Jill Biden

As long as we're on the subject of Jill Biden, there's this:

Betsy Walker is Jill Biden’s former longtime White House personal assistant. The CHICOMs paid this woman’s family $6 million for no apparent reason. Her husband, in a recorded phone call, begged Tony Bobulinski not to go public.

Rob Walker: Tony Bobulinski Brings His Name Into Hunter Biden Laptop Controversy

And some pretty damning evidence against the Bidens here...

https://www.finance.senate.gov/imo/...HSGAC - Finance Joint Report Supplemental.pdf
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An article in the WSJ op ed page supposedly shreds Jill Biden as a Doctor. She is not. A person who works there Melissa Korn ripped the article. Anyway, Jill Biden is much less then advertised according to the article. Vetting is so much fun when it is not against you as Joe and Jill were so fortunate to receive from the biased media.
She is a Doctor of Education.

Then she should be dismissed for malpractice.
This thread is just more proof-as though we needed any- that conservatives are as dumb as a turnip

So if anyone has the temerity to disagree with you they are dumb. You may want to check on your own se
An article in the WSJ op ed page supposedly shreds Jill Biden as a Doctor. She is not. A person who works there Melissa Korn ripped the article. Anyway, Jill Biden is much less then advertised according to the article. Vetting is so much fun when it is not against you as Joe and Jill were so fortunate to receive from the biased media.
She is a Doctor of Education.

Yes she is. She is a DOCTOR of Education.

No, she has a PHd which in todays parlance is much different from a doctor. And with her history she doesn't even deserve that/

No, as the Admiral pointed out, she has an Ed.D. But that is still referred to as "Doctor". She is not an MD, but she IS a Dr.

Only by stretching the definition of Dr. She has a higher degree, but that does not entitle her to be called doctor. Misinformation.

Not at all. The misinformed are those who think the term "Doctor" is only for those who are MDs.

When you hear the term "doctor", what is the first profession that you think of? Be honest for once and give a truthful answer.
Nothing I said was untrue
Therefore I gave you an honest answer.

Is Jill Biden a “medical” doctor.
Neither she nor I nor any reasonable person ever claimed as such. Jill Biden has and earned a “doctorate”. Yes or no. Now be honest.
When you hear “football player” which Sport do you think of?

Yes she earned a "doctorate" but has been known to pretend she is otherwise. In other words, she lies.

As for a football player, personally I think of soccer. If you think otherwise that is your problem, one of many.
What exactly did she lie about?
An article in the WSJ op ed page supposedly shreds Jill Biden as a Doctor. She is not. A person who works there Melissa Korn ripped the article. Anyway, Jill Biden is much less then advertised according to the article. Vetting is so much fun when it is not against you as Joe and Jill were so fortunate to receive from the biased media.
She is a Doctor of Education.

Then she should be dismissed for malpractice.
This thread is just more proof-as though we needed any- that conservatives are as dumb as a turnip

So if anyone has the temerity to disagree with you they are dumb. You may want to check on your own se
An article in the WSJ op ed page supposedly shreds Jill Biden as a Doctor. She is not. A person who works there Melissa Korn ripped the article. Anyway, Jill Biden is much less then advertised according to the article. Vetting is so much fun when it is not against you as Joe and Jill were so fortunate to receive from the biased media.
She is a Doctor of Education.

Yes she is. She is a DOCTOR of Education.

No, she has a PHd which in todays parlance is much different from a doctor. And with her history she doesn't even deserve that/

No, as the Admiral pointed out, she has an Ed.D. But that is still referred to as "Doctor". She is not an MD, but she IS a Dr.

Only by stretching the definition of Dr. She has a higher degree, but that does not entitle her to be called doctor. Misinformation.

Not at all. The misinformed are those who think the term "Doctor" is only for those who are MDs.

When you hear the term "doctor", what is the first profession that you think of? Be honest for once and give a truthful answer.
Nothing I said was untrue
Therefore I gave you an honest answer.

Is Jill Biden a “medical” doctor.
Neither she nor I nor any reasonable person ever claimed as such. Jill Biden has and earned a “doctorate”. Yes or no. Now be honest.
When you hear “football player” which Sport do you think of?

Yes she earned a "doctorate" but has been known to pretend she is otherwise. In other words, she lies.

As for a football player, personally I think of soccer. If you think otherwise that is your problem, one of many.

She has pretended to be something else? What? When?
A Doctorate Degree

Doesn't imply that you are a medical doctor.

It’s not that difficult, unless you just want to be an asshole, which most on the political right are assholes.

It also does not imply that you are a actual doctor, just claim the title for personal reasons.

It is a privilege given to those who complete a doctorate.

Given, not earned or required, used only for personal glorification and deceit.

Yes, earned. The standards for an Ed.D. are pretty high.
Horseshit! She has a PhD and is very much entittled to use "Doctor"

No, it's pretentious and confusing. These types who are not "real" doctors are always trying this on, and they always show themselves up for what they are: insecure and not very important.
The writer is a troll of little significance. I suspect he goes by a pseudonym here on this board. WSJ should be ashamed.
An article in the WSJ op ed page supposedly shreds Jill Biden as a Doctor. She is not. A person who works there Melissa Korn ripped the article. Anyway, Jill Biden is much less then advertised according to the article. Vetting is so much fun when it is not against you as Joe and Jill were so fortunate to receive from the biased media.

She possesses a Doctorate in Education. She is properly addressed as "Doctor".
Yes, let's all be respectful to our new First Lady.

For the last four years, we have had a beautiful & gracious First Lady whom most people have been respectful of or have simply ignored. But there has been very little mean-spirited comments about her. That is the way it should be.

Now on January 20, we will have Dr. Biden as our new First Lady. And most Americans of all political persuasions, I assume, will treat her with the usual respect that we traditionally give to First Ladies. (My favorite was Mrs. Richard M. Nixon.)

"But there has been very little mean-spirited comments about her"


Are you fucking serious?!!!!!!!!!!!!
Melania has been attacked non-stop by the left for four fucking years!!! Where the fuck have you been?
The Left don’t like porn stars.
I had a neighbor insist on being called Master Han because he was a black belt or a teacher in something like karate. Felt forced but I obliged.
Wingnuts have no issue with Judge Jeanine, even though she hasn’t been a judge in over ten years after leaving office in disgrace.
I was curious and Googled and nothing; is there a Link concerning her disgrace?
Scandal, scandal, scandal from that bitch.

Witness reveals Fox news host Jeanine Pirro had affair with Texas cop who probed Robert Durst murder case - New York Daily News (nydailynews.com)

And this, from 2007:

Hey everybody! Have a nice weekend? Get some rest? Watch a football game? Good for you. Unfortunately, not all of us had such a great time. Jeanine and Al Pirro let slip that they are getting a divorce. You remember Al and Jeanine — he was the guy who sabotaged his wife’s political ambitions by earning a tax-evasion conviction and fathering a love child, and she was the one who was caught on tape asking Bernie Kerik to bug her husband’s yacht to catch him philandering? Hm. Maybe it wasn’t so much that the pair had a bad weekend — more like they’ve had a bad decade or so. Former Westchester D.A. Jeanine failed in her runs for U.S. senator, lieutenant governor, and state attorney general, and real-estate broker Al spent over a year in the clink, starting in 2000. It looks like their divorce has already been hashed out so at least this part might run smoothly, though All-Purpose Divorce Spokesman Raoul Felder claims “it’s mutually assured destruction” (Felder, of course, represents neither party). It’s times like these, when tabloid superstars hit rock bottom, that we turn to the one name we can trust: Cindy Adams. What does Lady C, who was pals with both parties, have to say about the Pirros’ great love?

Cindy Adams Pirro-uettes Over Pals' Marriage Woes (nymag.com)
Wingnuts have no issue with Judge Jeanine, even though she hasn’t been a judge in over ten years after leaving office in disgrace.
I was curious and Googled and nothing; is there a Link concerning her disgrace?
Scandal, scandal, scandal from that bitch.

Witness reveals Fox news host Jeanine Pirro had affair with Texas cop who probed Robert Durst murder case - New York Daily News (nydailynews.com)

And this, from 2007:

Hey everybody! Have a nice weekend? Get some rest? Watch a football game? Good for you. Unfortunately, not all of us had such a great time. Jeanine and Al Pirro let slip that they are getting a divorce. You remember Al and Jeanine — he was the guy who sabotaged his wife’s political ambitions by earning a tax-evasion conviction and fathering a love child, and she was the one who was caught on tape asking Bernie Kerik to bug her husband’s yacht to catch him philandering? Hm. Maybe it wasn’t so much that the pair had a bad weekend — more like they’ve had a bad decade or so. Former Westchester D.A. Jeanine failed in her runs for U.S. senator, lieutenant governor, and state attorney general, and real-estate broker Al spent over a year in the clink, starting in 2000. It looks like their divorce has already been hashed out so at least this part might run smoothly, though All-Purpose Divorce Spokesman Raoul Felder claims “it’s mutually assured destruction” (Felder, of course, represents neither party). It’s times like these, when tabloid superstars hit rock bottom, that we turn to the one name we can trust: Cindy Adams. What does Lady C, who was pals with both parties, have to say about the Pirros’ great love?

Cindy Adams Pirro-uettes Over Pals' Marriage Woes (nymag.com)
Hell, I'd have an affair with her anytime.



What reason do you have to attack this woman? what benefit do you derive from insulting a woman you don't know who has never done you any harm?
An article in the WSJ op ed page supposedly shreds Jill Biden as a Doctor. She is not. A person who works there Melissa Korn ripped the article. Anyway, Jill Biden is much less then advertised according to the article. Vetting is so much fun when it is not against you as Joe and Jill were so fortunate to receive from the biased media.

She has a Doctorate in Education which make her a Doctor of Education...

Just like Laura Ingram is also hold a Doctorate in Law...
An article in the WSJ op ed page supposedly shreds Jill Biden as a Doctor. She is not. A person who works there Melissa Korn ripped the article. Anyway, Jill Biden is much less then advertised according to the article. Vetting is so much fun when it is not against you as Joe and Jill were so fortunate to receive from the biased media.

I go by Doctor. I worked extremely hard to earn my Sc.D. and legitimately hold the title of "Doctor of Science." That I am not a medical doctor doesn't mean I don't have the right, the authority to use the title.

Obviously I don't agree with the WSJ on this and find the position petty.
An article in the WSJ op ed page supposedly shreds Jill Biden as a Doctor. She is not. A person who works there Melissa Korn ripped the article. Anyway, Jill Biden is much less then advertised according to the article. Vetting is so much fun when it is not against you as Joe and Jill were so fortunate to receive from the biased media.

I go by Doctor. I worked extremely hard to earn my Sc.D. and legitimately hold the title of "Doctor of Science." That I am not a medical doctor doesn't mean I don't have the right, the authority to use the title.

Obviously I don't agree with the WSJ on this and find the position petty.

This idea that only MDs can use the title "Dr" is ridiculous. And the tired old line "no one should be called 'doctor' unless they have delivered a baby" is simply nonsense. I personally know 2 people who have delivered a baby. Neither is in the medical profession. They were just in the right place and helped a distressed woman.

How about dentists? Are they doctors?

What about veterinarians? Are they doctors?

The prefix of someone's name is not determined by the lowest common denominator of the ignorant (willful or otherwise) public.
An article in the WSJ op ed page supposedly shreds Jill Biden as a Doctor. She is not. A person who works there Melissa Korn ripped the article. Anyway, Jill Biden is much less then advertised according to the article. Vetting is so much fun when it is not against you as Joe and Jill were so fortunate to receive from the biased media.

She has a Doctorate in Education which make her a Doctor of Education...

Just like Laura Ingram is also hold a Doctorate in Law...

Traditionally though, those with a Juris doctorate do not use "doctor". "Counselor" is the typical title and "Esquire" is the postfix.

Such as "Saul Goodman, Esq."


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