Jim Jordan is warning the GOP against a Biden “impeachment by reflex” if it takes back the House

Removing this senile president isn't enough. The entire administration has to be rooted out and removed. Find and remove the handlers, the people behind this useless president telling him what to do.
Why not?

Democrats did it twice.
And Republicans didn't even attempt a defense. Democrats carefully laid out the evidence, and Republicans refused to even discuss it, pretty much admitting that Trump was guilty as charged.

Got any actual evidence against Biden? There's the difference. Remember, as always, that "BUT I FEEL SO BUTTHURT!" is not evidence.

You're making crap up. We're not.

We're honest. You're liars.

We're loyal. You're traitors.
just because you have the votes to impeach a president doesn't mean you should do it

that applies to Trump as well as Biden
And Republicans didn't even attempt a defense. Democrats carefully laid out the evidence, and Republicans refused to even discuss it, pretty much admitting that Trump was guilty as charged.

Got any actual evidence against Biden? There's the difference. Remember, as always, that "BUT I FEEL SO BUTTHURT!" is not evidence.

You're making crap up. We're not.

We're honest. You're liars.

We're loyal. You're traitors.
That is because you do NOT need to defend lies told by partisan hacks.
"You are illegally hunting Republicans for political dissidence"

"illegally hunting Republicans"?

Ummm, I had never heard that before.
Can the good poster Darkwind sorta flesh out just exactly what he is referring to?

Who is doing the 'hunting'?
What is "illegal" about it?
Who are the "Republicans" being hunted?

I don't mean to put your avatar on the spot, poster DW, but it would be helpful to the forum if you could offer the forum some vetting, some sourcing from credible reportage or investigation that support your assertion.

In short, you come on to this venue and make the assertion about an illegal hunt for Republicans. So, the obvious follow up question must be: How do you know?

Thanks, in advance.
"illegally hunting Republicans"?

Ummm, I had never heard that before.
Can the good poster Darkwind sorta flesh out just exactly what he is referring to?

Who is doing the 'hunting'?
What is "illegal" about it?
Who are the "Republicans" being hunted?

I don't mean to put your avatar on the spot, poster DW, but it would be helpful to the forum if you could offer the forum some vetting, some sourcing from credible reportage or investigation that support your assertion.

In short, you come on to this venue and make the assertion about an illegal hunt for Republicans. So, the obvious follow up question must be: How do you know?

Thanks, in advance.
An American couple who live in Alaska happened to be in DC on 1/6/21. They were NOT in the Capital building and they did NOT illegally enter the building.

The FBI flew to Alaska, to their home, to bring them back to DC. This was based on a photo of a woman who was NOT in the capital building but in the protest outside the Captial.

The woman didn't even look like her, but here they were, hunting down alleged insurrectionists who just disagree with this government.

Would you believe the source if I told you? I'm not about to waste My time on lefists who like to waste MY time.
Chinese intelligence know more about what Biden is up to than the American public does

to save America, impeach Biden NOW. not a second later!
"An American couple who live in Alaska happened to be in DC on 1/6/21.
The FBI flew to Alaska, to their home, to bring them back to DC. This was based on a photo of a woman who was NOT in the capital building but in the protest outside the Captial. (sic)
The woman didn't even look like her, but here they were, hunting down alleged insurrectionists who just disagree with this government."

I don't know for sure, but the poster seems to be referring to the Huepers of Homer, Alaska?

If so, it is true the FBI went to their home and confiscated electronic equipment as they suspected Mrs Hueper stole Nancy Pelosi's laptop ( It seems that it was really stolen by Riley June Williams, since arrested). Mrs. Hueper was not arrested. She was questioned. In Alaska, not Washington DC.

Here's a little backgrounder from USToday:

"The Justice Department’s massive prosecution (over 700 so far) of those who stormed the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6 has not been without its problems, including this potential instance of mistaken identity. And as Republicans are increasingly seeking to minimize the insurrection and play down the horror of the day, any missteps by federal prosecutors could be used in that effort to discredit what actually happened.

Hueper and her husband first came to officials’ attention this year when Alaska Airlines in February banned the couple for refusing to wear masks on a flight, according to court documents obtained by The Associated Press. Then two other people called in tips saying they recognized Hueper in photos that authorities had released of suspects wanted for storming the Capitol.

But the volume of people inside the Capitol building, along with the lack of arrests made at the time of the riot, has made it difficult to identify people, even with the glut of social media evidence. Federal agents have dug through thousands of social media posts, gotten sweeping warrants to obtain information on cellphones in the area of the Capitol, used facial recognition tools and obtained logs of devices that signed into the congressional Wi-Fi during the riot.

But by far the most effective tool for federal agents has been old-fashioned tips. Many of the rioters have been ratted out by their friends and family members.


In short, Mrs. Hueper got fingered by at least a couple of friends or family members. And the clothing and hairstyle of a woman being sought based on video evidence taken January 6th at the Capitol.....did indeed resemble to some degree Mrs Hueper.

So the agents had a reasonable belief that the Huepers SHOULD be investigated.
And they were. They were not arrested. Nor were they flown back to DC.

Nothing illegal about the FBI investigated individuals suspected of serious crimes.

So, if that is the horse the good poster Dark Wind is riding into battle. He shouldn't.

However, if the poster has other cases of mistaken identity from the January 6th attack on the Capitol, well, we would be interested in reading the details and the sources.

ps.....oh by the way, poster DW suggests the Huepers just "happened to be in DC" on January 6th.
Ummm, nope.
They were there specifically to attend the Stop-the-Steal rally on the Ellipse.
"to save America, impeach Biden NOW. not a second later!"

Sounds dire, poster Bromance.
Can you share with us your conversations with your Congressman's office and your two Senator's offices...when you took your serious concerns to your representatives in Washington?

Hopefully, you are not just coming on to an internet gossip board using a fake name to whine about impeaching the current President?

Hopefully, you've got more starch in your shirt than just anonymous whining. No?
Sorry dumbass, but Clinton was impeached for lying under oath. What he lied about is irrelevant. He was the President and responsible for enforcing the law but he chose to undermine the justice system.
Lying about a fucking blowjob?
Republicans impeached over a Blow Job
Of course they will find a reason to impeach
The Dems tried to impeach Trump twice, they would have kept trying over and over again. Before he took the oath of office the Dems cried for impeachment. At that time, I said the GOP would play the same silly game if given a chance. The two parties are just that petty and corrupt. The Dems went stupid and now given the chance the GOP will follow.
The Dems tried to impeach Trump twice, they would have kept trying over and over again. Before he took the oath of office the Dems cried for impeachment. At that time, I said the GOP would play the same silly game if given a chance. The two parties are just that petty and corrupt. The Dems went stupid and now given the chance the GOP will follow.
Trump should have been impeached four times
He was THAT bad
Lying about a fucking blowjob?
He was impeached for obstruction of justice. He tried to deny Paula Jones her cicily rights. He should not have been impeached but I find it as silly as Trump being impeached but hey, that is our two parties.

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