Jimmy Carter: "Leave Gay Marriage To States To Decide" (Right On Jimmy!)

I am curious as to why an avowed Libertarian such as yourself would encourage Government to stand in the way of consenting adults getting married?

Especially when he's civilly married himself...and not doing anything to stop straights like himself from civilly marrying.

The thing with one trick ponies is eventually the trick gets dull

You're right...your harping on civil marriage and your contempt for gays wanting what you have is tiresome.

Playground insults, liberals never really move beyond that, do you?

LOL.....the irony is thick with that post....
Kaz: I'm mocking you, bitch. Stop being such a moron
Kaz: What a bunch of kool aid guzzlers you are. I have a tip for you, don't go on timeshare vacations, seriously. What a sucker, wow
Kaz: LOL. Your shit does stink, sorry guy.

And that is just quotes from you....if I was quoting other Conservatives we would be here all day.
LOL.....the irony is thick with that post....
Kaz: I'm mocking you, bitch. Stop being such a moron
Kaz: What a bunch of kool aid guzzlers you are. I have a tip for you, don't go on timeshare vacations, seriously. What a sucker, wow

Kaz: LOL. Your shit does stink, sorry guy.

And that is just quotes from you....if I was quoting other Conservatives we would be here all day.

Your points all sound good, but they have nothing whatsoever to do with the discussion, which is...

..why states should be forced to incentivize "marriages" which by their very structure will alienate one of the blood parents of any children in that home 100% of the time. And why states should be forced to incorporate a culture as having "special rights" while other cultures [such as Sharia Law] do not and will not ever get those rights? Especially when that CULTure 100% of the time [0% spoken public dissent] pride parades with lewd sex acts where children are invited to attend and even march...and the celebration of a sex predator [Harvey Milk] who preyed on his own minor teen ward for sodomy and other "young waifs with substance abuse problems" Milk had a penchant for.

The LGBT cult is lobbying to have legal access to children via marriage alongside their "in your face sex with, or in front of children" stance. They want a legal situation forced upon states to release their orphans into these "homes"...

Now, address the topic and leave your reverse-bullying and strawmen behind.
LOL.....the irony is thick with that post....
Kaz: I'm mocking you, bitch. Stop being such a moron
Kaz: What a bunch of kool aid guzzlers you are. I have a tip for you, don't go on timeshare vacations, seriously. What a sucker, wow

Kaz: LOL. Your shit does stink, sorry guy.

And that is just quotes from you....if I was quoting other Conservatives we would be here all day.

Now, address the topic and leave your reverse-bullying and strawmen behind.

The topic?

That Jimmy Carter thinks that this should be left to the States- well I think JImmy is wrong. That train left the station before Jimmy even arrived.

States have no authority to enact unconstutional laws- and federal courts have the authority to overturn unconsitutional laws.
The topic?

That Jimmy Carter thinks that this should be left to the States- well I think JImmy is wrong. That train left the station before Jimmy even arrived.

States have no authority to enact unconstutional laws- and federal courts have the authority to overturn unconsitutional laws.

What is unconstitutional about states regulating behaviors repugnant to the majority within their borders? What is unconstitutional about states disincentivizing married homes where one of the blood parents of the children there will be guaranteed to be missing 100% of the time?
The topic?

That Jimmy Carter thinks that this should be left to the States- well I think JImmy is wrong. That train left the station before Jimmy even arrived.

States have no authority to enact unconstutional laws- and federal courts have the authority to overturn unconsitutional laws.

What is unconstitutional about states regulating behaviors repugnant to the majority within their borders?

Maybe you should read one of the dozen cases where judges declared that it was unconstitutional to deny same gender couples the right to marriage that all Americans have.

Or you could just keep making crap up.

In the end it won't make much difference.

Especially when he's civilly married himself...and not doing anything to stop straights like himself from civilly marrying.

The thing with one trick ponies is eventually the trick gets dull

You're right...your harping on civil marriage and your contempt for gays wanting what you have is tiresome.

Playground insults, liberals never really move beyond that, do you?

LOL.....the irony is thick with that post....
Kaz: I'm mocking you, bitch. Stop being such a moron
Kaz: What a bunch of kool aid guzzlers you are. I have a tip for you, don't go on timeshare vacations, seriously. What a sucker, wow

Kaz: LOL. Your shit does stink, sorry guy.

And that is just quotes from you....if I was quoting other Conservatives we would be here all day.




Bam! I was mocking you that third time! Wow, what a sucker, you fell for it!

Wow, I didn't know you were mocking me when you posted the exact same thing you post the rest of the time. I feel so humiliated. LOL. Right.
Especially when he's civilly married himself...and not doing anything to stop straights like himself from civilly marrying.

The thing with one trick ponies is eventually the trick gets dull

You're right...your harping on civil marriage and your contempt for gays wanting what you have is tiresome.

Playground insults, liberals never really move beyond that, do you?

LOL.....the irony is thick with that post....
Kaz: I'm mocking you, bitch. Stop being such a moron
Kaz: What a bunch of kool aid guzzlers you are. I have a tip for you, don't go on timeshare vacations, seriously. What a sucker, wow

Kaz: LOL. Your shit does stink, sorry guy.

And that is just quotes from you....if I was quoting other Conservatives we would be here all day.




Bam! I was mocking you that third time! Wow, what a sucker, you fell for it!

Wow, I didn't know you were mocking me when you posted the exact same thing you post the rest of the time. I feel so humiliated. LOL. Right.

Playground insults.....you own them.
The thing with one trick ponies is eventually the trick gets dull

You're right...your harping on civil marriage and your contempt for gays wanting what you have is tiresome.

Playground insults, liberals never really move beyond that, do you?

LOL.....the irony is thick with that post....
Kaz: I'm mocking you, bitch. Stop being such a moron
Kaz: What a bunch of kool aid guzzlers you are. I have a tip for you, don't go on timeshare vacations, seriously. What a sucker, wow

Kaz: LOL. Your shit does stink, sorry guy.

And that is just quotes from you....if I was quoting other Conservatives we would be here all day.




Bam! I was mocking you that third time! Wow, what a sucker, you fell for it!

Wow, I didn't know you were mocking me when you posted the exact same thing you post the rest of the time. I feel so humiliated. LOL. Right.

Playground insults.....you own them.

It's odd that he believes posting the reality of his civil marriage status is a playground insult.
You're right...your harping on civil marriage and your contempt for gays wanting what you have is tiresome.

Playground insults, liberals never really move beyond that, do you?

LOL.....the irony is thick with that post....
Kaz: I'm mocking you, bitch. Stop being such a moron
Kaz: What a bunch of kool aid guzzlers you are. I have a tip for you, don't go on timeshare vacations, seriously. What a sucker, wow

Kaz: LOL. Your shit does stink, sorry guy.

And that is just quotes from you....if I was quoting other Conservatives we would be here all day.




Bam! I was mocking you that third time! Wow, what a sucker, you fell for it!

Wow, I didn't know you were mocking me when you posted the exact same thing you post the rest of the time. I feel so humiliated. LOL. Right.

Playground insults.....you own them.

It's odd that he believes posting the reality of his civil marriage status is a playground insult.

Geez, woman, does your entire life center around your gayness? Do you ever think about anything else?

Your obsession validates all of the points made against you. You are amazingly ignorant.
Maybe you should read one of the dozen cases where judges declared that it was unconstitutional to deny same gender couples the right to marriage that all Americans have.

Or you could just keep making crap up.

In the end it won't make much difference.

A great place to start would be one of the most recent circuit court decisions. Found here: 6th Circuit Federal Appeals Court Gives Thumb s Up to States Choice on Gay Marriage Page 12 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Maybe you should read one of the dozen cases where judges declared that it was unconstitutional to deny same gender couples the right to marriage that all Americans have.

Or you could just keep making crap up.

In the end it won't make much difference.

A great place to start would be one of the most recent circuit court decisions.

Or we could read the opinion of the 4th circuit court of appeal


Because the Proponents’ arguments are based on overbroad
generalizations about same-sex parents, and because there is no
link between banning same-sex marriage and promoting optimal
childrearing, this aim cannot support the Virginia Marriage
Laws. All of the Proponents’ justifications for the Virginia
Marriage Laws therefore fail, and the laws cannot survive strict
For the foregoing reasons, we conclude that the Virginia
Marriage Laws violate the Due Process and Equal Protection
Clauses of the Fourteenth Amendment to the extent that they
prevent same-sex couples from marrying and prohibit Virginia
from recognizing same-sex couples’ lawful out-of-state
marriages. We therefore affirm the district court’s grant of
the Plaintiffs’ motion for summary judgment and its decision to
enjoin enforcement of the Virginia Marriage Laws.10
Maybe you should read one of the dozen cases where judges declared that it was unconstitutional to deny same gender couples the right to marriage that all Americans have.

Or you could just keep making crap up.

In the end it won't make much difference.

A great place to start would be one of the most recent circuit court decisions. Found here: 6th Circuit Federal Appeals Court Gives Thumb s Up to States Choice on Gay Marriage Page 12 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Somebody had to be wrong, it might as well have been the 6th.
Playground insults, liberals never really move beyond that, do you?

LOL.....the irony is thick with that post....
Kaz: I'm mocking you, bitch. Stop being such a moron
Kaz: What a bunch of kool aid guzzlers you are. I have a tip for you, don't go on timeshare vacations, seriously. What a sucker, wow

Kaz: LOL. Your shit does stink, sorry guy.

And that is just quotes from you....if I was quoting other Conservatives we would be here all day.




Bam! I was mocking you that third time! Wow, what a sucker, you fell for it!

Wow, I didn't know you were mocking me when you posted the exact same thing you post the rest of the time. I feel so humiliated. LOL. Right.

Playground insults.....you own them.

It's odd that he believes posting the reality of his civil marriage status is a playground insult.

Geez, woman, does your entire life center around your gayness? Do you ever think about anything else?

Your obsession validates all of the points made against you. You are amazingly ignorant.

Mine does not, but yours seemingly does...since you can't stop commenting in "gay threads" whenever they pop up. I'm gay...what's your excuse?
LOL.....the irony is thick with that post....
Kaz: I'm mocking you, bitch. Stop being such a moron
Kaz: What a bunch of kool aid guzzlers you are. I have a tip for you, don't go on timeshare vacations, seriously. What a sucker, wow

Kaz: LOL. Your shit does stink, sorry guy.

And that is just quotes from you....if I was quoting other Conservatives we would be here all day.




Bam! I was mocking you that third time! Wow, what a sucker, you fell for it!

Wow, I didn't know you were mocking me when you posted the exact same thing you post the rest of the time. I feel so humiliated. LOL. Right.

Playground insults.....you own them.

It's odd that he believes posting the reality of his civil marriage status is a playground insult.

Geez, woman, does your entire life center around your gayness? Do you ever think about anything else?

Your obsession validates all of the points made against you. You are amazingly ignorant.

Mine does not, but yours seemingly does...since you can't stop commenting in "gay threads" whenever they pop up. I'm gay...what's your excuse?

my excuse? I believe in constitutional government and that the will of the people should decide societal issues of what is considered right and wrong. I believe that gay marriage would be detrimental to society in the long run. I want gays to be treated equally and fairly, but calling a gay union a marriage is simply wrong and will set a terrible precedent for all forms of "marriage".

Thats what I believe, I don't care if you disagree. My beliefs are as valid as yours and mine have 3000 years of civilization in support of them.

When those of you who support the current gay agenda attempt to discredit or demonize anyone who disagrees with you, you invite the kind of dictatorial tyranny that the founders left europe to escape. You want to punish thoughts, that is very very wrong for any society.

and get over the Loving case, race and gay are not analogous.

I have stated my views many times. I will avoid any more threads on this or any other gay topic.

your one issue obsession is clear to everyone on this board. As is your intolerance and bigotry.
Somebody had to be wrong, it might as well have been the 6th.
You read Judge Sutton's logical deduction and command of constitutional law and you might change your mind about that. More importantly, Kennedy might change his mind about that...



Bam! I was mocking you that third time! Wow, what a sucker, you fell for it!

Wow, I didn't know you were mocking me when you posted the exact same thing you post the rest of the time. I feel so humiliated. LOL. Right.

Playground insults.....you own them.

It's odd that he believes posting the reality of his civil marriage status is a playground insult.

Geez, woman, does your entire life center around your gayness? Do you ever think about anything else?

Your obsession validates all of the points made against you. You are amazingly ignorant.

Mine does not, but yours seemingly does...since you can't stop commenting in "gay threads" whenever they pop up. I'm gay...what's your excuse?

my excuse? I believe in constitutional government and that the will of the people should decide societal issues of what is considered right and wrong. I believe that gay marriage would be detrimental to society in the long run. I want gays to be treated equally and fairly, but calling a gay union a marriage is simply wrong and will set a terrible precedent for all forms of "marriage".

Thats what I believe, I don't care if you disagree. My beliefs are as valid as yours and mine have 3000 years of civilization in support of them.

When those of you who support the current gay agenda attempt to discredit or demonize anyone who disagrees with you, you invite the kind of dictatorial tyranny that the founders left europe to escape. You want to punish thoughts, that is very very wrong for any society.

and get over the Loving case, race and gay are not analogous.

I have stated my views many times. I will avoid any more threads on this or any other gay topic.

your one issue obsession is clear to everyone on this board. As is your intolerance and bigotry.

You want to prevent a same gender couple from enjoying the same rights as my wife and I enjoy. I think that is very wrong for any society.

And freedom of speech is not freedom from criticism.

Never has been.
Somebody had to be wrong, it might as well have been the 6th.
You read Judge Sutton's logical deduction and command of constitutional law and you might change your mind about that. More importantly, Kennedy might change his mind about that...

I have read the other Appellette court judge's opinions and found them more persuasive.

But in the end, Kennedy will probably be the deciding vote- and I don't claim to be be able to predict how he will decide.
Somebody had to be wrong, it might as well have been the 6th.
You read Judge Sutton's logical deduction and command of constitutional law and you might change your mind about that. More importantly, Kennedy might change his mind about that...

I have read the other Appellette court judge's opinions and found them more persuasive.

But in the end, Kennedy will probably be the deciding vote- and I don't claim to be be able to predict how he will decide.
6-3 is more likely. Roberts and Kennedy know how life plays out.

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