acquisition of Israeli Nationality

See, it talks about "acquiring nationality". If you read the link, then it clearly says that if a person is Jewish, then they get automatic citizenship. Based on its title, this thread is specifically about Israel and how they fuck things up for America. I simply pointed out that they will grant citizenship based on religion. That is something that is contrary to our core values. Here in America "we hold" certain "truths to be self evident". I am not telling you to become American or support American values. I am simply pointing out that Israel does not hold the same "truths" "to be self evident". If someone in our government granted any sort of favoritism based on religion, then our supreme court would never uphold any law or court ruling that supported that kind of religion based favoritism. It would certainly never allow a law where members of a certain religion were granted automatic citizenship. Those are just facts. If support the idea of granting citizenship based on religion, then we can just agree to disagree. I support American values and you have every right to support whatever values you wish.

It's equally contrary to American core values to BAR people from even entering a country if they're of a certain religion, isn't it?

So why not a peep from you about how KSA runs their country? Or did you fail to notice their laws?

As soon as one compares US to Israeli laws, there's no reason to limit it to ONLY those two while discussing whether or not Americans 'should' approve.

After all, KSA is also a US ally which receives foreign aid.

This thread isn't about the "KSA". I am not required to go off topic. If you want to justify what Israel does by citing other fucked up governments, then that only proves that Israel is fucked up in the way it does things.

Then explain these exclusions from your link that shows it is not that cut and dried

Acquisition of Nationality according to the Law of Return

On the establishment of the State, its founders proclaimed "...the renewal of the Jewish State in the Land of Israel, which would open wide the gates of the homeland to every Jew..." In pursuance of this tenet, the State of Israel has absorbed survivors of the Holocaust, refugees from the countries in which they had resided, as well as many thousands of Jews who came to settle in Israel of their own volition.

The Law of Return (1950) grants every Jew, wherever he may be, the right to come to Israel as an oleh (a Jew immigrating to Israel) and become an Israeli citizen.

For the purposes of this Law, "Jew" means a person who was born of a Jewish mother, or has converted to Judaism and is not a member of another religion.

Israeli citizenship becomes effective on the day of arrival in the country
or of receipt of an oleh's certificate, whichever is later. A person may declare, within three months, that he/she does not wish to become a citizen.

An oleh's certificate may be denied to persons who:

1.engage in activity directed against the Jewish people;
2.may endanger public health or the security of the state;
3.have a criminal past, likely to endanger public welfare.

I underlined the relevant part. It shows that a Jew is an automatic citizen. The part you highlighted in red and enlarged doesn't really address the simple fact that under Israeli law a Jew is an automatic citizen. There is little question that the part you highlighted in red and enlarged isn't something that is going to come into play that often.
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just joined today as I've been following the I-P conflict my entire life. It's a diversion to compare Israel to tyranically Arab regimes, because those are indefensible, just to make Israel look better. Israel is in a class by itself in the region with the possible exception of Turkey and must be held to a higher standard given the aid received from teh US and the claims of a democratic liberal government.
We already talked about this, dork. You said you have to be Jewish to be Israeli and you were proven to be wrong. Stop whining so much and move on. Or don't, who cares.


The fact that you can only respond with name calling and not anything factual shows that you have nothing.

I will break it down for you. If you are not an Israeli citizen and you want to be an Israeli citizen, then the Israeli government spells out in plain English. Here is the link to their website:

Acquisition of Israeli Nationality

See, it talks about "acquiring nationality". If you read the link, then it clearly says that if a person is Jewish, then they get automatic citizenship. Based on its title, this thread is specifically about Israel and how they fuck things up for America. I simply pointed out that they will grant citizenship based on religion. That is something that is contrary to our core values. Here in America "we hold" certain "truths to be self evident". I am not telling you to become American or support American values. I am simply pointing out that Israel does not hold the same "truths" "to be self evident". If someone in our government granted any sort of favoritism based on religion, then our supreme court would never uphold any law or court ruling that supported that kind of religion based favoritism. It would certainly never allow a law where members of a certain religion were granted automatic citizenship. Those are just facts. If support the idea of granting citizenship based on religion, then we can just agree to disagree. I support American values and you have every right to support whatever values you wish.
Nope nope, and nope. For the tenth time, there are 1.8 million Arab Muslims, about a quarter of Israel's population, that live as Israeli citizens with the exact same rights. While being a Jew certainly give's a "preference" to becoming a citizen of Israel, it by no means BARS people of other religions from becoming citizens. Israel is a democratic nation with freedom of speech and elections which respects people's of all religions and races, which are about as close to America's core values as you can get.

Meanwhile, 99% of Muslim countries are shitholes of oppression, corruption, intolerance, and persecution, with values that run 180 degrees the opposite of our American values.


You are not addressing what I posted. You have to actually read what the Israeli government clearly says in its website:

Acquisition of Israeli Nationality

...For the purposes of this Law, "Jew" means a person who was born of a Jewish mother, or has converted to Judaism and is not a member of another religion.

Israeli citizenship becomes effective on the day of arrival in the country...

That is something that would never happen in America. Something that our founders would never have gone for and also something that our supreme court would never uphold. Again, there is no reason for name calling. I am not asking you to agree with my American values. I do not begrudge you the right to believe in the values of whatever country you come from or hold allegiance to. In my case, I am an American and I support the idea that religion should never be a determining factor in granting citizenship in any country that wants to claim to be free and democratic.
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just joined today as I've been following the I-P conflict my entire life. It's a diversion to compare Israel to tyranically Arab regimes, because those are indefensible, just to make Israel look better. Israel is in a class by itself in the region with the possible exception of Turkey and must be held to a higher standard given the aid received from teh US and the claims of a democratic liberal government.

If you have a problem with Israel receiving aid, go cry to the American government, but don't criticize Israel for receiving it.
Jews are wealthy enough to finance themselves, also considering their mastery of the banking system. As a goodwill gesture to US taxpayers, Israel should reject US money and in fact give a full refund to the US Treasury of perhaps $50billion.
In other words "Jerusalem is not in Palestine." You certainly have trouble typing the word Israel don't you. What happens, does you pc freeze or something like that when you type it?

Yes it is.
Israel is a land set up on theft, and they cannot even keep to the thefts approved by the UN.

I see you even stole a Palestinian child for your avatar.
You are funny.

I assume you don't live in America, Beelzebub, which was stolen from the Native Ameicans.
Yes it is.
Israel is a land set up on theft, and they cannot even keep to the thefts approved by the UN.

I see you even stole a Palestinian child for your avatar.
You are funny.

I assume you don't live in America, Beelzebub, which was stolen from the Native Ameicans.

Is that a source of pride, the stealing of land from the indigenous people, or are you saying that two wrongs make a right?
I assume you don't live in America, Beelzebub, which was stolen from the Native Ameicans.

Is that a source of pride, the stealing of land from the indigenous people, or are you saying that two wrongs make a right?

I'm just saying that anyone who only calls Israelis specifically as thieves are hypocrites, especially anyone living in America. As for "indigenous" people, there are many disputes as to the origin of the Palestinians.
many Palestinian Arabs, Christian or Muslim, have Jewish blood. Meaning the original Jews were converted to Christianity and then later to Islam. Meanwhile, many converted Jews who have no Jewish blood at all , are allowed Israeli citizenship upon arrival.
The fact that you can only respond with name calling and not anything factual shows that you have nothing.

I will break it down for you. If you are not an Israeli citizen and you want to be an Israeli citizen, then the Israeli government spells out in plain English. Here is the link to their website:

Acquisition of Israeli Nationality

See, it talks about "acquiring nationality". If you read the link, then it clearly says that if a person is Jewish, then they get automatic citizenship. Based on its title, this thread is specifically about Israel and how they fuck things up for America. I simply pointed out that they will grant citizenship based on religion. That is something that is contrary to our core values. Here in America "we hold" certain "truths to be self evident". I am not telling you to become American or support American values. I am simply pointing out that Israel does not hold the same "truths" "to be self evident". If someone in our government granted any sort of favoritism based on religion, then our supreme court would never uphold any law or court ruling that supported that kind of religion based favoritism. It would certainly never allow a law where members of a certain religion were granted automatic citizenship. Those are just facts. If support the idea of granting citizenship based on religion, then we can just agree to disagree. I support American values and you have every right to support whatever values you wish.
Nope nope, and nope. For the tenth time, there are 1.8 million Arab Muslims, about a quarter of Israel's population, that live as Israeli citizens with the exact same rights. While being a Jew certainly give's a "preference" to becoming a citizen of Israel, it by no means BARS people of other religions from becoming citizens. Israel is a democratic nation with freedom of speech and elections which respects people's of all religions and races, which are about as close to America's core values as you can get.

Meanwhile, 99% of Muslim countries are shitholes of oppression, corruption, intolerance, and persecution, with values that run 180 degrees the opposite of our American values.


You are not addressing what I posted. You have to actually read what the Israeli government clearly says in its website:

Acquisition of Israeli Nationality

...For the purposes of this Law, "Jew" means a person who was born of a Jewish mother, or has converted to Judaism and is not a member of another religion.

Israeli citizenship becomes effective on the day of arrival in the country...

That is something that would never happen in America. Something that our founders would never have gone for and also something that our supreme court would never uphold. Again, there is no reason for name calling. I am not asking you to agree with my American values. I do not begrudge you the right to believe in the values of whatever country you come from or hold allegiance to. In my case, I am an American and I support the idea that religion should never be a determining factor in granting citizenship in any country that wants to claim to be free and democratic.
Nobody is asking you to change your delusional un American IslamoNazi values. Israel was voted by the international community as a Jewish state. Hence it gives preference to those of Jewish ancestry who are escaping oppression, persecution, and stupid bigoted idiots like you. Period end of story.
many Palestinian Arabs, Christian or Muslim, have Jewish blood. Meaning the original Jews were converted to Christianity and then later to Islam. Meanwhile, many converted Jews who have no Jewish blood at all , are allowed Israeli citizenship upon arrival.
Point? Many Muslim countries do not permit a non Muslim to become a citizen of their country if they don't convert to Islam.
Please explain.

Do you not know the history of the Israeli attack on the USS Liberty.
Dear dear.

Well it is a good long story. You can continue your information gathering here:

Apart from that rather obvious example, the US gives treasure and sacrifices credibility every day by its support of Israel. Though you are not allowed to say it 9/11 and the general Jihad against America is due to its unjust treatment of "lesser people" more than a little, The Palestinians.

Of course this is not just due to ignorance in America. Nor is it just down to oil industry interests. Or to War Industry interests. Not even all down to Zionist supporters (mostly Christian, by the way - nutty Christians, but still Christians).

But overall the US sacrifices wealth, credibility, strategic advantage, natural allies, and economic advantage in the cause of supporting the quite obviously racist and semi-fascist Israeli state.

I don't say that Russia and Europe don't (Germany in particular are a great supporter of them), but the US doesn't even allow criticism of the place, when it does utterly evil acts.

Thankfully, the new generation have noticed and are getting around the closed-shop of obsequious news reporting and avoidance of objective reporting.

Anything unclear Lipush?

The USS Liberty which was a converted WW2 freighter that was not supposed to be there and did not exist according to USA sources. It also looked very much like many Egyptian navy vessels being of the same type and general design. So a mistake by the USA to not inform Israel that the vessel was there and to avoid it

You didn't watch the documentary did you?
Or if you did, you turned your mind off. ;)
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Yes it is.
Israel is a land set up on theft, and they cannot even keep to the thefts approved by the UN.

I see you even stole a Palestinian child for your avatar.
You are funny.

I assume you don't live in America, Beelzebub, which was stolen from the Native Ameicans.

That is a very fair point.

One which to some extent might partly explain why the US is not adverse to support Israel's kleptomania.

It still doesn't explain why the US sells its credibility and goodwill so cheaply for the foreign government in Israel.
I assume you don't live in America, Beelzebub, which was stolen from the Native Ameicans.

That is a very fair point.

One which to some extent might partly explain why the US is not adverse to support Israel's kleptomania.

It still doesn't explain why the US sells its credibility and goodwill so cheaply for the foreign government in Israel.
The explanation is simple, bub. Americans are prepared to back up that simple declaration-"Never Again". Capisce?
This thread isn't about the "KSA". I am not required to go off topic. If you want to justify what Israel does by citing other fucked up governments, then that only proves that Israel is fucked up in the way it does things.

Then explain these exclusions from your link that shows it is not that cut and dried

Acquisition of Nationality according to the Law of Return

On the establishment of the State, its founders proclaimed "...the renewal of the Jewish State in the Land of Israel, which would open wide the gates of the homeland to every Jew..." In pursuance of this tenet, the State of Israel has absorbed survivors of the Holocaust, refugees from the countries in which they had resided, as well as many thousands of Jews who came to settle in Israel of their own volition.

The Law of Return (1950) grants every Jew, wherever he may be, the right to come to Israel as an oleh (a Jew immigrating to Israel) and become an Israeli citizen.

For the purposes of this Law, "Jew" means a person who was born of a Jewish mother, or has converted to Judaism and is not a member of another religion.

Israeli citizenship becomes effective on the day of arrival in the country
or of receipt of an oleh's certificate, whichever is later. A person may declare, within three months, that he/she does not wish to become a citizen.

An oleh's certificate may be denied to persons who:

1.engage in activity directed against the Jewish people;
2.may endanger public health or the security of the state;
3.have a criminal past, likely to endanger public welfare.

I underlined the relevant part. It shows that a Jew is an automatic citizen. The part you highlighted in red and enlarged doesn't really address the simple fact that under Israeli law a Jew is an automatic citizen. There is little question that the part you highlighted in red and enlarged isn't something that is going to come into play that often.

Whether it or not is beside the point the rules are still there and show that it is not a foregone conclusion as you claim. There are obstacles in the way that have been utilized in the past and present to bar Jews from gaining Israeli citizenship. Just as there are rules that allow non-Jews to apply and be granted Israeli citizenship.
Do you not know the history of the Israeli attack on the USS Liberty.
Dear dear.

Well it is a good long story. You can continue your information gathering here:

Apart from that rather obvious example, the US gives treasure and sacrifices credibility every day by its support of Israel. Though you are not allowed to say it 9/11 and the general Jihad against America is due to its unjust treatment of "lesser people" more than a little, The Palestinians.

Of course this is not just due to ignorance in America. Nor is it just down to oil industry interests. Or to War Industry interests. Not even all down to Zionist supporters (mostly Christian, by the way - nutty Christians, but still Christians).

But overall the US sacrifices wealth, credibility, strategic advantage, natural allies, and economic advantage in the cause of supporting the quite obviously racist and semi-fascist Israeli state.

I don't say that Russia and Europe don't (Germany in particular are a great supporter of them), but the US doesn't even allow criticism of the place, when it does utterly evil acts.

Thankfully, the new generation have noticed and are getting around the closed-shop of obsequious news reporting and avoidance of objective reporting.

Anything unclear Lipush?

The USS Liberty which was a converted WW2 freighter that was not supposed to be there and did not exist according to USA sources. It also looked very much like many Egyptian navy vessels being of the same type and general design. So a mistake by the USA to not inform Israel that the vessel was there and to avoid it

You didn't watch the documentary did you?
Or if you did, you turned your mind off. ;)

No we didn't Ahmed. The Liberty has been discussed ad nauseam. It's normally what you Jew haters bring up when you have nothing else.

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