Jill Biden’s ex-husband accuses her of affair with Joe in 1970s

Joe Biden the consumate liar

Jill Biden’s ex-husband has accused the potential first lady of having an affair with Joe Biden and says they lied about how they met in the 1970s, according to a bombshell new report.

Bill Stevenson on Monday accused the presumptive Democratic nominee of being a home-wrecker and says the feel-good story of how Biden and Jill met on a blind date is completely made up, the Daily Mail reported.

“I don’t want to hurt anyone,” said Stevenson, now 72, who is working on a book that includes the lurid claim. “But facts are facts and what happened, happened.”

Stevenson and his then-wife grew close to Biden in 1972 while working on his first campaign to represent Delaware in the US Senate.

That same year, tragedy struck when Biden’s first wife, Neilia, and infant daughter were killed in a car crash.

Stevenson said first suspected the affair in 1974, when his wife passed on meeting an up-and-coming rock star who was set to play at his Delaware club.

“I know exactly when it was,’ he told the Daily Mail. “Bruce Springsteen was going to play at The Stone Balloon and I had to go to Northern New Jersey to pay him in advance.

No wonder why Biden is so attracted to Kamala, they share the same background as HomeWreckers.

better watch out -donny's CONcubine, marla - & who got knocked up whilst he was still married to ivana & gave birth to his 4th spawn might have an issue with labling anyone a homewrecker.
Oh yeah, so your position is your immoral cheater is more moral than our immoral cheater. Looks like a stalemate. Now let's discuss policy.

i've seen donny in action for decades in the private sector & the public eye.

all of it plays into it, sweety. all of it.
Whatever. Let me know when you're ready to discuss policy of Biden and Trump.

donny has no policy other than to crash & burn everything he touches.
Joe Biden the consumate liar

Jill Biden’s ex-husband has accused the potential first lady of having an affair with Joe Biden and says they lied about how they met in the 1970s, according to a bombshell new report.

Bill Stevenson on Monday accused the presumptive Democratic nominee of being a home-wrecker and says the feel-good story of how Biden and Jill met on a blind date is completely made up, the Daily Mail reported.

“I don’t want to hurt anyone,” said Stevenson, now 72, who is working on a book that includes the lurid claim. “But facts are facts and what happened, happened.”

Stevenson and his then-wife grew close to Biden in 1972 while working on his first campaign to represent Delaware in the US Senate.

That same year, tragedy struck when Biden’s first wife, Neilia, and infant daughter were killed in a car crash.

Stevenson said first suspected the affair in 1974, when his wife passed on meeting an up-and-coming rock star who was set to play at his Delaware club.

“I know exactly when it was,’ he told the Daily Mail. “Bruce Springsteen was going to play at The Stone Balloon and I had to go to Northern New Jersey to pay him in advance.

That probably won't change even one vote, except those who wonder about his honesty.
At least he didn't grab her by the pussy and then try to buy her silence
I see these idiotic comments about Trumps dream of being a stud muffin in a locker room--------I am woman and even I know that guys talk like this about their supposed conquests and delusions of what they think women like. This said, Trump said nothing of grabbing a woman's P without her wanting to be grabbed. Grabbing a P is pretty standard in hetero sex-----------so this leaves me to think that the idiots who keep bringing up this mudane comment are actually gay guys who find touching any woman sexually as disgusting.
A statement by the president about his grabbing pussy is far from being dull or lacking in interest. This isn’t necessarily new territory for Trump. An affair while he was married broke up his first marriage. In appearances on The Howard Stern Show, he frequently rated women based on their looks and desirability and described his sexual encounters in such detail that Stern would stop him. In the office, his employees were subjected to endless commentary on the female form. Several former Miss Universe pageant contestants complained about him wandering into the dressing room while they were partially or totally naked. And of course there's the numerous women that have now come forward to relate disturbing stories of his sexual abuse over the past three decades.

Since you claim to be a women, I suppose you have not been privy to a lot of men's locker room talk but I have dating back to high school and college when I played baseball and years playing various team supports. First of all, the idea that "it was only locker-room talk," and "all men do it" is just not so. In fact most men do not verbally abuse women in lockers rooms and most that do have some pretty serious problems.

Trump's abuse of people is certainly not limited to just women. From the time when he was a youngster and he beat up younger kids in the neighborhood to his nightly presidential twitter rampages, he always has gone after those he considered to be weak and as president that includes just about everyone.
Poor baby. Do you need a bedtime story and the light left on?
Joe Biden the consumate liar

Jill Biden’s ex-husband has accused the potential first lady of having an affair with Joe Biden and says they lied about how they met in the 1970s, according to a bombshell new report.

Bill Stevenson on Monday accused the presumptive Democratic nominee of being a home-wrecker and says the feel-good story of how Biden and Jill met on a blind date is completely made up, the Daily Mail reported.

“I don’t want to hurt anyone,” said Stevenson, now 72, who is working on a book that includes the lurid claim. “But facts are facts and what happened, happened.”

Stevenson and his then-wife grew close to Biden in 1972 while working on his first campaign to represent Delaware in the US Senate.

That same year, tragedy struck when Biden’s first wife, Neilia, and infant daughter were killed in a car crash.

Stevenson said first suspected the affair in 1974, when his wife passed on meeting an up-and-coming rock star who was set to play at his Delaware club.

“I know exactly when it was,’ he told the Daily Mail. “Bruce Springsteen was going to play at The Stone Balloon and I had to go to Northern New Jersey to pay him in advance.

No wonder why Biden is so attracted to Kamala, they share the same background as HomeWreckers.

better watch out -donny's CONcubine who got knocked up whilst he was still married to ivana & gave birth to his 4th spawn might tae ssue with labling anyone a homewrecker.
its not about trump doing it,,we all know what he did,,,

its to determine if dems have the same standards for themselves they have for others,,,,

you answered that question,,,

You haven't proven Biden did anything immoral. Don't ya think you should at least start there?

I think extorting a foreign country is pretty immoral. Don't you?
Too bad for you Biden didn't do that. Is that really the best you've got?

He didn't? This video proves otherwise. Not only that he's proud of his illegal action.


That video proves no such thing. :cuckoo:

What it does show is Biden imposing pre-conditions on us giving Ukraine loan guarantees. Pre-conditions supported by the Executive branch in support of Ukraine's Raza who wanted Shokin removed from office for not prosecuting corrupt oligarchs.

Even Impeached Trump supports that...

“Why would you give money to a country that you think is corrupt?” - Impeached Trump

Why are you a moron who believes that the riots in Portland are a myth?

You're fucking deranged, rightie. :cuckoo:

I never said any such thing.

zoggy's only way of debating is making crap up.

LOL. I am An Independent and you two make lies up about Trump nonstop and never criticize the Democrats for allowing our cities to burn. Hypocrisy 101.


Newt frowns with heavy disapproval on Joe's scandalous infidelity.....View attachment 376416

A real man cheats on his wife while she in on her death bed -- or at least pays to screw a porn star raw; when his wife has just given birth to his child....
I always wonder why posts like this arent deleted. Totally irrelevant to the thread title.

The left ALWAYS derails threads the cant defend
I wonder why dumb asses like you clutch your pearls about shit you worship your cult leader for doing -- and more.....

Your fake outrage is just that, fake...so fuk what you whining about

Not at all. Just pointing out that Plugs and that deadbeat sprog of his are lowlife shitstains of the lowest order.... and now he's a stuttering fuck that forgets what a lowlife he is. No outrage, no breathlessness. Just facts.

' plugs' is straight from oxyboy's cancer ridden lips you ditto head.

lol............. busted.

donny had a such a botched scalp reduction that it looks like a fucking piss yellow tribble lives up there.
Joe Biden the consumate liar

Jill Biden’s ex-husband has accused the potential first lady of having an affair with Joe Biden and says they lied about how they met in the 1970s, according to a bombshell new report.

Bill Stevenson on Monday accused the presumptive Democratic nominee of being a home-wrecker and says the feel-good story of how Biden and Jill met on a blind date is completely made up, the Daily Mail reported.

“I don’t want to hurt anyone,” said Stevenson, now 72, who is working on a book that includes the lurid claim. “But facts are facts and what happened, happened.”

Stevenson and his then-wife grew close to Biden in 1972 while working on his first campaign to represent Delaware in the US Senate.

That same year, tragedy struck when Biden’s first wife, Neilia, and infant daughter were killed in a car crash.

Stevenson said first suspected the affair in 1974, when his wife passed on meeting an up-and-coming rock star who was set to play at his Delaware club.

“I know exactly when it was,’ he told the Daily Mail. “Bruce Springsteen was going to play at The Stone Balloon and I had to go to Northern New Jersey to pay him in advance.

No wonder why Biden is so attracted to Kamala, they share the same background as HomeWreckers.

better watch out -donny's CONcubine who got knocked up whilst he was still married to ivana & gave birth to his 4th spawn might tae ssue with labling anyone a homewrecker.
its not about trump doing it,,we all know what he did,,,

its to determine if dems have the same standards for themselves they have for others,,,,

you answered that question,,,

You haven't proven Biden did anything immoral. Don't ya think you should at least start there?

I think extorting a foreign country is pretty immoral. Don't you?
Too bad for you Biden didn't do that. Is that really the best you've got?

He didn't? This video proves otherwise. Not only that he's proud of his illegal action.

lol ... & now for the real facts:

Here’s What Happened With The Bidens And Ukraine
Lisette Voytko Forbes Staff

(Updated: 11:43 a.m. EST, 10/4/2019)

Topline: President Trump and his personal lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, repeatedly claimed that Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden engaged in corruption while the two had dealings in Ukraine.

But no evidence of corruption has ever been found⁠—here’s what actually happened:

  • In May 2014, Hunter Biden took a board seat on Ukrainian natural gas company Burisma Holdings. He was reportedly paid $50,000 per month.
  • Burisma had ties to Ukraine’s previous president Viktor Yanukovych, who was ousted from office.
  • As vice president, Joe Biden was tasked with reducing corruption in Ukraine after Yanukovych⁠—eventually charged with “mass killing of civilians”⁠— exiled himself to Crimea amid threats of civil war.
  • The overlap between the vice president and his son raised concerns over a potential conflict of interest. The Obama White House said there was no issue with Hunter Biden’s work, and that no conflict of interest existed.
  • In 2016, and with the support of other world leaders, Joe Biden threatened to withhold $1 billion of U.S. aid unless Ukraine’s leaders fired the country’s top prosecutor, Viktor Shokin, for being too soft on corruption⁠⁠—which they did.
  • Before Shokin was fired, he had been conducting an investigation of Burisma, and Hunter Biden allegedly was a subject. But the investigation had been inactive for over a year by the time Joe Biden pushed for Shokin’s ouster.
  • Hunter Biden stepped down from his Burisma board seat in April 2019. He had been offered another term but refused because it could possibly hurt Joe Biden’s presidential campaign.
  • Kurt Volker, the former U.S. special envoy for Ukraine, testified in an October 3 hearing before Congress that he warned Giuliani that he was being given “untrustworthy” information about the Bidens. Volker resigned his post September 28 after being named in the whistleblower report.
  • Ukraine’s current top prosecutor Ruslan Ryaboshapka said October 4 he will review all old cases involving Burisma. He did not say when the review will be completed, or if the cases will be re-opened.
Here’s What Happened With The Bidens And Ukraine

Hunter Biden had ZERO experience in oil and/or gas and none whatsoever in Ukraine. Why was he qualified for a $600,000 a year job with Burisma? Biden was thrown out of the US Navy for being a coke-head and refused to pay child support for the spawn he sired. Doesn't sound like he should be commanding that kind of income.


Who the fuck are you to decide what he should get paid?

I'm not.

But what's wrong with TRANSPARENCY, so that we can see the links between Biden and Ukraine as well as Biden and Red China?

It seems like Burisma was buying INFLUENCE. If they weren't let's hear what the Bidens did to earn the money.

So what if they were? There's no evidence Joe Biden ever did anything for them in exchange.

Stupid asses like polishprince and others have no clue why the son of a powerful politician has power and influence. Having a phone call answered means everything. A simple phone call from a politician's son requesting a meeting with someone can mean everything. Basically, these people like the son of someone, are door openers.

So, in your view, this was Burisma paying top dollar for Influence and that's just hunky-dory with you?

China grants 18 trademarks in 2 months to Trump, daughter
By ERIKA KINETZNovember 7, 2018 GMT
China grants 18 trademarks in 2 months to Trump, daughter

An affair almost 50 years ago?

Its going to be hard for Sleepy Joe to disprove, that's for sure. I'm going to hold Mr. Biden to the same standards that he and his ilk- particularly his running mate- help Justice Kavanaugh to.
Kavanaugh was treated horrendously and I agree he got jacked with maliciously. I don't particularly care about Joe having had an affair or not. He can't manage as it is. With Harris in there, the Democratic Party looks like a bunch of hypocrites. No affair needed.
Donald Trump has been an A List Celebrity for40 years, he's had his pic taken with thousands of broads.

So let me ask you.
Are you saying trump never had this affair with Stormy, and he paid her off for nothing, or it never happened.
Donald Trump has been an A List Celebrity for40 years, he's had his pic taken with thousands of broads.

So let me ask you.
Are you saying trump never had this affair with Stormy, and he paid her off for nothing, or it never happened.
May be wrong , but I think he is saying that bill Clinton jammed his cigar into Monica, an intern , in the oval office . To you democrats it was just Billy boy being Billy boy ... but Trump banged a stripper before he was ever elected to office and poor dems couldn't believe people were so deplorable to vote for that orange beast . Bit then Joe Biden. And it's all ok again ...

May be wrong , but I think he is saying that bill Clinton jammed his cigar into Monica, an intern , in the oval office . To you democrats it was just Billy boy being Billy boy ... but Trump banged a stripper before he was ever elected to office and poor dems couldn't believe people were so deplorable to vote for that orange beast . Bit then Joe Biden. And it's all ok again ...

Follow along pal.
If Biden is guilty, bring charges with evidence, and try him. I doubt it though.
If Blll Clinton is guilty, bring charges with evidence, and try him. Highly Likely he is Guilty.
If Trump is guilty, bring charges with evidence, and try him. Highly Likely he committed many, many crimes.

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