Jim Jordon talked with trump for ten minutes BEFORE the 1/6 attack. What is he trying to hide?

Jordon should tell that illegal committee to fuck off and when the Republicans take power all the Dims should be investigated.
Jordan told Trump next time around to watch his aim so the jizz doesn't get on his shirt.

It was a brief call.
Democrats let the filthy ass Negroes and ANTIFA shitheads get away with six months of rioting, murdering, destruction and intimidation and they don't even know what they did wrong.
You folks are such VICTIMS.

Just like the biggest victim of all, the man you adore.
Aren't you prog douchebags always whining about how you are all so victimized? Racism, sexism, jingoism - I marvel at the gall of left-wingers calling people who point out injustices "pussies."

You're a special kind of douchebag.
Democrats let the filthy ass Negroes and ANTIFA shitheads get away with six months of rioting, murdering, destruction and intimidation and they don't even know what they did wrong.
Only a "pussy" would make an issue of it.
We are all victims of a stolen election.
And yet all these people disagree with you: Trump's Justice Department, Trump's DHS, Trump's Attorney General, Trump's Supreme Court, Trump-appointed judges, several Republican lawmakers, Republican state and local election officials, state Supreme Courts and Republican State Attorneys General all disagree. On the record.

I do agree that you Trumpsters have been victimized in a way, though. By a blatant con man and those who slavishly enable him.
I agree. The only people who give a shit about 1/6 are the lefty loons trying to make everyone think it was an attempt to overthrow the Government. Which it was not.

Most folks are worried about rising gas prices, empty shelves at the grocery store and rising inflation. You know. Real issues to be concerned about. I doubt any of them are concerned with 1/6.

The Dems keep pushing 1/6 hoping to make hay out of it. Can't wait for 2022 and 2024.
It's very telling how the trumpanzees are working overtime to sweep this insurrection under the rug.
It's very telling how the trumpanzees are working overtime to sweep this insurrection under the rug.
There was no insurect.ion

What's telling is how you prog NAZIs are persecuting everyone who questions the election swindle and trying to turn any disagreement with the leftwing narrative into a crime.

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