Jihadi bride begs Merkel to allow her back into Germany

Should the Jihadi Bride be allowed to return to live in Germany?

  • Yes

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  • No

    Votes: 4 100.0%
  • Pineapple

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Platinum Member
Nov 18, 2015
What do you think, people? Should she be allowed back into Germany to live, or is she possibly a threat? I say no. It's time to stop this nonsense of allowing those who run off to support Isis from returning.

'I made a mistake' jihadi bride begs Angela Merkel to allow her back into Germany
A JIHADI bride who left her husband and three children to join ISIS is now “pleading” for Angela Merkel to let her back into Germany.
PUBLISHED: 03:05, Wed, Oct 4, 2017 | UPDATED: 08:17, Wed, Oct 4, 2017


Nadja Ramadan addresses Merkel directly and begs to be allowed back into Germany
Nadja Ramadan, 31, left for Syria in 2014 and started a new family but now wants to return to Germany.

Appearing in a video with her son sleeping in lap, she speaks to Ms Merkel directly, saying she "made a mistake".

She added: “Please, I need your help, please help us. I would like to go back to Germany with my two children.

“Please help us to get back to Germany very quickly. I want my children to grow up normally, that my children go to kindergarten, that my children go to school."

She reportedly ended up in Syria Rakka, the capital of ISIS, immediately married a jihadist fighter from Hamburg and had three children...

She said she wanted to “live in peace in an Islamic world, serve God and raise my children”.

Ramadan claims she is not dangerous and that she was unable to shoot because she is afraid of weapons.

She said she spent her time home cooking, reading the Koran and watching movies.

She also said: "The time under ISIS rule was the best time of my life."

Although she claims she is not dangerous, she also says that the Caliphate is now defeated because it was not "strict enough"....

'I made a mistake' jihadi bride begs Angela Merkel to allow her back into Germany
What do you think, people? Should she be allowed back into Germany to live, or is she possibly a threat? I say no. It's time to stop this nonsense of allowing those who run off to support Isis from returning.

'I made a mistake' jihadi bride begs Angela Merkel to allow her back into Germany
A JIHADI bride who left her husband and three children to join ISIS is now “pleading” for Angela Merkel to let her back into Germany.
PUBLISHED: 03:05, Wed, Oct 4, 2017 | UPDATED: 08:17, Wed, Oct 4, 2017


Nadja Ramadan addresses Merkel directly and begs to be allowed back into Germany
Nadja Ramadan, 31, left for Syria in 2014 and started a new family but now wants to return to Germany.

Appearing in a video with her son sleeping in lap, she speaks to Ms Merkel directly, saying she "made a mistake".

She added: “Please, I need your help, please help us. I would like to go back to Germany with my two children.

“Please help us to get back to Germany very quickly. I want my children to grow up normally, that my children go to kindergarten, that my children go to school."

She reportedly ended up in Syria Rakka, the capital of ISIS, immediately married a jihadist fighter from Hamburg and had three children...

She said she wanted to “live in peace in an Islamic world, serve God and raise my children”.

Ramadan claims she is not dangerous and that she was unable to shoot because she is afraid of weapons.

She said she spent her time home cooking, reading the Koran and watching movies.

She also said: "The time under ISIS rule was the best time of my life."

Although she claims she is not dangerous, she also says that the Caliphate is now defeated because it was not "strict enough"....

'I made a mistake' jihadi bride begs Angela Merkel to allow her back into Germany
Holybatshitcrazy FUCK NO!

sawing off heads with knives, throwing gays from roofs, drowning people that aren't muslim enough, setting people on fire, is not strict enough.

slut made her bed, now she has to die in it.
What do you think, people? Should she be allowed back into Germany to live, or is she possibly a threat? I say no. It's time to stop this nonsense of allowing those who run off to support Isis from returning.

'I made a mistake' jihadi bride begs Angela Merkel to allow her back into Germany
A JIHADI bride who left her husband and three children to join ISIS is now “pleading” for Angela Merkel to let her back into Germany.
PUBLISHED: 03:05, Wed, Oct 4, 2017 | UPDATED: 08:17, Wed, Oct 4, 2017


Nadja Ramadan addresses Merkel directly and begs to be allowed back into Germany
Nadja Ramadan, 31, left for Syria in 2014 and started a new family but now wants to return to Germany.

Appearing in a video with her son sleeping in lap, she speaks to Ms Merkel directly, saying she "made a mistake".

She added: “Please, I need your help, please help us. I would like to go back to Germany with my two children.

“Please help us to get back to Germany very quickly. I want my children to grow up normally, that my children go to kindergarten, that my children go to school."

She reportedly ended up in Syria Rakka, the capital of ISIS, immediately married a jihadist fighter from Hamburg and had three children...

She said she wanted to “live in peace in an Islamic world, serve God and raise my children”.

Ramadan claims she is not dangerous and that she was unable to shoot because she is afraid of weapons.

She said she spent her time home cooking, reading the Koran and watching movies.

She also said: "The time under ISIS rule was the best time of my life."

Although she claims she is not dangerous, she also says that the Caliphate is now defeated because it was not "strict enough"....

'I made a mistake' jihadi bride begs Angela Merkel to allow her back into Germany
Knowing that idiot Merkel, she would inviter her back. The Chancellor is a fool.
Let the woman rot where she is!

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