JFK Bombshell: Secret Service agent breaks silence with claim that blows up the 'magic bullet' theory and suggests there WAS more than one shooter

This guy worked for my father in the photography business for a short time in the early 1970s, before he went public in 1973, and when he was still keeping it a secret that he had made himself a pristine copy of the Zapruder film. He showed it to my dad and my older brother, who was really into the JFK stuff at the time.
Oswald alone.
Whatever trollboy,I have taken you to school on that too many times to remember owing your ass your full of shit.i know your listening in Allen Dulles grandson soupnazi,same goes for you,many people have owned your ass here.
Disagree.... Lee Oswald was the patsy.
:thankusmile: :thup: His ass has been owned too many times on that to remember with several people like myself proving you are correct Doc7505 trolls like him ignore the photo taken by one of the spectators seconds before the shooting that does not show oswald in the window proving he is a fucking liar.

JFK Assassination Witness Breaks 60-Year Silence and Blows Up Key Government Claim Regarding the President’s Death – Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Responds​

There has always been the theory of a second shooter.
Theoretically, If JFK had been shot from the overpass using subsonic ammo striking him in the throat the bullet may have remained pristine. That`s a B I G -IF!
Yet, wasn't the frontal shot from the overpass ruled out.
There are also other issues about that shot from the Book Depository hitting JFK in the back, exiting his throat and hitting Connolly as Connolly twisted in his seat.
I believe that the angle was to steep from the 6th floor. The shot had to come from a lower angle of trajectory from the Book Depository, possibly from the second or third floor using subsonic ammo and a silencer on the rifle.
This is just theory not proven but just looking at the angles.
The first bullet struck JFK just below his suit collar exiting his throat that was a shallow angle. The angle from the sixth floor would necessarily had to enter higher above his collar and shirt om order to strike Connolly and end up in his leg.
Supposedly the ammo used by Oswald was surplus 6.5 x 52mm Carcano not designed to explode as the head shot did. I`m referring to the bullet not the head and would have [assed through JFK.
That bullet was was designed to explode.
Whomever was the shooter assuredly did not live long in any case. The conspirators could not allow it.
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There has always been the theory of a second shooter.
Theoretically, If JFK had been shot from the overpass using subsonic ammo striking him in the throat the bullet may have remained pristine. That`s a B I G -IF!
Yet, wasn't the frontal shot from the overpass ruled out.
There are also other issues about that shot from the Book Depository hitting JFK in the back, exiting his throat and hitting Connolly as Connolly twisted in his seat.
I believe that the angle was to steep from the 6th floor. The shot had to come from a lower angle of trajectory from the Book Depository, possibly from the second or third floor using subsonic ammo and a silencer on the rifle.
This is just theory not proven but just looking at the angles.
The first bullet struck JFK just below his suit collar exiting his throat that was a shallow angle. The angle from the sixth floor would necessarily had to enter higher above his collar and shirt om order to strike Connolly and end up in his leg.
Supposedly the ammo used by Oswald was surplus 6.5 x 52mm Carcano not designed to explode as the head shot did. I`m referring to the bullet not the head and would have [assed through JFK.
That bullet was was designed to explode.
Whomever was the shooter assuredly did not live long in any case. The conspirators could not allow it.
any proof of this?
The dishonest Secret Service won't even admit that they knew the cocaine found in the White House was from Hunter Biden. They sure as hell aren't going to admit they were the ones that accidentally killed JFK if it was true.
the SS was involved in the assassination.they violated every secret service protocal that day,making a 180 degree turn allowing the car down at 11 miles an hour when you are not suppose to go under 20 which is a total violation of secret service protocals.

here is the role of the CIA,FBI and secret service in the role of the jfk assassination.

here watch this and get educated how the ss were complicit in helping the CIA to kill kennedy.

the CIA has their fingerprints all over this.they killed kennedy because he was going to withdraw from vietnam by 1965.he started his 1000 troop withdrawel in september that year when he signed executive order# 263 calling for a complete withdrawel by 1965. Kennedy never sent in combat troops,he only sent in advisors.Once johnson got in he REVERSED kennedys policys on withdrawel and esculated the war sending in combat troops. In kennedys 3 years as president there were only 58 american casualtys,a far cry from the 58,000 that happened under johnson and his pal Nixon.

E Howard Hunt a CIA operative that was arrested in the watergate burglury,he made a deathbed confession in his final days that he was in dallas that day as part of a CIA operation to kill kennedy and Nixon and Johnson had a hand in it and knew about it.

I have researched this and read hundreds of books on it,this is the best one on it. here is also hunts confession of the CIA behind the assassination.

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The Book Mortal Error on the secret service accidently firing a shot that killed kennedy has been debunked because that book states he accidently shot the president from behind with the gun accidently discharging.we know that to be BS because all the dallas doctors said the head shot wound came from the FRONT which proves the people that said oswald did it are fucking liars.

that book is disinformation sense the secret service deliberately had a role in the assassination with the CIA behind it all. these two videos are the REAL truth on what happened that day.

the trolls that say oswald did it on this thread have been exposed as paid shills for the CIA that have penetrated this site.

It's always been pretty silly that anyone would believe in a magic bullet that changes directions, not being re-directed by any bones. Arlen Specter was always a POS.

It's always been a conspiracy, whether it was the CIA (most likely), the Soviets, the Cubans, or the Mafia.
Spector never mentioned any such bullet.

There is no evidence of a conspiracy even with this new claim
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the SS was involved in the assassination.they violated every secret service protocal that day,making a 180 degree turn allowing the car down at 11 miles an hour when you are not suppose to go under 20 which is a total violation of secret service protocals.

here is the role of the CIA,FBI and secret service in the role of the jfk assassination.

here watch this and get educated how the ss were complicit in helping the CIA to kill kennedy.

the CIA has their fingerprints all over this.they killed kennedy because he was going to withdraw from vietnam by 1965.he started his 1000 troop withdrawel in september that year when he signed executive order# 263 calling for a complete withdrawel by 1965. Kennedy never sent in combat troops,he only sent in advisors.Once johnson got in he REVERSED kennedys policys on withdrawel and esculated the war sending in combat troops. In kennedys 3 years as president there were only 58 american casualtys,a far cry from the 58,000 that happened under johnson and his pal Nixon.

E Howard Hunt a CIA operative that was arrested in the watergate burglury,he made a deathbed confession in his final days that he was in dallas that day as part of a CIA operation to kill kennedy and Nixon and Johnson had a hand in it and knew about it.

I have researched this and read hundreds of books on it,this is the best one on it. here is also hunts confession of the CIA behind the assassination.

it made no 180 degree turn you moron 180 degrees means it turned completelty around and reversed course.

there was no such protocol you ignorant fucktard

You have never done proper research and you know nothing about this subject you have limited yourself to cherry picking a few videos and nothing more'

There is no record of any such death bed confession by hunt. Your video has no proof it is hunt
it made no 180 defree turn you moron 180 degrees means it turned completelty around and revewwrsed course.

there was no such protocol you ignorant fucktard

Yiou have never done proper research and you know nothing about this subject you have limited yourself to cherry picking a few videos and nothing more'

There is no record of any such death bed confession by hunt. Your video has no proof it is hunt
PARTY-POOPER........ c'mon---let the kids have fun
Whatever trollboy,I have taken you to school on that too many times to remember owing your ass your full of shit.i know your listening in Allen Dulles grandson soupnazi,same goes for you,many people have owned your ass here.
You have never taken ANYONE to school

You have been consistently proven wrong and made a fool of with every post
Of course I have no knowledge of what happen on that day.

However, there is a substantial amount of credible evidence that suggest that JFK was accidentally killed by a SS agent.

No doubt Oswald put bullets into JFK. However, they may not have been fatal.

The evidence suggest that the bullet that went into head, that killed him, came from behind and was a .223.

The trailing vehicle had agents and one of them had an AR-15, which was a new firearm that nobody had much training with. The conjecture is that there was an accidental discharge in the chaos following the shooting and that was the fatal shot to Kennedy's head that killed him.

If that was the case we know that the Secret Service would never admit it because that would be disastrous to their reputation. It would also explain why all the records have not been released.

Menninger is part of a small but vocal group of theorists who hold that after Lee Harvey Oswald rattled off multiple shots at the motorcade carrying Kennedy past the Texas School Book Depository, a Secret Service agent riding in a car immediately behind the presidential limousine grabbed his Colt AR-15 high-velocity rifle to return fire.

But when his car stopped suddenly, the theory holds, Agent George Hickey lost his balance and accidentally discharged his weapon, sending a .223-caliber round rocketing into Kennedy's head — the wound that later killed the 35th president.

"It was entirely accidental," Menninger said. "Unfortunately, fate intervened as this agent was attempting to do his job."
There is no evidence of this at all it is not even a theory but simply rank speculation

the wound was NOT consistent with a .223
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There is no evidence of this at all it is not even a theory but simply ereank speculation

the wound was NOT consistent with a .223
It’s over Allen. Give it up old. boy.

You’ve believed a lie your entire life. Time to step back and recognize how terribly ignorant you’ve been.
It’s over Allen. Give it up old. boy.

You’ve believed a lie your entire life. Time to step back and recognize how terribly ignorant you’ve been.
Your are beaten lee and you have been from day one

You know this but lack the maturity to admit it

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