Jilted boyfried shoots two and himself at mall

If the store owners were armed maybe the idiot wouldn't have killed both of them

Being defenseless is the problem

And, the armed guards?

Were they in the store when he started shooting?


We can never be sure the one with the gun will just happen to be in the right place at the right time.

That's why having armed teachers, armed guards, armed anybody has not proven to be a deterrent.

OTOH, several times, unarmed bystanders have successfully disarmed nutters.

If the nutters get their way, everyone will be armed. There will be no place that safe from this idiocy.
Tell that to the families of the dead. Every day, more dead kids but the nutters say 'gun crime is down'.

That's not enough.

MORE firearms lead to reduced crime and murder as evidenced by the FBI report that states that since 1993 firearm crimes are down 67 percent and murders are down by over 7000.

Tell it to this baby who is growing up with a daddy and his mother who is raising her child alone.

A newly-released 911 tape from the Florida movie theater shooting reveals that the alleged shooter sat and watched the victim die from a gunshot wound to the chest.

A frantic call was made from the movie theater in Wesley Chapel, Florida at 1.29pm on January 13 after a shot rang out.

A caller is heard on the tape telling the dispatcher 'there’s been a gunshot... it looks like it broke his sternum' with a 'shotgun or pistol'.

He also frantically alerts the dispatcher to the fact that the shooter, 'an older gentleman', is still present.

Read more: 911 tape released from Florida movie theater shooting | Mail Online
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You are missing the point entirely. If more guns means less murder, then less guns means MORE murder, therefore if we have less guns, we have more babies to explain this too.
Another angry shooter enable by the NRA/GOP with lax and sloppy gun laws.

He was not a member of any well-regulated militia, and was not using it for self-protection.

Too bad it's overwhelmingly likely he was an Obama supporter

and your asshole just said hes glad those people are dead you fucking heathen

That doesn't change the fact that we have yet ANOTHER democrat mass murderer. Why are they always democrats?
Look we all know this was not the poor guy's fault!

That damned gun leaped out of wherever is was stored right into his hand and dragged him to the mall. It then forced him to aim at the girl and pulled the trigger while he was doing everything possible to stop it. And then, it took over his muscles and pointed itself at his head and once again fired on its own.

-- said no one, anywhere, ever.

Another angry shooter enable by the NRA/GOP with lax and sloppy gun laws.

Maryland has some of the strictest gun laws in the country, fat ass.

He was not a member of any well-regulated militia

Who said he needed to be?

The Constitution.
Good thinking. The militia should bear arms. Because we all know what good an unarmed militia would be. Wait, that's not a militia and the militia isn't "the people". Besides, the founders wrote on what they meant, we don't need crystal balls.
If the store owners were armed maybe the idiot wouldn't have killed both of them

Being defenseless is the problem

Obviously, because the answer to guns is... more guns! Just as the answer to any violence is more violence. That's why when there's a fire the FD shows up to pour gasoline on it. After all, 'an armed society is a polite society', right?


Life on Planet Bizzaro... :cuckoo:

And if you buy that line I've got a tractor trailer full of sham-wows and Kevin Trudeau books for sale.

It's a poignant comment on our gun-obsessed culture that the store employee had only to say "Shooter- call police!" and everyone in earshot knew what was going on.
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Another angry shooter enable by the NRA/GOP with lax and sloppy gun laws.

He was not a member of any well-regulated militia, and was not using it for self-protection.

gun-free zone in on the of the most anti-gun states in the union.
If the store owners were armed maybe the idiot wouldn't have killed both of them

Being defenseless is the problem

Obviously, because the answer to guns is... more guns! Just as the answer to any violence is more violence. That's why when there's a fire the FD shows up to pour gasoline on it.

Life on Planet Bizzaro... :cuckoo:

It's a poignant comment on our gun-obsessed culture that the store employee had only to say "Shooter- call police!" and everyone in earshot knew what he meant.

You missed the poignant element, Pogo (named after Gacy?), the poignant part is the only thing anyone could do was call police. Had the shooter not killed himself, he could have taken out even more of society's dregs.
Obviously, because the answer to guns is... more guns! Just as the answer to any violence is more violence. That's why when there's a fire the FD shows up to pour gasoline on it. After all, 'an armed society is a polite society', right.
Violence is how we dealt with Hitler for example, so yes, it solved the problem. And if someone is beating you, a discusssion probably won't work. Used to be we could walk into a hardware store and buy a gun. No waiting. No background check. You could order one out of a Sears catalog!

The problem is the culture, not the arms. I'd say violent video games and the glorification of violence in movies and TV, lack of discipline and selfishness is a big part of the problem. We've always had guns.
Obviously, because the answer to guns is... more guns! Just as the answer to any violence is more violence. That's why when there's a fire the FD shows up to pour gasoline on it. After all, 'an armed society is a polite society', right.
Violence is how we dealt with Hitler for example, so yes, it solved the problem. And if someone is beating you, a discusssion probably won't work. Used to be we could walk into a hardware store and buy a gun. No waiting. No background check. You could order one out of a Sears catalog!

The problem is the culture, not the arms. I'd say violent video games and the glorification of violence in movies and TV, lack of discipline and selfishness is a big part of the problem. We've always had guns.

That ^^.
Libs, how much do you want to bet he was on antidepressants, and guess what, ONCE AGAIN the shooter was from a broken home.
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Libs, how much do you want to bet he was on antibiotics, and guess what, ONCE AGAIN the shooter was from a broken home.

Antibiotics?? Antibiotics??? :cuckoo:

Hey, wasn't he a tranny too?

Instead of being rude and insulting, please describe your solution that would have prevented this incident.

"Instead of being rude and insulting"? Are you shittin' me?? This guy regularly dredges up bullshit stories invariably about "trannies" involving some sort of violence or angst, which he then attributes to "libs". Here he's actually climbing on the backs of dead shooting victims to try to put political points on the board --- and you want to call ME "rude and insulting"? :banghead:

See post 53. For a more fleshed-out version, see here. No point in reposting the same thing all over again...

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