Jill Biden

An article in the WSJ op ed page supposedly shreds Jill Biden as a Doctor. She is not. A person who works there Melissa Korn ripped the article. Anyway, Jill Biden is much less then advertised according to the article. Vetting is so much fun when it is not against you as Joe and Jill were so fortunate to receive from the biased media.

I go by Doctor. I worked extremely hard to earn my Sc.D. and legitimately hold the title of "Doctor of Science." That I am not a medical doctor doesn't mean I don't have the right, the authority to use the title.

Obviously I don't agree with the WSJ on this and find the position petty.

This idea that only MDs can use the title "Dr" is ridiculous. And the tired old line "no one should be called 'doctor' unless they have delivered a baby" is simply nonsense. I personally know 2 people who have delivered a baby. Neither is in the medical profession. They were just in the right place and helped a distressed woman.

How about dentists? Are they doctors?

What about veterinarians? Are they doctors?

The prefix of someone's name is not determined by the lowest common denominator of the ignorant (willful or otherwise) public.

Dentists and vets are medical doctors, sort of a different situation.

But they defy the idea that only people who have delivered babies should be called 'doctor'.

I suppose.

Personally, I've not encountered anyone with an issue over my title. My employer uses it to lend credibility to our organization.

I have not encountered anyone who had an issue with a Ph.D or Ed.D being called "doctor" either. At least not until the rabid Trumpers started attacking Jill Biden.

A few years ago, the libs had a conniption about Dr. Glenn Beck, who received his doctorate in humanities from Liberty. What goes around comes around. If the libs are going to insist on calling Biden's old lady "Doctor", they should do the same with conservative holders of doctorate degrees.

Dr. Michael Savage!
Swallow this Biden boot lickers!!!

Dr. Michael Savage has an actual Ph.D.
A few years ago, the libs had a conniption about Dr. Glenn Beck, who received his doctorate in humanities from Liberty
Liberty university isn’t an actual university. Next thing people will want to be called doctor for graduating from Trump University.

I wonder if the pool boy got an honorary degree for his part in Falwell Jr's fun.
An article in the WSJ op ed page supposedly shreds Jill Biden as a Doctor. She is not. A person who works there Melissa Korn ripped the article. Anyway, Jill Biden is much less then advertised according to the article. Vetting is so much fun when it is not against you as Joe and Jill were so fortunate to receive from the biased media.

I go by Doctor. I worked extremely hard to earn my Sc.D. and legitimately hold the title of "Doctor of Science." That I am not a medical doctor doesn't mean I don't have the right, the authority to use the title.

Obviously I don't agree with the WSJ on this and find the position petty.

This idea that only MDs can use the title "Dr" is ridiculous. And the tired old line "no one should be called 'doctor' unless they have delivered a baby" is simply nonsense. I personally know 2 people who have delivered a baby. Neither is in the medical profession. They were just in the right place and helped a distressed woman.

How about dentists? Are they doctors?

What about veterinarians? Are they doctors?

The prefix of someone's name is not determined by the lowest common denominator of the ignorant (willful or otherwise) public.

Dentists and vets are medical doctors, sort of a different situation.

But they defy the idea that only people who have delivered babies should be called 'doctor'.

I suppose.

Personally, I've not encountered anyone with an issue over my title. My employer uses it to lend credibility to our organization.

I have not encountered anyone who had an issue with a Ph.D or Ed.D being called "doctor" either. At least not until the rabid Trumpers started attacking Jill Biden.

A few years ago, the libs had a conniption about Dr. Glenn Beck, who received his doctorate in humanities from Liberty. What goes around comes around. If the libs are going to insist on calling Biden's old lady "Doctor", they should do the same with conservative holders of doctorate degrees.

Dr. Michael Savage!
Swallow this Biden boot lickers!!!

Dr. Michael Savage has an actual Ph.D.

But he doesn't window-dress with it.
An article in the WSJ op ed page supposedly shreds Jill Biden as a Doctor. She is not. A person who works there Melissa Korn ripped the article. Anyway, Jill Biden is much less then advertised according to the article. Vetting is so much fun when it is not against you as Joe and Jill were so fortunate to receive from the biased media.

I go by Doctor. I worked extremely hard to earn my Sc.D. and legitimately hold the title of "Doctor of Science." That I am not a medical doctor doesn't mean I don't have the right, the authority to use the title.

Obviously I don't agree with the WSJ on this and find the position petty.

This idea that only MDs can use the title "Dr" is ridiculous. And the tired old line "no one should be called 'doctor' unless they have delivered a baby" is simply nonsense. I personally know 2 people who have delivered a baby. Neither is in the medical profession. They were just in the right place and helped a distressed woman.

How about dentists? Are they doctors?

What about veterinarians? Are they doctors?

The prefix of someone's name is not determined by the lowest common denominator of the ignorant (willful or otherwise) public.

Dentists and vets are medical doctors, sort of a different situation.

But they defy the idea that only people who have delivered babies should be called 'doctor'.

I suppose.

Personally, I've not encountered anyone with an issue over my title. My employer uses it to lend credibility to our organization.

I have not encountered anyone who had an issue with a Ph.D or Ed.D being called "doctor" either. At least not until the rabid Trumpers started attacking Jill Biden.

A few years ago, the libs had a conniption about Dr. Glenn Beck, who received his doctorate in humanities from Liberty. What goes around comes around. If the libs are going to insist on calling Biden's old lady "Doctor", they should do the same with conservative holders of doctorate degrees.

Dr. Michael Savage!
Swallow this Biden boot lickers!!!

Dr. Michael Savage has an actual Ph.D.

But he doesn't window-dress with it.

Ok. That is up to him. Not up to people with a political axe to grind being petty.
An article in the WSJ op ed page supposedly shreds Jill Biden as a Doctor. She is not. A person who works there Melissa Korn ripped the article. Anyway, Jill Biden is much less then advertised according to the article. Vetting is so much fun when it is not against you as Joe and Jill were so fortunate to receive from the biased media.

I go by Doctor. I worked extremely hard to earn my Sc.D. and legitimately hold the title of "Doctor of Science." That I am not a medical doctor doesn't mean I don't have the right, the authority to use the title.

Obviously I don't agree with the WSJ on this and find the position petty.

This idea that only MDs can use the title "Dr" is ridiculous. And the tired old line "no one should be called 'doctor' unless they have delivered a baby" is simply nonsense. I personally know 2 people who have delivered a baby. Neither is in the medical profession. They were just in the right place and helped a distressed woman.

How about dentists? Are they doctors?

What about veterinarians? Are they doctors?

The prefix of someone's name is not determined by the lowest common denominator of the ignorant (willful or otherwise) public.

Dentists and vets are medical doctors, sort of a different situation.

But they defy the idea that only people who have delivered babies should be called 'doctor'.

I suppose.

Personally, I've not encountered anyone with an issue over my title. My employer uses it to lend credibility to our organization.

I have not encountered anyone who had an issue with a Ph.D or Ed.D being called "doctor" either. At least not until the rabid Trumpers started attacking Jill Biden.

Outside of the medical profession, most don't use it publicly unless to window-dress.
And by God, the Biden family is so lame, they need to window-dress any which way they can!

I do.

Everyone I know with a doctorate uses the title "doctor."

My degree is not honorary, I worked for two years in research and was published, along with my team.
An article in the WSJ op ed page supposedly shreds Jill Biden as a Doctor. She is not. A person who works there Melissa Korn ripped the article. Anyway, Jill Biden is much less then advertised according to the article. Vetting is so much fun when it is not against you as Joe and Jill were so fortunate to receive from the biased media.

I go by Doctor. I worked extremely hard to earn my Sc.D. and legitimately hold the title of "Doctor of Science." That I am not a medical doctor doesn't mean I don't have the right, the authority to use the title.

Obviously I don't agree with the WSJ on this and find the position petty.

This idea that only MDs can use the title "Dr" is ridiculous. And the tired old line "no one should be called 'doctor' unless they have delivered a baby" is simply nonsense. I personally know 2 people who have delivered a baby. Neither is in the medical profession. They were just in the right place and helped a distressed woman.

How about dentists? Are they doctors?

What about veterinarians? Are they doctors?

The prefix of someone's name is not determined by the lowest common denominator of the ignorant (willful or otherwise) public.

Dentists and vets are medical doctors, sort of a different situation.

But they defy the idea that only people who have delivered babies should be called 'doctor'.

I suppose.

Personally, I've not encountered anyone with an issue over my title. My employer uses it to lend credibility to our organization.

I have not encountered anyone who had an issue with a Ph.D or Ed.D being called "doctor" either. At least not until the rabid Trumpers started attacking Jill Biden.

Outside of the medical profession, most don't use it publicly unless to window-dress.
And by God, the Biden family is so lame, they need to window-dress any which way they can!

I do.

Everyone I know with a doctorate uses the title "doctor."

My degree is not honorary, I worked for two years in research and was published, along with my team.

Do you plan on putting it on your headstone?
It’s a phony university diploma mill who lets celebrities get degrees without taking any classes.

It’s basically money laundering.


Yale is a diploma mill. Get in, pay tuition, you WILL get a degree.

You're a bigot - simple as that.

No, i did not go to Liberty.
An article in the WSJ op ed page supposedly shreds Jill Biden as a Doctor. She is not. A person who works there Melissa Korn ripped the article. Anyway, Jill Biden is much less then advertised according to the article. Vetting is so much fun when it is not against you as Joe and Jill were so fortunate to receive from the biased media.
She is Sleepy's bouncer, isn't she??
What a steaming pile of bigoted shit.
It’s true. Liberty University is nothing more than a tax shelter.

Its actually an accredited university, one of the largest in the world.

Since liberals don't admit conservatives to their university, where do you expect them to go to school at?
Yale is a diploma mill. Get in, pay tuition, you WILL get a degree.

You're a bigot - simple as that.
yale has actual professors and people have to take classes.

You can get a diploma from Liberty without taking any classes.

But go ahead and hide behind Christianity as if that makes you immune to criticism.
If she possesses a PHD, then she can be addressed as "Doctor". My brother and sister and law possess PHD's in Physics. They are addressed by their peers as such.
The educated among us can discern between PHD and MD. However, given your side's willingness to believe a man who has hawked miracle drug cures, injecting
disinfectants, and sticking UV lights where the sun don't shine, you really don't have much to stand on here. Nor does anyone else making the argument that Jill Biden
needs to drop the Dr.
I always called my Arabic professor Dr.
yale has actual professors and people have to take classes.

You can get a diploma from Liberty without taking any classes.

But go ahead and hide behind Christianity as if that makes you immune to criticism.

Yale has leftist activists, and no - you don't have to take classes or pass exams - as long as you pay you get a diploma.

As for Liberty, you have nothing to base your slander and libel on.

Tell me Chang, do you even know what accreditation is? Do they have it over there in China?

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