jihad vs zionism. which has killed more and which is the biggest threat now?

The local Jihadi speaks! :evil:

The two aren't comparable unless "jihad" is used as a blanket term for all violence perpetrated in the name of Islam. Jihad is righteous destruction of oppression; Zionism is an ideology that calls for oppression. Jihad is only a threat to those who spread corruption and aggression.

...says the local grand Wiezard of the Jew Klux Klan...
The Israeli Declaration of Independence embodies the Zionist ideology..

You embody the Zionist ideology:

"Were I PM, I'd crush every Pallie man, woman, and child. The world would be a better place." - Marcy​


That is not Zionism, because they 1.1 million Israeli Arabs (especially the women) have more freedoms than any of the neighboring Arab and Persian Country (yet good old Iran is know to repress the Arabs worst then just about every country out there)!
Such a delicate subject. But there are radical Muslims, Christians, and yes....Jews also. And admitting such, does not make one an anti-semite; any more than by admitting that radical Christians exist is anti-Christ...or anti-Christian. It really gets old, having to walk on eggshells, for fear that we're going to offend someone who is acting like a jerk. If it looks like crap, and smells like crap...it's probably crap.

But let's just keep on slinging those labels. All three religions have blood on their hands, and everyone knows it.
Such a delicate subject. But there are radical Muslims, Christians, and yes....Jews also. And admitting such, does not make one an anti-semite; any more than by admitting that radical Christians exist is anti-Christ...or anti-Christian. It really gets old, having to walk on eggshells, for fear that we're going to offend someone who is acting like a jerk. If it looks like crap, and smells like crap...it's probably crap.

But let's just keep on slinging those labels. All three religions have blood on their hands, and everyone knows it.

Neither the Old Testament nor New Testament explicitly call for mass murder of non-Jews and non-Christians, as the Quran does so for non-Muslims.

Jesus was a man of peace who taught to love even your enemies.
Muhammad was a warmonger who assassinated his enemies, even female poets.

THAT'S the big difference.
Such a delicate subject. But there are radical Muslims, Christians, and yes....Jews also. And admitting such, does not make one an anti-semite; any more than by admitting that radical Christians exist is anti-Christ...or anti-Christian. It really gets old, having to walk on eggshells, for fear that we're going to offend someone who is acting like a jerk. If it looks like crap, and smells like crap...it's probably crap.

But let's just keep on slinging those labels. All three religions have blood on their hands, and everyone knows it.

hehehe... enjoy your brand new Scarlet A, buddy! A post like that which doesn't allow a double standard for jews point blank must mean that you hate jews and want to see them dead. In fact, you MUST love hitler and want nothing more than another holocaust!

and, if you don't believe me, just wait until marc39 reacts to your post and not one single local jew corrects his accusation of your motives.
Such a delicate subject. But there are radical Muslims, Christians, and yes....Jews also. And admitting such, does not make one an anti-semite; any more than by admitting that radical Christians exist is anti-Christ...or anti-Christian. It really gets old, having to walk on eggshells, for fear that we're going to offend someone who is acting like a jerk. If it looks like crap, and smells like crap...it's probably crap.

But let's just keep on slinging those labels. All three religions have blood on their hands, and everyone knows it.

hehehe... enjoy your brand new Scarlet A, buddy! A post like that which doesn't allow a double standard for jews point blank must mean that you hate jews and want to see them dead. In fact, you MUST love hitler and want nothing more than another holocaust!

and, if you don't believe me, just wait until marc39 reacts to your post and not one single local jew corrects his accusation of your motives.

Stoner, you contribute absolutely nothing, except, for lowering the IQ of the thread.

Go away, stoner. You're as dumb as a stone.
Such a delicate subject. But there are radical Muslims, Christians, and yes....Jews also. And admitting such, does not make one an anti-semite; any more than by admitting that radical Christians exist is anti-Christ...or anti-Christian. It really gets old, having to walk on eggshells, for fear that we're going to offend someone who is acting like a jerk. If it looks like crap, and smells like crap...it's probably crap.

But let's just keep on slinging those labels. All three religions have blood on their hands, and everyone knows it.

Neither the Old Testament nor New Testament explicitly call for mass murder of non-Jews and non-Christians, as the Quran does so for non-Muslims.

Jesus was a man of peace who taught to love even your enemies.
Muhammad was a warmonger who assassinated his enemies, even female poets.

THAT'S the big difference.

And that has stopped radical "Christians" from bombing establishments of which they feel does not align with their beliefs, and lying prone, in wait, with their sites set on the head of an individual to whom they disagree? Rwanda...many of them were Christians.

I do recall several instances of people who should be "put to death" in the Old Testament. Indeed, Jesus was a man of peace; but that hasn't stopped the Phelps clan, and others who are like-minded. I understand and agree with what you have written; but just because one of "The Books" tells us that we are to do this, or that....doesn't mean that we ALL do those things.
Such a delicate subject. But there are radical Muslims, Christians, and yes....Jews also. And admitting such, does not make one an anti-semite; any more than by admitting that radical Christians exist is anti-Christ...or anti-Christian. It really gets old, having to walk on eggshells, for fear that we're going to offend someone who is acting like a jerk. If it looks like crap, and smells like crap...it's probably crap.

But let's just keep on slinging those labels. All three religions have blood on their hands, and everyone knows it.

Neither the Old Testament nor New Testament explicitly call for mass murder of non-Jews and non-Christians, as the Quran does so for non-Muslims.

Jesus was a man of peace who taught to love even your enemies.
Muhammad was a warmonger who assassinated his enemies, even female poets.

THAT'S the big difference.

And that has stopped radical "Christians" from bombing establishments of which they feel does not align with their beliefs, and lying prone, in wait, with their sites set on the head of an individual to whom they disagree? Rwanda...many of them were Christians.

I do recall several instances of people who should be "put to death" in the Old Testament. Indeed, Jesus was a man of peace; but that hasn't stopped the Phelps clan, and others who are like-minded. I understand and agree with what you have written; but just because one of "The Books" tells us that we are to do this, or that....doesn't mean that we ALL do those things.

Those Christians were violating Biblical doctrine.

Muslims committing jihad are following Quranic doctrine.
Indeed, it is a religious obligation to commit jihad.

Jesus said he who lives by the sword, dies by the sword.
Muhammad advocated using the sword against one's enemies.

And, there is nothing in the Old Testament calling for mass death of non-Jews
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Neither the Old Testament nor New Testament explicitly call for mass murder of non-Jews and non-Christians, as the Quran does so for non-Muslims.

Jesus was a man of peace who taught to love even your enemies.
Muhammad was a warmonger who assassinated his enemies, even female poets.

THAT'S the big difference.

And that has stopped radical "Christians" from bombing establishments of which they feel does not align with their beliefs, and lying prone, in wait, with their sites set on the head of an individual to whom they disagree? Rwanda...many of them were Christians.

I do recall several instances of people who should be "put to death" in the Old Testament. Indeed, Jesus was a man of peace; but that hasn't stopped the Phelps clan, and others who are like-minded. I understand and agree with what you have written; but just because one of "The Books" tells us that we are to do this, or that....doesn't mean that we ALL do those things.

Those Christians were violating Biblical doctrine.

Muslims committing jihad are following Quranic doctrine.
Indeed, it is a religious obligation to commit jihad.

Jesus said he who lives by the sword, dies by the sword.
Muhammad advocated using the sword against one's enemies.

And, there is nothing in the Old Testament calling for mass death of non-Jews

You're absolutely correct. Where in the Quran is this? I know that I've read it, and I've seen the bit about "beating woman into submission". This is how we have discussions. It's refreshing to not have labeling and name-calling. This proves that you are a reasonable person. And as a Christian (not sure if you are Christian or Jewish, or neither) we are to love our enemies. It may seem naive and tree-hugging, but I do love most of the Muslims that I've met. Not in the sense of....**huge fake smile, and "bless you"**....but I respect their intelligence, and their place in this world. And two of my dearest friends are Jewish. You are correct about the content of the Koran, from what I've read. But it seems to be mostly fringe elements who plot bombings, and murder of innocent people...from all religions.

But my whole point from the beginning was: I am sick and tired of labels. You're either for us, or against us. You're anti-semitic, anti-Christian, or anti-Muslim. It doesn't do any of us, any good. NOTHING, justifies killing innocent people....I don't care which philosophy you follow. And everything isn't black, or white. There are two sides to EVERY story.
Such a delicate subject. But there are radical Muslims, Christians, and yes....Jews also.
Very true there seems to be radicals in every religion, but the Buddhists. Oh why can't we all be Buddhist!

And admitting such, does not make one an anti-semite; any more than by admitting that radical Christians exist is anti-Christ...or anti-Christian. It really gets old, having to walk on eggshells, for fear that we're going to offend someone who is acting like a jerk. If it looks like crap, and smells like crap...it's probably crap.
True, however, if one equates Zionism to Jihad or Radical Islam, then your are either utterly ignorant of Zionism or a FLAMING ANTISEMITE. There is no grey area there!

All three religions have blood on their hands, and everyone knows it.
That is the cowardly liberal way of placating radical Islam. Christians were bad BACK IN THE MIDDLE AGES, but now they are some of the best and most generous people. They can definitely be characterized as a religion of peace.

Judaism has radicals, but most if its actions have been for survival. Equating their radicals to Islam is beyond arrogant and beyond cowardly.

Islam had blood on its hands from the beginning. Funny how people bitch about the crusades, but every country (except Indonesia) that is primarily Islam was a DIRECT result of the Islamic Crusades, which were started by Muhammad. Heck They ethincally cleansed all the native populations of North Africa, including Egypt! Then had a few hundred years of enlightenment, but they went back to the middle-ages and have stayed there. In modern times they are the most xenophobic and barbaric segments and its beyond unfair to compare its radicals (were far out number the Christian or Jewish radicals) to other. Its is beyond cowardly to state the radical Jews and Christians are anywhere near the threat to the world that Muslims are.

Russia, England, China, US, India, Germany, Serbia, Spain, France, Belgium etc are all threatened by radical Islam!
And that has stopped radical "Christians" from bombing establishments of which they feel does not align with their beliefs, and lying prone, in wait, with their sites set on the head of an individual to whom they disagree? Rwanda...many of them were Christians.

I do recall several instances of people who should be "put to death" in the Old Testament. Indeed, Jesus was a man of peace; but that hasn't stopped the Phelps clan, and others who are like-minded. I understand and agree with what you have written; but just because one of "The Books" tells us that we are to do this, or that....doesn't mean that we ALL do those things.

Those Christians were violating Biblical doctrine.

Muslims committing jihad are following Quranic doctrine.
Indeed, it is a religious obligation to commit jihad.

Jesus said he who lives by the sword, dies by the sword.
Muhammad advocated using the sword against one's enemies.

And, there is nothing in the Old Testament calling for mass death of non-Jews

You're absolutely correct. Where in the Quran is this? I know that I've read it, and I've seen the bit about "beating woman into submission". This is how we have discussions. It's refreshing to not have labeling and name-calling. This proves that you are a reasonable person. And as a Christian (not sure if you are Christian or Jewish, or neither) we are to love our enemies. It may seem naive and tree-hugging, but I do love most of the Muslims that I've met. Not in the sense of....**huge fake smile, and "bless you"**....but I respect their intelligence, and their place in this world. And two of my dearest friends are Jewish. You are correct about the content of the Koran, from what I've read. But it seems to be mostly fringe elements who plot bombings, and murder of innocent people...from all religions.

But my whole point from the beginning was: I am sick and tired of labels. You're either for us, or against us. You're anti-semitic, anti-Christian, or anti-Muslim. It doesn't do any of us, any good. NOTHING, justifies killing innocent people....I don't care which philosophy you follow. And everything isn't black, or white. There are two sides to EVERY story.

Muslims are first Muslims and against all non-Muslims. The Quran teaches that Muslims can only be good to other Muslims. Kafirs are dirt and can be murdered, raped, cheated and lied to.
Last edited:
Those Christians were violating Biblical doctrine.

Muslims committing jihad are following Quranic doctrine.
Indeed, it is a religious obligation to commit jihad.

Jesus said he who lives by the sword, dies by the sword.
Muhammad advocated using the sword against one's enemies.

And, there is nothing in the Old Testament calling for mass death of non-Jews

You're absolutely correct. Where in the Quran is this? I know that I've read it, and I've seen the bit about "beating woman into submission". This is how we have discussions. It's refreshing to not have labeling and name-calling. This proves that you are a reasonable person. And as a Christian (not sure if you are Christian or Jewish, or neither) we are to love our enemies. It may seem naive and tree-hugging, but I do love most of the Muslims that I've met. Not in the sense of....**huge fake smile, and "bless you"**....but I respect their intelligence, and their place in this world. And two of my dearest friends are Jewish. You are correct about the content of the Koran, from what I've read. But it seems to be mostly fringe elements who plot bombings, and murder of innocent people...from all religions.

But my whole point from the beginning was: I am sick and tired of labels. You're either for us, or against us. You're anti-semitic, anti-Christian, or anti-Muslim. It doesn't do any of us, any good. NOTHING, justifies killing innocent people....I don't care which philosophy you follow. And everything isn't black, or white. There are two sides to EVERY story.

Muslims are first Muslims and against all non-Muslims. The Quran teaches that Muslims can only be good to other Muslims. Kafirs are dirt and can be murdered, raped, cheated and lied to.

...says the sheistiest motherfucking jew on this internet message forum...

..a guy who literally can be quoted calling for the extermination of non-jews...

from what I've read. But it seems to be mostly fringe elements who plot bombings, and murder of innocent people...from all religions.

With 1.2 BILLION Muslims, just 10% is a lot of fringe to cause havoc around the world.

Out of 22 wars and major conflicts around the world, 21 involve Muslims. This is not a coincidence.
You're absolutely correct. Where in the Quran is this? I know that I've read it, and I've seen the bit about "beating woman into submission". This is how we have discussions. It's refreshing to not have labeling and name-calling. This proves that you are a reasonable person. And as a Christian (not sure if you are Christian or Jewish, or neither) we are to love our enemies. It may seem naive and tree-hugging, but I do love most of the Muslims that I've met. Not in the sense of....**huge fake smile, and "bless you"**....but I respect their intelligence, and their place in this world. And two of my dearest friends are Jewish. You are correct about the content of the Koran, from what I've read. But it seems to be mostly fringe elements who plot bombings, and murder of innocent people...from all religions.

But my whole point from the beginning was: I am sick and tired of labels. You're either for us, or against us. You're anti-semitic, anti-Christian, or anti-Muslim. It doesn't do any of us, any good. NOTHING, justifies killing innocent people....I don't care which philosophy you follow. And everything isn't black, or white. There are two sides to EVERY story.

Muslims are first Muslims and against all non-Muslims. The Quran teaches that Muslims can only be good to other Muslims. Kafirs are dirt and can be murdered, raped, cheated and lied to.

...says the sheistiest motherfucking jew on this internet message forum...

..a guy who literally can be quoted calling for the extermination of non-jews...


You just lowered the IQ of the thread another 20 points, stoner. That would be equal to your own IQ.

Now, run along, you sociopath, and find out who the Palestinians are that I have asked you about. You keep running scared.
You're absolutely correct. Where in the Quran is this? I know that I've read it, and I've seen the bit about "beating woman into submission". This is how we have discussions. It's refreshing to not have labeling and name-calling. This proves that you are a reasonable person. And as a Christian (not sure if you are Christian or Jewish, or neither) we are to love our enemies. It may seem naive and tree-hugging, but I do love most of the Muslims that I've met. Not in the sense of....**huge fake smile, and "bless you"**....but I respect their intelligence, and their place in this world. And two of my dearest friends are Jewish. You are correct about the content of the Koran, from what I've read. But it seems to be mostly fringe elements who plot bombings, and murder of innocent people...from all religions.

But my whole point from the beginning was: I am sick and tired of labels. You're either for us, or against us. You're anti-semitic, anti-Christian, or anti-Muslim. It doesn't do any of us, any good. NOTHING, justifies killing innocent people....I don't care which philosophy you follow. And everything isn't black, or white. There are two sides to EVERY story.

Muslims are first Muslims and against all non-Muslims. The Quran teaches that Muslims can only be good to other Muslims. Kafirs are dirt and can be murdered, raped, cheated and lied to.

...says the sheistiest motherfucking jew on this internet message forum...

..a guy who literally can be quoted calling for the extermination of non-jews...


Stoner, I study Islam. You, on the other hand, are an ignorant, hot mess.

I'm infinitely smarter than you, stoner. Suicide is your only option.
Muslims are first Muslims and against all non-Muslims. The Quran teaches that Muslims can only be good to other Muslims. Kafirs are dirt and can be murdered, raped, cheated and lied to.

...says the sheistiest motherfucking jew on this internet message forum...

..a guy who literally can be quoted calling for the extermination of non-jews...


You just lowered the IQ of the thread another 20 points, stoner. That would be equal to your own IQ.

Now, run along, you sociopath, and find out who the Palestinians are that I have asked you about. You keep running scared.

MAKE me run along, motherfucker. Your opinion about IQs are about as savvy as your grasp on the use of a comma, jew.

Muslims are first Muslims and against all non-Muslims. The Quran teaches that Muslims can only be good to other Muslims. Kafirs are dirt and can be murdered, raped, cheated and lied to.

...says the sheistiest motherfucking jew on this internet message forum...

..a guy who literally can be quoted calling for the extermination of non-jews...


Stoner, I study Islam. You, on the other hand, are an ignorant, hot mess.

I'm infinitely smarter than you, stoner. Suicide is your only option.


YOU study islam! HILARIOUS! You study islam about as much as german camp guards study hebrew, motherfucker. You can't scrape together 4 people on this forum, who are not jews, to support your "I am smart" thesis. I DARE you to try...

And that has stopped radical "Christians" from bombing establishments of which they feel does not align with their beliefs, and lying prone, in wait, with their sites set on the head of an individual to whom they disagree? Rwanda...many of them were Christians.

I do recall several instances of people who should be "put to death" in the Old Testament. Indeed, Jesus was a man of peace; but that hasn't stopped the Phelps clan, and others who are like-minded. I understand and agree with what you have written; but just because one of "The Books" tells us that we are to do this, or that....doesn't mean that we ALL do those things.

Those Christians were violating Biblical doctrine.

Muslims committing jihad are following Quranic doctrine.
Indeed, it is a religious obligation to commit jihad.

Jesus said he who lives by the sword, dies by the sword.
Muhammad advocated using the sword against one's enemies.

And, there is nothing in the Old Testament calling for mass death of non-Jews

You're absolutely correct. Where in the Quran is this?

There are far too many murderous Quranic verses to quote in their entirety, but, a few prominent ones are the following...

Quran 9:5...
Then, when the sacred months have passed, slay the idolaters wherever ye find them, and take them (captive), and besiege them, and prepare for them each ambush. But if they repent and establish worship and pay the poor-due, then leave their way free. Lo! Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.

Quran 9:29...
Fight those who believe not in Allah nor acknowledge the religion of Truth (Islam)

Quran 9:123...
O ye who believe! Fight the disbelievers who are near to you, and let them find harshness in you, and know that Allah is with those who keep their duty unto Him

Quran 9:111...
Allah hath bought from the believers their lives and their wealth because the Garden will be theirs: they shall fight in the way of Allah and shall slay and be slain. Rejoice then in your bargain that ye have made, for that is the supreme triumph

Quran 3:151...
Soon shall We cast terror into the hearts of the Unbelievers, for that they joined companions with Allah, for which He had sent no authority: their abode will be the Fire: And evil is the home of the wrong-doers

Islam, the religion of peace.
...says the sheistiest motherfucking jew on this internet message forum...

..a guy who literally can be quoted calling for the extermination of non-jews...


Stoner, I study Islam. You, on the other hand, are an ignorant, hot mess.

I'm infinitely smarter than you, stoner. Suicide is your only option.


YOU study islam! HILARIOUS! You study islam about as much as german camp guards study hebrew, motherfucker. You can't scrape together 4 people on this forum, who are not jews, to support your "I am smart" thesis. I DARE you to try...


Stoner, I read the Quran, the Hadith and have read the Sira.

I read Islamic scholars' work, such as Bernard Lewis, Watt, Qutb, Maududi, Suyuti, Kathir and Ghazali .

You are an ignorant, hot mess, stoner. I flatten you like a flea.
And that has stopped radical "Christians" from bombing establishments of which they feel does not align with their beliefs,
Funny liberals always try to bring up Christians violence against abortionist! Its so tiny that is an other outrageous claim. No so much to victims of radical Islam!

and lying prone, in wait, with their sites set on the head of an individual to whom they disagree? Rwanda...many of them were Christians.
Read a book, that had nothing to do with religion it had to so with artificial social classifications to Tuisti and Hutu (Sp?)! Amazing you would even try to make that a Christian motivated killing. Now the murder of 100s of Christian recently in Nigeria was a Radical Islam motivated crime!

I do recall several instances of people who should be "put to death" in the Old Testament. Indeed, Jesus was a man of peace; but that hasn't stopped the Phelps clan, and others who are like-minded. I understand and agree with what you have written; but just because one of "The Books" tells us that we are to do this, or that....doesn't mean that we ALL do those things.
All which occurred many moons ago. Radical Islam currently has these philosophies!

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