Jim Bakker Warns That Christians Will Riot If Trump Is Impeached


Gold Member
Sep 18, 2012
Jim Bakker Warns That Christians Will Riot If Trump Is Impeached

This makes no sense. Real Christians have disowned Trump.

They may have voted for him because they didn't know any better, but they now know what a pile of shit he is and they are hanging their heads in shame. If they aren't they are shit themselves.

End Times prepper pastor Jim Bakker warned on his television program today that Christians will riot in the streets if President Trump is impeached and removed from office.

“Trump is not crazy,” Bakker bellowed. “They want him to be crazy because they want to impeach him. There is nothing they can impeach him over because this thing with the collusion with Russia they can’t prove, but they want to say this man is crazy. They’re trying to get doctors to say the president is crazy.”

“I’ll tell you what,” he continued. “If they go through with that, there will be a riot in the United States of America and you’re going to find little old ladies rioting, you’re going to find the church people out rioting because they’re not going to take it any more. This is stupid and insanity what is going on in our country right now.”

Thinking the white race is in danger or under threat means you are NOT a real Christian.

Is this the far left version of the onion?

Then again the racist far left drones do not know any better!
Christians revolt?

What are they going to do?
Throw bibles?
Ex con Jim Baker doesn't speak for anyone but himself but it's interesting that Media Matters thinks his couple of words is important enough to throw to the left like red meat to rabid dogs. Christians won't riot no matter how many crazies like Kelley that the left infects with hatred.
Jim Bakker Warns That Christians Will Riot If Trump Is Impeached

This makes no sense. Real Christians have disowned Trump.

They may have voted for him because they didn't know any better, but they now know what a pile of shit he is and they are hanging their heads in shame. If they aren't they are shit themselves.

End Times prepper pastor Jim Bakker warned on his television program today that Christians will riot in the streets if President Trump is impeached and removed from office.

“Trump is not crazy,” Bakker bellowed. “They want him to be crazy because they want to impeach him. There is nothing they can impeach him over because this thing with the collusion with Russia they can’t prove, but they want to say this man is crazy. They’re trying to get doctors to say the president is crazy.”

“I’ll tell you what,” he continued. “If they go through with that, there will be a riot in the United States of America and you’re going to find little old ladies rioting, you’re going to find the church people out rioting because they’re not going to take it any more. This is stupid and insanity what is going on in our country right now.”

Thinking the white race is in danger or under threat means you are NOT a real Christian.

Personally I find Jim Bakker wacky, and People For The American Way even wackier, but what defines a Christian?

Who are the "real Christians" who have disowned Trump, and who are you to define them?

Just curious. And quit with the large print, eh? It's like a kid with a crayon writing on walls.
The only ones who may riot are Americans who are sick and tired of the wealthy, elitist crime syndicate members on the left who have destroyed the party - running it into bankruptcy while ignoring the will of the people, losing 1,000+ elections / the House / The Senate / the WH, exposed its own scandals / corruption / crimes to the world, and ran a criminal as their 2016 Presidential candidate - and now want to Impeach Trump because he beat Hillary.

Americans hated career, corrupt criminal politicians and wanted the 'swamp drained' in 2016, which is why Americans chose Trump over Hillary to begin with. Since then the dam has cracked and the flood waters have poured out - all the DNC's little dirty secrets are flooding out - being exposed by their own members, like Brazile.

If the DNC survives it will be a true testament to the stupidity of the snowflakes and leftist followers / sheep, in far greater proportion than Gruber ever dreamed.
Jim Bakker Warns That Christians Will Riot If Trump Is Impeached

So we are by Bakker presented with the absurd choices of:
  • Discover that Trump has committed impeachable acts and ignore that he has so as to stave off Bakker's followers rioting, or
  • Discover that Trump has committed impeachable acts and impeach him, thereby having to endure Bakker's followers riotous actions.
Really? How the "F" does one even have followers when one seriously presents such an inane proposition?

Of those two choices, I pick the latter. Partly because impeachment is a separate action from removal from office, and partly because we've endured riots before so we can suffer them again if we must, and partly because I'm unwilling to kowtow to such an absurd threat.

I see the term "real christians" as a metaphor for any Christian outside the politically inspired and motivated evangelical, baptist, fundamentalist, charismatic and pentecostal sects.
Personally I find Jim Bakker wacky, and People For The American Way even wackier, but what defines a Christian?

Jim and Tammy-Faye Baker were cons, crooks. They bilked millions out of people trying to find God. They are among the Christian Con Elites, like Oral Roberts, who in his last years declared God was into 'extortion', that God told him that if he did not collect $1 Million in donations from his followers God would take him home. :p

Baker used to live in 'Tega Kay', an extremely wealthy district in Rock Hill, SC - right on the water. He had a boat, would pull it up to what looked like a cliff. The 'cliff' would rise up, like a garage door, and the boat would pull in. They could then use stairs underground to go up into the House. The property was patrolled by armed guards with dogs, with extremely high fences around the edge of the property...I guess so he would not have to encounter any of the 'unclean masses' he bilked of their money.

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