Jim Jordan Warns Bragg

Mike Cohen went to prison for cheating on his income tax. He got no additional time in prison for the bullshit campaign violation


MICHAEL COHEN was sentenced today to three years in prison for tax evasion, making false statements to a federally insured bank, and campaign finance violations.

Like I always say, if conservatives didn't lie, they'd have absolutely nothing to say.
Mike Cohen went to prison for cheating on his income tax. He got no additional time in prison for the bullshit campaign violation

He plead guilty to campaign finance violations. Stop trying to deflect from the fact that Donald Trump bribed a porn star for her silence, and then tried to claim it as a business expense, and avoid taxes on the money.

Your President is a sleazy old whoremaster, who thinks that the laws don't apply to him.
He plead guilty to campaign finance violations. Stop trying to deflect from the fact that Donald Trump bribed a porn star for her silence, and then tried to claim it as a business expense, and avoid taxes on the money.

Your President is a sleazy old whoremaster, who thinks that the laws don't apply to him.

Cohen pleaded guilty on it, but wasn't punished for it at all. He received 'concurrent' sentences, meaning it was a freebie.
Cohen pleaded guilty on it, but wasn't punished for it at all. He received 'concurrent' sentences, meaning it was a freebie.

Liar. He was sentenced to 3 years for tax evasion, making false statements to a federally insured bank, and campaign finance violations.

Separately, he was sentenced to 2 months for lying to Congress, to be served concurrently with his 3 year sentence.

Like I always say, if conservatives didn't lie, they'd have absolutely nothing to say.
What “corporate filing” was that, exactly?

His corporate tax returns, fool. His state of New York corporation files State of New York tax returns, listing income and expenses.

The Trump Family has used multiple tax dodges over at least two generations to avoid paying State of New York taxes, and the State has been trying to catch them for YEARS. This is why Trump is HATED in New York. Anyone who has ever done business with Donald Trump hates the man.

It's hard to get the goods on a privately owned, tightly controlled family corporation without a whistleblower, and no one has ever turned on Trump. The problem with being President, for Trump, is that he kept committing crimes when all of the lights were on him, and then threw his underlings under the bus when the shit hit the fan. I've been expecting Trump to be arrested or murdered since around 1988.

I personally failed to understand how it is that Trump gets all of these otherwise smart and well educated people to do all of this destructive and vengeful garbage, all of it based on lies and bullshit. Roy Cohn must be sitting down in Hell on the Devil's right hand with a martini in his hand, and cackling like an old witch.
As he and many others in Congress should.

---Jim Jordan: ‘Everything’s on the Table’ Regarding Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg---

Intentionally and directly trying to intimidate a state prosecutor in an active case.

Ladies and Gentlemen.....the party of 'law and order'.
His corporate tax returns, fool.
Really, you asshole? That’s what it says in the indictment? Maybe you could quote it? Link?

By the way, you may be too slovenly and retarded to know this, but the repayment to Cohen was noted by Trump.
His state of New York corporation files State of New York tax returns, listing income and expenses.
You have no evidence that it was a corporate expenditure, you lying rancid skank. And you couldn’t cite thing one about his NY State tax filing in this regard.
The Trump Family has used multiple tax dodges over at least two generations to avoid paying State of New York taxes,
and the State has been trying to catch them for YEARS.
This is why Trump is HATED in New York.
Any reasonable person in NY State would hate the way it taxes. Most NY’ers don’t get out on a permanent audit list, either. Of course he thinks they are scum. They are.
Anyone who has ever done business with Donald Trump hates the man.
Bullshit. Some might. Maybe some have a right to. But you make shit up — with zero support — and yet you expect others to buy the shit you peddle. :cuckoo:
It's hard to get the goods on a privately owned, tightly controlled family corporation without a whistleblower, and no one has ever turned on Trump. The problem with being President, for Trump, is that he kept committing crimes when all of the lights were on him, and then threw his underlings under the bus when the shit hit the fan. I've been expecting Trump to be arrested or murdered since around 1988.
More of your fantasy offered as fact. And nobody gives a rat’s ass what a moron like you has expected.
I personally failed to understand how it is that Trump gets all of these otherwise smart and well educated people to do all of this destructive and vengeful garbage, all of it based on lies and bullshit.
You’re still just being a twat. Zero evidence.
Roy Cohn must be sitting down in Hell on the Devil's right hand with a martini in his hand, and cackling like an old witch.
You’re an incredibly unintelligent and utterly unpersuasive hack **** troll. (I hope the word filter is working.).
Michael Cohen was arrested and went to prison for this crime. At his trial, the Court found that everything Cohen did, he did for and at the direction of Individual 0ne - Donald Trump. But the D0J wouldn't indict Trump while in office. So no, Bragg didn't pull this charge "out of his rear".

Trump is a life-long criminal. He's been very brazen about his illegal behaviour. See Access Hollywood tape. Big money construction is the dirtiest business in the world. Bribery and corruption are a way of life, but some contractors are more dishonest than most. Trump was the worst of the bunch. He shu

No it is not. You have not seen David Pecker's evidence, or Weisselberg's testimony.
Damn, you're getting your news from Access Hollywood...no wonder you loons are so screwed up.
Really, you asshole? That’s what it says in the indictment? Maybe you could quote it? Link?

By the way, you may be too slovenly and retarded to know this, but the repayment to Cohen was noted by Trump.

You have no evidence that it was a corporate expenditure, you lying rancid skank. And you couldn’t cite thing one about his NY State tax filing in this regard.



Any reasonable person in NY State would hate the way it taxes. Most NY’ers don’t get out on a permanent audit list, either. Of course he thinks they are scum. They are.

Bullshit. Some might. Maybe some have a right to. But you make shit up — with zero support — and yet you expect others to buy the shit you peddle. :cuckoo:

More of your fantasy offered as fact. And nobody gives a rat’s ass what a moron like you has expected.

You’re still just being a twat. Zero evidence.

You’re an incredibly unintelligent and utterly unpersuasive hack **** troll. (I hope the word filter is working.).

Profanity is the attempt of the feeble mind to express itself forcefully. Did you think if you threw out enough insults I'd been intimidated by your command of the "facts".

I'm not the prosecutor and I have no need to prove the DA's case, so slamming me for not having a copy of the indictment is both pointless and stupid. But that's what you are.

You rebutted nothing, and simply attack me personally. That's all you've got NOTHING but slime and sleaze.
Profanity is the attempt of the feeble mind to express itself forcefully.
Thanks for that unasked-for and erroneous claim, ya shithead! 👍
Did you think if you threw out enough insults I'd been intimidated by your command of the "facts".
Lol. I have never been concerned with your inability to “think” much less with your inability to handle facts.
I'm not the prosecutor and I have no need to prove the DA's case,
We know, you troll.
so slamming me for not having a copy of the indictment is both pointless and stupid.
It’s a publicly available document. I wouldn’t expect a moron like you to actually have read it. In fact, that was kind of the point.
But that's what you are.
Oh nozies! Lizardbitch says I’m the stupid one. 🥱
You rebutted nothing,
You offered nothing. Ergo, nothing to rebut. I did expose your empty claims as being — you know — empty.
and simply attack me personally.
No. That’s just side banter. I attacked your reliance on unsupported claims and your ignorant stupid takes.
That's all you've got NOTHING but slime and sleaze.
I do get slime and sleaze on me when dealing with drek like you. Please consider washing-up before posting. Also, try to someday get some command of actual facts before you post. It will make you come across as less overtly ignorant. 👍
Intentionally and directly trying to intimidate a state prosecutor in an active case.

Ladies and Gentlemen.....the party of 'law and order'.
So Jordan and other reps are suppose to let the persecution of a former president happen?
So Jordan and other reps are suppose to let the persecution of a former president happen?

The prosecutor didn't indict Trump. The grand jury did. Jordan is trying to interfere with an active criminal case by trying to intimidate the prosecutor. All while your ilk make threats against that prosecutor and his family.

Your ilk are actively trying to pass legislation that would forbid any state from prosecuting Trump for ANY crime he commits.

Don't even pretend conservatives give a fiddler's fuck about law and order.
He plead guilty to campaign finance violations. Stop trying to deflect from the fact that Donald Trump bribed a porn star for her silence, and then tried to claim it as a business expense, and avoid taxes on the money.
Trump is a stud.

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