Jimmy Carter Is Still Building Homes With Habitat for Humanity

Fun fact: Carter is the only POTUS since Hoover who never started a war, never dropped a bomb, never fired a shot.

How "shitty".

Yeah we just got stuck with night line , night after night day after day of listening to US hosstages and then Jimmy boycotted the Olympics...those were scary times .

So let's see.... blood and treasure being spilled in a war..... or watching Nightline..... Gosh whiz that's a tough choice that is. Gee Wally that darn Ted Koppel is scary.

Bear has been checkmated.LOL

Try again he didn't even caputre a pawn yet .

Regean let Jimmy meet the hostages .


same as him,I just owned you in my post after this one of yours same as I owned tom. LOL

So your a keyboard hero and claim a win? Doubt you were even alive in the 1970s if you were you knew it was bad times and Ronnie gave us a new hope.


Good Lord! At 79 I’m barely able to get around with a walker. At 93, ex-presidemt Carter’s carrying lumber and helping to build homes. And his wife, Rosalynn, works with him. I may disagree with his politics but I cannot help but have a huge amount of respect for his adherence to his beliefs.


It tells me that America has a great orientation towards helping people in need,” Carter said. “It's very difficult for somebody who is well-off to cross a barrier and get in touch with a very poor family who is in need and has never had a decent home.”

There’s more of his comments about President Trump, but I’ll ignore that.

Story @ Jimmy Carter Is Still Building Homes With Habitat for Humanity

Great humanitarian, shitty President.

Fun fact: Carter is the only POTUS since Hoover who never started a war, never dropped a bomb, never fired a shot.

How "shitty".

Yeah we just got stuck with night line , night after night day after day of listening to US hosstages and then Jimmy boycotted the Olympics...those were scary times .

So let's see.... blood and treasure being spilled in a war..... or watching Nightline..... Gosh whiz that's a tough choice that is. Gee Wally that darn Ted Koppel is scary.

What are you going senile and don't remember the 70s?


WHY are you ignoring FACTS that carter was our last decent president since the great JFK and that reagan got the ball rolling for the destruction of america that each president since then has expanded on which is WHY the CIA media glorifys reagan so much and you fall for it.
Yeah we just got stuck with night line , night after night day after day of listening to US hosstages and then Jimmy boycotted the Olympics...those were scary times .

So let's see.... blood and treasure being spilled in a war..... or watching Nightline..... Gosh whiz that's a tough choice that is. Gee Wally that darn Ted Koppel is scary.

Bear has been checkmated.LOL

Try again he didn't even caputre a pawn yet .

Regean let Jimmy meet the hostages .


same as him,I just owned you in my post after this one of yours same as I owned tom. LOL

So your a keyboard hero and claim a win? Doubt you were even alive in the 1970s if you were you knew it was bad times and Ronnie gave us a new hope.


you have had your ass owned by pogo stop crying in defeat. it was ONLY the rich cats he coddled up to that did not have bad times,he took a shit on the lower class familys like no other previous president ever did before that dude, i was there i the 70's i remember it vividly.you just accept facts your hero reagan was evil and a traiter.,:CryingCow::itsok::itsok::itsok:

give new hope? seriously? tell that to all the steel workers he laid off.I remember always hearing back then people i ran into talking about how they were out of a job abd saying- we got reagan to thank for that . sorry sonny boy. he only gave the RICH hope,anybody who loived through the reagan years know THAT:abgg2q.jpg::itsok::itsok:
Great humanitarian, shitty President.

Fun fact: Carter is the only POTUS since Hoover who never started a war, never dropped a bomb, never fired a shot.

How "shitty".

Yeah we just got stuck with night line , night after night day after day of listening to US hosstages and then Jimmy boycotted the Olympics...those were scary times .

So let's see.... blood and treasure being spilled in a war..... or watching Nightline..... Gosh whiz that's a tough choice that is. Gee Wally that darn Ted Koppel is scary.

Bear has been checkmated.LOL

Try again he didn't even caputre a pawn yet .

Regean let Jimmy meet the hostages .

Wrong doofus. By the time Reagan was in there were no hostages because Carter had gotten them freed.

He just didn't crow about it.
Oops....I missed your claim it was CARTER not Reagan who got our embassy hostages freed.....that's like saying this is Barry's economic boom we're in. It's not so much that you leftists are shameless liars....it's that you suck at it.

Ah, so you wish to step on that land mine as well.

Go look up "Algiers Accords" and see who got it done. Jeepers Wally, ya mean it wasn't Reagan pushing some magic button under the podium while taking the oath?

No Virginia it was not. It was Warren Christopher, Carter's Secretary of State, under orders to get it done no matter what it took. They would have flown out the night before but Iran was in a war with Iraq at the time and airspace was off limits in the dark. And immediately after the inauguration Carter flew to Germany to meet them on free soil. Of course your "liburrul media" fantasy forgot to tell you all that because juxtaposing Reagan's silhouette with images of the plane taking off sold more commercials. And you were lining up to buy that too.

Go ahead Tomboy --- prove me wrong.

"Virginia"? "Tomboy"? This is one of the craziest things I've ever read on the internet and that's really saying something. You try to make this idiocy sound legit by saying Iran and Iraq were at war...duh, really? And then you claim Warren Christopher, a mummy-like creature who could barely speak, talked the ragheads out of our hostages...for what price? or didn't the men in the black helicopters tell you that little detail. WORD: They were terrified of Reagan and for good reason...he was coming after our embassy people and that was the end of their little theocracy....PERIOD.

Good Lord! At 79 I’m barely able to get around with a walker. At 93, ex-presidemt Carter’s carrying lumber and helping to build homes. And his wife, Rosalynn, works with him. I may disagree with his politics but I cannot help but have a huge amount of respect for his adherence to his beliefs.


It tells me that America has a great orientation towards helping people in need,” Carter said. “It's very difficult for somebody who is well-off to cross a barrier and get in touch with a very poor family who is in need and has never had a decent home.”

There’s more of his comments about President Trump, but I’ll ignore that.

Story @ Jimmy Carter Is Still Building Homes With Habitat for Humanity

Great humanitarian, shitty President.

Fun fact: Carter is the only POTUS since Hoover who never started a war, never dropped a bomb, never fired a shot.

How "shitty".

I believe that is true. But he shed blood, indirectly. Like when he was arming Suharto.. Or the mujahideen..
But that is NOT comparable to his successors or predecessors.

Good Lord! At 79 I’m barely able to get around with a walker. At 93, ex-presidemt Carter’s carrying lumber and helping to build homes. And his wife, Rosalynn, works with him. I may disagree with his politics but I cannot help but have a huge amount of respect for his adherence to his beliefs.


It tells me that America has a great orientation towards helping people in need,” Carter said. “It's very difficult for somebody who is well-off to cross a barrier and get in touch with a very poor family who is in need and has never had a decent home.”

There’s more of his comments about President Trump, but I’ll ignore that.

Story @ Jimmy Carter Is Still Building Homes With Habitat for Humanity

Great humanitarian, shitty President.

Fun fact: Carter is the only POTUS since Hoover who never started a war, never dropped a bomb, never fired a shot.

How "shitty".

I believe that is true. But he shed blood, indirectly. Like when he was arming Suharto.. Or the mujahideen..
But that is NOT comparable to his successors or predecessors.

I cant say thank you enough times.

. Thats the point i have been trying to get across to these clowns that just keeps falling in death ears to the Carter haters is he was no great president by any means,but you go back to our last great president we had kennedy,and carter looks like a great president compared to his predessersLBJ,Nixon,Ford,Nixon and all the other asswipes we have had in office since Reagan.

Reagan was the one that got the ball rolling for the destruction of America that each president since then has expanded on,yet sadly,we got the most ignorant sheep in the world saying he is the worst or second worst president in the united states.:rolleyes:

God americans are so easy to brainwash. The rest of the citizens around the world cant be stupid about carter as so many americans are.:rolleyes:

Beam me up scotty,there is no intelligent life forms on this planet.:rolleyes:

taking the reaganut lovers to school some more.

Republican attempts to sabotage a Democratic president’s deal with Iran are nothing new, however.

Just ask Jimmy Carter.
Without Reagan's Treason, Iran Would Not Be a Problem

Indeed it would not have been.:beer:
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Jimmie Carter doesn't just get out of bed and go to the job site like every other guy. As a former president he rates a security staff and probably a medical team and certainly a publicity team. Nice shot of him cutting a piece of wood. Now he gets his blood pressure checked while a cadre of armed guards surrounds him. It would be better for the job if he didn't come near it.
What an amazing man.

The guy has nothing to gain from doing this in terms of politics or money...and he needs no fame.

The guy clearly just does it because he feels the urge to do so.

That speaks SO much for the guy.

You have Trump throwing paper towels at the desperate and feeling proud of himself for it. And Carter does this and doesn't do it for fame.

I am not aware of what every POTUS in history was like out of office. But of the one's I know of - Carter is the one whom I most admire.

AND AT 93!?!?! Jeeez.
And Billy Bob Thornton’s character in Slingblade was just as altruistic but I wouldn’t want him to be president.

That is a character...Jimmy Carter is real.

I have NEVER thought ANY POTUS did a good job...including Carter. They all got 'F's from me.

But, considering they all suck at the job (IMO - to varying extents) and I assume they always will...I would at least like someone in the White House who is a decent human being...instead of a total dick (like Trump, Nixon, etc.).

And Jimmy Carter is clearly a great man.
I believe the opposite. I’d sacrifice personality issues for efficacy.

Not possible. No POTUS has ever done a good job (at least in my lifetime)...not even close. They all sucked. And with the present, political system in America - they ALWAYS will. This system punishes honor, rewards cowardice/incompetence.

Number one...if you cannot balance the budget (assuming there is no major DECLARED war going on), than you are a SHIT POTUS - total and complete. Any idiot can spend money he/she does not have...literally. It takes skill to live within your means. And that is just for starters.

Obviously you think some POTUS's in our lifetimes were good. Obviously you were wrong, IMO. And obviously, your mind is fixed in that position. So further discussion is pointless on this with you.

Good day.
Reagan ended the Cold War. As far as I’m concerned, that’s an accomplishment that most of us felt was impossible.

While Reagan was credited with ending the Cold War - bringing the Berlin Wall down - it was well on the way to ending a decade before. Communism/socialism does not work and economic pressures were well under way for a very long time. I read lots of reports of it at my job in Vienna in the mid-70s to show the rot spreading.
Jimmie Carter doesn't just get out of bed and go to the job site like every other guy. As a former president he rates a security staff and probably a medical team and certainly a publicity team. Nice shot of him cutting a piece of wood. Now he gets his blood pressure checked while a cadre of armed guards surrounds him. It would be better for the job if he didn't come near it.

While Carter has Secret Service protection, he is far more secure surrounded by those who trust and admire him. I have a hunch the security details stays well in the background.
The fall of Iran, crashing helicopters in the desert, waiting 2 hours to buy gas.

They say it takes him all day to pound a nail.
And Billy Bob Thornton’s character in Slingblade was just as altruistic but I wouldn’t want him to be president.

That is a character...Jimmy Carter is real.

I have NEVER thought ANY POTUS did a good job...including Carter. They all got 'F's from me.

But, considering they all suck at the job (IMO - to varying extents) and I assume they always will...I would at least like someone in the White House who is a decent human being...instead of a total dick (like Trump, Nixon, etc.).

And Jimmy Carter is clearly a great man.
I believe the opposite. I’d sacrifice personality issues for efficacy.

Not possible. No POTUS has ever done a good job (at least in my lifetime)...not even close. They all sucked. And with the present, political system in America - they ALWAYS will. This system punishes honor, rewards cowardice/incompetence.

Number one...if you cannot balance the budget (assuming there is no major DECLARED war going on), than you are a SHIT POTUS - total and complete. Any idiot can spend money he/she does not have...literally. It takes skill to live within your means. And that is just for starters.

Obviously you think some POTUS's in our lifetimes were good. Obviously you were wrong, IMO. And obviously, your mind is fixed in that position. So further discussion is pointless on this with you.

Good day.
Reagan ended the Cold War. As far as I’m concerned, that’s an accomplishment that most of us felt was impossible.

While Reagan was credited with ending the Cold War - bringing the Berlin Wall down - it was well on the way to ending a decade before. Communism/socialism does not work and economic pressures were well under way for a very long time. I read lots of reports of it at my job in Vienna in the mid-70s to show the rot spreading.
I'm sure the roots for soviet demise preceded Reagan but don't even begin to suggest that democrats believed that. Dems were endorsing arms deals and propagated the idea that Reagan would willfully start WWIII.
Dems dishonestly make claims in retrospect that they knew the USSR would collapse.
Total lie.
The fall of Iran, crashing helicopters in the desert, waiting 2 hours to buy gas.

They say it takes him all day to pound a nail.

yeah cause it happened under carter,carter is to be blamed for all that,it was not the government that set him up like that.:rolleyes:
And Billy Bob Thornton’s character in Slingblade was just as altruistic but I wouldn’t want him to be president.

That is a character...Jimmy Carter is real.

I have NEVER thought ANY POTUS did a good job...including Carter. They all got 'F's from me.

But, considering they all suck at the job (IMO - to varying extents) and I assume they always will...I would at least like someone in the White House who is a decent human being...instead of a total dick (like Trump, Nixon, etc.).

And Jimmy Carter is clearly a great man.
I believe the opposite. I’d sacrifice personality issues for efficacy.

Not possible. No POTUS has ever done a good job (at least in my lifetime)...not even close. They all sucked. And with the present, political system in America - they ALWAYS will. This system punishes honor, rewards cowardice/incompetence.

Number one...if you cannot balance the budget (assuming there is no major DECLARED war going on), than you are a SHIT POTUS - total and complete. Any idiot can spend money he/she does not have...literally. It takes skill to live within your means. And that is just for starters.

Obviously you think some POTUS's in our lifetimes were good. Obviously you were wrong, IMO. And obviously, your mind is fixed in that position. So further discussion is pointless on this with you.

Good day.
Reagan ended the Cold War. As far as I’m concerned, that’s an accomplishment that most of us felt was impossible.

While Reagan was credited with ending the Cold War - bringing the Berlin Wall down - it was well on the way to ending a decade before. Communism/socialism does not work and economic pressures were well under way for a very long time. I read lots of reports of it at my job in Vienna in the mid-70s to show the rot spreading.

The brainwased Reaganut zombies just dont get that they are so much in denial mode on this and dont want to do the research and investigate the facts they love him so much.:rolleyes:
The fall of Iran, crashing helicopters in the desert, waiting 2 hours to buy gas.

They say it takes him all day to pound a nail.

yeah cause it happened under carter,carter is to be blamed for all that,it was not the government that set him up like that.:rolleyes:
Carter’s inaction during that revolution and subsequent asylum granted to the shah led to that.
That is a character...Jimmy Carter is real.

I have NEVER thought ANY POTUS did a good job...including Carter. They all got 'F's from me.

But, considering they all suck at the job (IMO - to varying extents) and I assume they always will...I would at least like someone in the White House who is a decent human being...instead of a total dick (like Trump, Nixon, etc.).

And Jimmy Carter is clearly a great man.
I believe the opposite. I’d sacrifice personality issues for efficacy.

Not possible. No POTUS has ever done a good job (at least in my lifetime)...not even close. They all sucked. And with the present, political system in America - they ALWAYS will. This system punishes honor, rewards cowardice/incompetence.

Number one...if you cannot balance the budget (assuming there is no major DECLARED war going on), than you are a SHIT POTUS - total and complete. Any idiot can spend money he/she does not have...literally. It takes skill to live within your means. And that is just for starters.

Obviously you think some POTUS's in our lifetimes were good. Obviously you were wrong, IMO. And obviously, your mind is fixed in that position. So further discussion is pointless on this with you.

Good day.
Reagan ended the Cold War. As far as I’m concerned, that’s an accomplishment that most of us felt was impossible.

While Reagan was credited with ending the Cold War - bringing the Berlin Wall down - it was well on the way to ending a decade before. Communism/socialism does not work and economic pressures were well under way for a very long time. I read lots of reports of it at my job in Vienna in the mid-70s to show the rot spreading.

The brainwased Reaganut zombies just dont get that they are so much in denial mode on this and dont want to do the research and investigate the facts they love him so much.:rolleyes:
You’re either too young or completely duped.
Lefties were making movies like Testament and The Day After (imploring international leaders to watch and take note) and the W Post ran a 4-part story on evacuation and preparedness for nuclear war while Reagan was implementing his ultimately successful plan.

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