Jim Himes: Tucker's a "parasite", cherry picked out of hours of video "enraging, makes me want to jump through the screen & strangle him, i was there"

And the rubes still believe it.

So you can't find any examples of any lefty, righty, or indy that condoned the summer of love.

So in summery, you made an off topic post, made a claim you can't back up, and then finished with ad hominem.

Take your whining to another poster, Skippy. You have wasted enough of my time.

Have a great day.
Way to cover your ass only a leftists calls it the summer of love and not use it in quotations.
No I made a post calling you out for your fake concern over a fake story of Jan 6 violence yet no concern about the four years of violence.
Way to cover your ass only a leftists calls it the summer of love and not use it in quotations.
No I made a post calling you out for your fake concern over a fake story of Jan 6 violence yet no concern about the four years of violence.
Oh shit, Skippy
I didn't include quotes. You poor thing.

I already told you I was concerned. If you aren't going to read my posts, why are you responding, Skippy?
Right, skippy, you haven't found any lefty, right, or indy in these boards that condoned the violence during the "summer of love". (Notice the anti-trigger quotes, Skippy)
You're the unhinged leftist bitching and whining about Jan 6 and when called out never said you did opposed the violence of the fours years of the trump administration. Skippy is used by those who trigger easily
Oh shit, Skippy
I didn't include quotes. You poor thing.

I already told you I was concerned. If you aren't going to read my posts, why are you responding, Skippy?
Dogbert so you approval of the violence from 2017 until 2021. Got it
You're the unhinged leftist bitching and whining about Jan 6 and when called out never said you did opposed the violence of the fours years of the trump administration. Skippy is used by those who trigger easily
Of course I bitch and whine about Jan 6; especially as a vet. A bunch of traitorous animal Trump supporters committed sedition against the capital, hoping to stop the constitutional duty of counting the electorial votes.

What the fuck? Doesn't that piss you off? Are you an American?

And again, I never supported "the summer of love"...no matter many times you say it, Skippy.
Of course I bitch and whine about Jan 6; especially as a vet. A bunch of traitorous animal Trump supporters committed sedition against the capital, hoping to stop the constitutional duty of counting the electorial votes.

What the fuck? Doesn't that piss you off? Are you an American?

And again, I never supported "the summer of love"...no matter many times you say it, Skippy.
Oh yeah you're a vet alright what was your MOS or AFSC?

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