Jimmy Carter Says He Would Have Defeated Reagan Had He Been More 'manly'

Reagan was manly? He held hands with a girl most of his life didn't he? Not very manly. :)

She's much more manly than Reagan or Carter, or you know, pretty much every other suit wearing man in the world today. :)

Interviewed by the show CNBC Meets, Carter repeated his belief that the failed mission to free American hostages held in Tehran killed his chances, but then added that had he gone to war, America would have rewarded him with a second term in 1980.

This part is true, except it was his antisemitism and refusal to deal with and seek advice from the Israelis that made his rescue attempt fail. He would have won if he had managed to rescue the hostages or get them released. His own bigotry caused his failure to do so, despite his self-delusion to the contrary.
Most people were angry at his gas price control policy which caused the long lines at the pumps and his farm policies which caused large amounts of farms and ranches to go under.
Not his foreign policy on Iran.

You mean the fake gasoline shortage brought to us by Corporate America?
carter was wrong abut everything during his presidency. He has learned nothing. The fact that he even feels the need to say somehting like this today is simply pitiful. He didnt get trounced in the last major landslide because he wasnt tough on Iran.

As was pointed out, he was correct about not attacking Iran. Of course, the Iran-Contra scandal occurred. Didn't the American traitor on faux lead that?
Most people were angry at his gas price control policy which caused the long lines at the pumps and his farm policies which caused large amounts of farms and ranches to go under.
Not his foreign policy on Iran.

You mean the fake gasoline shortage brought to us by Corporate America?

There was also a world food shortage going on as well, not just the shakedowns conducted by Big Oil and their business partners in the ME. On the other hand, both of these hastened the fall of the Soviet state, coming as they did right after the Viet Nam war drove them to the edge. That fell into Reagan's lap as well, though of course his fans like to pretend he had something to do with it, despite the fact that he didn't. Carter cut capital gains, got tax breaks for the middle class, stumped for a big increase in defense spending, etc., all that stuff as well, but doesn't get credit for any of it, since he wasn't a Republican. Reagan raised tax 8 times, but this doesn't fit the spin, either, so it's always denied by his fans.
Just saw an interview with the author of a new book. If Carter had lost in 1976, Gerald Ford, with Kissinger as his Sec. of State, would have attacked Cuba. Thank God for Carter. Ford and Kissinger had it planned but agreed they should wait until after the election.
MIAMI — Nearly 40 years ago, Secretary of State Henry A. Kissinger mapped out secret contingency plans to launch airstrikes against Havana and “smash Cuba,” newly disclosed government documents show.

Mr. Kissinger was so irked by Cuba’s military incursion into Angola that in 1976 he convened a top-secret group of senior officials to work out possible retaliatory measures in case Cuba deployed forces to other African nations, according to documents declassified by the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library at the request of the National Security Archive, a research group.

The officials outlined plans to strike ports and military installations in Cuba and to send Marine battalions to the United States Navy base at Guantánamo Bay to “clobber” the Cubans, as Mr. Kissinger put it, according to the records. Mr. Kissinger, the documents show, worried that the United States would look weak if it did not stand up to a country of just eight million people.
I'd suggest consulting the dictionary for the definition of "contingency" before you post again and look like the idiot you are.
Ford was no prize with his WIN buttons etc. Carter was even worse though. The only good thing about Carter is that he gave us Reagan.
Jimmy is smiling these days. He lived to see a President that makes him look good.

George W. Bush
Guess your memory is faulty. I was in the military during the Carter years. Also during Ford, Reagan, Bush 41, and Clinton. The Carter years sucked. I was working for the DoD during Bush and now Obama. In comparison Carter was better than Obama when it comes to defense issues. The number one issue that keeps coming up is a glaring lack of leadership. During the Carter years we were over managed. Micro-managed. And our budget cut to the bone. During Obama nobody seems to know what the fuck is going on half of the time. Clinton was a better president than both Carter and Obama. Much better. Still, I would prefer Reagan in a micro-second.
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What a load of horseshit.

Reagan won by a landslide. Hell my dog could have probably beaten Carter.

He was probably the worst President in our history.

He should go back to his peanut farm and hide.
Formerly the worst. Obama eclipses Carter by quite a bit.
Carter is correct

America looked at him as weak and ineffective in dealing with the Iran embarassment. If he had played tough guy, launched an attack and kicked some Iranian butt...the country would have rallied around him

But with 30 years hindsight, it is obvious that Carter was correct. We ended up getting all our hostages back alive and unharmed. That would not have happened if Carter had attacked
We got the hostages back because the Iranians knew Reagan would attack.
We got the hostages back because Reagan's handlers sucked the Iranian mullahs' penises and offered guns in a trade with a country that committed an act of war against the U.S. by seizing an embassy, and dealt with them before the election to boot.

Carter is correct

America looked at him as weak and ineffective in dealing with the Iran embarassment. If he had played tough guy, launched an attack and kicked some Iranian butt...the country would have rallied around him

But with 30 years hindsight, it is obvious that Carter was correct. We ended up getting all our hostages back alive and unharmed. That would not have happened if Carter had attacked
We got the hostages back because the Iranians knew Reagan would attack.
Carter is correct

America looked at him as weak and ineffective in dealing with the Iran embarassment. If he had played tough guy, launched an attack and kicked some Iranian butt...the country would have rallied around him

But with 30 years hindsight, it is obvious that Carter was correct. We ended up getting all our hostages back alive and unharmed. That would not have happened if Carter had attacked
carter was wrong abut everything during his presidency. He has learned nothing. The fact that he even feels the need to say somehting like this today is simply pitiful. He didnt get trounced in the last major landslide because he wasnt tough on Iran.

I guess it depends what you consider a "success"

1. Is a success getting 52 American hostages home alive and unharmed?
2. Is a success having the US look strong on the global stage

If you consider #1 to be a success, then Jimmy Carter was a success
If you consider #2 to be a success, then Carter was a failure
History lesson. Hostages not released until until Reagan's innuaguration.
Carter is correct

America looked at him as weak and ineffective in dealing with the Iran embarassment. If he had played tough guy, launched an attack and kicked some Iranian butt...the country would have rallied around him

But with 30 years hindsight, it is obvious that Carter was correct. We ended up getting all our hostages back alive and unharmed. That would not have happened if Carter had attacked
carter was wrong abut everything during his presidency. He has learned nothing. The fact that he even feels the need to say somehting like this today is simply pitiful. He didnt get trounced in the last major landslide because he wasnt tough on Iran.

I guess it depends what you consider a "success"

1. Is a success getting 52 American hostages home alive and unharmed?
2. Is a success having the US look strong on the global stage

If you consider #1 to be a success, then Jimmy Carter was a success
If you consider #2 to be a success, then Carter was a failure
Carter had nothing to do with getting those hostages home, Iran was fucking scared shit less that Ronnie was going to drop the hammer on them and they let they hostages go
Save us from your fantasies

Reagan was in office all of two hours when they were released. What was Ronnie going to do? bomb them?

Reagan should have gotten the Nobel Peace prize for getting them released without firing a shot.

Only took him 20 minutes too
We got the hostages back because the Iranians knew Reagan would attack.

Perhaps you need a history lesson.

Iran-Contra Affair

My favorite;

faux news Oliver North had been the main negotiator. During his hearings he repeatedly explained that he was "under orders from his superiors." North's plea of innocence was overlooked, and in May 1989, he was convicted of obstructing Congress and unlawfully destroying government documents. A few years later, when George H.W. Bush was president, North's conviction was expunged on the grounds that he had acted strictly out of patriotism.

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