Jews trying to get Americans killed - as usual

Hey I have an idea! How about we forget the fact that Arabs attacked Israel many times in order to destroy it, and still want to do that, and just start from a blank slate ie STATUS QUO:

Israel is currently a thriving, strong, prosperous advanced country, and controls said territory named "West Bank", and has a blockade for weapons around Gaza (as does Egypt on the South).

You guys want Israel to ease off and POSSIBLY give some land back? Show that you are serious about accepting Israel as a Jewish state, serious about Israel's security, and will honor any peace deal. Until you do those three things, Israel will continue to build and settle more Israelis in land that was won fair and square in a defensive war. Israel is a small country and it's citizens need room. Don't like it? Tough shit!
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This Thread reeks of typical Anti-Jewish Islamic hatred, Freddi.

But I guess you already know that.

It seems like Israel is allowed to do anything they want and if anybody disagrees then they violate some Jewish political correctness. Israel has done all kinds of un-American type shit and it doesn't mean a person hates Jews if they don't pretend like there is a different set of rules for Israel. Israel bases citizenship on religion. That is a concept that is completely contrary to the values espoused by the people who wrote the constitution. Also, Israel has been bulldozing homes and taking land from non-Jews. It is a bullshit way to exist. In terms of bullshit racist policies Israel has taken over for South Africa. I don't get it why anybody thinks we should just blindly support Israel just because they are Jewish. If being Jewish means that it is OK to have backwards policies, then I am against it. Leave the religion in the synagogue and start acting like decent human beings. I get it that there are terrorists but that isn't a license for a country to treat non-Jews like dogs and then expect Americans to stand by while they do it.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness...
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This Thread reeks of typical Anti-Jewish Islamic hatred, Freddi.

But I guess you already know that.

It seems like Israel is allowed to do anything they want and if anybody disagrees then they violate some Jewish political correctness. Israel has done all kinds of un-American type shit and it doesn't mean a person hates Jews if they don't pretend like there is a different set of rules for Israel. Israel bases citizenship on religion. That is a concept that is completely contrary to the values espoused by the people who wrote the constitution. Also, Israel has been bulldozing homes and taking land from non-Jews. It is a bullshit way to exist. In terms of bullshit racist policies Israel has taken over for South Africa. I don't get it why anybody thinks we should just blindly support Israel just because they are Jewish. If being Jewish means that it is OK to have backwards policies, then I am against it. Leave the religion in the synagogue and start acting like decent human beings. I get it that there are terrorists but that isn't a license for a country to treat non-Jews like dogs and then expect Americans to stand by while they do it.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness...

Did you bother to read the OP ??
This has nothing to do with calling someone anti Semitic because they criticized Israel.
This Thread reeks of typical Anti-Jewish Islamic hatred, Freddi.

But I guess you already know that.

It seems like Israel is allowed to do anything they want and if anybody disagrees then they violate some Jewish political correctness. Israel has done all kinds of un-American type shit and it doesn't mean a person hates Jews if they don't pretend like there is a different set of rules for Israel. Israel bases citizenship on religion. That is a concept that is completely contrary to the values espoused by the people who wrote the constitution. Also, Israel has been bulldozing homes and taking land from non-Jews. It is a bullshit way to exist. In terms of bullshit racist policies Israel has taken over for South Africa. I don't get it why anybody thinks we should just blindly support Israel just because they are Jewish. If being Jewish means that it is OK to have backwards policies, then I am against it. Leave the religion in the synagogue and start acting like decent human beings. I get it that there are terrorists but that isn't a license for a country to treat non-Jews like dogs and then expect Americans to stand by while they do it.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness...

Did you bother to read the OP ??
This has nothing to do with calling someone anti Semitic because they criticized Israel.

Are you an idiot? I used the quote feature to show what I was responding to.
Since when is any nation OUTside of the US to be condemned for behaving in some 'u-American' fashion?
And what of the times the US has behaved so? The 'Tuskeegee experiments'? The forced sterilization of certain women ? The imprisoning of conscientious objectors during WW1? The internment of Japanese-Americans on the West Coast, while German-Americans on the East Coast were free to hold their 'Bund' meetings? Or the entire 'Jim Crow' episode?

As to 'treating others like dogs' - it wasn't in Israel but the US where the beaches had signs "No Dogs or Jews Allowed"..........

I don't imagine that any thinking person supports Israel blindly, or only because 80% of Israelis are Jews. There are so very manyother reasons to support our ally Israel.
It seems like Israel is allowed to do anything they want and if anybody disagrees then they violate some Jewish political correctness. Israel has done all kinds of un-American type shit and it doesn't mean a person hates Jews if they don't pretend like there is a different set of rules for Israel. Israel bases citizenship on religion. That is a concept that is completely contrary to the values espoused by the people who wrote the constitution. Also, Israel has been bulldozing homes and taking land from non-Jews. It is a bullshit way to exist. In terms of bullshit racist policies Israel has taken over for South Africa. I don't get it why anybody thinks we should just blindly support Israel just because they are Jewish. If being Jewish means that it is OK to have backwards policies, then I am against it. Leave the religion in the synagogue and start acting like decent human beings. I get it that there are terrorists but that isn't a license for a country to treat non-Jews like dogs and then expect Americans to stand by while they do it.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness...

Did you bother to read the OP ??
This has nothing to do with calling someone anti Semitic because they criticized Israel.

Are you an idiot? I used the quote feature to show what I was responding to.

Since you were NOT responding to the Opening Post of this thread, your post did not answer the question asked. Perhaps you did not understand what you were being asked?
It seems like Israel is allowed to do anything they want and if anybody disagrees then they violate some Jewish political correctness. Israel has done all kinds of un-American type shit and it doesn't mean a person hates Jews if they don't pretend like there is a different set of rules for Israel. Israel bases citizenship on religion. That is a concept that is completely contrary to the values espoused by the people who wrote the constitution. Also, Israel has been bulldozing homes and taking land from non-Jews. It is a bullshit way to exist. In terms of bullshit racist policies Israel has taken over for South Africa. I don't get it why anybody thinks we should just blindly support Israel just because they are Jewish. If being Jewish means that it is OK to have backwards policies, then I am against it. Leave the religion in the synagogue and start acting like decent human beings. I get it that there are terrorists but that isn't a license for a country to treat non-Jews like dogs and then expect Americans to stand by while they do it.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness...

Did you bother to read the OP ??
This has nothing to do with calling someone anti Semitic because they criticized Israel.

Are you an idiot? I used the quote feature to show what I was responding to.

Are YOU an idiot?? Your post has nothing to di with the OP OR the post you quoted.
Lipush didn't accuse his of anti Semitism because he criticized Israel or her policies.

It depends on what "as is" is. Right, Tinhore?

It was not a UN treaty. It was just given to the UN to put on file.

Then who wrote the treaty Tinmore? There has to be a mutual group to do so.
The treaty was backed by the U.N and accepted by them and now put on file.
Why would they accept them if they're not legit ?

The UN also has the 1948 Palestinian declaration of independence on file.
It was not a UN treaty. It was just given to the UN to put on file.

Then who wrote the treaty Tinmore? There has to be a mutual group to do so.
The treaty was backed by the U.N and accepted by them and now put on file.
Why would they accept them if they're not legit ?

The UN also has the 1948 Palestinian declaration of independence on file.

Diference is, I can prove the borders to you as well as visually show them to you.

The 1948 declaratikn of Indepndence did nothing. It was void.
Which is why they did it again in 1988 and that's when they became an official state.
You can't declare independence on land already declared independent.
It seems like Israel is allowed to do anything they want and if anybody disagrees then they violate some Jewish political correctness. Israel has done all kinds of un-American type shit and it doesn't mean a person hates Jews if they don't pretend like there is a different set of rules for Israel. Israel bases citizenship on religion. That is a concept that is completely contrary to the values espoused by the people who wrote the constitution. Also, Israel has been bulldozing homes and taking land from non-Jews. It is a bullshit way to exist. In terms of bullshit racist policies Israel has taken over for South Africa. I don't get it why anybody thinks we should just blindly support Israel just because they are Jewish. If being Jewish means that it is OK to have backwards policies, then I am against it. Leave the religion in the synagogue and start acting like decent human beings. I get it that there are terrorists but that isn't a license for a country to treat non-Jews like dogs and then expect Americans to stand by while they do it.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness...

Did you bother to read the OP ??
This has nothing to do with calling someone anti Semitic because they criticized Israel.

Are you an idiot? I used the quote feature to show what I was responding to.
Dayam, another Jew-hater popped up like a turdbblossom. Wassamatter, Stormfront iz downsizing?
P F Tinmore, et al,

Yes there is.

It was not a UN treaty. It was just given to the UN to put on file.

Then who wrote the treaty Tinmore? There has to be a mutual group to do so.
The treaty was backed by the U.N and accepted by them and now put on file.
Why would they accept them if they're not legit ?

The UN also has the 1948 Palestinian declaration of independence on file.

It came late and came in conflict. The All Palestine Government did not participate in the implementation process and they did not follow the General Assembly adopted "steps preparatory to independence." They were given the attention and consideration they deserved.

Most Respectfully,
Did you bother to read the OP ??
This has nothing to do with calling someone anti Semitic because they criticized Israel.

Are you an idiot? I used the quote feature to show what I was responding to.
Dayam, another Jew-hater popped up like a turdbblossom. Wassamatter, Stormfront iz downsizing?

Well, this section of a fine forum otherwise, being the ZioNazi equivalent of Stormfront, it is to be expected.
What's the lie?

That Israel has no Internationally recognised borders and that they exist inside the ones the Palestinians never negotiated.

The armistice lines are the internationally recognized de facto borders. They are not real borders. Israel does not recognize them as their borders.

Palestine's international borders were defined by post war treaties like all of the other countries in that area.

And indeed, Israel sits inside Palestinian's international borders with its fake borders.

not "post war" and no treaties
Did you bother to read the OP ??
This has nothing to do with calling someone anti Semitic because they criticized Israel.

Are you an idiot? I used the quote feature to show what I was responding to.
Dayam, another Jew-hater popped up like a turdbblossom. Wassamatter, Stormfront iz downsizing?

I can't tell if you are making a joke or really a supporter of the way Israel runs their government. If someone tried to change the constitution in America so that members of only one particular religion could be citizens, then that would be awful. Why should I support a country that does that? If you are stumped then just say something stupid again.
Did you bother to read the OP ??
This has nothing to do with calling someone anti Semitic because they criticized Israel.

Are you an idiot? I used the quote feature to show what I was responding to.

Are YOU an idiot?? Your post has nothing to di with the OP OR the post you quoted.
Lipush didn't accuse his of anti Semitism because he criticized Israel or her policies.


Here is the post I responded to:

This Thread reeks of typical Anti-Jewish Islamic hatred, Freddi.

But I guess you already know that.

I was simply pointing out that I am an American and I don't approve of the policy where citizenship is based on religion. To me it seems un-American. It doesn't require a hatred of Jews to say that. All it requires is an understanding of a basic American principle. I don't care what religion it is. I don't support that kind of racism. It was wrong in South Africa and it is wrong in Israel. There isn't anything anti-Jewish about that. I just don't like that form of government. The people that started our country didn't care for it either.
I would personally like to thank Monte for pointing out the great number of highly educated, and rather successful, people associated in a positive way with Israel.

Now if he can only produce a list of like length of highly educated Moslems who are positive influences on the Moslem world.
P F Tinmore, et al,

Yes there is.

Then who wrote the treaty Tinmore? There has to be a mutual group to do so.
The treaty was backed by the U.N and accepted by them and now put on file.
Why would they accept them if they're not legit ?

The UN also has the 1948 Palestinian declaration of independence on file.

It came late and came in conflict. The All Palestine Government did not participate in the implementation process and they did not follow the General Assembly adopted "steps preparatory to independence." They were given the attention and consideration they deserved.

Most Respectfully,

Israel didn't accept resolution 181 either.

What is your point?
P F Tinmore, et al,

Yes there is.

The UN also has the 1948 Palestinian declaration of independence on file.

It came late and came in conflict. The All Palestine Government did not participate in the implementation process and they did not follow the General Assembly adopted "steps preparatory to independence." They were given the attention and consideration they deserved.

Most Respectfully,

Israel didn't accept resolution 181 either.

What is your point?

Wow. Just.... Wow
Then who wrote the treaty Tinmore? There has to be a mutual group to do so.
The treaty was backed by the U.N and accepted by them and now put on file.
Why would they accept them if they're not legit ?

The UN also has the 1948 Palestinian declaration of independence on file.

Diference is, I can prove the borders to you as well as visually show them to you.

The 1948 declaratikn of Indepndence did nothing. It was void.
Which is why they did it again in 1988 and that's when they became an official state.
You can't declare independence on land already declared independent.

Yeah? who says?


The political existence of the state is independent of recognition by the other states. Even before recognition the state has the right to defend its integrity and independence,...

The Avalon Project : Convention on Rights and Duties of States (inter-American); December 26, 1933

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