JFK jr: Sharpton Damaged Black Cause Worse than Wallace


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Diary bombshell: RFK?s secret slams against Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson and Gov. Cuomo | New York Post

Kennedy recorded the thoughts in a bombshell diary from 2001, a copy of which was reviewed by The Post. The fat, red book, covered with bumper stickers shouting liberal slogans, bluntly reveals the scion’s true feelings about some of the most important political figures of our time, including family members such Cuomo, fellow Democrats and Presidents Bill Clinton and George W. Bush.

RFK Jr. also kept notes for his journal during his month-long stint in a Puerto Rican prison that July. He, the Rev. Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson’s wife, Jacqueline, were charged with trespassing during protests on Vieques, the Puerto Rican island the US Navy used as a bombing range.

The Revs. Jackson and Sharpton “give me the creeps,” Kennedy writes in a July 5 entry.

“Al Sharpton has done more damage to the black cause than [segregationist Alabama Gov.] George Wallace. He has suffocated the decent black leaders in New York,” he says. “His transparent venal blackmail and extortion schemes taint all black leadership.”

Rev. Al Sharpton gave Robert F. Kennedy Jr. “the creeps,” he wrote in his diary.

He goes on to call Sharpton a “buffoon” who has never escaped the “stench” of his advocacy for Tawana Brawley, the black Dutchess County teen who fabricated a story about six white men raping her in 1987.

I wonder how often it is that liberals lie to themselves and to the public in such dramatic ways.

Everyone knows what Sharpton and Jackson are: shake down artists. And yet they tolerate these sleaze bags because they support the Democratic Party, the biggest criminal organization in the history of mankind.
Yeah, I can agree with that assessment of Sharpton and Jackson. They are truly despicable shakedown artist. The left isn't alone regarding having folks like this within their midst. The right has Sarah Palin, who doesn't have to take a backseat to either Sharpton or Jackson regarding shaking down admirers for some ching. That's of course if we are comparing apples to apples.
Yeah, I can agree with that assessment of Sharpton and Jackson. They are truly despicable shakedown artist. The left isn't alone regarding having folks like this within their midst. The right has Sarah Palin, who doesn't have to take a backseat to either Sharpton or Jackson regarding shaking down admirers for some ching. That's of course if we are comparing apples to apples.

Who has Palin filed a lawsuit on for discrimination, then dropped the suit in exchange for multi-million dollar cash settlements, like Sharpton and Jackson have done?

When has Palin incited violence?

When has Palin falsely accused a LEO of raping an innocent woman then got caught lying about it?

While Palin can be considered right wing, I don't think she is a shake down artist.
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Palin gets paid for her celebrity, political ideology/commentary, etc., etc. All perfectly legal and examples of the free enterprise system at work.

Race pimp Sharpton deals in blatant extortion, often through lies as his Big Three prove beyond a shadow of a doubt...Tawana Brawley, Duke lacrosse team, and George Zimmerman.

Nice attempt though as lame bullshit goes, lefties.
Yeah, I can agree with that assessment of Sharpton and Jackson. They are truly despicable shakedown artist. The left isn't alone regarding having folks like this within their midst. The right has Sarah Palin, who doesn't have to take a backseat to either Sharpton or Jackson regarding shaking down admirers for some ching. That's of course if we are comparing apples to apples.

Who has Palin filed a lawsuit on for discrimination, then dropped the suit in exchange for multi-million dollar cash settlements, like Sharpton and Jackson have done?

When has Palin incited violence?

When has Palin falsely accused a LEO of raping an innocent woman then got caught lying about it?

While Palin can be considered right wing, I don't think she is a shake down artist.

I figured some folks would come to Palin's defense.
Palin makes most of her "statements" either on the SarahPac website or her Facebook spot, which conveniently features a SarahPac link. Instead of the majority of monies going to candidates, it goes to consulting. Whenever funds run low, she makes a video of her making her "statements" featured usually on her SarhaPac website and walla the cash flow picks up.
She's like Sharpton and Jackson, they are all just waiting for an incident of some sort that they can react to by making "statements" or going somewhere to wake up their troops. They get their exposure and rake in the dough.
Look, I'm agreeing with the OP, I'm simply showing that this BS isn't just one side doing this stuff. It's more of a non-partisan "statement" because that's what I am. Naturally partisans on either side will disagree with me, that would be expected.

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