Jim Jordan Warns Bragg

Bragg is interfering in the 2024 Presidential Election, that's where the interference is.

But if his scheme backfires and the Republicans take back over, he's going to have to join President Trump's "Kiss my Ass Club" , an idea he will borrow from his frenemy Vince McMahon.

Bragg is doing nothing of the kind. The Federal election is more than 18 months away. The only reason Trump declared himself a candidate is to stop them from arresting him.

You can't run for President to keep from being arrested. Every criminal in the USA would declare himself as a candidate.
Bragg is doing nothing of the kind. The Federal election is more than 18 months away. The only reason Trump declared himself a candidate is to stop them from arresting him.

You can't run for President to keep from being arrested. Every criminal in the USA would declare himself as a candidate.

The next hearing in Bragg's Bullshit Case isn't until December. He'll undoubtably ask for further extensions at that point. Of course this puts the case right in the middle of the election season and is meddling.
There doesn't seem to be any evidence.
All the evidence is in the public domain....
I just hate to see such stark conflict between posters on this gossipboard so early in the morning. It does not make for comity, in my opinion.

One poster suggests there is no evidence.
The other says it is all out there.....available to the public.

Can either poster offer the forum some credible links that support their assertions about evidence? Perhaps in that way the whole forum can sidestep the inevitable hissyfit between two posters who argue positions that they really have so little grasp of?

Thanx in advance.

Of course this puts the case right in the middle of the election season and is meddling.
That would be just so inconvenient; however, (and you may wish to write the Trump legal team and campaign team)....but......but you could suggest that they ask for an expedited proceedings. Instead of waiting until the next hearing in December, how 'bout they try to get it the trial set for, say, July? or August?

Be pro-active Polish. Don't just do nothing except whine on social media. Be a get-er-done kinda supporter.

Just sayin'.
I just hate to see such stark conflict between posters on this gossipboard so early in the morning. It does not make for comity, in my opinion.

One poster suggests there is no evidence.
The other says it is all out there.....available to the public.

Can either poster offer the forum some credible links that support their assertions about evidence? Perhaps in that way the whole forum can sidestep the inevitable hissyfit between two posters who argue positions that they really have so little grasp of?

Thanx in advance.


That would be just so inconvenient; however, (and you may wish to write the Trump legal team and campaign team)....but......but you could suggest that they ask for an expedited proceedings. Instead of waiting until the next hearing in December, how 'bout they try to get it the trial set for, say, July? or August?

Be pro-active Polish. Don't just do nothing except whine on social media. Be a get-er-done kinda supporter.

Just sayin'.

What makes you think that I have any influence with Al Bragg? I'm not a Democrat, I'm not a New Yorker and I'm not a black guy.

There isn't going to be a trial at all. That's the reason for the delay, and no, Bragg isn't interested in spending this summer in Cattaraugus County arguing a bullshit case that will be thrown out. The idea behind the whole move is to try and meddle in the election, nothing else.
What makes you think that I have any influence with Al Bragg? I'm not a Democrat, I'm not a New Yorker and I'm not a black guy.
Ah, that is a sad misread of my poor avatar's suggestion.
Rather than suggesting Polish write or call DA Bragg, as poster Polish seems to think was suggested......what WAS suggested is that he forsake mere social media whining and actually contact either Trump's legal team, or even Trump's campaign team and argue his position that this trial should be expedited so as not to inadvertently run into the 2024 campaign year.

Somehow, someway, poor poster Polish mistakenly misread that suggestion to be contacting the DA's office.

I regret if my earlier suggestion was misread by poster Polish. And sincerely hope that no other posters were likewise mistaken.
Ah, that is a sad misread of my poor avatar's suggestion.
Rather than suggesting Polish write or call DA Bragg, as poster Polish seems to think was suggested......what WAS suggested is that he forsake mere social media whining and actually contact either Trump's legal team, or even Trump's campaign team and argue his position that this trial should be expedited so as not to inadvertently run into the 2024 campaign year.

Somehow, someway, poor poster Polish mistakenly misread that suggestion to be contacting the DA's office.

I regret if my earlier suggestion was misread by poster Polish. And sincerely hope that no other posters were likewise mistaken.

Trump's legal team isn't in charge of the timetable here. Bragg is.
"Trump's legal team isn't in charge of the timetable here.."
Hence, earnest poster Polish, they need be a proactive, be a get-er-done legal team.
File a motion and request an acceleration.

And you, good poster Polish, can be change-agent in making that happen.
Write your letters, send your emails, forward your texts......do something.
Other than just ineffectually whining on social media.
Rise to the occasion. Push forward your conviction. Quit complaining.

I like Jim Jordan....but sometimes I think he is all talk....all talk and no action....

Hopefully this time he will come up with the goods!

Hope Springs eternal!:(
He talks a great talk, but I've never seen him demand that anyone be taken out of Congress in handcuffs. I've seen plenty of criminals sit before him in Congress, and he does a good job of grilling them, but zero ever comes of it.

Evidence was shown to a grand jury in secret. Not all of it is publicly known.
Once the case is filed, all the evidence becomes public information, moron. There is no new information in the case.
Once the case is filed, all the evidence becomes public information, moron. There is no new information in the case.

Imbecile, there would be no such thing as discovery if the defense already had access to ALL of the evidence. :cuckoo:
Imbecile, there would be no such thing as discovery if the defense already had access to ALL of the evidence. :cuckoo:
Just because the prosecution lists all the evidence it plans to use, that doesn't mean there isn't any more.
Fighting for our freedom?!! Freedom to pull something out of your rear and make it stick?

Michael Cohen was arrested and went to prison for this crime. At his trial, the Court found that everything Cohen did, he did for and at the direction of Individual 0ne - Donald Trump. But the D0J wouldn't indict Trump while in office. So no, Bragg didn't pull this charge "out of his rear".

Trump is a life-long criminal. He's been very brazen about his illegal behaviour. See Access Hollywood tape. Big money construction is the dirtiest business in the world. Bribery and corruption are a way of life, but some contractors are more dishonest than most. Trump was the worst of the bunch. He shu
All the evidence is in the public domain, so yes he has.

No it is not. You have not seen David Pecker's evidence, or Weisselberg's testimony.
Bragg has already warned Jordan not to interfere in his prosecution
Congress does not have oversight on state prosecutions

Will Jordan be next?
When a state prosecutor is receiving federal funding the US congress certainly does. As they do when a state prosecutor is attempting to influence a presidential election.
Michael Cohen was arrested and went to prison for this crime. At his trial, the Court found that everything Cohen did, he did for and at the direction of Individual 0ne - Donald Trump. But the D0J wouldn't indict Trump while in office. So no, Bragg didn't pull this charge "out of his rear".

Trump is a life-long criminal. He's been very brazen about his illegal behaviour. See Access Hollywood tape. Big money construction is the dirtiest business in the world. Bribery and corruption are a way of life, but some contractors are more dishonest than most. Trump was the worst of the bunch. He shu

No it is not. You have not seen David Pecker's evidence, or Weisselberg's testimony.

Mike Cohen went to prison for cheating on his income tax. He got no additional time in prison for the bullshit campaign violation

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