Jimmy Kimmel Continues Prove He's a Fool

I haven't forgiven this guy since he slandered Let's Players and mistreated Markiplier on his show, and even before then, I never liked this guy. NOW I have an even better reason; He's continuing to use his show as a medium for leftist propaganda.

Of course, Mr. Dapperton has his number, and absolutely crushes his argument into oblivion, effortlessly.

So, the guy who is doing the commenting says no laws would have prevented this.

Right, so... this happens in the UK? Yeah, when did it ever happen in the UK? Let's try.... NEVER. It never happened because this guy would have struggled to get all those guns, he'd have struggled to get one gun, let alone TEN.

And the commentators response is "don't have concerts between tall buildings", right.

So, guns don't kill people, but people between tall building get killed because they're between tall buildings. BAN TALL BUILDING PEOPLE.
I'm pretty sure he really doesn't care what RWNJs might think. Don't like him? nobody is forcing you to watch. Plenty of Alex Jones crap on the internet for you.

Their is the problem ..


Free reign on the television shows to indoctrinate people in the liberal way..

Not so much in the conservative way..

Tim Allen on Last Man Standing Cancellation: 'Nothing More Dangerous Than a Likable Conservative'

Keep your hopes up. If trump gets his way, there will only be state approved teleivision available.

Wouldn't it be in the lefty benefit , ya know before right wing talk radio when the fairness doctrine was in place?

Why do you even try me?


The fairness doctrine would help the country

You are soooo correct, Fallon, Kimmel and Colbert are all left wing crackpots.
We need a late night TV talk show host who is mainstream so things would be fair.
Most of us are asleep by then because we have jobs.

I haven't forgiven this guy since he slandered Let's Players and mistreated Markiplier on his show, and even before then, I never liked this guy. NOW I have an even better reason; He's continuing to use his show as a medium for leftist propaganda.

Of course, Mr. Dapperton has his number, and absolutely crushes his argument into oblivion, effortlessly.

I'm pretty sure he really doesn't care what RWNJs might think. Don't like him? nobody is forcing you to watch. Plenty of Alex Jones crap on the internet for you.

Their is the problem ..


Free reign on the television shows to indoctrinate people in the liberal way..

Not so much in the conservative way..

Tim Allen on Last Man Standing Cancellation: 'Nothing More Dangerous Than a Likable Conservative'

Keep your hopes up. If trump gets his way, there will only be state approved teleivision available.

Wouldn't it be in the lefty benefit , ya know before right wing talk radio when the fairness doctrine was in place?

Why do you even try me?


The fairness doctrine would help the country

Yea stifle any opposition to liberals ..
As with every other issue, Democrats specialize in causing a problem simply so they can use it to take away our freedoms.
We have cities under Democrat control where there are more deaths every weekend than died in Las Vegas yet they refuse to do anything about it.
Only when a white guy kills a bunch of people does it become some big push to disarm Americans.
It's really about the Washington Establishment setting us up to be abused some time down the road.
They give us constant reasons why we shouldn't give up our arms yet they feel they can preach to us like this again and again.
America is sick of Democrats and sick of Hollywood liberals with their armored cars and armed guards.
Their is the problem ..


Free reign on the television shows to indoctrinate people in the liberal way..

Not so much in the conservative way..

Tim Allen on Last Man Standing Cancellation: 'Nothing More Dangerous Than a Likable Conservative'

Keep your hopes up. If trump gets his way, there will only be state approved teleivision available.

Wouldn't it be in the lefty benefit , ya know before right wing talk radio when the fairness doctrine was in place?

Why do you even try me?


The fairness doctrine would help the country

You are soooo correct, Fallon, Kimmel and Colbert are all left wing crackpots.
We need a late night TV talk show host who is mainstream so things would be fair.
Most of us are asleep by then because we have jobs.

lol, welcome to getting old, after work, I just get a bite to eat, watch like an hour of television and fall asleep around 9pm .

I haven't forgiven this guy since he slandered Let's Players and mistreated Markiplier on his show, and even before then, I never liked this guy. NOW I have an even better reason; He's continuing to use his show as a medium for leftist propaganda.

Of course, Mr. Dapperton has his number, and absolutely crushes his argument into oblivion, effortlessly.

So, the guy who is doing the commenting says no laws would have prevented this.

Right, so... this happens in the UK? Yeah, when did it ever happen in the UK? Let's try.... NEVER. It never happened because this guy would have struggled to get all those guns, he'd have struggled to get one gun, let alone TEN.

And the commentators response is "don't have concerts between tall buildings", right.

So, guns don't kill people, but people between tall building get killed because they're between tall buildings. BAN TALL BUILDING PEOPLE.

Apparently you didn't listen to the video, he pointed out that no laws prevented it, and there were laws in place that made what he did illegal. Didn't stop him. Of course, the only people who believe making guns illegal would stop criminals, are those who believe criminals follow laws. Gun regulation doesn't work in Chicago, either, it's a shining example of the leftist mentality of disarming law-abiding citizens.
I have never watched this clown I'm guessing he's a liberal moron? What exactly are his qualifications to speak on the issue?
Much like most leftists, he has no qualifications whatsoever.

He probably thinks an AR-15 can fire 700 bullets per minute.

I haven't forgiven this guy since he slandered Let's Players and mistreated Markiplier on his show, and even before then, I never liked this guy. NOW I have an even better reason; He's continuing to use his show as a medium for leftist propaganda.

Of course, Mr. Dapperton has his number, and absolutely crushes his argument into oblivion, effortlessly.

So, the guy who is doing the commenting says no laws would have prevented this.

Right, so... this happens in the UK? Yeah, when did it ever happen in the UK? Let's try.... NEVER. It never happened because this guy would have struggled to get all those guns, he'd have struggled to get one gun, let alone TEN.

And the commentators response is "don't have concerts between tall buildings", right.

So, guns don't kill people, but people between tall building get killed because they're between tall buildings. BAN TALL BUILDING PEOPLE.

Apparently you didn't listen to the video, he pointed out that no laws prevented it, and there were laws in place that made what he did illegal. Didn't stop him. Of course, the only people who believe making guns illegal would stop criminals, are those who believe criminals follow laws. Gun regulation doesn't work in Chicago, either, it's a shining example of the leftist mentality of disarming law-abiding citizens.

Why are you opposed to laws? No law is 100% effective at preventing crime. Common sense-------try to get some.
SNL, Colbert, Kimmel, Noah, Fallon, Meyers, Maher...THEY ALL ignored Weinstein but THEY ALL went after guns. Leftists. Cowards.

I haven't forgiven this guy since he slandered Let's Players and mistreated Markiplier on his show, and even before then, I never liked this guy. NOW I have an even better reason; He's continuing to use his show as a medium for leftist propaganda.

Of course, Mr. Dapperton has his number, and absolutely crushes his argument into oblivion, effortlessly.

I'm pretty sure he really doesn't care what RWNJs might think. Don't like him? nobody is forcing you to watch. Plenty of Alex Jones crap on the internet for you.

Question is, why would anyone watch him at all?

I have never watched this clown I'm guessing he's a liberal moron? What exactly are his qualifications to speak on the issue?
Much like most leftists, he has no qualifications whatsoever.

He probably thinks an AR-15 can fire 700 bullets per minute.

Rate of fire has always been expressed in cyclic rate, because until very recently, for gun nuts, faster was always considered better. Why are you trying to change that now to come up with a smaller number? More RWNJ lying.

I haven't forgiven this guy since he slandered Let's Players and mistreated Markiplier on his show, and even before then, I never liked this guy. NOW I have an even better reason; He's continuing to use his show as a medium for leftist propaganda.

Of course, Mr. Dapperton has his number, and absolutely crushes his argument into oblivion, effortlessly.

I'm pretty sure he really doesn't care what RWNJs might think. Don't like him? nobody is forcing you to watch. Plenty of Alex Jones crap on the internet for you.

Question is, why would anyone watch him at all?


You are certainly free to not watch him, like always. I don't think he really considered RWNJs to be much of his audience anyway.

I haven't forgiven this guy since he slandered Let's Players and mistreated Markiplier on his show, and even before then, I never liked this guy. NOW I have an even better reason; He's continuing to use his show as a medium for leftist propaganda.

Of course, Mr. Dapperton has his number, and absolutely crushes his argument into oblivion, effortlessly.

So, the guy who is doing the commenting says no laws would have prevented this.

Right, so... this happens in the UK? Yeah, when did it ever happen in the UK? Let's try.... NEVER. It never happened because this guy would have struggled to get all those guns, he'd have struggled to get one gun, let alone TEN.

And the commentators response is "don't have concerts between tall buildings", right.

So, guns don't kill people, but people between tall building get killed because they're between tall buildings. BAN TALL BUILDING PEOPLE.

Apparently you didn't listen to the video, he pointed out that no laws prevented it, and there were laws in place that made what he did illegal. Didn't stop him. Of course, the only people who believe making guns illegal would stop criminals, are those who believe criminals follow laws. Gun regulation doesn't work in Chicago, either, it's a shining example of the leftist mentality of disarming law-abiding citizens.

Why are you opposed to laws? No law is 100% effective at preventing crime. Common sense-------try to get some.

Laws like protecting classified information? Does that law count?


I haven't forgiven this guy since he slandered Let's Players and mistreated Markiplier on his show, and even before then, I never liked this guy. NOW I have an even better reason; He's continuing to use his show as a medium for leftist propaganda.

Of course, Mr. Dapperton has his number, and absolutely crushes his argument into oblivion, effortlessly.

I'm pretty sure he really doesn't care what RWNJs might think. Don't like him? nobody is forcing you to watch. Plenty of Alex Jones crap on the internet for you.

Question is, why would anyone watch him at all?


You are certainly free to not watch him, like always. I don't think he really considered RWNJs to be much of his audience anyway.

That does not address my question.

Question is, why would anyone watch him at all?


I haven't forgiven this guy since he slandered Let's Players and mistreated Markiplier on his show, and even before then, I never liked this guy. NOW I have an even better reason; He's continuing to use his show as a medium for leftist propaganda.

Of course, Mr. Dapperton has his number, and absolutely crushes his argument into oblivion, effortlessly.

So, the guy who is doing the commenting says no laws would have prevented this.

Right, so... this happens in the UK? Yeah, when did it ever happen in the UK? Let's try.... NEVER. It never happened because this guy would have struggled to get all those guns, he'd have struggled to get one gun, let alone TEN.

And the commentators response is "don't have concerts between tall buildings", right.

So, guns don't kill people, but people between tall building get killed because they're between tall buildings. BAN TALL BUILDING PEOPLE.

Apparently you didn't listen to the video, he pointed out that no laws prevented it, and there were laws in place that made what he did illegal. Didn't stop him. Of course, the only people who believe making guns illegal would stop criminals, are those who believe criminals follow laws. Gun regulation doesn't work in Chicago, either, it's a shining example of the leftist mentality of disarming law-abiding citizens.

Why are you opposed to laws? No law is 100% effective at preventing crime. Common sense-------try to get some.

Laws like protecting classified information? Does that law count?


No law is 100% effective. That's why gun nuts say we shouldn't have any.

I haven't forgiven this guy since he slandered Let's Players and mistreated Markiplier on his show, and even before then, I never liked this guy. NOW I have an even better reason; He's continuing to use his show as a medium for leftist propaganda.

Of course, Mr. Dapperton has his number, and absolutely crushes his argument into oblivion, effortlessly.

I'm pretty sure he really doesn't care what RWNJs might think. Don't like him? nobody is forcing you to watch. Plenty of Alex Jones crap on the internet for you.

Question is, why would anyone watch him at all?


You are certainly free to not watch him, like always. I don't think he really considered RWNJs to be much of his audience anyway.

That does not address my question.

Question is, why would anyone watch him at all?


You've made it clear you don't like to watch him. Why bother trying to explain to you why others do?
I have never watched this clown I'm guessing he's a liberal moron? What exactly are his qualifications to speak on the issue?
Much like most leftists, he has no qualifications whatsoever.

He probably thinks an AR-15 can fire 700 bullets per minute.

Rate of fire has always been expressed in cyclic rate, because until very recently, for gun nuts, faster was always considered better. Why are you trying to change that now to come up with a smaller number? More RWNJ lying.
View attachment 153266
It doesn't say "Per minute" anywhere. As usual, you have no idea what you're talking about. The gun starts falling apart and overheating if you attempt to reach that many in several minutes, let alone A MINUTE.

I haven't forgiven this guy since he slandered Let's Players and mistreated Markiplier on his show, and even before then, I never liked this guy. NOW I have an even better reason; He's continuing to use his show as a medium for leftist propaganda.

Of course, Mr. Dapperton has his number, and absolutely crushes his argument into oblivion, effortlessly.

So, the guy who is doing the commenting says no laws would have prevented this.

Right, so... this happens in the UK? Yeah, when did it ever happen in the UK? Let's try.... NEVER. It never happened because this guy would have struggled to get all those guns, he'd have struggled to get one gun, let alone TEN.

And the commentators response is "don't have concerts between tall buildings", right.

So, guns don't kill people, but people between tall building get killed because they're between tall buildings. BAN TALL BUILDING PEOPLE.

Apparently you didn't listen to the video, he pointed out that no laws prevented it, and there were laws in place that made what he did illegal. Didn't stop him. Of course, the only people who believe making guns illegal would stop criminals, are those who believe criminals follow laws. Gun regulation doesn't work in Chicago, either, it's a shining example of the leftist mentality of disarming law-abiding citizens.

Why are you opposed to laws? No law is 100% effective at preventing crime. Common sense-------try to get some.

Why are you opposed to people defending themselves? As a matter of fact, gun regulation is 100% effective... at disarming the populace and allowing criminals to murder people as they wish.

Don't worry, the police will be there to outline your body in chalk 15 minutes later.
I have never watched this clown I'm guessing he's a liberal moron? What exactly are his qualifications to speak on the issue?
Much like most leftists, he has no qualifications whatsoever.

He probably thinks an AR-15 can fire 700 bullets per minute.

Rate of fire has always been expressed in cyclic rate, because until very recently, for gun nuts, faster was always considered better. Why are you trying to change that now to come up with a smaller number? More RWNJ lying.
View attachment 153266
It doesn't say "Per minute" anywhere. As usual, you have no idea what you're talking about. The gun starts falling apart and overheating if you attempt to reach that many in several minutes, let alone A MINUTE.

Well, yes. Cycle time has always been indicated in cycles per minute. That is the criteria that has been used for decades. It's always been known that the many other variables are not quantifiable with any usable accuracy. What the gun can cycle has, and continues to be, the most accurate indication of what the gun is capable of.

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