Jimmy Carter: "Leave Gay Marriage To States To Decide" (Right On Jimmy!)

Playground insults.....you own them.

It's odd that he believes posting the reality of his civil marriage status is a playground insult.

Geez, woman, does your entire life center around your gayness? Do you ever think about anything else?

Your obsession validates all of the points made against you. You are amazingly ignorant.

Mine does not, but yours seemingly does...since you can't stop commenting in "gay threads" whenever they pop up. I'm gay...what's your excuse?

my excuse? I believe in constitutional government and that the will of the people should decide societal issues of what is considered right and wrong. I believe that gay marriage would be detrimental to society in the long run. I want gays to be treated equally and fairly, but calling a gay union a marriage is simply wrong and will set a terrible precedent for all forms of "marriage".

Thats what I believe, I don't care if you disagree. My beliefs are as valid as yours and mine have 3000 years of civilization in support of them.

When those of you who support the current gay agenda attempt to discredit or demonize anyone who disagrees with you, you invite the kind of dictatorial tyranny that the founders left europe to escape. You want to punish thoughts, that is very very wrong for any society.

and get over the Loving case, race and gay are not analogous.

I have stated my views many times. I will avoid any more threads on this or any other gay topic.

your one issue obsession is clear to everyone on this board. As is your intolerance and bigotry.

You want to prevent a same gender couple from enjoying the same rights as my wife and I enjoy. I think that is very wrong for any society.

And freedom of speech is not freedom from criticism.

Never has been.

not what I said. I said " I want gays to be treated equally and fairly, but calling a gay union a marriage is simply wrong and will set a terrible precedent for all forms of "marriage"."



Bam! I was mocking you that third time! Wow, what a sucker, you fell for it!

Wow, I didn't know you were mocking me when you posted the exact same thing you post the rest of the time. I feel so humiliated. LOL. Right.

Playground insults.....you own them.

It's odd that he believes posting the reality of his civil marriage status is a playground insult.

Geez, woman, does your entire life center around your gayness? Do you ever think about anything else?

Your obsession validates all of the points made against you. You are amazingly ignorant.

Mine does not, but yours seemingly does...since you can't stop commenting in "gay threads" whenever they pop up. I'm gay...what's your excuse?

my excuse? I believe in constitutional government and that the will of the people should decide societal issues of what is considered right and wrong. I believe that gay marriage would be detrimental to society in the long run. I want gays to be treated equally and fairly, but calling a gay union a marriage is simply wrong and will set a terrible precedent for all forms of "marriage".

If you believed in a constitutional government, you'd understand that laws that violate a citizens right to equal protection are unconstitutional. You'd also understand that our system of government has a mechanism for citizens to redress grievances, especially when the tyranny of the majority is trampling the rights of the minority.

What makes you mad is that the courts agree with me, and not with you. They know that there is no societal harm in allowing non familial consenting adult couples to civilly marry regardless of the gender of their partner...just like they did when they overturned the "will of the people" in Loving v. Virginia. (and let me tell you, it was WAY more against the "will of the people" when that ruling came down.)

Thats what I believe, I don't care if you disagree. My beliefs are as valid as yours and mine have 3000 years of civilization in support of them.

Your beliefs have no bearing on our secular government. Your church and your religion will always be free to discriminate against gays if they want to...the question is, how long will they want to?

When those of you who support the current gay agenda attempt to discredit or demonize anyone who disagrees with you, you invite the kind of dictatorial tyranny that the founders left europe to escape. You want to punish thoughts, that is very very wrong for any society.

Awww...the bigots don't like being called bigots. Boo freaking hoo. Don't like being called out as a bigot, don't be one in public. You're not being jailed or arrested so drop the hyperbole, drama queen.

and get over the Loving case, race and gay are not analogous.

Race and gender are...and the discrimination is, right down to the bigoted language and the justification using the bible. I'm sorry that is an inconvenient truth for you...no, I'm not really sorry after all.

I have stated my views many times. I will avoid any more threads on this or any other gay topic.

your one issue obsession is clear to everyone on this board. As is your intolerance and bigotry.

And there he goes...AGAIN. I can't count on my fingers and toes how many times Fishy has stomped out of gay threads in a huff...only to slink back a few days later.

Give it up, you're like a moth to a flamer...er, flame.
It's odd that he believes posting the reality of his civil marriage status is a playground insult.

Geez, woman, does your entire life center around your gayness? Do you ever think about anything else?

Your obsession validates all of the points made against you. You are amazingly ignorant.

Mine does not, but yours seemingly does...since you can't stop commenting in "gay threads" whenever they pop up. I'm gay...what's your excuse?

my excuse? I believe in constitutional government and that the will of the people should decide societal issues of what is considered right and wrong. I believe that gay marriage would be detrimental to society in the long run. I want gays to be treated equally and fairly, but calling a gay union a marriage is simply wrong and will set a terrible precedent for all forms of "marriage".

Thats what I believe, I don't care if you disagree. My beliefs are as valid as yours and mine have 3000 years of civilization in support of them.

When those of you who support the current gay agenda attempt to discredit or demonize anyone who disagrees with you, you invite the kind of dictatorial tyranny that the founders left europe to escape. You want to punish thoughts, that is very very wrong for any society.

and get over the Loving case, race and gay are not analogous.

I have stated my views many times. I will avoid any more threads on this or any other gay topic.

your one issue obsession is clear to everyone on this board. As is your intolerance and bigotry.

You want to prevent a same gender couple from enjoying the same rights as my wife and I enjoy. I think that is very wrong for any society.

And freedom of speech is not freedom from criticism.

Never has been.

not what I said. I said " I want gays to be treated equally and fairly, but calling a gay union a marriage is simply wrong and will set a terrible precedent for all forms of "marriage"."

I have stated my views many times. I will avoid any more threads on this or any other gay topic.

Good job of avoidance...:lol:
not what I said. I said " I want gays to be treated equally and fairly, but calling a gay union a marriage is simply wrong and will set a terrible precedent for all forms of "marriage"."

...and will render children in those "marriages" without one of their blood parents 100% of the time.

...and will place orphaned kids directly within the legal reach for adoption from a culture who does sex acts in front of them in the streets as a matter of "pride"...and who venerates Harvey Milk as their sexual icon [read my signature for details]

...and will cause a normalizing of gay behaviors on a level not yet seen...as "strange and mysterious" upward trends in boys ages13-24 with each new generation come down with HIV from experimenting with gay sex.

Like Judge Sutton said in his decision on the 6th circuit this week, we have not reeled out enough time and have not thoroughly allowed the electorate to weigh in on whether or not this culture would benefit everyone [not just the gays whining HARD for it], including children and future generations. Reaffirming Windsor's Opinion that this type of marriage is up to the states to regulate, and is illegal in all the states "overturned" as of this moment [regardless of illegal attempts by other circuit judges to overrule Baker from underneath], leaves plenty of time for one state to observe another who has legalized it, to see if it's OK to incentivize homes where one blood parent is mandated to be missing 100% of the time..and all the rest of it nobody seems to want to talk about...

The thing with one trick ponies is eventually the trick gets dull

You're right...your harping on civil marriage and your contempt for gays wanting what you have is tiresome.

Playground insults, liberals never really move beyond that, do you?

LOL.....the irony is thick with that post....
Kaz: I'm mocking you, bitch. Stop being such a moron
Kaz: What a bunch of kool aid guzzlers you are. I have a tip for you, don't go on timeshare vacations, seriously. What a sucker, wow

Kaz: LOL. Your shit does stink, sorry guy.

And that is just quotes from you....if I was quoting other Conservatives we would be here all day.




Bam! I was mocking you that third time! Wow, what a sucker, you fell for it!

Wow, I didn't know you were mocking me when you posted the exact same thing you post the rest of the time. I feel so humiliated. LOL. Right.

Playground insults.....you own them.

The irony of that one. You're repeating my own line to me, which is a classic playground insult, and saying I own playground insults and that wasn't one. Playground insults don't mean you don't like them, they are a specific class of insults. Like repeating back to someone what they said. LOL. You're just a moron. I'd say nice try, but it wasn't.
You're right...your harping on civil marriage and your contempt for gays wanting what you have is tiresome.

Playground insults, liberals never really move beyond that, do you?

LOL.....the irony is thick with that post....
Kaz: I'm mocking you, bitch. Stop being such a moron
Kaz: What a bunch of kool aid guzzlers you are. I have a tip for you, don't go on timeshare vacations, seriously. What a sucker, wow

Kaz: LOL. Your shit does stink, sorry guy.

And that is just quotes from you....if I was quoting other Conservatives we would be here all day.




Bam! I was mocking you that third time! Wow, what a sucker, you fell for it!

Wow, I didn't know you were mocking me when you posted the exact same thing you post the rest of the time. I feel so humiliated. LOL. Right.

Playground insults.....you own them.

It's odd that he believes posting the reality of his civil marriage status is a playground insult.

Strawman. That wasn't why it was a playground insult, dumb ass. It's in the quote. I'd explain it, but you're too stupid to get.
You're right...your harping on civil marriage and your contempt for gays wanting what you have is tiresome.

Playground insults, liberals never really move beyond that, do you?

LOL.....the irony is thick with that post....
Kaz: I'm mocking you, bitch. Stop being such a moron
Kaz: What a bunch of kool aid guzzlers you are. I have a tip for you, don't go on timeshare vacations, seriously. What a sucker, wow

Kaz: LOL. Your shit does stink, sorry guy.

And that is just quotes from you....if I was quoting other Conservatives we would be here all day.




Bam! I was mocking you that third time! Wow, what a sucker, you fell for it!

Wow, I didn't know you were mocking me when you posted the exact same thing you post the rest of the time. I feel so humiliated. LOL. Right.

Playground insults.....you own them.

The irony of that one. You're repeating my own line to me, which is a classic playground insult, and saying I own playground insults and that wasn't one. Playground insults don't mean you don't like them, they are a specific class of insults. Like repeating back to someone what they said. LOL. You're just a moron. I'd say nice try, but it wasn't.

Playground insults....and you still own them.
Playground insults.....you own them.

It's odd that he believes posting the reality of his civil marriage status is a playground insult.

Geez, woman, does your entire life center around your gayness? Do you ever think about anything else?

Your obsession validates all of the points made against you. You are amazingly ignorant.

Mine does not, but yours seemingly does...since you can't stop commenting in "gay threads" whenever they pop up. I'm gay...what's your excuse?

my excuse? I believe in constitutional government and that the will of the people should decide societal issues of what is considered right and wrong. I believe that gay marriage would be detrimental to society in the long run. I want gays to be treated equally and fairly, but calling a gay union a marriage is simply wrong and will set a terrible precedent for all forms of "marriage".

Thats what I believe, I don't care if you disagree. My beliefs are as valid as yours and mine have 3000 years of civilization in support of them.

When those of you who support the current gay agenda attempt to discredit or demonize anyone who disagrees with you, you invite the kind of dictatorial tyranny that the founders left europe to escape. You want to punish thoughts, that is very very wrong for any society.

and get over the Loving case, race and gay are not analogous.

I have stated my views many times. I will avoid any more threads on this or any other gay topic.

your one issue obsession is clear to everyone on this board. As is your intolerance and bigotry.

You want to prevent a same gender couple from enjoying the same rights as my wife and I enjoy. I think that is very wrong for any society.

And freedom of speech is not freedom from criticism.

Never has been.

That's what you thought he said? Seriously?
not what I said. I said " I want gays to be treated equally and fairly, but calling a gay union a marriage is simply wrong and will set a terrible precedent for all forms of "marriage"."

...and will render children in those "marriages" without one of their blood parents 100% of the time.

...and will place orphaned kids directly within the legal reach for adoption from a culture

Homosexuals already adopt children abandoned by their heterosexual parents.

All children adopted by their non-blood parents are without one of their blood parents.

Your argument is not with same gender marriage- your argument is that children should be taken away from gay couples.
Playground insults, liberals never really move beyond that, do you?

LOL.....the irony is thick with that post....
Kaz: I'm mocking you, bitch. Stop being such a moron
Kaz: What a bunch of kool aid guzzlers you are. I have a tip for you, don't go on timeshare vacations, seriously. What a sucker, wow

Kaz: LOL. Your shit does stink, sorry guy.

And that is just quotes from you....if I was quoting other Conservatives we would be here all day.




Bam! I was mocking you that third time! Wow, what a sucker, you fell for it!

Wow, I didn't know you were mocking me when you posted the exact same thing you post the rest of the time. I feel so humiliated. LOL. Right.

Playground insults.....you own them.

The irony of that one. You're repeating my own line to me, which is a classic playground insult, and saying I own playground insults and that wasn't one. Playground insults don't mean you don't like them, they are a specific class of insults. Like repeating back to someone what they said. LOL. You're just a moron. I'd say nice try, but it wasn't.

Playground insults....and you still own them.

Now your repeating your point ignoring what I said. A common tactic on ... playgrounds ...
LOL.....the irony is thick with that post....
Kaz: I'm mocking you, bitch. Stop being such a moron
Kaz: What a bunch of kool aid guzzlers you are. I have a tip for you, don't go on timeshare vacations, seriously. What a sucker, wow

Kaz: LOL. Your shit does stink, sorry guy.

And that is just quotes from you....if I was quoting other Conservatives we would be here all day.




Bam! I was mocking you that third time! Wow, what a sucker, you fell for it!

Wow, I didn't know you were mocking me when you posted the exact same thing you post the rest of the time. I feel so humiliated. LOL. Right.

Playground insults.....you own them.

The irony of that one. You're repeating my own line to me, which is a classic playground insult, and saying I own playground insults and that wasn't one. Playground insults don't mean you don't like them, they are a specific class of insults. Like repeating back to someone what they said. LOL. You're just a moron. I'd say nice try, but it wasn't.

Playground insults....and you still own them.

Now your repeating your point ignoring what I said. A common tactic on ... playgrounds ...

You would know.



Bam! I was mocking you that third time! Wow, what a sucker, you fell for it!

Wow, I didn't know you were mocking me when you posted the exact same thing you post the rest of the time. I feel so humiliated. LOL. Right.

Playground insults.....you own them.

The irony of that one. You're repeating my own line to me, which is a classic playground insult, and saying I own playground insults and that wasn't one. Playground insults don't mean you don't like them, they are a specific class of insults. Like repeating back to someone what they said. LOL. You're just a moron. I'd say nice try, but it wasn't.

Playground insults....and you still own them.

Now your repeating your point ignoring what I said. A common tactic on ... playgrounds ...

You would know.

I wish you were kidding
Playground insults, liberals never really move beyond that, do you?

LOL.....the irony is thick with that post....
Kaz: I'm mocking you, bitch. Stop being such a moron
Kaz: What a bunch of kool aid guzzlers you are. I have a tip for you, don't go on timeshare vacations, seriously. What a sucker, wow

Kaz: LOL. Your shit does stink, sorry guy.

And that is just quotes from you....if I was quoting other Conservatives we would be here all day.




Bam! I was mocking you that third time! Wow, what a sucker, you fell for it!

Wow, I didn't know you were mocking me when you posted the exact same thing you post the rest of the time. I feel so humiliated. LOL. Right.

Playground insults.....you own them.

It's odd that he believes posting the reality of his civil marriage status is a playground insult.

Strawman. That wasn't why it was a playground insult, dumb ass. It's in the quote. I'd explain it, but you're too stupid to get.

Hmm, well I guess you're just more well versed at insults, playground or otherwise. What it they say about insults and the losing argument? I can't recall, but I think you should call me a stupid bitch again, married guy. :lol:
Playground insults, liberals never really move beyond that, do you?

LOL.....the irony is thick with that post....
Kaz: I'm mocking you, bitch. Stop being such a moron
Kaz: What a bunch of kool aid guzzlers you are. I have a tip for you, don't go on timeshare vacations, seriously. What a sucker, wow

Kaz: LOL. Your shit does stink, sorry guy.

And that is just quotes from you....if I was quoting other Conservatives we would be here all day.




Bam! I was mocking you that third time! Wow, what a sucker, you fell for it!

Wow, I didn't know you were mocking me when you posted the exact same thing you post the rest of the time. I feel so humiliated. LOL. Right.

Playground insults.....you own them.

It's odd that he believes posting the reality of his civil marriage status is a playground insult.

Strawman. That wasn't why it was a playground insult, dumb ass. It's in the quote. I'd explain it, but you're too stupid to get.

Hmm, well I guess you're just more well versed at insults, playground or otherwise. What it they say about insults and the losing argument? I can't recall, but I think you should call me a stupid bitch again, married guy. :lol:

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