JFK assassination


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2011
Yeah, about that. The Tibbits murder with two guns, An Oswald double, Woody Harlsons dad paid CIA assassin on the grassy knoll. Scary stuff.
I want a rifle like Oswald's, except in 7.35 Carcano, instead of 6.5mm. Had the ammo for years, just haven't found the rifle.

I've stood on the sidewalk beneath the sixth floor of the Dallas Book Depository at night. It's both a creepy and moving experience. Dealey Plaza is a lot smaller than it looked on television. Any US Marine back in the 60's could have made a head shot like that with a crappy WW2 Italian bolt-action rifle.

The buildings around there also cause weird echos that make it hard to tell where a sound came from. That probably explains the "second shooter" theory.
I used to believe the Warren commission "lone gun man" verdict. Not anymore. Why hasn't Trump, Biden released those files related to this? All the witnesses are long dead.
I want a rifle like Oswald's, except in 7.35 Carcano, instead of 6.5mm. Had the ammo for years, just haven't found the rifle.

I've stood on the sidewalk beneath the sixth floor of the Dallas Book Depository at night. It's both a creepy and moving experience. Dealey Plaza is a lot smaller than it looked on television. Any US Marine back in the 60's could have made a head shot like that with a crappy WW2 Italian bolt-action rifle.

The buildings around there also cause weird echos that make it hard to tell where a sound came from. That probably explains the "second shooter" theory.
Funny, the Carcano rifle in the photos of Oswald holding that rifle in his back yard with lugs on this side morphed into that side, The weird thing that there were TWO Oswald's. (Harvey and Lee, they were two distinct persons) one had paystubs from the CIA. This is weird stuff.
And the Lincoln limousine Kennedy was in, had a bullet hole in the windshield a nurse said was front to back, there was evidence of bullet strikes in the street, evidence there was more than one shooter is suppressed multiple times. Officer Tippet's murder by more than one gun. This just gets stranger and stranger.
I used to believe the Warren commission "lone gun man" verdict. Not anymore. Why hasn't Trump, Biden released those files related to this? All the witnesses are long dead.
They're all sworn to secrecy. Trump is also protecting the Russians lol
Funny, the Carcano rifle in the photos of Oswald holding that rifle in his back yard with lugs on this side morphed into that side, The weird thing that there were TWO Oswald's. (Harvey and Lee, they were two distinct persons) one had paystubs from the CIA. This is weird stuff.
What does THIS side THAT side mean???
For matter what lugs are you talking about?
Nothing morphed it was the same rifle.

There was one Oswald who never had any such pay stubs
And the Lincoln limousine Kennedy was in, had a bullet hole in the windshield a nurse said was front to back, there was evidence of bullet strikes in the street, evidence there was more than one shooter is suppressed multiple times. Officer Tippet's murder by more than one gun. This just gets stranger and stranger.
The nurse would not have known. The fact is whe bullet hole went from inside the limo out meaning from behind.

There was evidence of ONE bullet strike on a curb not MULTIPLE bullet hits.

No such evience has ever been suppressed and only one gun was used on tibbet
All debunked nonsense.
So, I thought. Um, I really really wanted to believe the Waren commission. But objectively look at what facts, they are out there. They don't add up. Multiple bullet strikes, and the way the Warren commission dismissed anything other than their conclusion. Because, hey, an open-minded truth-seeking justice minded nonpartisan does that?
So, I thought. Um, I really really wanted to believe the Waren commission. But objectively look at what facts, they are out there. They don't add up. Multiple bullet strikes, and the way the Warren commission dismissed anything other than their conclusion. Because, hey, an open-minded truth-seeking justice minded nonpartisan does that?
Why would you wish to believe or NOT believe the WC report when you have not read it??

You clearly have no idea what they said.

The WC reported multple bullet strikes so yes it DOES add up.

They dismissed nothing, the report actively pursued every lead including possible conspiracies but the evidence is not there.

You should try reading it before believing or not believing it.
I want a rifle like Oswald's, except in 7.35 Carcano, instead of 6.5mm. Had the ammo for years, just haven't found the rifle.

I've stood on the sidewalk beneath the sixth floor of the Dallas Book Depository at night. It's both a creepy and moving experience. Dealey Plaza is a lot smaller than it looked on television. Any US Marine back in the 60's could have made a head shot like that with a crappy WW2 Italian bolt-action rifle.

The buildings around there also cause weird echos that make it hard to tell where a sound came from. That probably explains the "second shooter" theory.
I agree with you about being surprised at how small and confined Dealey Plaza really is. After seeing it all on tv I had the impression of a wide open, giant sized space and in reality it is tiny. Plus that turn the motorcade had to slow down to make would offer the shooter an excellent opportunity to sight the target in and fire off some rounds.
Lee Oswald defected to Russia. For some reason the U.S. (CIA) welcomed him and his KGB wife back in the coldest part of the cold war without prosecution or even investigation. Oswald killed JFK and Ruby killed Oswald and the rest of America worried about phantoms on the grassy knoll. Internal government investigations aren't intended to find the truth. They are intended to coverup mistakes and insure (mostly) democrats another term.
And the Lincoln limousine Kennedy was in, had a bullet hole in the windshield a nurse said was front to back, there was evidence of bullet strikes in the street, evidence there was more than one shooter is suppressed multiple times. Officer Tippet's murder by more than one gun. This just gets stranger and stranger.
/---/ I was 12 when it happened, and I've followed it ever since.
Lee Oswald defected to Russia. For some reason the U.S. (CIA) welcomed him and his KGB wife back in the coldest part of the cold war without prosecution or even investigation. Oswald killed JFK and Ruby killed Oswald and the rest of America worried about phantoms on the grassy knoll. Internal government investigations aren't intended to find the truth. They are intended to coverup mistakes and insure (mostly) democrats another term.
The CIA did not welcome him. It was not their jusridiction to investigate it was the FBIs and they DID investigate him.

No one could prosecute him because he commited no crime going to the USSR. It was not a defection it was a legal emigration

His wife was not KGB
So, I thought. Um, I really really wanted to believe the Waren commission. But objectively look at what facts, they are out there. They don't add up. Multiple bullet strikes, and the way the Warren commission dismissed anything other than their conclusion. Because, hey, an open-minded truth-seeking justice minded nonpartisan does that?
They did not merely dismiss other leads they followed them and correctly concluded that there was no evidence.

The facts prove OSwald acted alone.
And the Lincoln limousine Kennedy was in, had a bullet hole in the windshield a nurse said was front to back, there was evidence of bullet strikes in the street, evidence there was more than one shooter is suppressed multiple times. Officer Tippet's murder by more than one gun. This just gets stranger and stranger.
A nurse would not know whether a bullet hole passed front to back and in fact the windshiled was collected as evidence and that hole came from back to front.

No such evidence was suppressed.

There was no other gun in Tippets murder.
I used to believe the Warren commission "lone gun man" verdict. Not anymore. Why hasn't Trump, Biden released those files related to this? All the witnesses are long dead.
Because they might suffer a similar fate if they did and they know it If not death, then total disgrace or ruin. I believe the CIA had EVERYTHING to do with it and while the original PEOPLE may be dead, the same Deep State agenda is alive and well after all these years. Intelligence agencies and big investors are who really pulls America's strings. JFK and RFK did not cooperate with their agenda. Neither did Reagan, except Reagan survived when they tried to get him out of the way. If he had died, Bush Sr and the New World Order would have been at the helm seven years earlier. Trump was another one who threatened the Deep State's agenda. That's why every type of accusation imaginable was thrown at him while he was in office through CIA-controlled media. It's extremely surprising that no attempt was made on Trump's life. Maybe eventually there will be.
The CIA did not welcome him. It was not their jusridiction to investigate it was the FBIs and they DID investigate him.

No one could prosecute him because he commited no crime going to the USSR. It was not a defection it was a legal emigration

His wife was not KGB
Maybe Oswald committed a technical crime by defecting to the USSR but he was automatically a suspect when he returned to the U.S. during the coldest part of the Cold War after Russia started building the Berlin Wall. Oswald's wife was the daughter of a KGB officer. Even a fledgling CIA operative would have wondered why a nerdy U.S. traitor would have come in contact with the KGB. Oswald worked in the military in Japan where they were monitoring U-2 flights. Shortly after Oswald defected a U-2 flight was shot down.

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