Jim Jordon talked with trump for ten minutes BEFORE the 1/6 attack. What is he trying to hide?

There was no insurect.ion

What's telling is how you prog NAZIs are persecuting everyone who questions the election swindle and trying to turn any disagreement with the leftwing narrative into a crime.
Awwwwww! Feewings hurt? Feeling persecuted? Tears shed?

You poor thing.
So you returned your stimulis checks back to the treasury, right?

I looked at it as a little tax return after the filthy ass government made me pay so much so that the Negroes and Illegals can get their welfare checks as payment for voting for Democrats.
I looked at it as a little tax return after the filthy ass government made me pay so much so that the Negroes and Illegals can get their welfare checks as payment for voting for Democrats.
How many white people collect welfare, lowlife.
Awwwwww! Feewings hurt? Feeling persecuted? Tears shed?

You poor thing.
Do you prog asholes actually believe trash like that makes a good argument? "Awww, did segregation hurt the little feewings of black Americans? Did they feel persecuted? Did they cry?" That is literally the argument you're making.

You're a slimy piece of shit.
No need to post more racist crap. We all know you are a flaming MAGA Racist.

Racist? Calling you Fascist Nazis is racist?

Is lying illegal now?
Nope, unless you're under oath.

We know you Trumptards don't care that slime like Jordan lie thru their teeth after you've been tolerating it from toilet jockey Trump for years.
Nope, unless you're under oath.

We know you Trumptards don't care that slime like Jordan lie thru their teeth after you've been tolerating it from toilet jockey Trump for years.

Democrats whining about people lying is utterly hilarious.

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