Jimmy Carter Says He Would Have Defeated Reagan Had He Been More 'manly'

I seem to remember a prime interest rate of 18% having something to do with his defeat...but mainly it was America's perception of Carter being a coward. He'd abandoned our foreign service personnel to the Iranian mob. The Canadian embassy in Tehran showed more guts than our entire democrat bureaucracy.
What about the rescue mission, and Raygun undercutting Carter on the hostages- um, treason...what a pile of crap. Then Reagan set us back 20 years with his pal Saddam and latin despots and ethnic cleansing.

Carter would have been fine without Teddy and allowing the Shah into the US...
Carter couldn't beat his way out of a wet paper bag. He was landslided beyond recognition. 489-49.
What about the rescue mission, and Raygun undercutting Carter on the hostages- um, treason...what a pile of crap. Then Reagan set us back 20 years with his pal Saddam and latin despots and ethnic cleansing.

Carter would have been fine without Teddy and allowing the Shah into the US...

Carter and O have set us back about 50 years.
Carter is a bitter man. His economic policy was a disaster and his foreign policy was one of appeasement.
Every Jew in the country voted for him when he ran for president. After his Israel=apartheid stand, you'd be hard pressed to find one who admits they voted for him. My brother knows him pretty well. He's an Atlanta lawyer who does gratis work for Habitat for Humanity. Even he pretty much sums up Carter as a bitter old fuck who figures the world done him wrong. We're looking at Obama 20-30 years from now.
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Anyway, all things considered, Carter is admitting that if he'd taken a harder stand against Islamic extremists, rather than kissing their asses, history may have taken a turn that it didn't. At least he's being a man in admitting that. I can't help but think this orchestration may be a polemic for our sitting president.
Anyway, all things considered, Carter is admitting that if he'd taken a harder stand against Islamic extremists, rather than kissing their asses, history may have taken a turn that it didn't. At least he's being a man in admitting that. I can't help but think this orchestration may be a polemic for our sitting president.

The Iranians knew damn well that Reagan and Co. would not put up with their shit. They released the hostages at the time of Reagans Inaugration because they knew what could be coming. They did this combination FEAR and F-U to Carter. Reagan afforded Carter the privilege to welcome the hostages in an official capacity. A thank you from Carter would suffice at some point.
Anyway, all things considered, Carter is admitting that if he'd taken a harder stand against Islamic extremists, rather than kissing their asses, history may have taken a turn that it didn't. At least he's being a man in admitting that. I can't help but think this orchestration may be a polemic for our sitting president.

The Iranians knew damn well that Reagan and Co. would not put up with their shit. They released the hostages at the time of Reagans Inaugration because they knew what could be coming. They did this combination FEAR and F-U to Carter. Reagan afforded Carter the privilege to welcome the hostages in an official capacity. A thank you from Carter would suffice at some point.

Yes, I know. The War College did a probability study for a nuclear strike against Iran. We could have killed 17 million people on the first day. The Iranians knew Reagan would push the button if they fucked with him the way they did with a spineless Jimmy Carter. The world situation went from one of Carter kissing Iran's ass to Iran kissing Reagan's ass within 48 hours of his inauguration. Backbone is a characteristic of Republican presidents. Cowardice is a characteristic of democrat presidents. Look at Carter, Clinton, and Obama. All of them spineless jellyfish.
Real chickenhawk covert ugly American shytteheads....lol. Reagan's pal Saddam....only millions killed lol.
Nixon's pal the Shah with the SAVAK secret police, John Foster Dulles wrecking democracy in Iran for oil....great job, Pubbies. I'll go with Carter, Clinton, Air Power, democracy, human rights, and progress , thanks. Christ, Iran had what we want for it now in 1953...
What people forget about, and young people weren't old enough to know, is that set aside the Iran hostage crisis, and you still had a very miserable America under Carter.
The man simply oozed pessimism, every time you saw him (thank god there wasn't the 24/7 cable news cycle) it was like there was this gray cloud over his head. Each time he held a press conference, you just immediately thought, "oh god, what's happened" ?
Mortgage rates were right at 18% under Carter. Did you guys catch that ? 18 fucking percent !! This country was at an utter stand still, absolutely nothing was happening, and the guy simply wanted you to toughen up, put on a sweater and turn down your thermostat. It was like living in a black and white movie.
Reagan, or pretty much anyone with a smile, saying we could do better would have won in a landslide.
Carter did try to rescue the hostages, with his failed helicopter crash in the desert, and even if it would have been successful, this country had had enough of this guy and his blues. It was time to clear the cobwebs and get moving again. Reagan could have stood on his head and told dirty jokes and he still would have won.
Real chickenhawk covert ugly American shytteheads....lol. Reagan's pal Saddam....only millions killed lol.

You sure do a lot of laughing out loud for no apparent reason, franco. Do people around you think you're a little unbalanced? Things must be getting tough there at the Spooky Hollow Lunatic Asylum. Not to fear. There's Nurse Adams in the hallway with the medication cart. Now go take your shot and get a good night's rest. Then in the morning when you wake up, you can start laughing out loud again for no apparent reason, for the entire day, and into the night.
Just saw an interview with the author of a new book. If Carter had lost in 1976, Gerald Ford, with Kissinger as his Sec. of State, would have attacked Cuba. Thank God for Carter. Ford and Kissinger had it planned but agreed they should wait until after the election.
MIAMI — Nearly 40 years ago, Secretary of State Henry A. Kissinger mapped out secret contingency plans to launch airstrikes against Havana and “smash Cuba,” newly disclosed government documents show.

Mr. Kissinger was so irked by Cuba’s military incursion into Angola that in 1976 he convened a top-secret group of senior officials to work out possible retaliatory measures in case Cuba deployed forces to other African nations, according to documents declassified by the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library at the request of the National Security Archive, a research group.

The officials outlined plans to strike ports and military installations in Cuba and to send Marine battalions to the United States Navy base at Guantánamo Bay to “clobber” the Cubans, as Mr. Kissinger put it, according to the records. Mr. Kissinger, the documents show, worried that the United States would look weak if it did not stand up to a country of just eight million people.
#93- I blame Teddy.Wanted programs Pubs had blocked for years, while Carter wanted the same kind of tax and spending cuts Reagan got- WITHOUT the bloated defense spending.
I'm laughing at you Sweetnam. You're hilarious....all the great things your chickenhawk heroes have given us- if by us you mean the owners of the Pub military industrial complex....while millions are killed and the unfortunate find solace in jihadism...thanks for wrecking the world economy in corrupt bubble/busts too....
Former President Jimmy Carter claimed Wednesday that he would have been reelected and beaten Ronald Reagan in 1980 if had been more “manly” in his dealings with Iran.

Interviewed by the show CNBC Meets, Carter repeated his belief that the failed mission to free American hostages held in Tehran killed his chances, but then added that had he gone to war, America would have rewarded him with a second term in 1980.

“I could've been re-elected if I'd taken military action against Iran, shown that I was strong and resolute and, um, manly and so forth,”

Jimmy Carter says he would have defeated Reagan had he been more manly WashingtonExaminer.com

I'm thinking no Jimmy.
The Iran hostage crisis was just one major issue
His overall foreign policy which was anti Israel, and alienated our allies were others.
Carter's domestic economic policy was an unmitigated disaster.
Carter would have lost if he were unopposed. He was THAT bad
It's just a pitiful attempt to rewrite history. The first in a long line.
When Obama leaves office the mantra will be, He could have been our greatest president if Republicans hadnt been out to get him. It's a total lie.

This is 34 years after Carter left office. I bet in 2042 I won't be getting my panties in a bunch about anything that Dubya has to say.
Cater was the one who shot off HIS mouth.....
You libs certainly are consistent. Never miss a chance to circle the wagons.
It's just a pitiful attempt to rewrite history. The first in a long line.
When Obama leaves office the mantra will be, He could have been our greatest president if Republicans hadnt been out to get him. It's a total lie.

This is 34 years after Carter left office. I bet in 2042 I won't be getting my panties in a bunch about anything that Dubya has to say.
Cater was the one who shot off HIS mouth.....
You libs certainly are consistent. Never miss a chance to circle the wagons.

It's been over 30 years. We have iPhone's now. Unbunch your panties.

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