Jimmy Carter: "Leave Gay Marriage To States To Decide" (Right On Jimmy!)

Carter would have a point if the government was actually forcing churches to marry any couple against their wishes, gay or otherwise. If only this was actually happening any where in our nation...if only.

Since when is freedom of religion limited only to a Church?

Because gays are getting married people are having their freedom of religion limited? Not sure how that works.

When you force someone to either officiate at a gay wedding or go out of business, you are limiting freedom of religion.

Nobody should be forced to officiate any wedding against their wishes.
The idea that an individual rights issue can be decided on a state by state basis has been obsolete since the Civil War

The question is that is this shit a right. Do you have a right to force another private person to do something they don't want to.

Forcing GOVERNMENT to be neutral and accommodating to all is acceptable, forcing individuals to comply is basically Jim crow in photo negative.
You have a right to equal treatment under the law

Once gay couples cross state lines, they cannot move from married, to unmarried and back to married status

It is unworkable and will be corrected by the courts
Let us do away with all PA laws for non-essential services, let these public businesses proudly state which members of the public they will or will not serve. Let the free market decide if they are worthy of our money. When the public decides to boycott and take their business elsewhere they will whine and cry about bullying.

As long it is

1) not the government doing it
2) not accompanied by bullying and itimidation

I have no issue with the market settling this. That being said If a place didn't want to do business with me it would be no skin off my back.

I agree. Don't want my money?! Fine by me, I'll take business to your nearest competitor.

I am not sure what you would consider bullying though. Is organizing a boycott of the business bullying? Is alerting the public of their "we don't serve.." business practices bullying?
Jimmy Carter is wrong and the big government RWs are wrong.

Government does not belong in our private lives any more than religion does.

Unless you are a baker, a photographer, or own a wedding chapel.

Then, its SUBMIT PEON.

Freedom of religion doesn't mean you get to violate civil laws. If you want to talk about scrapping public accommodation laws for non-essential services then I am all for it.

Good, however until that happens I will continue pointing it out.

Call it a combo of constitutional indignation and OCD.

And I'll continue to point out that freedom of religion doesn't mean you get to violate civil law until PA laws are changed or ruled unconstitutional.
He's right. At least he is using common sense of how gay marriage should be delt with..........by the will of the voter and not by an activist rogue judge.

Jimmy Carter Leave gay marriage to states to decide - Washington Times

the states can't be trusted to protect constitutionally protected rights like equal protection.

and you care about what jimmy carter says because?
Jimmy Carter is good for a laugh. I am proud to say I voted for Anderson in 1980 before I was converted from my childhood idealism by Reagan.
He's right. At least he is using common sense of how gay marriage should be delt with..........by the will of the voter and not by an activist rogue judge.

Jimmy Carter Leave gay marriage to states to decide - Washington Times

the states can't be trusted to protect constitutionally protected rights like equal protection.

and you care about what jimmy carter says because?
Jimmy Carter is good for a laugh. I am proud to say I voted for Anderson in 1980 before I was converted from my childhood idealism by Reagan.

I wasn't voting yet in 80.

sorry about the Reagan thing, though.
He's right. At least he is using common sense of how gay marriage should be delt with..........by the will of the voter and not by an activist rogue judge.

Jimmy Carter Leave gay marriage to states to decide - Washington Times

the states can't be trusted to protect constitutionally protected rights like equal protection.

and you care about what jimmy carter says because?
Jimmy Carter is good for a laugh. I am proud to say I voted for Anderson in 1980 before I was converted from my childhood idealism by Reagan.

I wasn't voting yet in 80.

sorry about the Reagan thing, though.

Me neither. I was only six months old. lol
He's right. At least he is using common sense of how gay marriage should be delt with..........by the will of the voter and not by an activist rogue judge.

Jimmy Carter Leave gay marriage to states to decide - Washington Times

the states can't be trusted to protect constitutionally protected rights like equal protection.

and you care about what jimmy carter says because?
Jimmy Carter is good for a laugh. I am proud to say I voted for Anderson in 1980 before I was converted from my childhood idealism by Reagan.

I wasn't voting yet in 80.

sorry about the Reagan thing, though.

Me neither. I was only six months old. lol

He's right. At least he is using common sense of how gay marriage should be delt with..........by the will of the voter and not by an activist rogue judge.

Jimmy Carter Leave gay marriage to states to decide - Washington Times

the states can't be trusted to protect constitutionally protected rights like equal protection.

and you care about what jimmy carter says because?
Jimmy Carter is good for a laugh. I am proud to say I voted for Anderson in 1980 before I was converted from my childhood idealism by Reagan.

I wasn't voting yet in 80.

sorry about the Reagan thing, though.
Carter was an idiot. Even I understood that as a young air head. I couldn't bring myself to vote for Carter or Reagan at that point. As I matured politically (it might happen to you some day), I realized that Reagan was spot on, as did so much of the country. The rest is history as Reagan ushered in a period of American prosperity and global peace .(remember nuclear midnight?)

Perhaps not, you were too young. The clock stopped during Reagan's administration.
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You have to remember that Jimmy Carter was destroyed by the far left because he would not fund Kennedy's over bloated socialized medicine program..
I'd be perfectly fine with Jimmy's idea if my marriage was recognized in all 50 states just like 1st cousin marriages are. Not all states will marry 1st cousins but all 50 have to recognize them.
I'd be perfectly fine with Jimmy's idea if my marriage was recognized in all 50 states just like 1st cousin marriages are. Not all states will marry 1st cousins but all 50 have to recognize them.
Nobody cares if you marry your gay cousin. Having children with them, if possible, might be a bit more complex, but eugenics aside, no one gives a shit.
I'd be perfectly fine with Jimmy's idea if my marriage was recognized in all 50 states just like 1st cousin marriages are. Not all states will marry 1st cousins but all 50 have to recognize them.
Nobody cares if you marry your gay cousin. Having children with them, if possible, might be a bit more complex, but eugenics aside, no one gives a shit.

Apparently I didn't type slow enough for you to understand what I said. Read it again and sound out the words. We can't see your lips moving.
I'd be perfectly fine with Jimmy's idea if my marriage was recognized in all 50 states just like 1st cousin marriages are. Not all states will marry 1st cousins but all 50 have to recognize them.
Nobody cares if you marry your gay cousin. Having children with them, if possible, might be a bit more complex, but eugenics aside, no one gives a shit.

Apparently I didn't type slow enough for you to understand what I said. Read it again and sound out the words. We can't see your lips moving.
No one cares. I never cared about gay marriage and can't bring myself to care about it now.
He's right. At least he is using common sense of how gay marriage should be delt with..........by the will of the voter and not by an activist rogue judge.

Jimmy Carter Leave gay marriage to states to decide - Washington Times

the states can't be trusted to protect constitutionally protected rights like equal protection.

and you care about what jimmy carter says because?
Jimmy Carter is good for a laugh. I am proud to say I voted for Anderson in 1980 before I was converted from my childhood idealism by Reagan.

I wasn't voting yet in 80.

sorry about the Reagan thing, though.
Carter was an idiot. Even I understood that as a young air head. I couldn't bring myself to vote for Carter or Reagan at that point. As I matured politically ....

No doubt the same time you came up with that awesome fashion sensibility...
He's right. At least he is using common sense of how gay marriage should be delt with..........by the will of the voter and not by an activist rogue judge.

Jimmy Carter Leave gay marriage to states to decide - Washington Times

the states can't be trusted to protect constitutionally protected rights like equal protection.

and you care about what jimmy carter says because?
Jimmy Carter is good for a laugh. I am proud to say I voted for Anderson in 1980 before I was converted from my childhood idealism by Reagan.

I wasn't voting yet in 80.

sorry about the Reagan thing, though.
Carter was an idiot. Even I understood that as a young air head. I couldn't bring myself to vote for Carter or Reagan at that point. As I matured politically ....

No doubt the same time you came up with that awesome fashion sensibility...
I've no idea what you're on about. Fashion was never my calling. Carter sucked, Reagan was a great man and I pride myself for understanding the difference. Fashion didn't come up till Obama.

That has been a clusterfuck!
the states can't be trusted to protect constitutionally protected rights like equal protection.

and you care about what jimmy carter says because?
Jimmy Carter is good for a laugh. I am proud to say I voted for Anderson in 1980 before I was converted from my childhood idealism by Reagan.

I wasn't voting yet in 80.

sorry about the Reagan thing, though.
Carter was an idiot. Even I understood that as a young air head. I couldn't bring myself to vote for Carter or Reagan at that point. As I matured politically ....

No doubt the same time you came up with that awesome fashion sensibility...
I've no idea what you're on about. Fashion was never my calling. Carter sucked, Reagan was a great man and I pride myself for understanding the difference. Fashion didn't come up till Obama.

That has been a clusterfuck!

Reagan is responsible, along with Lee Atwater, for a huge part of what is wrong with this country now. There was nothing great about either him or carter. And I wouldn't have voted for either.
Jimmy Carter is good for a laugh. I am proud to say I voted for Anderson in 1980 before I was converted from my childhood idealism by Reagan.

I wasn't voting yet in 80.

sorry about the Reagan thing, though.
Carter was an idiot. Even I understood that as a young air head. I couldn't bring myself to vote for Carter or Reagan at that point. As I matured politically ....

No doubt the same time you came up with that awesome fashion sensibility...
I've no idea what you're on about. Fashion was never my calling. Carter sucked, Reagan was a great man and I pride myself for understanding the difference. Fashion didn't come up till Obama.

That has been a clusterfuck!

Reagan is responsible, along with Lee Atwater, for a huge part of what is wrong with this country now. There was nothing great about either him or carter. And I wouldn't have voted for either.
I already knew you are a ding bat. The country you know today would have already been third-world had it not been for the political acumen of Reagan. Please spare us your unresolved complexes.
I wasn't voting yet in 80.

sorry about the Reagan thing, though.
Carter was an idiot. Even I understood that as a young air head. I couldn't bring myself to vote for Carter or Reagan at that point. As I matured politically ....

No doubt the same time you came up with that awesome fashion sensibility...
I've no idea what you're on about. Fashion was never my calling. Carter sucked, Reagan was a great man and I pride myself for understanding the difference. Fashion didn't come up till Obama.

That has been a clusterfuck!

Reagan is responsible, along with Lee Atwater, for a huge part of what is wrong with this country now. There was nothing great about either him or carter. And I wouldn't have voted for either.
I already knew you are a ding bat. The country you know today would have already been third-world had it not been for the political acumen of Reagan. Please spare us your unresolved complexes.

I am hardly a "dingbat". But I certainly appreciate your useless assessment. I'm also not surprised that you don't care about how destructive he and his ideas were to this country.

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