JFK - 58 years and still hiding

I never lie about anything, especially not
"shit like this".

You're on the defense here boy....let's not be getting confused again.
I am not on the defense at all you are and yes you do consistently lie about everything you post.

I have proven that many times over and you know it.

Yes shit like this. The shit like the conspiracy theories you love so much which are all proven crap.

You lie about them like a bratty child because you are consistently proven wrong

Now answer the question why DO you lie about shit like this?
Here's LBJ giving Dulles his job back ( after JFK had fired him)

Allen the thirds grandfather was doing a dance when his buddies at Langley successfully pulled it off knowing LBJ would be ready to give him his job back.
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Allen the thirds grandson was doing a dance when his buddies at Langley successfully pulled it off knowing LBJ would be ready to give him his job back.
LBJ diod not give him his old job back dumbass

Oswald acted alone, no one from " langley " was involved

That is proven and none of you dipshits can demonstrate otherwise.
He was a good guy for a Kennedy.
View attachment 576637
Very true,a myth in our corrupt school system is that we elect our presidents when they are selected fir us by the establishment,the establishment made the mistake thinking that jfk was a chip off the old block,his dad was evil and corrupt so they thought his children would follow the footsteps of his father but Bobby and jack were nothing like their father,the total opposite of him.they thought he would be the same as George bush jr, a clone of his father,evil same as him but that was not the case at all.
Very true,a myth in our corrupt school system is that we elect our presidents when they are selected fir us by the establishment,the establishment made the mistake thinking that jfk was a chip off the old block,his dad was evil and corrupt so they thought his children would follow the footsteps of his father but Bobby and jack were nothing like their father,the total opposite of him.they thought he would be the same as George bush jr, a clone of his father,evil same as him but that was not the case at all.
Joe had very close ties with the mob...Frank Costello, Sam Giancanni all the ones in Vegas....and then Bobby wanted to go after them . John got caught in the middle of all of it....on top of everything else--.civil rights, Vietnam, Cold war, Cuba ( mob wanted casinos there), the CIA, .....

It's surprising they waited 5 years to take out Bobby.
LBJ diod not give him his old job back dumbass

Oswald acted alone, no one from " langley " was involved

That is proven and none of you dipshits can demonstrate otherwise.
Allen I’ve been thinking how interesting it would be if you could share personal anecdotes about your grandpa Dulles. Maybe you could start a thread on him. Besides being a serial killer, he must have had some good qualities.
Allen I’ve been thinking how interesting it would be if you could share personal anecdotes about your grandpa Dulles. Maybe you could start a thread on him. Besides being a serial killer, he must have had some good qualities.

You have not been thinking.

That would require a working brain.

Let;'s start with the evidence for your idiotic claim that Oswald did not fire a gun that day.

Go ahead boy
You have not been thinking.

That would require a working brain.

Let;'s start with the evidence for your idiotic claim that Oswald did not fire a gun that day.

Go ahead boy
Wow! That was a quick response Allen. Thanks. Just give it some thought.
Allen I’ve been thinking how interesting it would be if you could share personal anecdotes about your grandpa Dulles. Maybe you could start a thread on him. Besides being a serial killer, he must have had some good qualities.
:abgg2q.jpg: Must suck being his grandson desperatly shoutingout at the world desperately trying to get anybody to listen to him. :abgg2q.jpg:
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gipper the other mike the other thing that pretty much puts the nail in the coffin oswald was innocent is I’m sure your aware of thst photo of a man in the school book depository entrance taken just a second after kennedy was shot by a reporter, to the building watching the motorcade pass,he has on the same t shirt oswald has on and is a dead wringer for oswald.the Warren commission said it was a guy that resembled oswald thst worked there named bill lovelady,well we know it wasn’t him because the pic resembles oswald far more than it does lovelady.any serious researcher knows thst is indeed oswald.
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gipper the other mike the other thing that pretty much puts the nail in the coffin oswald was innocent is I’m sure your aware of thst photo of a man in the school book depository entrance to the building watching the motorcade pass,he has on the same t shirt oswald has on and is a dead wringer for oswald.the Warren commission said it was a guy that resembled oswald thst worked there with the first name being tom,well we know it wasn’t him because he said thst wasn’t him in thst entranceway and the pic resembles oswald far more than it does that Thomas dude.not only that but some of his co workers there have confirmed thst picture of that man is oswald.any serious researcher knows thst is indeed oswald.
They could have had a shooter up there with Oswald's gun to frame him for it ....even if anything like that is 'officially' known , the evidence is gone....destroyed, classified or redacted --either way the world may never know - likely never know. It started to look like something could come out after Poppy died, but that fizzled into Qanon-conspiracvy theories and so on....

Makes me wonder how much Jimmy Carter and the rest of the ex presidents know that they obviously must keep secret ( probably for "national security" reasons.) Old timers like Kissinger probably know a few things we don't.
gipper the other mike the other thing that pretty much puts the nail in the coffin oswald was innocent is I’m sure your aware of thst photo of a man in the school book depository entrance taken just a second after kennedy was shot by a reporter, to the building watching the motorcade pass,he has on the same t shirt oswald has on and is a dead wringer for oswald.the Warren commission said it was a guy that resembled oswald thst worked there named bill lovelady,well we know it wasn’t him because the pic resembles oswald far more than it does lovelady.any serious researcher knows thst is indeed oswald.
It was not Oswald. It was Loveday and everyone looking at it knows this including loveday.

Of course it was the same kind of T shirt you moron a plain white TSHIRT WORN BY MILLIONS.

You are the biggest fool on earth and proven so with every post,
They could have had a shooter up there with Oswald's gun to frame him for it ....even if anything like that is 'officially' known , the evidence is gone....destroyed, classified or redacted --either way the world may never know - likely never know. It started to look like something could come out after Poppy died, but that fizzled into Qanon-conspiracvy theories and so on....

Makes me wonder how much Jimmy Carter and the rest of the ex presidents know that they obviously must keep secret ( probably for "national security" reasons.) Old timers like Kissinger probably know a few things we don't.
The evidence is not gone or destroyed at all it has been publically available for years and all of the conspiracy theories have been disproven.
That’s right Allen, it wasn’t Oswald who shot JFK. Surely your grandpa Dulles told you Oswald was the patsy.
Osweald shot JFK that is proven fact now post the evidence I asked you for

Stop running away like the cowardly piece of shit you are and back up your claims bitch

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