Jews trying to get Americans killed - as usual

just joined today as I've been following the I-P conflict my entire life. It's a diversion to compare Israel to tyranically Arab regimes, because those are indefensible, just to make Israel look better. Israel is in a class by itself in the region with the possible exception of Turkey and must be held to a higher standard given the aid received from teh US and the claims of a democratic liberal government.

Why when the terrorist entity receives more aid than Israel, that is free money not loans that have to be paid back. The west is now seeing through the terrorist entities façade and has started to cut back on their aid. A good example was the fuel bills that the EU gave the money for and the P.A. spent on weapons to murder Israeli children. This has been stopped and the P.A. is crying about it.
That is a very fair point.

One which to some extent might partly explain why the US is not adverse to support Israel's kleptomania.

It still doesn't explain why the US sells its credibility and goodwill so cheaply for the foreign government in Israel.
The explanation is simple, bub. Americans are prepared to back up that simple declaration-"Never Again". Capisce?

Actually Horsefly, no. No you are not.
You are all for protecting Israel, but you are more than happy to see them commit a gradual genocide on Palestinians.
America - along with the rest of the world stood by as a genocide happened in Rwanda.

Maybe you think 'Never Again' means "Never Jewish People" again, as victims, but "YES Jewish people as the perps, if they are Israeli."

Thankfully many just Jewish people reject the whole bigotry which is Israel, so the special status of that place as the home of victimhood is revealed as a bit of misdirection.

The US is, sadly, party to very many war crimes by its Israeli friend. Sadly the Israeli world view is stuck in the 18th Century, when some thought ethnic purity was a thing to be desired. On examination, Israel has adopting very many of the attitudes popular in Nazi Germany.

So has the US.
The fact that you can only respond with name calling and not anything factual shows that you have nothing.

I will break it down for you. If you are not an Israeli citizen and you want to be an Israeli citizen, then the Israeli government spells out in plain English. Here is the link to their website:

Acquisition of Israeli Nationality

See, it talks about "acquiring nationality". If you read the link, then it clearly says that if a person is Jewish, then they get automatic citizenship. Based on its title, this thread is specifically about Israel and how they fuck things up for America. I simply pointed out that they will grant citizenship based on religion. That is something that is contrary to our core values. Here in America "we hold" certain "truths to be self evident". I am not telling you to become American or support American values. I am simply pointing out that Israel does not hold the same "truths" "to be self evident". If someone in our government granted any sort of favoritism based on religion, then our supreme court would never uphold any law or court ruling that supported that kind of religion based favoritism. It would certainly never allow a law where members of a certain religion were granted automatic citizenship. Those are just facts. If support the idea of granting citizenship based on religion, then we can just agree to disagree. I support American values and you have every right to support whatever values you wish.
Nope nope, and nope. For the tenth time, there are 1.8 million Arab Muslims, about a quarter of Israel's population, that live as Israeli citizens with the exact same rights. While being a Jew certainly give's a "preference" to becoming a citizen of Israel, it by no means BARS people of other religions from becoming citizens. Israel is a democratic nation with freedom of speech and elections which respects people's of all religions and races, which are about as close to America's core values as you can get.

Meanwhile, 99% of Muslim countries are shitholes of oppression, corruption, intolerance, and persecution, with values that run 180 degrees the opposite of our American values.


You are not addressing what I posted. You have to actually read what the Israeli government clearly says in its website:

Acquisition of Israeli Nationality

...For the purposes of this Law, "Jew" means a person who was born of a Jewish mother, or has converted to Judaism and is not a member of another religion.

Israeli citizenship becomes effective on the day of arrival in the country...

That is something that would never happen in America. Something that our founders would never have gone for and also something that our supreme court would never uphold. Again, there is no reason for name calling. I am not asking you to agree with my American values. I do not begrudge you the right to believe in the values of whatever country you come from or hold allegiance to. In my case, I am an American and I support the idea that religion should never be a determining factor in granting citizenship in any country that wants to claim to be free and democratic.

And you ignore the conditions and criteria that apply that must be met first. Such as being fluent in Hebrew and not being a member of another religion. Convicted felons will also find it hard to get citizenship, as would serial killers. Yet Christians fleeing gaza are welcomed and offered citizenship .
The explanation is simple, bub. Americans are prepared to back up that simple declaration-"Never Again". Capisce?

Actually Horsefly, no. No you are not.
You are all for protecting Israel, but you are more than happy to see them commit a gradual genocide on Palestinians.
America - along with the rest of the world stood by as a genocide happened in Rwanda.

Maybe you think 'Never Again' means "Never Jewish People" again, as victims, but "YES Jewish people as the perps, if they are Israeli."

Thankfully many just Jewish people reject the whole bigotry which is Israel, so the special status of that place as the home of victimhood is revealed as a bit of misdirection.

The US is, sadly, party to very many war crimes by its Israeli friend. Sadly the Israeli world view is stuck in the 18th Century, when some thought ethnic purity was a thing to be desired. On examination, Israel has adopting very many of the attitudes popular in Nazi Germany.

So has the US.
Could be you're just blissfully ignorant and willfully hate filled. 'Scuse me while I go look for a barf bag.
Is that a source of pride, the stealing of land from the indigenous people, or are you saying that two wrongs make a right?

I'm just saying that anyone who only calls Israelis specifically as thieves are hypocrites, especially anyone living in America. As for "indigenous" people, there are many disputes as to the origin of the Palestinians.

There are no disputes that they are from Palestine except from Zionists. Genetics and archaeology performed by independent scientists confirm it. But of course, the people in a given area tend to be the same people that were always there, for the most part, no surprise there.
Jews are wealthy enough to finance themselves, also considering their mastery of the banking system. As a goodwill gesture to US taxpayers, Israel should reject US money and in fact give a full refund to the US Treasury of perhaps $50billion.

So are the muslims 1000 times over, but you don't whine and whinge about the aid they get from the USA. As | goodwill gesture the muslims should give back every penny with compound interest and also pay damages for the actions of the extremist muslims who committed terrorist acts in the west. Should cost them about 20 years oil money
Nope nope, and nope. For the tenth time, there are 1.8 million Arab Muslims, about a quarter of Israel's population, that live as Israeli citizens with the exact same rights. While being a Jew certainly give's a "preference" to becoming a citizen of Israel, it by no means BARS people of other religions from becoming citizens. Israel is a democratic nation with freedom of speech and elections which respects people's of all religions and races, which are about as close to America's core values as you can get.

Meanwhile, 99% of Muslim countries are shitholes of oppression, corruption, intolerance, and persecution, with values that run 180 degrees the opposite of our American values.


You are not addressing what I posted. You have to actually read what the Israeli government clearly says in its website:

Acquisition of Israeli Nationality

...For the purposes of this Law, "Jew" means a person who was born of a Jewish mother, or has converted to Judaism and is not a member of another religion.

Israeli citizenship becomes effective on the day of arrival in the country...

That is something that would never happen in America. Something that our founders would never have gone for and also something that our supreme court would never uphold. Again, there is no reason for name calling. I am not asking you to agree with my American values. I do not begrudge you the right to believe in the values of whatever country you come from or hold allegiance to. In my case, I am an American and I support the idea that religion should never be a determining factor in granting citizenship in any country that wants to claim to be free and democratic.

And you ignore the conditions and criteria that apply that must be met first. Such as being fluent in Hebrew and not being a member of another religion. Convicted felons will also find it hard to get citizenship, as would serial killers. Yet Christians fleeing gaza are welcomed and offered citizenship .

Why do you lie so darn much. Palestinian Christians are not welcomed and offered citizenship in Israel you frigging maniac.
You are not addressing what I posted. You have to actually read what the Israeli government clearly says in its website:

Acquisition of Israeli Nationality

...For the purposes of this Law, "Jew" means a person who was born of a Jewish mother, or has converted to Judaism and is not a member of another religion.

Israeli citizenship becomes effective on the day of arrival in the country...

That is something that would never happen in America. Something that our founders would never have gone for and also something that our supreme court would never uphold. Again, there is no reason for name calling. I am not asking you to agree with my American values. I do not begrudge you the right to believe in the values of whatever country you come from or hold allegiance to. In my case, I am an American and I support the idea that religion should never be a determining factor in granting citizenship in any country that wants to claim to be free and democratic.

And you ignore the conditions and criteria that apply that must be met first. Such as being fluent in Hebrew and not being a member of another religion. Convicted felons will also find it hard to get citizenship, as would serial killers. Yet Christians fleeing gaza are welcomed and offered citizenship .

Why do you lie so darn much. Palestinian Christians are not welcomed and offered citizenship in Israel you frigging maniac.

It's amusing to see the Boiler Room gang so busy demonizing Israel. However, I don't think that a good modest Muslim woman, even if she is a convert like Haniya, would call smeone a frigging maniac. However, I would expect it from that guy who popped up under Haniya's screen name who said his wife comes from Spain. It would be interesting to know just how many are in the Boiler Room demonizing Israel all over the Internet.
There are a lot of people on the net reporting on Israel and giving their assessments of what the state is about.

Much is coordinated as a fully funded arm of the the IDF, with their 'Hasbara' campaign. "Explaining" or "Propaganda" as it has been termed since at least 1939.

And then there are those who tell it as it is. And slowly. Very slowly, the big powers are beginning to realise that they cannot fool all of the people all of the time.

The dam is full of holes, and it will break. Maybe soon.
Like with South Africa, new generations will look back at those that supported the despotic regime and wonder why Americans did that.
There are a lot of people on the net reporting on Israel and giving their assessments of what the state is about.

Much is coordinated as a fully funded arm of the the IDF, with their 'Hasbara' campaign. "Explaining" or "Propaganda" as it has been termed since at least 1939.

And then there are those who tell it as it is. And slowly. Very slowly, the big powers are beginning to realise that they cannot fool all of the people all of the time.

The dam is full of holes, and it will break. Maybe soon.
Like with South Africa, new generations will look back at those that supported the despotic regime and wonder why Americans did that.

Strange how people of all religions have it much better in Israel than in the rest of the Middle East, but the Boiler Room gang's needle is stuck on demonizing Israel, and they seem to all be reading from the same script -- just like you are dragging in South Africa right now. I am sure that many of the viewers have noticed the same old, same old no matter which new poster seems to appear. So, Mr. Lucifer, no matter what you happen to spew out, the viewers have read it all before from someone with the same mind set as you have.
There are a lot of people on the net reporting on Israel and giving their assessments of what the state is about.

Much is coordinated as a fully funded arm of the the IDF, with their 'Hasbara' campaign. "Explaining" or "Propaganda" as it has been termed since at least 1939.

And then there are those who tell it as it is. And slowly. Very slowly, the big powers are beginning to realise that they cannot fool all of the people all of the time.

The dam is full of holes, and it will break. Maybe soon.
Like with South Africa, new generations will look back at those that supported the despotic regime and wonder why Americans did that.
Just a lot of wishful thinking, bubele.
There are a lot of people on the net reporting on Israel and giving their assessments of what the state is about.

Much is coordinated as a fully funded arm of the the IDF, with their 'Hasbara' campaign. "Explaining" or "Propaganda" as it has been termed since at least 1939.

And then there are those who tell it as it is. And slowly. Very slowly, the big powers are beginning to realise that they cannot fool all of the people all of the time.

The dam is full of holes, and it will break. Maybe soon.
Like with South Africa, new generations will look back at those that supported the despotic regime and wonder why Americans did that.

Strange how people of all religions have it much better in Israel than in the rest of the Middle East, but the Boiler Room gang's needle is stuck on demonizing Israel, and they seem to all be reading from the same script -- just like you are dragging in South Africa right now. I am sure that many of the viewers have noticed the same old, same old no matter which new poster seems to appear. So, Mr. Lucifer, no matter what you happen to spew out, the viewers have read it all before from someone with the same mind set as you have.

He is just stating fact. This thread's subject is Israel and Palestine. The reason it is "same old, same old" is because facts don't change, propaganda does.
There are a lot of people on the net reporting on Israel and giving their assessments of what the state is about.

Much is coordinated as a fully funded arm of the the IDF, with their 'Hasbara' campaign. "Explaining" or "Propaganda" as it has been termed since at least 1939.

And then there are those who tell it as it is. And slowly. Very slowly, the big powers are beginning to realise that they cannot fool all of the people all of the time.

The dam is full of holes, and it will break. Maybe soon.
Like with South Africa, new generations will look back at those that supported the despotic regime and wonder why Americans did that.
Just a lot of wishful thinking, bubele.

But many are working towards it, and its better to hope that good things will happen, than to support illegal occupation and general state sponsored terror.
There are a lot of people on the net reporting on Israel and giving their assessments of what the state is about.

Much is coordinated as a fully funded arm of the the IDF, with their 'Hasbara' campaign. "Explaining" or "Propaganda" as it has been termed since at least 1939.

And then there are those who tell it as it is. And slowly. Very slowly, the big powers are beginning to realise that they cannot fool all of the people all of the time.

The dam is full of holes, and it will break. Maybe soon.
Like with South Africa, new generations will look back at those that supported the despotic regime and wonder why Americans did that.
Just a lot of wishful thinking, bubele.

But many are working towards it, and its better to hope that good things will happen, than to support illegal occupation and general state sponsored terror.

Spoken like a true Palestinian propagandist!!

People have been working towards it for 66 years. And in 66 years from now, they will still be working towards it.

I have a feeling you're Mr. Seattle..
There are a lot of people on the net reporting on Israel and giving their assessments of what the state is about.

Much is coordinated as a fully funded arm of the the IDF, with their 'Hasbara' campaign. "Explaining" or "Propaganda" as it has been termed since at least 1939.

And then there are those who tell it as it is. And slowly. Very slowly, the big powers are beginning to realise that they cannot fool all of the people all of the time.

The dam is full of holes, and it will break. Maybe soon.
Like with South Africa, new generations will look back at those that supported the despotic regime and wonder why Americans did that.

Strange how people of all religions have it much better in Israel than in the rest of the Middle East, but the Boiler Room gang's needle is stuck on demonizing Israel, and they seem to all be reading from the same script -- just like you are dragging in South Africa right now. I am sure that many of the viewers have noticed the same old, same old no matter which new poster seems to appear. So, Mr. Lucifer, no matter what you happen to spew out, the viewers have read it all before from someone with the same mind set as you have.

He is just stating fact. This thread's subject is Israel and Palestine. The reason it is "same old, same old" is because facts don't change, propaganda does.

Well I am stating a fact thawt there are plenty of NeoNazi/Islamofascist hate sites where posters pick up a lot of their stuff. I think by now many people realize how good Arab propaganda is. Maybe those spewing the Arab propaganda like Haniya here feel that hundreds and hundreds of new viewers come to these various forums each day and they don't want all these hundreds of new viewers to miss any of the Arab propaganda. That is why the viewers are subjected to the same old, same old stuff like you and yours continually post, Haniya.
There are a lot of people on the net reporting on Israel and giving their assessments of what the state is about.

Much is coordinated as a fully funded arm of the the IDF, with their 'Hasbara' campaign. "Explaining" or "Propaganda" as it has been termed since at least 1939.

And then there are those who tell it as it is. And slowly. Very slowly, the big powers are beginning to realise that they cannot fool all of the people all of the time.

The dam is full of holes, and it will break. Maybe soon.
Like with South Africa, new generations will look back at those that supported the despotic regime and wonder why Americans did that.

Strange how people of all religions have it much better in Israel than in the rest of the Middle East, but the Boiler Room gang's needle is stuck on demonizing Israel, and they seem to all be reading from the same script -- just like you are dragging in South Africa right now. I am sure that many of the viewers have noticed the same old, same old no matter which new poster seems to appear. So, Mr. Lucifer, no matter what you happen to spew out, the viewers have read it all before from someone with the same mind set as you have.

I think the children killed and routinely imprisoned by Israel, and the children beaten and tortured by Israel would argue that they don't have it so good.

In any case, you seem to forget that Israel itself is a major catalyst for the evil regimes nearby. Ok, with America as another.

Iran would not be fundy without American & British intervention.
The utterly mad Egypt Military would not get subsidised by billions of US $ if it were not to keep them neutral towards Israel.
Jordan, Lebanon and Syria would have had less meddling, and every incentive over the last decades to westernise.

With Israel there poking each one with sticks and bombs if they step out of line, twisting America's arm to pressure each to suppress the popular pressure to oppose Israel's injustice, the whole region would have a chance.

Israel should never have been allowed to be a state, and should only have been a spiritual homeland, with the cooperative buy-in of the middle easterners who helped Britain throw off the Ottoman oppressor. As outlined in the Balfour Declaration.

It should never have been a forced invasion, and it should never have been allowed to expand beyond the 1948 borders.
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There are a lot of people on the net reporting on Israel and giving their assessments of what the state is about.

Much is coordinated as a fully funded arm of the the IDF, with their 'Hasbara' campaign. "Explaining" or "Propaganda" as it has been termed since at least 1939.

And then there are those who tell it as it is. And slowly. Very slowly, the big powers are beginning to realise that they cannot fool all of the people all of the time.

The dam is full of holes, and it will break. Maybe soon.
Like with South Africa, new generations will look back at those that supported the despotic regime and wonder why Americans did that.

Strange how people of all religions have it much better in Israel than in the rest of the Middle East, but the Boiler Room gang's needle is stuck on demonizing Israel, and they seem to all be reading from the same script -- just like you are dragging in South Africa right now. I am sure that many of the viewers have noticed the same old, same old no matter which new poster seems to appear. So, Mr. Lucifer, no matter what you happen to spew out, the viewers have read it all before from someone with the same mind set as you have.

I think the children killed and routinely imprisoned by Israel, and the children beaten and tortured by Israel would argue that they don't have it so good.

In any case, you seem to forget that Israel itself is a major catalyst for the evil regimes nearby. Ok, with America as another.

Iran would not be fundy without American & British intervention.
The utterly mad Egypt Military would not get subsidised by billions of US $ if it were not to keep them neutral towards Israel.
Jordan, Lebanon and Syria would have had less meddling, and every incentive over the last decades to westernise.

With Israel there poking each one with sticks and bombs if they step out of line, twisting America's arm to pressure each to suppress the popular pressure to oppose Israel's injustice, the whole region would have a chance.

Israel should never have been allowed to be a state, and should only have been a spiritual homeland, with the cooperative buy-in of the middle easterners who helped Britain throw off the Ottoman oppressor. As outlined in the Balfour Declaration.

It should never have been a forced invasion, and it should never have been allowed to expand beyond the 1948 borders.
Your first statement kills any legitimacy you think you may possess. That and the rest of your blurb is just so much tired old BS and Jew-hating Taqiyyah.

Are you suggesting Israel does not imprison and kill children Hoss? Or do you think beating and isolating prepubescent kids by the Israel security forces isn't torture?

Make yourself plain man!
many Palestinian Arabs, Christian or Muslim, have Jewish blood. Meaning the original Jews were converted to Christianity and then later to Islam. Meanwhile, many converted Jews who have no Jewish blood at all , are allowed Israeli citizenship upon arrival.

Not according to recent DNA tests that show many Palestinians have Saudi, Egyptian and iranian blood. The Jews from Europe and Ethiopia show a genetic fingerprint that ties them to Judea and Samaria via Abraham.

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