Jews trying to get Americans killed - as usual

They tried that. Israel did not reciprocate.
That's OK.

Now that the latest round of hopeless, pointless Peace Talks have failed, the gloves can come off.

We can expect massive Israeli retaliation for subsequent rocket barrages.

A 100-to-1 kill-ratio should do nicely as a point of departure, with better to come.

The Palestinians want it this way, they can have it this way.

No problem.

"A 100-to-1 kill-ratio should do nicely as a point of departure, with better to come."

That's as good as the Nazi kill ratio.
More Nazis died than Americans, didn't make the Nazis right, doesn't make the IslamoNazis right either. But when you take into account that the Nazi Palestinian mufti of Jerusalem actually caused about 500,000 Jews to die in the Gas chambers, the numbers change.

Amin Al Husseini: Nazi Father of Jihad, Al Qaeda, Arafat, Saddam Hussein and the Muslim Brotherhood - Tell The Children The Truth - Homepage
They tried that. Israel did not reciprocate.
That's OK.

Now that the latest round of hopeless, pointless Peace Talks have failed, the gloves can come off.

We can expect massive Israeli retaliation for subsequent rocket barrages.

A 100-to-1 kill-ratio should do nicely as a point of departure, with better to come.

The Palestinians want it this way, they can have it this way.

No problem.

"A 100-to-1 kill-ratio should do nicely as a point of departure, with better to come."

That's as good as the Nazi kill ratio.
Better, probably.

Don't want to lose people at a 100-to-1 ratio?

Stop being pussies and hiding your rockets and other war assets behind the skirts of your women and children.

Better yet, just grow-the-fuck up and surrender.
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That's OK.

Now that the latest round of hopeless, pointless Peace Talks have failed, the gloves can come off.

We can expect massive Israeli retaliation for subsequent rocket barrages.

A 100-to-1 kill-ratio should do nicely as a point of departure, with better to come.

The Palestinians want it this way, they can have it this way.

No problem.

"A 100-to-1 kill-ratio should do nicely as a point of departure, with better to come."

That's as good as the Nazi kill ratio.
Better, probably.

Don't want to lose people at a 100-to-1 ratio?

Stop being pussies and hiding your rockets and other war assets behind the skirts of your women and children.

Better yet, just grow-the-fuck up and surrender.

You are like the racists that wanted the non-whites to surrender and quit resisting in South Africa. Won't happen. Eventually, even a militarized society with nukes can be defeated by people resisting oppression. 10 years, 20 years, 30 years.
"A 100-to-1 kill-ratio should do nicely as a point of departure, with better to come."

That's as good as the Nazi kill ratio.
Better, probably.

Don't want to lose people at a 100-to-1 ratio?

Stop being pussies and hiding your rockets and other war assets behind the skirts of your women and children.

Better yet, just grow-the-fuck up and surrender.

You are like the racists that wanted the non-whites to surrender and quit resisting in South Africa. Won't happen. Eventually, even a militarized society with nukes can be defeated by people resisting oppression. 10 years, 20 years, 30 years.

In 10..20..30 years you idiots will be saying the same thing..just like you have been saying it for 66 years.

Yet here we are, ready to celebrate yet another one of Israels birthdays.

Whens Palestines birthday?
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you idiots will be saying the same thing..just like you have been saying it for 66 years.

The Latin Kingdom lasted about 100 years in the area, but then Saladin arrived. A small population from another continent that settles a populated area can only survive if eliminates the culture of and most of the the indigenous people. That isn't going to happen. There are too many non-Jews surrounding and within the area Israeli Jews control. But, keep dreaming.
What we say is based on the fact that the historical track record of supremacist states in the last century is less than stellar (make that, a miserable failure), toastman, and it only tends to get worse from now on.

Check this out:

"One can only laugh when the british and the americans make plans for the year two thousand. They'll be lucky if they last till 1945."

Joseph Goebbels, 1944

"I, for one, firmly believe there is no place for even a fraction of the Bantu in the territory of South Africa."

Pieter Botha, 1966

"Segregation now, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever!"

George Wallace, 1963

Can we say with absolute certainty that the jewish supremacist state will join the other three in the garbage can of human history?

No... we have to be honest with ourselves and fellow posters like you and recognize we can't.

But based on the above mentioned track record of ethnocratic states, I wouldn't bet any money on the jewish racial dictatorship lasting long enough to see a new century.
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“While the majority of black South African leaders are against disinvestment and boycotts, there are tiny factions that support disinvestment — namely terrorist groups such as the African National Congress,”


South Africa Shouldn't be Singled Out

“the violation of human rights is the norm rather than the exception in most of Africa’s 42 black-ruled states...South Africa is the only country in Sub-Saharan Africa that can feed itself. Blacks possess one of the highest living standards in all of Africa,” adding that nowhere on the continent did black Africans have it so good. So, “Why is South Africa so harshly condemned while completely different standards apply to black Africa?” ”

South Africa Shouldn't be Singled Out -

Sound familiar?
“While the majority of black South African leaders are against disinvestment and boycotts, there are tiny factions that support disinvestment — namely terrorist groups such as the African National Congress,”


South Africa Shouldn't be Singled Out

“the violation of human rights is the norm rather than the exception in most of Africa’s 42 black-ruled states...South Africa is the only country in Sub-Saharan Africa that can feed itself. Blacks possess one of the highest living standards in all of Africa,” adding that nowhere on the continent did black Africans have it so good. So, “Why is South Africa so harshly condemned while completely different standards apply to black Africa?” ”

South Africa Shouldn't be Singled Out -

Sound familiar?

namely terrorist groups such as the African National Congress

Nelson Mandela went from prison to president. It was only a few years ago that Mandela was taken off the US's phony terrorist watch list.

Who else went from prison to president?

Lech Walesa
Hugo Chavez
Marwan Barghouti?

All imprisoned by shit regimes.

Just a thought.
you idiots will be saying the same thing..just like you have been saying it for 66 years.

The Latin Kingdom lasted about 100 years in the area, but then Saladin arrived. A small population from another continent that settles a populated area can only survive if eliminates the culture of and most of the the indigenous people. That isn't going to happen. There are too many non-Jews surrounding and within the area Israeli Jews control. But, keep dreaming.

1st century BCE till the 7th century CE
Saladin was the 12th century CE
Crusades/Europeans were from the 11th century CE to the 13th century CE
"You are like the racists that wanted the non-whites to surrender and quit resisting in South Africa. Won't happen."

YOU: "Isn't this an Israel/Palestine thread? What does Egypt have to do with it?"

so, A.F.A.Y.C.: whatever the 'context' was -- egypt shouldn't be mentioned, but it's okay that YOU bring up SOUTH AFRICA...........


TAKE A hike, YOU ...Hypocrite.
you idiots will be saying the same thing..just like you have been saying it for 66 years.

The Latin Kingdom lasted about 100 years in the area, but then Saladin arrived. A small population from another continent that settles a populated area can only survive if eliminates the culture of and most of the the indigenous people. That isn't going to happen. There are too many non-Jews surrounding and within the area Israeli Jews control. But, keep dreaming.

Those "non-Jews surrounding" Israel seem to have their hands full most of the time.

No, no! Don't respond! I'll respond for you...
Arrghhhhh! Gosh darned educated, charitable, civilized Jews! Arrghhhhh!
you idiots will be saying the same thing..just like you have been saying it for 66 years.

The Latin Kingdom lasted about 100 years in the area, but then Saladin arrived. A small population from another continent that settles a populated area can only survive if eliminates the culture of and most of the the indigenous people. That isn't going to happen. There are too many non-Jews surrounding and within the area Israeli Jews control. But, keep dreaming.

1st century BCE till the 7th century CE
Saladin was the 12th century CE
Crusades/Europeans were from the 11th century CE to the 13th century CE

What are you trying to say, that the Latin Kingdom didn't last about a century. What's your point?
you idiots will be saying the same thing..just like you have been saying it for 66 years.

The Latin Kingdom lasted about 100 years in the area, but then Saladin arrived. A small population from another continent that settles a populated area can only survive if eliminates the culture of and most of the the indigenous people. That isn't going to happen. There are too many non-Jews surrounding and within the area Israeli Jews control. But, keep dreaming.

1st century BCE till the 7th century CE
Saladin was the 12th century CE
Crusades/Europeans were from the 11th century CE to the 13th century CE

What are you trying to say, that the Latin Kingdom didn't last about a century. What's your point?

You're rooting for people who consistently kill their own.
What's YOUR point?
you idiots will be saying the same thing..just like you have been saying it for 66 years.

The Latin Kingdom lasted about 100 years in the area, but then Saladin arrived. A small population from another continent that settles a populated area can only survive if eliminates the culture of and most of the the indigenous people. That isn't going to happen. There are too many non-Jews surrounding and within the area Israeli Jews control. But, keep dreaming.

1st century BCE till the 7th century CE
Saladin was the 12th century CE
Crusades/Europeans were from the 11th century CE to the 13th century CE

What are you trying to say, that the Latin Kingdom didn't last about a century. What's your point?

Roman and the Byzantine (eastern roman empire) lasted almost 8 centuries in the eastern mediterranean
The King of Jerusalem was frankish and his family ruled for more than 2 centuries.
"A 100-to-1 kill-ratio should do nicely as a point of departure, with better to come."

That's as good as the Nazi kill ratio.
Better, probably.

Don't want to lose people at a 100-to-1 ratio?

Stop being pussies and hiding your rockets and other war assets behind the skirts of your women and children.

Better yet, just grow-the-fuck up and surrender.

You are like the racists that wanted the non-whites to surrender and quit resisting in South Africa. Won't happen. Eventually, even a militarized society with nukes can be defeated by people resisting oppression. 10 years, 20 years, 30 years.

1,000 years 2 million years 3 eons what then when time has run out and the sun has gone cold. The Jews will have built the FTL drives and migrated to another planet and the Palestinians will still be complaining about the racism and apartheid in the west bank as they all die.
you idiots will be saying the same thing..just like you have been saying it for 66 years.

The Latin Kingdom lasted about 100 years in the area, but then Saladin arrived. A small population from another continent that settles a populated area can only survive if eliminates the culture of and most of the the indigenous people. That isn't going to happen. There are too many non-Jews surrounding and within the area Israeli Jews control. But, keep dreaming.

Under INTERNATIONAL LAW there can never be another Saladin, the UN will never allow it. Read the UN charter and see just what would happen to any combined army that tried to take Israel. The non Jews outside of Israel have no control or say in what happens inside Israel do they.
José;9028638 said:
What we say is based on the fact that the historical track record of supremacist states in the last century is less than stellar (make that, a miserable failure), toastman, and it only tends to get worse from now on.

Check this out:

"One can only laugh when the british and the americans make plans for the year two thousand. They'll be lucky if they last till 1945."

Joseph Goebbels, 1944

"I, for one, firmly believe there is no place for even a fraction of the Bantu in the territory of South Africa."

Pieter Botha, 1966

"Segregation now, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever!"

George Wallace, 1963

Can we say with absolute certainty that the jewish supremacist state will join the other three in the garbage can of human history?

No... we have to be honest with ourselves and fellow posters like you and recognize we can't.

But based on the above mentioned track record of ethnocratic states, I wouldn't bet any money on the jewish racial dictatorship lasting long enough to see a new century.

Only one problem the UN in its charter has banned ALL OUT WAR and the Palestinians have signed it. So they cant invade Israel without getting beaten to a pulp by the UN member nations. And do show with reliable links which group is being oppressed inside Israel's borders, those outside do not have any chance of eradicating through genocide the Jewish state of Israel
“While the majority of black South African leaders are against disinvestment and boycotts, there are tiny factions that support disinvestment — namely terrorist groups such as the African National Congress,”


South Africa Shouldn't be Singled Out

“the violation of human rights is the norm rather than the exception in most of Africa’s 42 black-ruled states...South Africa is the only country in Sub-Saharan Africa that can feed itself. Blacks possess one of the highest living standards in all of Africa,” adding that nowhere on the continent did black Africans have it so good. So, “Why is South Africa so harshly condemned while completely different standards apply to black Africa?” ”

South Africa Shouldn't be Singled Out -

Sound familiar?

Yes you going off topic again because you cant answer the arguments put forward, next you will be whinging and whining like a whingey whiney thing when someone compares the Palestinians to the Syrian terrorists killing women and children.
you idiots will be saying the same thing..just like you have been saying it for 66 years.

The Latin Kingdom lasted about 100 years in the area, but then Saladin arrived. A small population from another continent that settles a populated area can only survive if eliminates the culture of and most of the the indigenous people. That isn't going to happen. There are too many non-Jews surrounding and within the area Israeli Jews control. But, keep dreaming.

1st century BCE till the 7th century CE
Saladin was the 12th century CE
Crusades/Europeans were from the 11th century CE to the 13th century CE

What are you trying to say, that the Latin Kingdom didn't last about a century. What's your point?

That you twist and turn to get out of trouble, and will tell LIES to do so.
1st century BCE till the 7th century CE
Saladin was the 12th century CE
Crusades/Europeans were from the 11th century CE to the 13th century CE

What are you trying to say, that the Latin Kingdom didn't last about a century. What's your point?

That you twist and turn to get out of trouble, and will tell LIES to do so.

I never tell lies and I only post fact unless I clearly express my own speculation or predictions which may or may not prove correct. But, you are just a Phony and write nonsensical psychopathic bullshit.

Hey Phony, you are quite the genius. Both the Latin Kingdom and the Kingdom of Acre lasted a little less than 100 years. The Latin Kingdom 88 years and the Kingdom of Acre 99 years. These are the limited periods that, historically, a religious minority is likely to hold the territory in an area through superior military power. The Jews are becoming a smaller and smaller minority in the area with every passing year.

"The first kingdom lasted from 1099 to 1187, when it was almost entirely overrun by Saladin. After the subsequent Third Crusade, the kingdom was re-established in Acre in 1192, and lasted until that city's destruction in 1291. This second kingdom is sometimes called the Kingdom of Acre."

Kingdom of Jerusalem - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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