Jim Himes: Tucker's a "parasite", cherry picked out of hours of video "enraging, makes me want to jump through the screen & strangle him, i was there"

Leftist control thyself the only tantrum happening is from you calling Jan 6 violent yet forgetting about all the violence of 4 years created by you leftists
I didn't forgot about it, Skippy.

Can't you read? I already said I never condoned it.
Tantrum time "Skippy" 🤣
So you don't know what a word is?
So you can't find any examples of any lefty, righty, or indy that condoned the summer of love.

So in summery, you made an off topic post, made a claim you can't back up, and then finished with ad hominem.

Take your whining to another poster, Skippy. You have wasted enough of my time.

Have a great day.
The entire thing is crumbling around the DC Mob. Thus they close ranks like Mob bosses, as we had both Schumer, on the Senate floor no less, and McConnell, decrying Tucker and FOX. I suggest seppuku instead of further disgracing themselves; be honorable.

What would be great now would be if Tucker and Fox sued Schumer and McConnell for defamation of character and suppression of free speech interfering with the freedom of the Press!
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Leftist control thyself the only tantrum happening is from you calling Jan 6 violent yet forgetting about all the violence of 4 years created by you leftists
Ok. Skippy. Your tantrums bore me

Skippy? My money is on Bigreb being able to pick you up and twist you into a swizzle stick to stir his peanut butter with, "Skippy!" But leave it to a tard like you the minute you get pinned with FACTS to revert back to tantrums, education and boredom. Always speaks volumes about your type.
Skippy? My money is on Bigreb being able to pick you up and twist you into a swizzle stick to stir his peanut butter with, "Skippy!" But leave it to a tard like you the minute you get pinned with FACTS to revert back to tantrums, education and boredom. Always speaks volumes about your type.
Are you two buddies? Does he need your help? If I was bigreb, I would be annoyed you felt the need to defend me. I am sure bigreb can handle himself just fine. That said...

Did it hurt your feelings when I called him "Skippy" AFTER I was called a "stupid son of a bitch" (post 152) and "dumbass" (post 155)?

Did you have anything to add to the topic of this thread?
You scum certainly aren't laughing. You and your heroes have less than zero credibility now, burned it all down to protect treason, extortion, judicial corruption, and hundreds of RICO violations.

Actually, we are laughing at you idiots. And we will continue to laugh.

My guy is in the WH while your orange loser is still whinnying in Florida.

Let me know if you are still confused. :itsok:
Yes we do, Mac. You're a lib.
And yet you can't back it up with a list of actual left wing positions I hold on the actual issues.

So, you're delusional. There is something wrong with you. Sorry. But didn't do that.
Actually, we are laughing at you idiots. And we will continue to laugh.

My guy is in the WH while your orange loser is still whinnying in Florida.

Let me know if you are still confused. :itsok:

You mean your desiccated dementia patient? That guy?
Actually, we are laughing at you idiots. And we will continue to laugh.

My guy is in the WH while your orange loser is still whinnying in Florida.

Let me know if you are still confused. :itsok:
Former President Trump holds a 3-point lead over President Biden in a hypothetical 2024 rematch, according to a new Emerson College poll released on Tuesday.

And yet you can't back it up with a list of actual left wing positions I hold on the actual issues.

So, you're delusional. There is something wrong with you. Sorry. But didn't do that.
Are you for Universal basic income? (Socialist)
Abortion (Democrat)
etc, etc….

You support a start up third party that has absolutely NO CHANCE of winning at any level, because they refuse to take a stand on basic issues of today, and is headed up by a loser democrat socialist former potus candidate.

You are in here daily, always attacking conservatives, and hardly ever, if ever saying a bad word about socialist progressive Democrats.

You talk about people instead of to people, a trait of progressive Democrats.

You ask to name your stances, but take none, and resemble jello in your views. I don’t play with jello when I’m done with it, I rinse to bowl and put it in the washer…

Youre afraid to take a stance, because then you’d have to defend that stance, and that to you is impossible.

But, the biggest thing, is that you’re just a narcissistic asshole. And decent people don’t care for narcissistic assholes….

And, you’re a troll in its purest form. Your posting history shows you side with democrats far more than any moderate position you may hold, so the ‘walks like a duck’ analogy comes to mind.

I seriously don’t know why you waste your time in here where most of the board sees you as an annoyance, and a dumb troll…maybe you just love punishment, and being laughed at…I don’t know, but all of that points to a deep rooted psychological problem that you should get checked out.

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